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Transitive, intransitive, and linking verbs (2)........................................................................................... 2
Linking verbs – noun, NPs, adjective, AdjPs, propositional phrase, clause......................................... 2
Transitive verbs and complements (3) .................................................................................................... 2
Verbs+adverbial (3) ................................................................................................................................. 3
*Verbs with two objects: 4-5 .................................................................................................................. 3
Passive verbs: 6 ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Auxiliary verbs: 7 ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Do, be, have: 7 .................................................................................................................................... 4
*Short responses: 8............................................................................................................................. 4
Question tag: 9 .................................................................................................................................... 4
Auxiliaries and modals: 10 .................................................................................................................. 4
Question words: 11 (Where, who, how much, when, where, how long, how far, is this, is it far to,
how far) ............................................................................................................................................... 4
*Subject questions: 12 (who, which, what) + negative....................................................................... 4
Negative question: 13 ......................................................................................................................... 4
*Negative questions with a question word: 14................................................................................... 5
Yes/No answers: 14 ............................................................................................................................. 5
Negative words: 15 ................................................................................................................................. 5
Echo questions: 17 .............................................................................................................................. 5
Indirect questions (politeness): 18...................................................................................................... 5
Question tags: 20 .................................................................................................................................... 6
Affirmative statement: 22 ....................................................................................................................... 6
Present simple with be: 23 ..................................................................................................................... 6
Present simple: 25................................................................................................................................... 6
The present continuous: 25 .................................................................................................................... 7
Present simple vs present continuous: 30 .............................................................................................. 7
Repeated actions............................................................................................................................. 8
States + emphasis............................................................................................................................ 8
*Narrative present: 32 ............................................................................................................................ 8
*Look forward: 32 (I look forward to meeting you) ................................................................................ 8
*The imperative: 33 ................................................................................................................................ 8
Other uses: .......................................................................................................................................... 8
The past simple: 36 ................................................................................................................................. 8

The present perfect: 39 ........................................................................................................................... 8
*Present perfect or past simple: 42 ........................................................................................................ 9
Present perfect continuous: 45 ............................................................................................................... 9
*Present perfect continuous or simple: 46 ......................................................................................... 9
The past continuous: 48 .......................................................................................................................... 9
Past perfect and past perfect continuous: 51 ......................................................................................... 9
‘Used to’ and ‘Would’: 54 ....................................................................................................................... 9
Action and state verbs: 57..................................................................................................................... 10
Overview of present and past tenses: 60.............................................................................................. 10
*The present subjunctive: 62 ................................................................................................................ 10
Past subjunctive: 65 .............................................................................................................................. 11
*Present tenses for the future: 68 ........................................................................................................ 11
Present tenses in noun clauses: 72 ....................................................................................................... 12
Be to, be about to, the bound – certain – likely to – sure – was to – was about to (75) ...................... 12
Be going to: 76 ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Be going to vs present continuous: 77 .............................................................................................. 12
Will, shall for the future: 79 .................................................................................................................. 12
Shall: 81 ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Will, be going to, present continuous: 82 ............................................................................................. 12
Will or be going to for actions/predictions: 82 ................................................................................. 12
Will, be going to, present continuous (events): 84 ........................................................................... 12
Future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous: 85 ....................................................... 12
Introduction to condition: 91 ................................................................................................................ 13

Transitive, intransitive, and linking verbs (2)

Linking verbs – noun, NPs, adjective, AdjPs, propositional phrase, clause.
- What it is
- What is feels like
- What is is like

Seems, feels, get (get lost), is + what I expected, what I thought

Transitive verbs and complements (3)

We found them all guilty

It kept me busy

It drives me mad

Verbs+adverbial (3)
Adverbial goes after an object or complement (e.g. all day, yesterday, for hours.)

I saw her in London yesterday.

We waited for an hour.

It was out of order all week.

The housework kept us busy all week.

*Verbs with two objects: 4-5

With multi-syllable words that have to objects we generally use to/for (5)


Multi-syllable ‘For’ verbs ‘To’ verbs

verbs with two
objects (to/for)
announce buy award
communicate book bring
deliver choose fax
demonstrate cook email
describe fetch feed
introduce find donate
mention fix give
obtain get hand
propose make leave (in a will)
repeat order lend
report pick offer
suggest reserve owe
save pass

Passive verbs: 6
Verbs with two objects only can occur in the passive.

