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graduate studies

your mind, our mentors

Applied Health Sciences Arts Engineering Environment Mathematics Science

University of


best overall
C a n a d a s m o s t In n o v a tI v e U nI vers Ity | top leaders of tomorro W
Canadian university reputation survey, Macleans magazine

Imagine a university that embraces innovation and cutting-edge research by some of the most driven graduate students and supportive, award-winning faculty in Canada. Imagine a university where Bill Gates says he finds the best talent in the world; one that fosters a diverse offering of disciplines, from philosophy to kinesiology, from tourism to electric power engineering. Imagine a university on a spacious campus located in a beautiful, welcoming city that boasts numerous parks, sports facilities, museums, restaurants and shopping destinations.
Imagine yourself at the University of Waterloo.

global malnutrition.


Waterloos ranking in Macleans magazine


When you ask Sue Horton what her field of expertise is, she could take her pick. Horton is an economist and holds the Centre for International Governance Innovation Chair in Global Health Economics at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. She is also cross-appointed to the University of Waterloos Department of Health Studies and Gerontology. In international health circles, Horton is a key advocate of micronutrients vitamin A, zinc, iron, iodine and folic acid to combat


external research funding in 2008/09

buildings with wireless capabilities

Hortons primary role at Waterloo is as the universitys first Associate Provost of Graduate Studies, a newly established position at Waterloo to emphasize the facilitative role of the Graduate Studies Office (GSO) that she heads. Horton is excited by the opportunity to lead Waterloos Graduate Studies and is interested in trying to make things better. There are big directives in Waterloos Sixth Decade Plan, says Horton on the 2006 document that guides Waterloo from here to 2017, that has much to say about graduate study. The first directive? Increasing graduate enrolment to 8,000 by 2017, nearly doubling the present number. That will include 5,000 students in research programs at the PhD and masters levels, and 3,000 in professional and course-based masters programs. Numbers being an economists passion, Horton is up for the challenge. Second? Internationalization of graduate programs. The goal is 30 per cent of student enrolment, which is pretty ambitious. But besides bringing more students from outside Canada into graduate work at Waterloo, the Plan calls for giving international experience to Canadian students wherever possible. I do international work myself, so Im a big believer, says Horton. And third? Continuing to improve the graduate student experience. To that end, Horton says, the first priority is funding, particularly Waterloos commitment to a guaranteed annual income for all full-time students in research-based graduate programs. Waterloo currently offers funding to all incoming full-time PhD students during their first three years of study. Horton looks forward to guaranteeing financial support to full-time research masters level students in the coming years as well. Growing graduate studies is not without its challenges,
Professor: Sue Horton Student: Jilan Yang


Industry Research Chairs


Canada Research Chairs

987 and growing

full-time professors

graduate students today

graduate students expected by 2017

graduate programs



but Horton is inspired, and points to the exceptional faculty members at Waterloo who will help to make these goals attainable. This brochure highlights exceptional faculty members and their students. It is mentorship by the faculty that allows students to do really great, life-altering research to expand your mind to capitalize on the Waterloo experience.

print and electronic serials available at Waterloo libraries

on-campus libraries

applied health
faculty of

stroke of brilliance
With stroke affecting more than 50,000 Canadians and costing $2.7 billion in health care costs each year, its no wonder were looking to innovative solutions. But it will take a multidisciplinary research approach to make headway. Luckily University of Waterloo professors and students are leading the way.

