Study Id79565 Education-In-Japan

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Education in Japan
Table of Contents

01 Overview Mean PISA score of students in Japan 2000-2018, by subject 22

Number of educational institutions Japan 2022, by type 04

04 Long-term absentees
Enrollment rate in school education Japan AY 2022, by institution type 05
Number of students in school education in Japan in 2022, by prefecture 06 Number of long-term absentees at primary and secondary schools Japan AY 2012-2021 24

Number of male students Japan 2021, by institution type 07 Ratio of absentees at primary and secondary schools Japan AY 2021, by reason 25

Number of female students Japan 2021, by institution type 08 Distribution of absentees at primary and secondary schools Japan AY 2021, by cause 26

Number of full-time teachers Japan 2022, by institution type 09 Number of reported bullying cases among pupils in Japan AY 2013-2022 27

Sales of school education facilities Japan 2022, by institution type 10 Number of bullied pupils in Japan AY 2022, by school grade 28

02 Primary and secondary schools 05 Tertiary education

Number of kindergartens Japan 2013-2022, by type 12 Number of universities Japan 2013-2022, by type 30

Number of elementary schools Japan 2013-2022, by type 13 Number of graduate schools Japan 2013-2022, by type 31

Number of junior high/middle schools Japan 2013-2022, by type 14 Number of junior colleges Japan 2013-2022, by type 32

Number of senior high schools Japan 2013-2022, by type 15 Number of students at higher education institutions Japan 2022, by type 33

Number of special education schools Japan 2013-2022, by type 16 Number of university students Japan 2013-2022 34

03 Students at primary and secondary schools 06 Other institutions for learning

Number of students at primary and secondary schools Japan 2003-2022 18 Number of out-of-school learning facilities Japan 2022, by institution type 36

Number of students at primary and secondary schools Japan 2022, by type 19 Sales of out-of-school learning facilities Japan 2022, by institution type 37

Correct answer rate of NAAA Japan 2022, by subject 20 Number of businesses of foreign language conversation schools Japan FY 2013-2022 38

Ratio of public senior high school students with A2 English level Japan AY 2012-2022 21 Number of lifelong learning centers Japan 2008-2021 39

Table of Contents

07 Governmental budget and expenditure

Annual budget of MEXT Japan FY 2013-2022 41
Share of annual budget of MEXT Japan FY 2023, by category 42
Local government expenditures on education Japan FY 2011-2020 43

08 Household expenditure
Annual expenses for education per household Japan 2013-2022 45
Average annual education fees Japan FY 2021, by institution type 46
Annual school education fees paid by parents Japan FY 2021, by institution type 47
Average out-of-school education fees Japan FY 2021, by institution type 48
Average educational expenses per child until high school Japan FY 2021, by type 49


Number of educational institutions in Japan in 2022, by type
Number of educational institutions Japan 2022, by type

Number of educational institutions

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000

Elementary schools 19,161

Lower secondary schools 10,012

Kindergartens 9,111

Integrated centers for early childhood education and care 6,657

Upper secondary schools 4,824

Spezialized training colleges* 3,051

Professional training colleges* 2,721

Schools for special needs education** 1,171

Miscellaneous schools 1,046

Universities*** 807

Graduate schools*** 657

Junior colleges 309

Compulsory education schools 178

Secondary schools 57

Colleges of technology 57

4 Description: As of May 2022, elementary schools accounted for the largest share of educational institutions in Japan, with roughly 19 thousand facilities throughout the country. This number was followed by lower secondary schools, amounting to over 10 thousand
facilities. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2022; as of May 1; *The number of professional training colleges is included in the number of specialized training colleges. Students can apply to professional training colleges only after they attained high school certificates. [...] Read more
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Enrollment rate in school education in Japan in academic year 2022, by
institution type
Enrollment rate in school education Japan AY 2022, by institution type


Enrollment rate of children


60% 56.6%

40% 36.9%


Kindergartens Integrated centers for Senior high schools, etc. Universities, junior Universities (including Junior colleges (including
early childhood colleges, etc. (enrolled those who did not enroll those who did not enroll
education and care directly on graduation) directly on graduation) directly on graduation)