Basic The jury awarded first prize to Katie.
Subject passive Katie was awarded first prize.
Object passive First prize was awarded to Katie.

Auxiliary verbs: 7
Do, be, have: 7
*Short responses: 8
So, neither + echo

Question tag: 9
Is, do, have, will

Modal verbs:

You couldn’t help me, could you?

Can you speak French?

Auxiliaries and modals: 10

Continuous and perfect tenses*

Modal: can, will, must, should, could

Question words: 11 (Where, who, how much, when, where, how long, how far, is this,
is it far to, how far)
*Subject questions: 12 (who, which, what) + negative
Who doesn’t want any tea?
Who did not attend the meeting?

Negative question: 13
Am I not coming with you?

Why don’t you get a taxi?

Have we not met before?

Don’t you like this food?

Aren’t I coming with you? Am I not coming with you?

Inversion of not

Is Diana not here?

Isn’t Diana here

Negative questions without a question word: 13

Havent you left yet? Youd better get a move on.

Wasn’t the conference useful?

Doesn’t he play guitar? I was sure he did.

Haven’t we met before? London, wasn’t it?

*Negative questions with a question word: 14

What don’t you like about your job?

Who hasn’t got a drink?

Which café does she not want to go to?

Yes/No answers: 14
Doesn’t the light work? No, I think the bulb is gone.

Negative words: 15
Did nobody tell you about the meeting?

Why is there no one here?

Is there no sugar?

Have you never met Jennifer?

Suggestions: Subject Suggestion: No subject

Why don’t you look for another job? Why not look for another job?

Echo questions: 17
Sorry we’re late. We got lost. You got lost?

I saw her last night. You saw whom?

Indirect questions (politeness): 18

Do you know where the nearest ATM is?

I was wondering if you knew anything about…

Polite-sounding questions
Do you know
Do you happen to know
I was wondering
Have you got any idea
Do you mind if I ask you
Can/could you tell me
Have you any idea
Do you know whether or not

Could you tell me where meeting room number 4 is?

Do you know how to get to the station?

Do you know the new PA’s name?

Would you say you are a good learner?

Do you think we ought to book in advance?

Question tags: 20
Rising intonation

Can She can speak Polish, can’t she?

Could You could not lend me 30 dollars, could
Do You designed the poster, did you not?
The train takes two hours, doesn’t it?
There There is a bus at six, isn’t there

Has She hasn’t phoned, has she?

Let’s (shall) Lets go, shall we?
Somebody Somebody told you, didn’t they?
Something Something is wrong, isn’t it?
It It is a lovely day, isn’t it?
It’s the 13th today, isn’t it?

Affirmative statement: 22
Oh, she’s left, has she?

I see. He was late again, was he?

Present simple with be: 23


Thanks for the coffee. You are welcome.

Oxford is 23 miles from London.

It is not expensive. I am not hungry.

We are not ready.

He isn’t here/around.

I am not tired.

The meeting room is not available/available today.

Am I late?

I am hungry.

Present simple: 25
When does the bus leave?

Water boils at 20 degrees.

I cannot accept the situation.

We generally get together every Sunday.

I go for a run twice a week.

I hardly ever play computer games.

The present continuous: 25

What is she wearing?
Where are you going?

Are they waiting for us?

I am not wearing my new coat.

What are you doing? I am sending emails.

Unempoyment is increasing – the Earth is getting warmer.

I am working at home this week.

I am going to the gym a lot these days.

I am really enjoying work these days.

At the moment I am reading a good book.

These days
This week
At the moment
At present

Verbs that describe states are rarely, if ever, used in the continuous form:

To depend – to own

Always, constantly, forever – to express irritation

I am always losing my keys.
You are always borrowing my clothes without asking.

Present simple vs present continuous: 30

Facts, habits, routines: PS It rains a lot at this time of the year.
I read it every day.
Progression, impermanence: PC He is working at home this week.
It is not raining.
I am reading a great book at the moment.
I usually listen to jazz, but I am listening to rock
at the moment.