It takes a certain kind of professor to inspire students to follow him, especially if that means to another city and another university. But thats exactly what happened when Richard Staines left his former school and took a position as Canada Research Chair in Sensorimotor Control and assistant professor at the University of Waterloo. A few months later, Alison Smith, one of his former undergraduate and masters students, joined him to continue her own work on the effects of bimanual or two-handed training in stroke victims. Now in her final year of PhD candidacy in the Department of Kinesiology, shes glad she made the leap. After so much time working together, theres a lot of give-and-take in the relationship. I have a lot of input into where my work is going. Meanwhile, hes making sure I stay on the right path, she says of Stainess mentoring and assistance. Staines, along with other University of Waterloo professors, is a core scientist in the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontarios Centre for Stroke Recovery, a virtual institute affiliated with Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. They study how the central nervous system network adapts following a brain injury. We really want to understand what it is that is changing the way the brain is representing information, he says, excitedly describing Smiths project that uses a videogame-like machine to entice subjects to move their wrists while electrodes record brain activity. I couldnt imagine a better job. And Smith cant imagine a better place to be than at Waterloo to finish her studies. In the past five years there has been an exceptional expansion in neurosciences with more hirings, links out to the community, and collaborative groups between kineseology, core biology, psychology and clinical disciplines something rare at other schools. Im learning the broad spectrum of neuroscience instead of just concentrating on my own research, says Smith. As a student, I really appreciate that.
DEGREES: Health Studies and Gerontology (HSG) MSc, PhD HSG (Aging, Health, and Well-being) PhD HSG (Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience) PhD HSG (Work and Health) PhD Kinesiology (KIN) MSc, PhD KIN (Aging, Health, and Well-being) PhD KIN (Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience) PhD KIN (Work and Health) PhD Public Health MPH Recreation and Leisure Studies (RLS) MA, PhD RLS (Aging, Health, and Well-being) PhD RLS (Tourism Policy and Planning) MA RLS (Work and Health) PhD KEy AREAS of RESEARCH: aging, health, and well-being behavioural and cognitive neuroscience biomechanics health behaviour health biology (biohealth) health informatics leisure behaviour and cultural resources management of recreation and leisure services physiology and nutrition population health public health psychomotor behaviour recreation and leisure resources tourism policy and planning work and health WHy WATERLoo foR GRADUATE STUDIES IN APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES? Every full-time student in the faculty is guaranteed to receive a teaching assistantship, research assistantship, and/or scholarship. In recent years, over 30% of our students have acquired valuable external scholarships. Applied Health Sciences faculty members are national and world leaders with very high levels of research funding and wellequipped facilities to support your research goals. you can gain intensive specialization while benefiting from active collaborations and multidisciplinary approaches to the study of health and well-being. 10 research centres/groups, such as the Research Institute for Aging, provide opportunities spanning from basic to applied research, and extensive community connections.

Professor: Richard Staines Student: Alison Smith

faculty of


world leaders
When the economy takes a plunge, most people would consider that very dire news. But for some students studying International Affairs, tough times can be one of the greatest assets for learning.

While the global financial crisis has shaken financial institutions and undermined the confidence of their customers, it has provided a unique opportunity for PhD student Stefano Pagliari and his supervisor, Eric Helleiner (left). After Pagliari completed a masters degree at the London School of Economics, he came to Waterloo as one of the first cohort of students in the PhD program in Global Governance at the new Balsillie School of International Affairs. Looking back, Pagliari sees the timing of his arrival in September 2007 and the start of the economic meltdown as a lucky coincidence. Receiving a Balsillie Fellowship valued at $25,000 this year was an added bonus. He was keen to work with Helleiner. Not only is Helleiner well known for his research in governance of international finance, but, according to Pagliari, Eric has a certain way of approaching the discipline that I feel comfortable with. That comfort level has led to the two co-authoring a number of papers and to Pagliari helping organize two workshops on international financial regulation at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) at Waterloo. They are currently co-editing a book, Global Finance in Crisis, with a professor in Germany. Its my first experience as a co-author, says Pagliari, who outlined the process. We have very brief conversations and quick brainstorming sessions, frequent exchange of emails, and then bounce drafts of papers back and forth. Usually Eric writes the first draft and I attack it with all the anger I can muster, he laughs. We work well together because we dont mind criticizing each other, Helleiner adds. What defines the Waterloo experience for Pagliari is the frequent interaction between student and supervisor. That continues even when Pagliari does a stint in New York as a visiting researcher at Columbia University. The ethos of the program is very much out in the world, academically oriented around practical world problems, says Helleiner. The small Global Governance PhD program, which admits just eight students each year, does allow greater interaction, he says, especially with the complementary nature of our interests. The program is looking to match incoming students to specific researchers, trying to make sure theres a very good fit.
Professor: Eric Helleiner Student: Stefano Pagliari

DEGREES: Accounting MAcc, PhD Anthropology (Public Issues) MA Applied Economics PhD Classical Studies (Ancient Mediterranean Cultures) MA Economics MA English PhD English (Literary Studies) MA English (Rhetoric and Communication Design) MA fine Arts (Studio Art) MfA french MA, PhD German MA, PhD Global Governance MA, PhD History MA, PhD Philosophy MA, PhD Political Science MA Psychology MA, MASc, PhD Psychology (Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience) PhD Psychology (Developmental Communication Science) MASc Religious Studies PhD Russian MA Sociology MA, PhD Taxation MTax GRADUATE DIPLoMAS: Business Information Technology (ACC) Cognitive Science (interdisciplinary) Information System Assurance (ACC) Taxation (ACC) Theoretical Neuroscience (interdisciplinary) WHy WATERLoo foR GRADUATE STUDIES IN ARTS? The faculty of Arts at Waterloo offers over 33 distinct graduate degree programs designed to respond to todays realworld needs. Many programs allow inter-university course options and offer co-op work opportunities. our research is enhanced by over 20 research centres housed within or closely affiliated with the faculty of Arts. We forge strong connections with business, government and other organizations to ensure successful knowledge mobilization to serve society. Arts is the largest faculty at Waterloo with over 7000 undergraduate and graduate students.