5 Description: In the academic year 2022, the enrollment rate of children in Japan for senior high schools including correspondence courses reached close to 99 percent. That year, nearly 57 percent of senior high school students entered tertiary education institutions
such as universities and junior colleges. Read more
Note(s): Japan; academic year 2022; the Japanese academic year starts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year
Source(s): e-Stat (Japan); MEXT (Japan)
Number of students enrolled in educational institutions in Japan in 2022,
by prefecture (in 1,000s)
Number of students in school education in Japan in 2022, by prefecture

Number of students in thousands

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500

Tokyo 2,348.36

Osaka 1,374.91

Kanagawa 1,228.59

Aichi 1,172.41

Saitama 967.22

Chiba 841

Hyogo 825.22

Fukuoka 794.97

Hokkaido 678.52

Shizuoka 501.41

Kyoto 485.04

Hiroshima 416.04

Ibaraki 388.63

Miyagi 345.01

Niigata 292.74

6 Description: As of May 2022, around 2.35 million students were enrolled in educational institutions in Tokyo Prefecture, which was the highest number among all 47 prefectures in Japan. At the same time, there were approximately 1.37 million students at pre-primary,
primary, secondary, and tertiary schools in Osaka Prefecture. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2022; as of May 1
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Number of male students in educational institutions in Japan in 2021, by
institution type (in 1,000s)
Number of male students Japan 2021, by institution type

Number of male students in thousands

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500

Elementary schools 3,184

Lower secondary schools 1,652

Universities 1,621

Upper secondary schools 1,521

Kindergartens 510

Integrated centers for early childhood education and care 408

Spezialized training colleges 292

Graduate schools 173

Schoolds for special needs education* 96

Colleges of technology 45

Compulsory education schools 30

Secondary schools 16

Junior colleges 13

Miscellaneous schools 55

7 Description: As of May 2021, close to 3.2 million male pupils were attending elementary schools in Japan. At the same time, over 1.65 million male students were learning in lower secondary schools. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2021; as of May 1; *Special needs education schools are schools for mentally and/or physically challenged children, inclusive of kindergarten to upper secondary school levels. **Figures are included in the figures from universities. Read more
Source(s): MEXT (Japan); Statistics Bureau of Japan
Number of female students in educational institutions in Japan in 2021, by
institution type (in 1,000s)
Number of female students Japan 2021, by institution type

Number of female students in thousands

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500

Elementary schools 3,040

Lower secondary schools 1,578

Upper secondary schools 1,488

Universities 1,297

Kindergartens 499

Integrated centers for early childhood education and care 389

Spezialized training colleges 370

Junior colleges 90

Graduate schools** 84

Schools for special needs education* 50

Compulsory education schools 28

Secondary schools 17

Colleges of technology 12

Miscellaneous schools 48

8 Description: As of May 2021, approximately three million female pupils were attending elementary schools in Japan. At the same time, close to 1.3 million female students were enrolled in Japanese universities. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2021; as of May 1; *Special needs education schools are schools for mentally and/or physically challenged children, inclusive of kindergarten to upper secondary school levels. **Figures are included in the figures from universities. Read more
Source(s): MEXT (Japan); Statistics Bureau of Japan
Number of full-time teachers in educational institutions in Japan in 2022,
by institution type (in 1,000s)
Number of full-time teachers Japan 2022, by institution type

Number of teachers in thousands

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Elementary schools 423.44

Lower secondary schools 247.35
Upper secondary schools 224.73
Universities 190.65
Integrated centers for early childhood education and care 136.54
Kindergartens 87.75
Schools for special needs education* 86.82
Spezialized training colleges 39.98
Miscellaneous schools 8.48
Junior colleges 6.79
Compulsory education schools 6.37
Colleges of technology 4.03
Secondary schools 2.75

9 Description: As of May 2022, around 423.4 thousand full-time teachers were working at Japanese elementary schools. That year, over 19 thousand elementary schools were in operation in Japan, indicating an average of around 22 full-time teachers per elementary
school. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2022; as of May 1; *Special needs education schools are schools for mentally and/or physically challenged children, inclusive of kindergarten to upper secondary school levels. Figures have been rounded. Read more
Source(s): MEXT (Japan); Statistics Bureau of Japan
Sales of school education facilities in Japan in 2022, by institution type (in
billion Japanese yen)
Sales of school education facilities Japan 2022, by institution type

