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UctoX 2 - User Guide

Note: All graphics (screenshots and icons) are from UctoX v2.0, OS X 10.10
and iOS 8 - it may look slightly different on your setup.
Table of Contents
1 Accounts 2

2 Account 4

3 Sent and Received Invoices 6

3.1 Color Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 Invoice Book (OS X) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 Job Offers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4 Printing 10

5 Other Modules 12
5.1 Bank Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.2 Cash Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.3 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.4 Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.5 Journey Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.6 Printing (OS X) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

6 Preferences 13
6.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.2 Subtypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.3 Custom Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.4 Advanced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

7 Print Editor (OS X) 14

7.1 Text Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

8 Troubleshooting 15
8.1 iCloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
8.2 Debug Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
8.2.1 OS X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
8.2.2 iOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
8.3 Crash Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

1. Accounts
After opening UctoX, you will be presented with a list of accounts. You can have
as many accounts as you wish in UctoX.
To begin, click on the Create Account... button (macOS) or the + button
(iOS). In the next dialog, enter the account name, optionally password and indi-
cate whether the account should sync via iCloud, Dropbox or neither.
The account name is only to identify the account, this name isn’t used any-
where in the invoicing data later on. Password is optional, but when entered,
it will be required for opening the account. If you forget the password, you will
loose all the data. iCloud sync is on by default if you have an iCloud account. If
you want to enable or disable iCloud syncing later on, see below.
In the same initial screen, you can switch between synchronization types,
rename the account, or remove it. See the screenshot below. The left-most
button switches between synchronization types. The middle button allows you
to rename the account, the right-most button allows you to delete it.
To view these buttons on iOS, swipe the row with the account left.

A few notes:

ˆ If you have created an iCloud-enabled account on another device, wait

for the account to sync over to your device and do not re-create it locally!

ˆ Turning off iCloud synchronization does not affect other devices. It only
turns off iCloud synchronization on this particular device.

ˆ To import from UctoX 1.x, create a new account and select File - Import
from UctoX 1.x... You cannot import accounts from UctoX 1.x on iOS.

Dropbox Sync:
Synchronization via Dropbox requires all your devices to be connected
to the same Dropbox account. On macOS, select Authorize with Dropbox...
from the UctoX 2 application menu in the menubar. On iOS, on the main
screen, click on the button with the question mark and select Authorize with
Dropbox... If you have trouble with the first synchronization (i.e. the account
is not automatically showing up on the other device), change something within
the account (e.g. name of an invoice), save it and keep the account window
open for a few minutes (5+) to ensure the initial data is written to Dropbox.
Similarly, on the other device, leave it open for a few minutes, left on the
account screen.

2. Account
When you open the account, a new window will open. On OS X, you can have
as many accounts opened at once as you wish, on iOS you are limited to a single
On OS X, the account window displays a list of different modules on the left.
Switch between them simply by click on them. On iOS, to get to this list as well
to close the account, you need to swipe right, which will move the entire screen
to the right and the list of modules will be shown. On most devices, the list of
modules will fit in a single screen, but on iPhone 4S, you need to scroll down in
order to get to Preferences.

3. Sent and Received Invoices
To issue an invoice, click on the + button, enter the invoice number and confirm.
Within the invoice, fill in all necessary data:

ˆ Text - fill in what you are invoicing or are being invoiced

ˆ Items - add items both from scratch and from storage (see the Storage
module for more information)

ˆ Contact - either select a contact from this account’s contacts, or press the
+ button to create a new contact

ˆ Subtype - you can categorize your incomes/expenses here. See Preferences

for customizing this list

ˆ Due Date - by clicking on the alarm button, you can add a reminder to
your calendar (OS X only)

ˆ Advance Bills - edit advance bills tied to this invoice here

ˆ Custom Fields - sometimes it is convenient to track custom data with

invoices. You can set up your own custom fields in preferences.