Repeated actions. He has a lot of time off work.
He is forever having time off work.
My computer is constantly crashing.
My computer crashes a lot.

Repeated actions
States + emphasis

*Narrative present: 32

*Look forward: 32 (I look forward to meeting you)

*The imperative: 33
Emphasis: Do ask if you need any help! Do be quiet! Do not say anything to anyone.

Use of imperative:

Orders and instructions

Signs and notices

Advice, suggestions, reminders

Informal offers, invitations

Other uses:
1. Always, ever, don’t ever
2. Subject+imperative
3. Imperative + question tag
a. Give me a hand, could you?
b. Pass me the sugar, would you?
c. Wait a minute, will you?
d. Be quiet, can’t you?
e. Drive carefully, won’t you?
f. Don’t forget the milk, will you?
g. Will you wait here a minute?
h. Would you pass me the water, please?

The past simple: 36

I went to the supermarket this morning.

I’m afraid we did not receive your booking form.

I was late for work this morning.

The present perfect: 39

I’ve finished the report.

Where have they gone?

Have you heard? Sue has resigned.

At last, we’ve finished.

My bike is gone.

Ive worked here for 6 months.

This is the third time I’ve stayed here.

*Present perfect or past simple: 42

Present perfect continuous: 45

*Present perfect continuous or simple: 46

The past continuous: 48

We were having a walk by the river when it started raining.

Past perfect and past perfect continuous: 51

We had expected a more detailed response.

I have not finished speaking!

Dinosaurs had become extinct by 40 million years ago.

They had started the meeting when we arrived.


Sequence adverbs When

As soon as

‘Used to’ and ‘Would’: 54

Did you ever use to watch TV series?
We would go skiing.

We did not use to get much homework at school.

Frequency adverbs Often


Action and state verbs: 57



State verbs: 57

State verbs look


thoughts and mental states
desires and likes
Never in continuous form It depends
I don’t mind
I don’t know
I don’t agree
It does not matter

Overview of present and past tenses: 60

*The present subjunctive: 62

Verbs used with subjunctive advise

It’s best
It’s crucial
It’s desirable
It is recommended
It is our recommendation
On condition

On a regular – frequent – daily – biweekly – forthnightly – monthly

Past subjunctive: 65
It’s high time – it’s about time

Imagine – suppose

I’d rather

*Present tenses for the future: 68

Present simple to refer to the future to be
to arrive
to land
to take off
to come
to end
to finish
to open
to close
to depart
to set off
to leave
to start
to begin
to end

I am seeing him tomorrow.

She is not coming to the meeting.

I am staying in tonight.

We are getting married on 14th April.

Are you doing anything this evening?

Are you doing anything at the weekend?

Present simple after conjunctions when

as soon as
Present continuous while
the next time
when I *am feeling

Present tenses in relative clauses:

Anyone who

The person who

We’ll get whichever bus arrives last

Present tenses in noun clauses: 72

Present tense in clauses that being with that
a question word

It hope it is not raining when we get there.

Be to, be about to, the bound – certain – likely to – sure – was to –

was about to (75)

Be going to: 76
Be going to vs present continuous: 77
We were going to set off after lunch, but we got a bit delayed

Will, shall for the future: 79

She will be 20 next week/

How long will the battery last?

Will you be at home tomorrow?

Shall: 81
Let’s go for a drink, shall we?

Will, be going to, present continuous: 82

I’m sure this rain won’t last long. It will be nice later.

Be going to: evidence

Will: personal feelings

Will or be going to for actions/predictions: 82

Will, be going to, present continuous (events): 84
Will you be at the Madrid conference?

I’ll be at work all day tomorrow?


Present continuous/going to+Will

Future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous: 85

Will you be staying long?

We’ll be having lunch at 1:30.

We’ll be having dinner then? Can you phone me nearer to 6?

I’m sure I’ll be seeing him soon.

Introduction to condition: 91
If you’re hungry, you’d better get something to eat.

If you are going to be late, could you phone me?


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