Sales in billion Japanese yen

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000

Higher education institutions 10,491.5

Centers for early childhood education and care 802.96

Specialized training colleges and other schools 797.81

Upper secondary schools, secondary schools 779.84

Kindergartens 670.82

School education support institutions 302.97

Elementary school 11.11

Lower secondary schools 3.95

Schools for special needs education* 3.79

10 Description: In 2022, higher education institutions, such as universities and junior colleges, generated a sales value of about 10.5 trillion Japanese yen. Centers for early childhood education and care followed with sales of around 803 billion Japanese yen. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2022; based on survey results**; *Schools for special needs education are schools for mentally and/or physically challenged children, inclusive of kindergarten to upper secondary school levels. **Based on the survey results from [...] Read more
Source(s): e-Stat (Japan); Ministry of Finance Japan; Statistics Bureau of Japan

Primary and secondary

Number of national, public, and private kindergartens in Japan from 2013
to 2022
Number of kindergartens Japan 2013-2022, by type

National Public Private


Number of kindergartens

8,177 8,142
8,000 7,304
7,076 6,877
6,398 6,268
6,000 6,152


4,817 4,714 4,321

2,000 4,127 3,952 3,737 3,483 3,251 3,103 2,910

0 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

12 Description: As of May 2022, approximately 9.1 thousand kindergartens were in operation in Japan, with the majority of facilities being private institutions. While it is not part of compulsory education in Japan, parents are encouraged to enroll their children in
preschool institutions. In 2022, about 923 thousand children were visiting kindergartens. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2013 to 2022; as of May 1 of each year
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Number of national, public, and private elementary schools in Japan from
2013 to 2022
Number of elementary schools Japan 2013-2022, by type

National Public Private


221 222
20,000 227 230 231 231 237 240
Number of elementary schools

241 243


10,000 20,836 20,558 20,302 20,011 19,794 19,591 19,432 19,217 19,028 18,851


0 74 72 72 72 70 70 69 68 67 67
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

13 Description: As of May 2022, approximately 19.2 thousand elementary schools were in operation in Japan, with the majority, around 18.9 thousand, being public schools. Public schools in Japan usually offer education for a lower fee compared to private schools due to
the financial backing of the local and national government. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2013 to 2022; as of May 1 of each year
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Number of national, public, and private lower secondary schools in Japan
from 2013 to 2022
Number of junior high/middle schools Japan 2013-2022, by type

National Public Private


10,000 771 777 774 776 775 778

Number of lower secondary schools

781 782 778 780



9,784 9,707 9,637 9,555 9,479 9,421 9,371 9,291 9,230 9,164


0 73 73 73 73 71 71 70 69 68 68
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

14 Description: In 2022, the number of public lower secondary schools in Japan amounted to around 9.2 thousand. That year, over 10 thousand junior high schools were operating in Japan, with the majority being public institutions. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2013 to 2022; as of May 1 of each year
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Number of national, public, and private upper secondary schools in Japan
from 2013 to 2022
Number of senior high schools Japan 2013-2022, by type

National Public Private


Number of upper secondary schools

1,320 1,320 1,320 1,321 1,321 1,323 1,322 1,322 1,320 1,320


3,646 3,628 3,604 3,589 3,571 3,559 3,550 3,537 3,521 3,489


0 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

15 Description: As of May 2022, around 4.8 thousand upper secondary high schools were in operation in Japan, with the majority being public schools established by the local government. Senior high school education runs for three years and is not included in the
compulsory education in Japan. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2013 to 2022; as of May 1 of each year
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Number of national, public, and private special needs education schools in
Japan from 2013 to 2022
Number of special education schools Japan 2013-2022, by type

National Public Private


Number of special education schools

14 14 14 14 15
13 13
14 14


600 1,056 1,067 1,076 1,082 1,087 1,090 1,100 1,111

1,021 1,037



0 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

16 Description: As of May 2022, around 1.2 thousand special needs education schools were in operation in Japan, with the large majority being local government established facilities. With education reforms in the early 2000s, the education of students with special needs
has been receiving more governmental attention, which is reflected in the increasing number of public schools in Japan. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2013 to 2022; as of May 1 of each year
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)