faculty of


fusion of minds
Jetting across the globe to conduct research in mechanical and mechatronics engineering could have caused some turbulence for one PhD student. But Waterloos collaborative environment, not to mention supportive faculty, makes building the future one smooth ride.

Next time you read about green vehicles scheduled to roll off the lots, take a moment to think about the engineers driving the trend. Ali Najafi Sohi believes his PhD research at Waterloo will help reduce emissions and improve the efficiency of the next generation of internal combustion engines. How? Hes developing a multifunctional micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) sensor for continuous in-cylinder monitoring of internal combustion engines. Not only must they be designed to withstand the high pressures and temperatures of combustion gases, the multifunctional MEMS sensor needs to be batch fabricated and reasonably priced. Although the technology is somewhat complicated, Sohis decision to attend Waterloo was not. After completing a masters degree in mechanical engineering at Sharif University of Technology in Iran, Sohi approached Waterloo mechanical and mechatronics engineering professor Patricia Nieva because her work with MEMS sensors seemed to reflect his own interests. After a few phone conversations, Nieva accepted Sohi into her Harsh Environments MEMS group, where he is co-supervised by Amir Khajepour. I measure by results and this is very fast-paced research, says Nieva. I need to have a device that works within two years. To get the job done, she encourages students in her group to collaborate with each other and broaden their knowledge of MEMS rather than focusing only on one project. Its a very multidisciplinary topic, and I wish them to become multidisciplinary MEMS engineers, she says. Although a female professor has never directly supervised him, Sohi is delighted with their working relationship. In weekly meetings, Nieva encourages discussion, and, if necessary, helps find a bypass for problems. They are also collaborating on papers, two of which were accepted for prestigious ASME and IEEE conferences. For her part, Nieva finds Sohi a wonderful student. Hes very creative and selfmotivated. Hes always thinking about new ideas, and is responsible and dependable. You can count on him. The two even share outside interests such as good food and some cultural common ground. The best thing, says Sohi, is that I am really friends with her. I can even consult with her on matters unrelated to research. Originally from Peru, Nieva knows what
Student: Ali Najafi Sohi Professor: Patricia Nieva GRADUATE DIPLoMAS: Electric Power Engineering (ECE) GRADUATE CERTIfICATES: Computer Networking and Security (ECE) Design (MME) fire Safety (MME) Green Energy (MME) Management Engineering (ECE/MSCI) Software Engineering (ECE) Sustainable Energy (ECE) KEy AREAS of RESEARCH: automotive systems biotechnology and health engineering nanotechnology sustainable energy water resources wireless communications WHy WATERLoo foR GRADUATE STUDIES IN ENGINEERING? More than 1,600 exceptional people like you study with world-renowned experts and conduct leading-edge research in our advanced facilities. Scholarships, assistantships and other funding opportunities are available to reward outstanding students. In 2008, 52 of Canadas NSERC awards went to Waterloo Engineering graduate students. In 2008/2009 Waterloo Engineering attracted $47.3 million in research funding. DEGREES: Architecture MArch Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology MBET Chemical Engineering (CE) MASc, MEng, PhD CE (Nanotechnology) MASc, PhD Civil Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD Civil Engineering (Infrastructure Systems) MEng Civil Engineering (Nuclear Engineering) MEng Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) MASc, MEng, PhD ECE (Electric Power Engineering) MEng ECE (Nanotechnology) MASc, PhD ECE (Software Engineering) MASc Management Sciences (MS) MASc, MMSc, PhD MS (Management of Technology) MMSc Mechanical Engineering (ME) MASc, MEng, PhD ME (Design and Manufacturing) MEng ME (Nanotechnology) MASc, PhD Systems Design Engineering (SDE) MASc, MEng, PhD SDE (Nanotechnology) MASc, PhD

its like to be far from home. In my research team, we are all friends and Im concerned about how they do personally, as well as academically. The departments a friendly environment; students wont feel isolated here.

faculty of


hot topic
Its not your imagination. Climate change dialogue is heating up. And when it comes to linking global warming, tourism and the environment, the University of Waterloos graduate programs in environment provide unparalleled leadership in the field and mentorship to its students.

