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Source: The Wikipedia page on political parties in Tunisia has a detailed, and well-cited, table of recognized parties at Socialist The Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) is the most popular secular party. It is diverse, and it advocates democracy, the transparency in business, good governance, and just distribution of wealth. Its founder and moral leader is Nejif Ahmed Chebbi, and the secretary general is Maya Jribi. The Democratic Forum for Labour and Liberties (FDLT; ETTAKATOL) is a social democratic party, and it calls emphasizes a democratic break from the past, a strong spirit of openness and tolerance, and the rule of law. Its founder and secretary general is Mustapha Ben Jaafar. Ettajdid is the heir to the Tunisian Communist Party. Its first secretary was Ahmed Ben Brahim. The Movement of Socialist Democrats (MDS) was founded in the 1970s by militants belonging to the liberal current within the Neo Dustur party, including Ahmed Mestiri. Its current leader is Ahmed Khasskhoussi. The Peoples Party for Freedom and Progress (PPLP) proclaims socialism. It advocates democracy for all without exclusion or marginalization. The PPLP was founded by labor activists. Its leader is Mounir Kachoukh Jelloul Azzouna. Green The Tunisia Green Party has been active since 2004, when it was created to advocate for environmental reform. Its president and founder Abdekader Zitouni The Green Party for Progress, recognized in 2006, aims to strengthen the environmental awareness. Its leader is Mongi Khammassi. Far Left The Tunisian Communist Workers Party (POCT), founded by Hamma Hammami on 3 January 1986, the POCT is a leftist party, recognized after the revolution of 14 January. It has a youth organization, the Union of Communist Youth of Tunisia (UJCT), and a newspaper, Al Badil. It advocates social justice and the fight against insecurity and marginalization of disadvantaged groups. The Labour Party and the Democratic Patriotic (PTPD) The Patriotic and Democratic Labor Party (PTPD) was legalized on January 19, 2011. It is for the working class and toiling masses composed of peasants, students, and all national groups. It advocates a society of justice and freedom, free from exploitation and oppression. Its leader is

Abderrazek Hamami. The Left Socialist Party (PSG), which advocates scientific socialism and the defense of secularism, is headed by Mohamed Kilani. It is distinct from the POCT because it rejects any alliance with Islamists, preferring progressives and secularist. The Democratic Patriots Movement (Al Watada) is a Marxist-Leninist movement with elements of Arab nationalism. Created 30 years ago, and operating clandestinely, especially among students, the movement was legalized after January 14. Al Watada advocates a parliamentary system, the balanced development of the peasantry and light industry, and campaigns against the exploitation of the working classes. Its spokesman is Chokri Belaid. Nationalist The Baath Party, forced into hiding since the 1950s, was legalized on January 22. This secular party combines socialism and Arab nationalism. Its leader is Othmane Beljah Omar. The Unionist Party Free includes Nasserites, Baathists, and nationalists. The party was founded in 2003 but was only legalized after the revolution. Its leader is Bechir Bejaoui. The Movement and Progressive Unionist is a Nasserist party. Its leader is Bechir Essid. The Peoples Unity Movement (MUP), founded in 2011 by Ahmed Ben Salah, was legalized after January 14. The party calls for suitable alternatives to meet the countrys current situation and advocates the elimination of socioeconomic disparities. The Arab nationalist Movement al-Shaab is led by Khaled Krichi. Center Left The Congress for the Republic describes itself as universalist, Arab, and unionist, but not nationalist (because nationalism is bound for despotism). The party advocates a civil state characterized by democracy, civil liberties, and individual rights. It advocates local, participatory democracy, and it defends the idea of a democratic Arab union. Its president and founder is Moncef Marzouki. The Popular Unity Party (PUP) advocates socialism and Arab nationalism. It was founded in January 1981. Its general coordinator is Houcine Hammami, appointed after the resignation of Mohamed Bouchiha. Centrist The Social Center Party advocates a social, liberal, and modern Tunisia. Its leader is Slema Ammar. The Party of Dignity and Equality is a centrist party who seeks to restore Tunisian dignity. Its leader is Riadh Amri. The Al-Watan Party was created by Ahmed Mohamed Jegham Fria on January 14. The party

proclaims itself the center-left and emphasizes regional development among its priorities. The El Wifak Party advocates a society based on harmony, understanding, reconciliation, and solidarity. It was founded by Mustafa Saheb-Ettabaa. The Ruling Justice and Development distances itself from traditional political ideologies. Its leaders say that parties must emanate from the popular consciousness and not political elitism. The party wants to secure public and private freedoms, the independence of the judiciary, the effective separation between government and administration, equitable distribution of national wealth, and strengthen the political voice of the Tunisian interior. Its leader is Badreddine Rabii. The Freedom Party seeks to establish a parliamentary system, in addition to introducing a radical reform of the Press Code and the revision of the Immunity Law. Its leader is Nader Ben Turkia. The Party El Majd aims primary to consecrate the principles of Islamic civilization, disseminate human values, and stimulate the foreign policy of Tunisia, to serve Arab and humanitarian causes. It advocates the promotion of regional democracy, administrative decentralization, and the control of public finances. Its founder is Abdelwahab El Heni. Islamist Nadha, likely the largest single party, was founded in 1979 but prohibited under Bourguiba and Ben Ali. All its leaders were imprisoned or exiled. The movement was recognized after January 14. It advocates for democracy through Islamic principles. Its president is Rached Ghannouchi. The National Movement for Justice and Development is open to the Turkish model of Islam and government. Its leader is Mourad Rouissi. The Movement of Democratic Reform was founded in 2005 and seeks to integrate moral values in politics. Its leader is Khaled Traouli. Liberal The Party of Young Democrats advocates freedom, equality, rule of law, the defense and promotion of human rights, multiculturalism, to influence social-liberal moderate, and a free market leading to the equal distribution of wealth. Its leader is Shaker Said. The Liberal Maghreb which supports the interdependence between representative and participatory democracy. It promotes liberal values, in particular the freedom of expression and free enterprise. Its leader is Mohamed Boussairi Bouebdelli. The Ruling Justice and Development he proclaims the philosophy of Ibn Khaldun. The party encourages private initiative. It promotes a liberal economic policy regulated by justice. The party espouses an Islamic economy and encourages private investment to reduce disparities and promote solidarity. Its leader is Mohamed Salah Hadri.

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