Students at primary and

secondary schools
Number of students enrolled in primary and secondary schools in Japan
from 2003 to 2022 (in 1,000s)
Number of students at primary and secondary schools Japan 2003-2022

Elementary schools Lower secondary schools Compulsory education schools*

Upper secondary schools Secondary schools Schools for special needs education**

Number of students in thousands







2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

18 Description: As of May 2022, there were around 6.2 million pupils enrolled in elementary school across Japan. The figures showed a continuous decrease in the last two decades, indicating a clear impact of the low fertility rate in the country. On the other hand,
compulsory education schools that operate in the newest type of school year system established in 2016 showed an increasing number of students. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2003 to 2022; as of May 1; *Established in 2016, compulsory education schools provide a nine year comprehensive education from the first grade to the ninth grade. **Established in 2007, schools for special needs education are [...] Read more
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Number of students attending primary and secondary schools in Japan in
2022, by institution type
Number of students at primary and secondary schools Japan 2022, by type

Number of students

National Public Private

0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000

Elementary schools

Lower secondary schools

Upper secondary schools


Integrated centers for early childhood education and care

Schools for special needs education*

Compulsory education schools**

Secondary schools

19 Description: In 2022, the number of students attending public elementary schools amounted to around 6.2 million, which was the highest among students in primary and secondary schools. Children in Japan aged six to 12 years normally learn until the sixth grade at
elementary schools. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2022; as of May 1; *Special needs education schools are schools for mentally and/ or physically challenged children, inclusive of kindergarten to upper secondary school levels. **Compulsory education schools provide nine year [...] Read more
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Average rate of correct answers of students taking the National
Assessment Academic Ability (NAAA) in Japan in 2022, by subject
Correct answer rate of NAAA Japan 2022, by subject

Japanese Mathematics English

70% 67.4%
Correct answer rate

50% 46.1%





Students in sixth grade (elementary school) Students in ninth grade (junior high school)

20 Description: According to the results of the National Assessment Academic Ability (NAAA) conducted in April 2023, students in sixth and ninth grade in Japan answered approximately 63 percent of questions on average correctly on the subject of Japanese. In terms of
mathematics, students in ninth grade correctly solved about 51.4 percent of questions on average, around 11 percent lower than students in sixth grade. Read more
Note(s): Japan; April 18th, 2023; 11-12 years and 14-15 years
Source(s): MEXT (Japan); National Institute for Educational Policy Research
Ratio of students at public senior high schools who attained A2 English level based on the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in Japan from academic year 2012 to 2022
Ratio of public senior high school students with A2 English level Japan AY 2012-2022

50% 48.7%


45% 43.6%

Ratio of students



31% 31%


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2021 2022

21 Description: In the academic year 2022, around 49 percent of students at public senior high schools in Japan either passed the A2 level test for English based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or were confirmed by teachers to
have attained the equivalent level. The ratio increased by nearly 18 percent compared to the academic year 2012. The CEFR is used to assess the language proficiency of the learners. It comprises six levels from A1 for beginners up to C2 for [...] Read more
Note(s): Japan; academic year 2012 to 2022; the Japanese academic yearstarts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Mean Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) score of
students in Japan from 2000 to 2018, by subject
Mean PISA score of students in Japan 2000-2018, by subject

Reading Mathematics Science

550 547

539 538 538

540 536
531 532
529 529
530 527
Mean PISA score

522 523
520 516


500 498 498

2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2018

22 Description: In the 2018 round of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), students in Japan achieved mean scores of 504 in reading, 527 in mathematics, and 529 in science. Japanese students consistently scored higher than the OECD average in
all rounds of PISA assessments. In 2018, Japan took the 15th place in the reading score ranking, after countries such as Korea, Sweden, New Zealand, and the United States. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2000 to 2018; tests are conducted every three years
Source(s): OECD

Long-term absentees
Number of students who are absent for a long time from primary and lower
secondary schools in Japan from academic year 2012 to 2021 (in 1,000s)
Number of long-term absentees at primary and secondary schools Japan AY 2012-2021

Primary school Lower secondary school


Number of students in thousands


100 119.69
98.41 103.24
95.44 97.03
53.35 63.35
35.03 44.84
21.24 24.18 25.86 27.58 30.45
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