When shes not publishing papers or giving presentations on the impact of global warming on tourism, you might find Jackie Dawson bumping over northern Manitobas vast ice fields on a tundra buggy searching for polar bears. Theyre the icon of climate change, she says simply. As a growing heap of research shows, climate change when you consider its multifaceted derivations, outcomes and responses is hardly a simple topic. And Dawson, a University of Waterloo PhD student in the Faculty of Environments Department of Geography and Environmental Management, knows shes incredibly fortunate to have the support and ear of her supervisor, Daniel Scott, to help her wade through it all. Right from the beginning, Dawson says, shes always felt at ease discussing her PhD topic climate change and the New England ski industry with Scott, associate professor and a Canada Research Chair in Global Change and Tourism who is also the chair of the joint World Meteorological Organization World Tourism Organization Expert Team on Climate and Tourism. Hes a dream of an advisor, providing funding, writing joint papers and showing enthusiasm for her ideas. But it wasnt until last year that she realized how coveted his expertise and time really were. At conferences other PhD students told her they were jealous she was working with Scott. A student from Spain flew to Canada just to work with him for a week. Thats when I realized, Gee, Im lucky I can just walk down the hall and talk to him whenever I want, she says now. For his part, Scott says hes happy to pass the torch to the next generation of academics, just as Waterloo professors Geoff Wall and Geoff McBoyle, pioneers in climate change and tourism, did for him when he was a masters student at Waterloo. We have an international reputation for being leaders in this field and its great that we get to keep it going, he says. Dawson says Scotts support of her work will leave its mark for years. He is making me a better academic, a better writer, a better researcher and I will eventually be a better supervisor to my own students.
DEGREES: Environment and Resource Studies MES, PhD Geography MA, MES, MSc, PhD Global Governance MA, PhD Local Economic Development MAES Planning MA, MAES, MES, PhD Tourism Policy and Planning MES KEy AREAS of RESEARCH: adaptations and hazards advocacy climate change conservation of biotic areas earth systems sciences ecological sciences environment and health environmental informatics (geomatics, GIS) infrastructure and transportation policy and governance physical geographic sciences regional analysis resource management science-policy-governance interface sustainable community planning sustainable local economic development urban design WHy WATERLoo foR GRADUATE STUDIES IN ENVIRoNMENT? over 40 years of experience researching and advancing the study of the environment our graduates create tomorrows smart, green solutions. The small size of this faculty, 280 graduate students, means youll have lots of opportunity to interact one-onone with your advisor and other experts. 14 research centres and groups you can connect with to further develop your research. Gain first-hand experience in our research facilities Ecology lab, GIS labs, Hydrology lab, Restoration Ecology lab. one of the few Canadian universities granting the Master of Applied Environmental Studies (MAES) and Master of Environmental Studies (MES) degrees.
Professor: Daniel Scott Student: Jackie Dawson

faculty of


a model team
Todays industrial-sized problems require savvy mathematical models. Good thing Waterloos Mathematics professors and students are pushing the boundaries of innovation to prove once and for all that, yes, success can be simulated.

