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Compulsory military services are adopted in many countries.

Do the benefits of
this policy outweigh its disadvantages?

In this day and age, mandatory conscription is introduced in various nations. While
this policy may bring some actual advantages, I would argue that its drawbacks should
not be overlooked.*
Admittedly, forcing people to join the army is beneficial regarding the
protection of national sovereignty and the acquisition of personal benefits. To
commence with, by drafting strong individuals, the government can maintain a
powerful army that is ready to be constantly deployed in times of war. Therefore,
other countries will be fearful of their military force, which means that their national
safety will be fully protected. Another advantageous point of compulsory military
service is that every drafted man is provided with an opportunity to develop different
skill sets and improve their physical abilities. It is undeniable that when joining the
national army, servicemen have to undergo rigorous training aimed at enhancing their
strengths and promoting national pride. Moreover, harsh working conditions
undoubtedly mould them into good individuals with patience, self-discipline, and the
ability to work collaboratively.
However, it seems to me that the aforementioned benefits are strongly eclipsed
by the fact that drafted soldiers are deprived of the rights to exercise free will and
higher academic pursuits. Firstly, impelling people to serve in the army violates their
freedom of choice. These individuals lack not only basic combat skills but also the
incentive to devote their time and effort to the protection of national sovereignty,
thereby resulting in counterproductive consequences in the future. Secondly, the age
when men are conscripted is regarded as the best time to pursue academic success. As
a result, retired servicemen may find it difficult to be employed due to the shortage of
marketable degrees. These soldiers are inclined to make a living solely by retirement
scheme; in other words, they are living on the hard work of other citizens.
To recapitulate, mandatory draft is indispensable for national safety and the
formation of respectable personality traits. However, it is my conviction that
compulsory conscription does more harm than good.
Excessive consumption of meat

Today the world is facing the problem of meat overconsumption. What are the
reasons? What can be done to alleviate this problem?

In this day and age, the public is becoming more weary about the space that is being
taken up as a means to aid in the meat industry. Such a case is due to the apparent land
shortage crisis facing many people in different parts of the world. As a result, many
seek to employ policies and measures to decrease meat consumption and have been
advocating a sin tax on meat,the mechanism and shortcomings of which will be
discussed in this essay.

First and foremost, to fully understand the topic at hand, one must grasp the inner
workings of a sin tax and its effect on the meat industry. A sin tax is essentially a tax
policy issued by the government to raise prices of certain goods deemed “dangerous”,
including but are not limited to drugs, alcohol and tobacco,etc. The implications of
which would suggest that consumption of such goods will decrease due to a price shift
in the market. To apply it on the meat industry would mean that meat production
companies will regard it’s products as less profitable and in turn, allocate the
resources used for the expansion of said product somewhere else to maximize profits.
To explain in simpler terms, the meat industry will reduce its relentless expansion of
land for cattle, hence, the land will be given back to the people for other uses. Second
of all, the price increase of meat products also deters customers from buying too much
and restricts them to a limited rate of consumption, which once again is perceived as
less profitable by the industry, so on and so forth. At the end of the day, customers
will buy less meat and the industry would have less of an incentive to exploit land for
factories and cattle.

On the other hand, the remedy of a sin tax on meat sounds excellent on paper, it is not
a solution without hidden dangers and shortcomings. An obvious problem associated
with this idea is the fact that increased prices will turn meat into a luxury that can only
be afforded by those at the top and actively excludes the underprivileged and the poor
from obtaining the nutrition and value that comes from meat. It is an undeniable fact
that meat contains a multitude of nutrients like protein that helps humans to thrive, it
is also a delicacy in terms of taste. However, the sin tax creates challenges that hinders
companies from producing in bulk and taking advantage of the economy of scale and
increasing the price to absurd levels. So to say that this will be actively crossing out a
sufficient source of protein from the diet of poor and struggling individuals is a severe
understatement, as the people who are the most susceptible to diseases and health
problems lose a crucial part of their diet to ensure the strength of the immune system.
Such a policy harms people at the bottom, who are unable to fend for themselves and
requires the government to facilitate their subsistence.

In conclusion, the effects of reducing cattle land present in the theories of a meat sin
tax is obvious, apparent and should be recognized for what it is worth. One must also
take in mind that such an effective solution always comes at a cost, and this time, that
cost is the well-being of the poor.


Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of
particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more
important environmental problems.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