24 Description: In the academic year 2021, around 80.8 thousand pupils at primary schools and 163.4 thousand students at lower secondary schools were absent for more than 30 days. Both numbers indicated a 10 year consecutive increase since the academic year
2012. Long-term absence in this case refers to the absence of students who refuse or are unable to attend school due to psychological, emotional, physical, or social reasons, excluding those who are ill or have financial reasons. Read more
Note(s): Japan; academic year 2012 to 2021; the Japanese academic year starts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year; students who were absent from schools for more than 30 days during the fiscal year
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Ratio of long-term absentees to total number of students at primary and
lower secondary schools in Japan in academic year 2021, by reason
Ratio of absentees at primary and secondary schools Japan AY 2021, by reason



Ratio of students

1.5% 1.4%


0.6% 0.6% 0.6%

Sickness School refusal School refusal (90 or School refusal (Less School refusal (No Avoiding infection Other
more absent days) than 10 attendance attendance days) with corona

25 Description: In the academic year 2021, about 1.4 percent of total pupils and students were absent from primary and lower secondary schools for more than 90 days because they refused to attend. In total, around four percent of students did not attend schools for
more than 30 days due to sickness, attendance refusal, and other obstacles such as family reasons. Read more
Note(s): Japan; academic year 2021; the Japanese academic year starts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year; students who were absent from schools for more than 30 days during the fiscal year
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Distribution of students who were absent for a long time from primary and
lower secondary schools in Japan in academic year 2021, by main cause
Distribution of absentees at primary and secondary schools Japan AY 2021, by cause

Share of students

Lower secondary schools Primary schools

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55%

Lethargy, general anxieties 49.7%

Problems with friends (excl. bullying) 11.5%
Irregular life habits, skipping school to play, delinquency 11%
Academic failure 6.2%
Problems with parents 5.5%
Not applicable 4.9%
Could not adapt when entering school or moving up to the next year 4.1%
Sudden change in the home environment 2.3%
Domestic problems 1.7%
Problems with teachers and staff 0.9%
Anxieties regarding the future path 0.9%
Problems with rules at school 0.7%
Could not adapt to sports or activitiy clubs at school 0.5%
Bullying 0.2%

26 Description: In the academic year 2021, approximately 81.5 thousand primary school students and 163.4 thousand lower secondary students were absent from school for more than 30 days. Of the total, around 50 percent of primary school students and lower
secondary school students did not attend school due to being lethargic or feeling anxious. Read more
Note(s): Japan; academic year 2021; the Japanese academic year starts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year; students who were absent from schools for more than 30 days during the fiscal year
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Total number of reported bullying incidents among students in Japan from
academic year 2013 to 2022 (in 1,000s)
Number of reported bullying cases among pupils in Japan AY 2013-2022


700 681.95

612.5 615.35
Number of cases in thousands

185.8 188.07


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

27 Description: The total number of bullying cases among students reported by schools in Japan peaked at around 682 thousand in the academic year 2022. The number of acknowledged bullying cases in the country increased dramatically in 2012, followed by the
enactment of the anti-bullying legislation to identify bullying at an early stage, which was implemented the year after. Read more
Note(s): Japan; academic year 2013 to 2022; the Japanese academic year starts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year; cases reported by schools
Source(s): e-Stat (Japan); MEXT (Japan)
Number of bullied students in Japan in academic year 2022, by school year
(in 1,000s)
Number of bullied pupils in Japan AY 2022, by school grade

104.05 104.44
100 93.62
Number of students in thousands


60.24 57.85

40 35.5

7.6 5.17 2.74
Elementary Elementary Elementary Elementary Elementary Elementary Middle Middle Middle High school High school High school High school
school 1st school 2nd school 3rd school 4th school 5th school 6th school 1st school 2nd school 3rd 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade
grade grade grade grade grade grade grade grade grade

28 Description: Bullying among students in Japan occurred predominantly at elementary schools, which reported over 551 thousand physically or psychologically victimized students in the academic year 2022. Within the primary school level, bullying incidents were most
common among second year elementary school students, of which close to 110 thousand were identified as victims of bully behavior during the measured time period. Read more
Note(s): Japan; academic year 2022; the Japanese academic year starts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year
Source(s): e-Stat (Japan); MEXT (Japan)