Computational math the bridge between mathematics and computer science could lead to big breakthroughs in the field of cell biology. At least thats the hypothesis of Justin Wan, a computer science professor who holds the Canada Research Chair in Scientific Computing, and Laura Bradbury, a masters student he is supervising. Biologists want to study cell behaviour, what makes them grow and die, says Wan. Understanding how cancer cells respond to different drugs and chemicals, for example, could lead to better treatments. If researchers take photos of cells every five minutes over a period of time, they can end up with thousands of images illustrating change over time. So how to track and understand the significance of those images? By putting their heads together and using massive amounts of computer power Wan and Bradbury believe they can help medical researchers get a better grip on this type of data. Valedictorian of her undergraduate math class at Waterloo, Bradbury was thinking of pursuing a masters degree when Wan offered her the project, Segmentation of brightfield cell images. With the help of an NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award and funding from the math faculty, Bradbury began her studies in the summer. By the following spring, the pair had already published their first paper together, along with researchers from McGill University and the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. Not a bad first step toward her goal of developing a mathematical model to locate a single cell and track it through a series of images. The next step will involve implementing algorithms to identify individual cells. For Bradbury, computational math offers a means to pursue her love of both mathematics and computers not to mention the ability to work on something that will touch real people. I appreciate that the work could have some real world application. Thats the really nice thing about the project, she says. Wan says part of his role as a graduate student supervisor boils down to simple motivation. When some students drift away from their goals, get stuck or lose interest, he reminds them of the academic and societal importance of their work. For their part, students keep him engaged too. Its fun working with Laura, he says. She has gained a lot of insight
Professor: Justin Wan Student: Laura Bradbury DEGREES: Actuarial Science MActSc, MMath, PhD Applied Mathematics MMath, PhD Biostatistics MMath, PhD Computational Mathematics MMath Combinatorics and optimization MMath, PhD Computer Science MMath, PhD Pure Mathematics MMath, PhD Quantitative finance MQf Statistics MMath, PhD KEy AREAS of RESEARCH: actuarial science algebra and logic algorithms and complexity analysis and functional equations artificial intelligence bioinformatics biostatistics control theory cryptography databases and text management differential equations and dynamical systems fluid mechanics geometry and topology graph theory graphics and human/computer interfaces mathematical physics networks and distributed systems number theory programming languages quantitative finance quantum computing scientific and statistical computing statistics WHy WATERLoo foR GRADUATE STUDIES IN MATHEMATICS AND CoMPUTER SCIENCE? youll find the largest concentration of researchers in the mathematical and computing sciences in North America. over 500 graduate students and 200 professors, 19 of whom are recognized with research chairs. NSERC funding awarded to Waterloo mathematics faculty researchers is significantly above the national average. Strong connections to industry bring exciting applied research opportunities for faculty and graduate students.

into the project and contributes ideas. We learn together.

faculty of


an ocean of opportunity
Quick. How many photosynthetic organisms can you name? Biologists at the University of Waterloo are not only naming algae, but discovering them and even using molecular data to determine how the organisms are related. No easy task.

You would think that when Kirsten Mller walks up to an airport customs agent, she might have some explaining to do. After all, the associate professor and Biology Core Facility Manager at Waterloo is often approaching the desk with bags full of algae. But Mller, a phycologist who has picked up samples in as far-flung places as Europe, Africa, the Arctic and New Zealand, has a surprising loophole on her side. They dont care at the border because algae is not a plant. They just look at me and say, Youve got algae. Okay, go on through, she says laughing. Michael Lynch, her PhD student, gets the joke. He too has travelled Canada and beyond collecting samples from rivers, ponds and oceans, taking them back to the lab so the team can identify, isolate and study rare and new species. Understanding photosynthetic organisms is important for environmental reasons think water quality, biofuel, pollution control and even food sources but also because it is a fascinating component of evolutionary research. That fascination with algaes complex background was what first drew Lynch to explore Waterloo as the place to conduct his PhD studies. But it was his initial contact with Mller that sealed the deal. After ranking 10 relevant professors in Canada and one in the U.S., Lynch shot off an email to Mller his number one choice. He was amazed by her quick and friendly response. Within 10 minutes of sending the first email, I had an appointment. That told me she was actively recruiting and probably had a good relationship with her students, says Lynch now. She does. In the first year it was offered, Mller won the prestigious Dr. Jack Carlson Award for Teaching Excellence, an award that reflects how students feel about her open door policy and student-focused supportive style. In fact, she even encouraged Lynch to teach two of her undergraduate courses when she was on sabbatical. He has also guest lectured graduate courses and conducts research with international groups. Mller says Lynchs work on the evolution of ancient red algae is cutting edge and influencing the future of algae research. Michael is going to be extremely marketable in the
Professor: Kirsten Mller Student: Michael Lynch DEGREES: Biology MSc, PhD Biology (Nanotechnology) MSc, PhD Chemistry MSc, PhD Chemistry (Nanotechnology) MSc, PhD Earth Sciences MSc, PhD Physics MSc, PhD Physics (Nanotechnology) MSc, PhD Vision Science MSc, PhD KEy AREAS of RESEARCH: analytical chemistry animal physiology aquatic biology astrophysics and gravitation atomic, molecular and optical physics biochemistry biomedical ocular research biotechnology chemical physics condensed matter and material physics contact lenses developmental biology genomics geochemistry and hydrogeology immunology inorganic chemistry low vision rehabilitation microbiology molecular biology nanotechnology organic chemistry plant physiology quantum computing subatomic physics WHy WATERLoo foR GRADUATE STUDIES IN SCIENCE? The faculty of Science at Waterloo is one of Canadas leading institutions for graduate studies. In keeping with our hands-on philosophy, many programs incorporate practical experience through industry-related research projects, field work, practicums, or internships. Some programs are also available through the co-op system. our reputation for excellence and innovation provides our graduate students an edge in a competitive world. Many have gone on to promising careers in business, industry, and government along with major universities in Canada and around the world.

