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First Semester, A.Y.

Final Examination Task Sheet 2
English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Objective: To perform a privilege speech delivering the submitted position paper

Preparation of Speech Delivery
1. The student shall be alone in a room conducive to performing a speech delivery, that
is quiet, bright, and tidy.
2. The student shall perform the speech delivery either seated or standing, provided
that the student is in corporate attire.

Production of Speech Delivery

3. The student shall begin the privilege speech using the following opening or similar
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
This is (NAME OF STUDENT), a delegation of (GRADE AND SECTION)
from Treston International College, affirming the position of (POSITION).
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
This is Rainer John T. Rovillos, a delegation of Grade 11-Lions from Treston
International College, affirming the position of supporting tablets replacing
textbooks in the classroom.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
This is Rainer John T. Rovillos, a delegation of Grade 11-Lions from Treston
International College, affirming the position of opposing tablets replacing
textbooks in the classroom.
4. Afterwards, the student shall no longer introduce the title and proceed immediately
from his or her paper introduction to the conclusion.
5. The student shall employ different prosodic features of speech, i.e., stress, intonation,
juncture, volume, tempo, and idea transition.
6. The student shall employ different non-verbal cues, i.e., hand gestures, head movements
(nodding/shaking), and facial expressions.

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7. The student may hold a copy of his or her paper during the speech delivery but shall not
depend on it throughout the performance. The copy shall serve only as a prompt sheet
and not as a reading material; otherwise, deduction of points shall be applied.
8. The student shall no longer reveal the reference section in the privilege speech. Once the
student finishes delivering the conclusion, the student shall end the privilege speech using
the following closing or similar construction:
We have reached the end of my privilege speech. I appreciate your time and
consideration, ladies and gentlemen.
This has been (NAME OF STUDENT), a delegation of (GRADE AND
SECTION) from Treston International College, earnestly reaffirming the
position of (POSITION).
We have reached the end of my privilege speech. I appreciate your time and
consideration, ladies and gentlemen.
This has been Rainer John T. Rovillos, a delegation of Grade 11-Lions from
Treston International College, affirming the position of supporting tablets
replacing textbooks in the classroom.
We have reached the end of my privilege speech. I appreciate your time and
consideration, ladies and gentlemen.
This has been Rainer John T. Rovillos, a delegation of Grade 11-Lions from
Treston International College, affirming the position of opposing tablets
replacing textbooks in the classroom.

Presentation of Output
9. The privilege speech video recording shall last five to ten minutes only.
10. The student is at liberty to edit the video recording to improve its visual appeal.
11. The student shall submit the video recording of his or her speech delivery to the
designated submission bin in the Google Classroom no later than December 16, 2023.
12. The video recording shall be using supported video formats for the teacher’s easy access
such as .mov, .mp4, or .mpeg.
13. If the file cannot be opened/viewed, the student shall resubmit the assignment until the
teacher can do so. The resubmission shall not be construed as a late submission and
deduction of points.

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14. The file name of the video recording shall bear the following format:

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The video recording of the privilege speech delivering the position paper shall be graded using
the following scoring rubric.

Criteria Outstanding Proficient Satisfactory Marginal

(4) (3) (2) (1)
Opening and The student opens The student opens The student opens The paper lacks the
Closing and closes his/her and closes his/her and closes his/her proper opening and
privilege speech as privilege speech as privilege speech, closing of privilege
instructed, with instructed, with with acceptable word speech, with
impressive word decent word choice. choice. unacceptable word
choice. choice.
Prompted The student shows The student has The student The student evidently
Speech exceptional memory limited assistance occasionally checks reads the written
Delivery of his/her written with a prompted his/her written output output throughout the
output, without any speech delivery, but for a prompted performance.
apparent aid of a it is apparent that speech delivery.
prompted speech he/she has mastery of
delivery. the written output.

Prosodic The student adeptly The student employs The student employs The student poorly
Features of employs the proper the proper prosodic different prosodic delivers the written
Speech prosodic features of features of speech, features of speech, output using any of
speech, with little to with less than five with more than five the prosodic features
no errors in each errors in each errors in each of speech, with
component. The component. The component. The strong evidence of
student’s voice is student’s voice is student’s voice is stuttering and
strong, modulated, strong and audible clear but blends with mumbling. The
and audible without with minimal room the room noise. student’s voice is
any apparent room noise. barely audible and
noise. overwhelmed by the
room noise.

Non-verbal The student skillfully The student employs The student employs The student appears
Cues employs the proper the proper non-verbal only a few non- robotic and eccentric,
non-verbal cues at cues, but some verbal cues, with without any non-
the right moment components are used most of them being verbal cues present.
throughout the at an inappropriate used at an
performance. moment. appropriate moment.

Visual Appeal The student is in The student is in The student may be The student may be
corporate attire, corporate attire, in corporate attire, in corporate attire,
showing great appearing as a appearing as a appearing as some
interest as a delegation. He/she delegation. He/she representative.
delegation. He/she looks prepared and looks prepared and He/she does not look
looks more than ready and shows ready and shows prepared and ready
prepared and ready. interest in doing the some interest in and shows little to no
The video is visually speech delivery. The doing the speech interest in doing the
appealing, with or video is visually delivery. The video speech delivery. The
without any edits or appealing, with or is mostly visually video fairly needs
improvizations. without edits or appealing but may some edits and
improvizations. need edits and improvizations.

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Transmutation table:

Final Score Transmuted Grade

(from the rubric) (rounded off)
20 50

19 47

18 45

17 43

16 40

15 38

14 35

13 33

12 30

11 28

10 25

9 23

8 20

7 18

6 15

5 13

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