Tertiary education
Number of national, public, and private universities in Japan from 2013 to
Number of universities Japan 2013-2022, by type

National Public Private



Number of universities


500 615 619 620

606 603 604 600 604 603 607



90 92 89 91 90 93 93 94 98 101
86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

30 Description: As of May 2022, 807 universities were in operation in Japan, with private institutions accounting for the largest share of facilities. While higher education is not part of the compulsory schooling in Japan, almost three million students were enrolled at
Japanese universities in 2022. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2013 to 2022; as of May 1 of each year
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Number of national, public, and private graduate schools in Japan from
2013 to 2022
Number of graduate schools Japan 2013-2022, by type

National Public Private


Number of graduate schools


467 472 473 480 482

400 464 460 463 462 463



74 77 78 79 80 83 84 84 86 89
86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

31 Description: In 2022, the number of private graduate schools in Japan amounted to 482, representing an increase in four consecutive years. That year, there were 657 graduate schools in total, with the majority being private institutions. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2013 to 2022; as of May 1 of each year
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Number of public and private junior colleges in Japan from 2013 to 2022
Number of junior colleges Japan 2013-2022, by type

Public Private


Number of junior colleges


340 334 328 324 320 314 309 306 301 295



19 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 14 14
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

32 Description: As of May 2022, the number of private junior colleges amounted to 295, while the number of public junior colleges totaled 14. Throughout the measured period, most junior colleges were private institutions. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2013 to 2022; as of May 1 of each year
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Number of students attending higher education institutions in Japan in
2022, by institution type
Number of students at higher education institutions Japan 2022, by type

Number of students

National Public Private

0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000


Professional training college

Junior college

College of technology

33 Description: In 2022, the number of students attending private universities amounted to around 2.2 million, which was the highest among students at higher education institutions. That year, over 2.9 million students were enrolled at universities in Japan, of which
nearly 45 percent were female students. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2022; as of May 1
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Number of students enrolled at universities in Japan from 2013 to 2022 (in
Number of university students Japan 2013-2022


2.87 2.87 2.89 2.91 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.93

3.0 2.86 2.86
Number of students in millions






2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

34 Description: In 2021, there were approximately 2.93 million students enrolled at Japanese universities, up from about 2.87 million students in 2013. Of the total, nearly 45 percent were female students in 2022. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2013 to 2022; as of May 1 of each year
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)

Other institutions for learning

Number of out-of-school educational facilities in Japan in 2022, by
institution type
Number of out-of-school learning facilities Japan 2022, by institution type

Number of facilities
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000

Supplementary tutorial schools 5,949

Sports and health instructions 4,329

Vocational and educational support facilities 2,710

Foreign language instructions 1,248

Music instructions 904

Calligraphy instructions 159

Abacus instructions 138

Flower, tea ceremony instructions 92

Other instruction services for arts, culture and technicals 4,260

Other educational and learning support services 2,929

36 Description: In 2022, nearly six thousand supplementary tutorial schools or cram schools were registered in Japan. That year, those tutorial schools generated a sales revenue of more than 1.1 trillion Japanese yen. Apart from tutorial schools and their academic
classes, other popular institutions were those offering arts, culture, and tech programs as well as sports and health instructions. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2022; based on survey results
Source(s): e-Stat (Japan); Ministry of Finance Japan; Statistics Bureau of Japan
Sales revenue of out-of-school educational facilities in Japan in 2022, by
institution type (in billion Japanese yen)
Sales of out-of-school learning facilities Japan 2022, by institution type