A few tips (most of these apply to other modules as well):

ˆ Printing - on OS X, use the Print button. On iOS, swipe the invoice

(or advance bill) right to display a print button

ˆ Sections - on iOS, each section is collapsable - you can collapse and

expand it by tapping the section header

ˆ Duplicating and Renaming - you can duplicate and rename invoices

and their items by swiping them left (iOS), or via the gear button (OS

ˆ Deleting - on iOS, swipe left to display the delete button

3.1 Color Coding
The list of invoices is color coded and contains icons that indicate the invoice
status. Red invoices are unpaid, blue invoices contains items from which invest-
ments have been made (see Investments). Aside from the color, the row contains
some icons:

ˆ X icon indicates an unpaid invoice, but the due date is still in the future

ˆ warning icon indicates that the invoice is unpaid and overdue

ˆ tick icon indicates that the invoice has been paid

ˆ percentage icon indicates that the invoice is partially paid - this happens
when some of the advance bills are paid, but the invoice itself isn’t marked
as paid

3.2 Invoice Book (OS X)

On OS X, you can easily view all your invoices and filter them. Invoices with
a downward arrow are received invoices, invoices with an upward arrow are sent
invoices. To select the invoice, click on the arrow button at the very end of the

3.3 Job Offers
This module allows you to create preliminary documents with a cost estimate
that you can give to your potential customers. After that you can create an
invoice directly from here.

4. Printing
UctoX supports printing of nearly all documents that it can generate. The print
button is always in the top-right corner on OS X, or can be displayed when you
swipe the row right on iOS. Alternatively, you can find it in the invoice’s detail
on iPhones.
When you click Print, a print setup is displayed. Often, the document can be
printed several ways, for example a sent invoice can be printed as an invoice or a
delivery note - that’s the first option in the dialog.
UctoX comes pre-filled with several print template styles which you can choose
from. Alternatively, you can create your own template (OS X only). The ”De-
fault” option will use the default template - you can set one of your own templates
as default. The ”Basic” option will use the Basic template style.
You can also choose to print in a different language.
Both OS X and iOS versions support previewing the document, saving it as
PDF or sending it directly to the printer (see attached screen shots).

5. Other Modules
5.1 Bank Statements
You can enter your bank statements here. Do not add your invoice here!
Add invoices to the invoices module, not here, otherwise they would be counted
twice. Only enter items from your bank statement that are not invoices.
On OS X, you can import bank statements from GPC and ABO formats.

5.2 Cash Register

If you deal with cash, enter your operations here. Just as with bank statements,
do not add invoices paid in cash here!

5.3 Storage
Maintain your storage digitally here. You can add items to the storage from
invoice items, create invoice items from storage items, etc.
Even if you don’t have a physical storage, it can be useful to add items as
services here - e.g. you can create a storage item ”an hour of work”, mark it as
”Service”, which allows you to easily add it to your invoices.

5.4 Investments
This is the only module that doesn’t allow you to create items. You can on-
ly create investments from received invoices, bank statements and cash register
receipts. Only items with larger sums are allowed.

5.5 Journey Log

Keep track of your business trips.

5.6 Printing (OS X)

On OS X, you can mass-print all invoices, for example, overviews of your income,
expense, or the entire cashflow, etc.

6. Preferences
To get to the account preferences, select them within the module list on iOS, or
select UctoX 2 - Preferences... in the menu bar on OS X.

6.1 General
General preferences - enter your personal/company details here and set up your
bank accounts here as well. You can also change or disable the account password

6.2 Subtypes
As mentioned before, you can categorize your income and expenses. There are
totally 17 categories that are fixed (6 for income, 11 for expenses), but you can
further subtype them here. For example, say you run a shop that also does
repairs. You can then split the Taxable income into two subtypes: Shop and
Repairs. This allows you to easily identify how much of your income is from the
shop and how much is from the repairs.

6.3 Custom Fields

Custom fields allow you to create custom invoice fields. For example, if you run a
car repair shop, you may want to track the vehicle details. Simply add ”License
Plate” custom field and you can then access it and fill it in invoices.

6.4 Advanced
Here are miscellaneous options, mostly for printing. You can set your company’s
logo, stamp and signature here, change the default template style, or switch
between paper sizes (A4 and US Letter are the only currently supported paper

7. Print Editor (OS X)
You can create your own print templates here. To start, press the + button and
select the template type (default is Invoice). If you want to make this template
the default template, press ”Make Default”. If you want to undo this and make
the built-in default template default, press ”Make Default Template Default”.
If you want to start from scratch, you can start drag-and-dropping elements
from the element list onto the ”paper”. If you just want to modify the default
template, press ”Default Template...” on the right and confirm the dialog.
Notice other buttons in this toolbar, mostly for rearranging elements and
duplicating them; or mass-changing a font in the template.
If you have two overlapping elements, you can right-click them and UctoX
will display a menu for you to select the one you want with ease.