There exist widely differing views with regard to the question of whether we should
prioritize dealing with the extinction of species or other environmental issues. This
essay shall discuss both viewpoints and partially agree with each.
The primary reason people cling on to when attempting to preserve nature is to
maintain biodiversity. In the preceding decades, mankind was ignorant of the
repercussions of exploiting natural resources, and not helping with the situation is the
negligence of authorities when it comes to making money. Thereby, the 21st century
marks an increasingly alarming level of endangered animals and plants, with which
humanity may have to face its detrimental consequences of losing habitats and
resources. The Bengal tiger population, for example, which has dwindled to less than
100, holistically depicts the danger level of excessive hunting. Moreover, massive
extinction of some species is also associated with famine among the upper animals of
the food chain, which may soonly be us in the very future.
On the other hand, careful thoughts should be given to the problem of global
warming and pollution regarding air and water, to name but just a few. It is reported
that the average temperature has increased by nearly 1,5 Celsius degrees compared to
the past century. Consequently, glaciers are melting on a surprisingly large scale,
contributing to the rise of sea level, and may affect millions of people living near the
coast in the future. Besides, the rise in the proportion of carbon dioxide is also one of
the main contributors to the greenhouse effect and global warming subsequently.
Another tremendous problem is that deep-sea creatures are confronted with artificial
contaminants. The destruction of the sea habitats beneath the Pacific would perfectly
exemplify how calamitous oil leakage is, and other sources of pollutants in general.
To recapitulate, it seems to me that coping with endangered species and other
environmental issues are equally important. It is crucial that we tackle both of these
problems before humanity's doomsday when every species is completely wiped out.

Extinction - cause and solution

The animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land and in
the sea.
What are the reasons and solutions?

In this day and age, many animals are being subjected to a constant threat of total
obliteration by the ignorant actions of humanity. Such a case is the result of years of
deforestation, hunting, and habitat destruction that exist to satiate the never ending
greed of mankind. With that said, it is instrumental that conservation as well as
improved business laws be implemented to remedy this situation.

Regarding the origins of the endangered animals crisis, one must understand and
acknowledge the role humans play in this process. Ever since the industrial revolution,
the increased production of goods and services lead to a more comforting lifestyle,
however, it was a gateway to accept and harbour human material desire above all else.
Consequently, this particular aspect of society grew as time went on and manifested in
the constant deforestation, reckless exploitation of nature without any real
consideration for sustainability. In the midst of this chaotic greed that humans possess,
animals lose their habitat, their life source and gradually die out. Another notable
perpetrator of animal endangerment is the illegal hunters and poachers. These people
illegally kill and smuggle animal goods in certain countries to make a quick buck in
the alleyways of the black market, including but not limited to rhino hunters, tiger
The second kind of people, the hunters, dwells on a more sadistic and inhumane side
of the spectrum. These individuals hunt and kill animals for sport and the adrenaline
and feeling of supremacy they get when standing over a defenseless animal’s corpse.
They specifically target rarer animals, which to them are a prized trophy to decorate
the house. Thus leading to a boom of these hunters in the wild, reducing animal
population at a rapid rate. Following the desperate status quo and imminent danger for
the animal kingdom, one must beg the question, how are we supposed to help these
creatures. Regarding this, 2 methods come to mind. Firstly, we must offset the
constant exploitation and land destruction of various corporations all over the world,
and what better way to do this other than implementing strict government policies
regarding land expansion and resource usage in an attempt to stall the reckless
exploitation of corporations. Secondl, it is also the government’s responsibility to
ensure that illegal poaching and hunting doesn’t go unpunished, as well as ensuring
that endangered animals are kept in a safe environment where they can repopulate in
time. This calls for better and improved conservation programs, conservation sites and
guarding in endangered regions to disable the illegal trading route and spare animals
the fate of becoming cosmetics for lunatics.

In conclusion, the animal crisis calls for immediate action, from the government, who
has the funds and incentive to enforce laws that will conserve and ensure that the
animal kingdom be kept unharmed. Failure to do so will not only accelerate the
process of extinction, hence, harming the earth ecology and fauna.
Juvenile delinquency

Young people who commit serious crimes, such as robbery or a violent attack
should be punished the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or

It is argued that young offenders should be punished as seriously as adults if they

commit grave offenses. While others deem this policy positive for the society, I
contend that we should consider the reasons behind every delinquent’s crime before
giving any sentences.
Admittedly, punishing criminals the same way regardless of maturity is
beneficial since people would be fearful of the same consequences when they ever
think about breaking the rules. Without a doubt, this practice lessens crime rates,
resulting in a better society where people can live alongside others in harmony. In
addition, tolerating perpetrators just because they are not mature enough would spark
a myriad of controversies. The case of Le Van Luyen, who was convicted of
murdering a family in 2013 but received a sentence that did not fit his crime because
he has not reached 18 at that time, has disappointed a plethora of people. Hence,
receiving proper punishments that base on the severity of the crime instead of maturity
would be more feasible in such a case.
However, it seems to me that we should take the driving factors behind juvenile
delinquency into consideration before finalizing the punishments. As children are at
an impressionable age, they are inclined to imitate others’ behaviour. This practice is
particularly detrimental to those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds since
violence is ubiquitous in such environments. As a result, in order to tackle the root
cause of the problem, psychological rehabilitation should be given to young
perpetrators so that they can reunite with their families afterward without having to
spend their whole lives in custody. [Moreover,] perhaps there are other external
factors that force youngsters to commit crimes such as poverty or lack of education.
Therefore, governments should curb these deeply-rooted issues besides implementing
proper sanctions for young criminals.
In conclusion, I believe that teenage offenders should be given proper
sentences considering their background and other outside factors. Furthermore, in
order to deter the occurrence of such crimes, governments should address prominent
social issues that have been claimed to contribute significantly to juvenile delinquency
such as poverty or poor education.

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