Sales in billion Japanese yen

0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200

Supplementary tutorial schools 1,137.64

Vocational and educational support facilities 420.42

Sports and health instructions 354.79

Foreign language instructions 192.95

Music instructions 98.87

Flower, tea ceremony instructions 5.69

Calligraphy instructions 4.43

Abacus instructions 4.26

Other educational and learning support services 713.21

Other instruction services for arts, culture and technicals 540.91

37 Description: In 2022, supplementary tutorial schools or cram schools in Japan generated a sales revenue of around 1.1 trillion Japanese yen. That year, there were nearly six thousand tutorial schools in the country. It is common for children in Japan to attend such
tutoring institutions to attain better grades at schools or entrance examinations for schools they wish to enroll in. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2022; based on survey results*; *Based on the survey results from the following sample size: Vocational and educational support facilities n=2,710 Supplementary tutorial schools n=5,949 Music instructions n=904 Calligraphy [...] Read more
Source(s): e-Stat (Japan); Ministry of Finance Japan; Statistics Bureau of Japan
Number of business establishments of foreign language conversation
schools in Japan from fiscal year 2013 to 2022
Number of businesses of foreign language conversation schools Japan FY 2013-2022

4,092 4,032 3,988 3,949 3,919
4,000 3,754 3,805 3,812 3,786
Number of business establishments








2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

38 Description: In the fiscal year 2022, the number of business establishments of foreign language conversation schools amounted to around 3.92 thousand in Japan, representing a decrease from the previous fiscal year. Those establishments generated total sales of
around 73.7 billion Japanese yen in fiscal 2022. Read more
Note(s): Japan; fiscal years 2013 to 2022; the Japanese fiscal year starts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year; postal and online questionnaire
Source(s): METI (Japan)
Number of lifelong learning centers in Japan from 2008 to 2021
Number of lifelong learning centers Japan 2008-2021


500 478
400 384
Number of centers




2008 2011* 2015 2018 2021

39 Description: 496 lifelong learning centers were recorded in Japan in 2021. The continuous growth of the total number shows the increasing interest of Japan's aging society in lifelong learning and development. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2008 to 2021; as of October 1 of each year
Source(s): e-Stat (Japan); MEXT (Japan)

Governmental budget and

Annual budget of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
(MEXT) in Japan from fiscal year 2013 to 2022 (in trillion Japanese yen)
Annual budget of MEXT Japan FY 2013-2022

5.36 5.36 5.34 5.32 5.31 5.29 5.31 5.3 5.28 5.29

Budget in trillion Japanese yen

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

41 Description: In the fiscal year 2023, the annual budget of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in Japan amounted to around 5.29 trillion Japanese yen. The ministry consists of multiple agencies that manage and promote projects
related to the educational and cultural improvements of the country. Read more
Note(s): Japan; fiscal year 2013 to 2022; the Japanese fiscal year starts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year
Source(s): MEXT (Japan); Ministry of Finance Japan
Share of annual budget of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology (MEXT) in Japan in fiscal year 2023, by category
Share of annual budget of MEXT Japan FY 2023, by category

Share of annual budget

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

National treasury's share of compulsory education expenses 28.7%

Management expenses grants for national university corporations 20.4%

Science and technology promotion 18.5%

Tuition support for high school students 8.1%

Grants for private schools* 7.7%

Personnel expenses, etc. 4.5%

Culture and arts expenses** 2%

Interst-free scholarship programs 1.9%

Public school facility expenses 1.3%

Management expenses for the National Institue of Technology 1.2%

National university corporation facility expenses 0.7%

Sports-related expenses* 0.6%

Other education-related expenses 4.5%

42 Description: In the fiscal year 2023, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in Japan planned to utilize around 29 percent of the yearly budget for the national treasury's share of compulsory education expenses. That year, the
ministry prepared a total annual budget of approximately 5.3 trillion Japanese yen for its various measures. Read more
Note(s): Japan; fiscal year 2023; the Japanese fiscal year starts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year; *There are overlapping budgets in the categories between grants for private schools and sports-related [...] Read more
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Local governments' expenditure on education in Japan from fiscal year
2011 to 2020 (in trillion Japanese yen)
Local government expenditures on education Japan FY 2011-2020

18 17.52
16.66 16.8 16.75 16.89 16.88
16.18 16.15 16.09
Expenditure in trillion Japanese yen




2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

43 Description: In the fiscal year 2020, the education expenditures of prefectural and municipal governments in Japan amounted to approximately 18.1 trillion Japanese yen, up from around 17.5 trillion Japanese yen in the previous fiscal year. Read more
Note(s): Japan; fiscal years 2011 to 2020; the Japanese fiscal year starts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year
Source(s): Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Japan); Statistics Bureau of Japan