While editing, keep in mind that if you want to use the template on
iOS, you need to use a font that is available on iOS! The list of fonts
available on iOS can be found at
Most of the elements don’t need any explanation, but the Text element likely
needs one:

7.1 Text Element

The Text element can contain static text, but also several placeholders that can be
entered using the Insert Placeholder button. These placeholders will be replaced
by information from the printed document (green placeholders), preferences (pur-
ple placeholders), or are just general placeholders that contain value depending
on the document type.

8. Troubleshooting
8.1 iCloud
If you are having an issue with iCloud sync, follow these steps:

ˆ Select one device with consistent data.

ˆ Make sure that UctoX 2 isn’t running on any devices. On iOS devices,
double-click the Home button and quit UctoX 2 by swiping it up on the
app list, if listed.

ˆ On all other devices, uninstall UctoX 2. On OS X, do so by going to

Launchpad, finding UctoX 2, holding down the Option key and clicking on
the X button in the top-left corner of the icon. On iOS, do so by holding
down the app icon for a few seconds and then tapping on the X button in
the top-left corner of the icon.

ˆ Delete iCloud data. If you are on OS X, go to System Preferences - iCloud

- Manage... - select UctoX 2 in the app list and click Delete Documents and
Data. If you are on iOS, go to the Settings app - iCloud - Storage - Manage
Storage - Documents and Data - Show All - UctoX 2 - Edit - Delete All.

ˆ Open UctoX 2 on the device you selected in step 1, sign into your account
and wait for a few minutes to get it synchronized. Afterwards, install and
open UctoX 2 on your other devices and wait for the account to show up.

8.2 Debug Log

Debug log is a file that is created by UctoX 2 that includes technical information
that occurrs behind the scenes. By default, the debug logging is off, since it’s not
I may ask you to send me such a file from time to time and here is how.

8.2.1 OS X
On OS X, in the menu bar, go to Debug menu and make sure that the ”Debug
Logging” menu item is ticked (i.e. debug logging is on). If you are troubleshooting
iCloud sync, please, quit and relaunch UctoX 2 (it logs some iCloud information
on launch). Now perform the tasks that cause the trouble. When you’re done,
disable debug logging in the Debug menu. In the same menu, select Show Debug
Log... - which will select the log file in Finder. In your email client, create a new
email message to and attach the file to your report.
If you are troubleshooting iCloud sync, leave the app running for a little while (a
few minutes) before disabling debug logging and sending us the report.

8.2.2 iOS
On iOS, when you launch UctoX 2, you can find a Help button in the top-right
corner. Click on it and enable debug logging. If you are troubleshooting iCloud
sync, please, quit and relaunch UctoX 2 (it logs some iCloud information on
launch). To do so, double-click the Home button on your device and swipe-up to
quit the app. Now perform the tasks that cause the trouble. When you’re done,
disable debug logging in the Help menu. In the same menu, select Send Debug
Log... - which will compose a new email message to be sent, including the debug
log. If you are troubleshooting iCloud sync, leave the app running for a little
while (a few minutes) before disabling debug logging and sending us the report.

8.3 Crash Reporting

They say that there is no such thing as a perfect piece of software. As much as
we developers try, amongst those thousands of lines of code that stand behind
an app, there’s almost always some tiny flaw that will cause the app to quit
unexpectedly under certain circumstances. In order to fix that I need to see the
crash log and to know what were the circumstances under which the application
crashed (i.e. what were you doing that particular moment that led to the crash).
To send me the crash report, start a new email in the Mail app, addressed
to, explain the circumstances under which the app
crashed and then drag the icon from the ”unexpectedly quit” dialog to the email
window using your mouse as illustrated on the image below. That’s it!
If you can’t find the icon in the title bar, or the window looks different, click
on the Report... button first.


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