Household expenditure
Average annual expenditure on education per household in Japan from
2013 to 2022 (in 1,000 Japanese yen)
Annual expenses for education per household Japan 2013-2022

Expenditure per household in thousand Japanese

100 97.07 94.97

90.93 90.27 92.03 91.59 92.3
89.55 87.7




2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

45 Description: In 2022, households in Japan spent an average amount of about 87.7 thousand Japanese yen on education. Compared to 2021, the average expenditure on education in Japan decreased by about 4.6 thousand yen. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2013 to 2022; 7,999 households
Source(s): e-Stat (Japan)
Average annual expenses paid by parents for education in Japan in fiscal
year 2021, by institution type (in 1,000 Japanese yen)
Average annual education fees Japan FY 2021, by institution type

Public Private
Average annual expenses in thousand Japanese




600 538.8 512.97

400 352.57

Kindergarten Elementary school Junior high school High school
Institution type that children attend

46 Description: In the fiscal year 2021, parents in Japan whose children attend private elementary schools paid the highest annual expenses for education of approximately 1.7 million Japanese yen on average. Expenses for education include school education fees,
school meal fees, and spending on educational activities outside of schools. Read more
Note(s): Japan; fiscal year 2021; the Japanese fiscal year starts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year; based on survey results
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Average annual school education expenses paid by parents for primary and secondary
schools in Japan in fiscal year 2021, by institution type (in 1,000 Japanese yen)
Annual school education fees paid by parents Japan FY 2021, by institution type

Public Private
Average annual expenses in thousand Japanese


1,000 961.01

800 750.36



200 134.84 132.25

61.16 65.97

Kindergarten Elementary school Junior high school High school
Institution type that children attend

47 Description: In the fiscal year 2021, parents in Japan paid the highest annual school education expenses of over one million Japanese yen for private junior high schools on average. Private elementary schools were the second most expensive, amounting to around
961 thousand yen on a yearly average. School education expenses include tuition fees, child care fees, entrance fees, and school trip fees, among others, that are paid by parents. Read more
Note(s): Japan; fiscal year 2021; the Japanese fiscal year starts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year; based on survey results
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Average annual expenses paid by parents for education outside of schools
in Japan in fiscal year 2021, by institution type (in 1,000 Japanese yen)
Average out-of-school education fees Japan FY 2021, by institution type

Supplementary tutorial fees Other activities

Average annual expenses in thousand Japanese




300 105.45

200 377.66 32.33

262.32 246.64
100 102.04 171.38
60.67 120.5
29.89 42.12
Kindergarten Kindergarten Elementary school Elementary school Junior high school Junior high school High school High school
(public) (private) (public) (private) (public) (private) (public) (private)
Institutions that children currently attend

48 Description: In the fiscal year 2021, parents in Japan whose children attended private elementary schools paid the highest annual expenses for education outside of school. Those parents spent an average of around 378 thousand Japanese yen on supplementary
tutoring fees and about 283 thousand yen on other out-of-school activities. It is common for children in Japan to visit tutoring institutions after school to achieve better grades or enter schools they wish to enroll in. Read more
Note(s): Japan; fiscal year 2021; the Japanese fiscal year starts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year; based on survey results
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)
Average total educational costs for a child from kindergarten to high school
graduation in Japan as of fiscal year 2021, by type of school (in million Japanese yen)
Average educational expenses per child until high school Japan FY 2021, by type

Average costs per child in million Japanese yen




8 7.36

Public only Private kindergarten* Private high school* Private kindergarten and Public elementary Private only
high school* school**
Institution type that children attend

49 Description: As of the fiscal year 2021 in Japan, the average cost of education for a student from entering kindergarten up to graduation from high school was about 5.7 million Japanese in the case of public schools. For a student attending only private schools, the
total education-related costs amounted to over 18 million yen during the 15 years of school years. Read more
Note(s): Japan; 2021; the Japanese fiscal year starts on April 1 of the stated year and ends on March 31 of the following year; based on survey results; *A child attends public schools for all the other schools. **A child attends private schools for all [...] Read more
Source(s): MEXT (Japan)

e-Stat (Japan)
METI (Japan)
MEXT (Japan)
Ministry of Finance Japan
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Japan)
National Institute for Educational Policy Research
Statistics Bureau of Japan


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