end, says Mller. I feel really good about that.

programs/areas of
Accounting MAcc, PhD
Empirical/Archival Accounting Research Judgement and Decision-Making Research

Catholic Thought MCT

Roman Catholic Theology

Earth Sciences MSc, PhD

Aqueous and Organic Hydrogeochemistry Environmental Sciences Hydrogeology Isotope Hydrology and Geochemistry Solid Earth Sciences Water Cycle Modelling

Actuarial Science MActSc, MMath, PhD

Credibility and Ruin Theory Demography Funding of Pension Plans Investments Risk Theory Stochastic Modeling

Chemical Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD

Biochemical and Biomedical Engineering Green Reaction Energy Interfacial Phenomena, Colloids and Porous Media Nanotechnology Polymer Science and Engineering Process Control, Statistics and Optimization Separation Processes

Economics MA, PhD

Applied Economics Economics of Technology and Management Public Economics

Aging, Health, and Well-being PhD

Alzheimer Research and Education Cardiovascular Disease and Cognitive Impairment Functional Abilities and Falls Prevention Health Services Research Assessment Healthy Lifestyles and Slowing the Aging Process Research Translation to the Continuum of Care

Chemistry MSc, PhD

Analytical Chemistry Biochemistry Inorganic Chemistry Nanotechnology Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Polymer Chemistry Theoretical Chemistry

Electrical and Computer Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD

Antennas and Microwaves Circuits and VSLI Communication and Information Systems Computer Hardware and Software Engineering Mechatronics and Controls Nanotechnology and Silicon Devices Power and Sustainable Energy Quantum Computing and Photonics

Anthropology (Public Issues) MA

Archaeology Physical and Medical Anthropology Socio-cultural Anthropology (Governance, Public Discourse and Expressive Culture)

Civil Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD

Environmental and Water Resource Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Nuclear Engineering Structures, Mechanics and Construction Engineering Transportation Engineering

English MA, PhD

Communication Design Critical Media Studies Digital Media Historical and Contemporary Literary Studies Literary Theory and Discourse Analysis Rhetoric (literary and visual)

Applied Mathematics MMath, PhD

Control Theory Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Fluid Mechanics Quantum Theory Relativity and Cosmology Scientific Computation

Classical Studies
(Ancient Mediterranean Cultures) MA Ancient Cultures and Economies of the Mediterranean Basin Ancient Languages and Literature, Philosophy and Religion Roman, Greek and Near Eastern Archaeology and Art

Environment and Resource Studies MES, PhD

Ecological Restoration and Rehabilitation Human and Environment Relations Local and Global Governance for Sustainability Sectoral Issues and Options (e.g. energy, water) Sustainable Communities/Sustainable Societies Sustainable Social and Biophysical Systems

Architecture MArch
Armatures and Envelopes Cultural Design Digital Design Small Buildings Urban Design

Combinatorics and optimization MMath, PhD

Algebraic Combinatorics Continuous Optimization Cryptology Discrete Optimization Graph Theory Quantum Computing

fine Arts (Studio Art) MFA

Drawing Electronic Imaging Painting Sculpture

Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience PhD

Brain Structure and Activity Relationship Electrophysiological Methods for Recording Neuronal Activity Human Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology Integrated and Adaptive Behavioural Responses Study of Large Neuronal Systems in the Orchestration of Behaviour programs/phd/behavioural

Computational Mathematics MMath

Computational Optimization Computational Statistics Discrete Computational Mathematics Machine Learning Numerical Methods Scientific Computing

french MA, PhD

Cultural Studies in a Francophone Context Early Modern French Literary Studies and Theory Electronic Archiving, Editing and Publishing

Biology MSc, PhD

Animal Biology Bioinformatics Environmental Biology Microbiology Nanotechnology Plant Biology

Geography MA, MES, PhD

Development and Environments Earth System Sciences Geomatics

Computer Science MMath, PhD

Algorithms and Complexity Artificial Intelligence Bioinformatics Databases and Text Management Graphics and User Interfaces Networks and Distributed Systems Programming Languages Scientific and Statistical Computing Software Engineering Symbolic Computation

German MA, PhD

Applied Linguistics/Second Language Acquisition Classical German Literature German Film Studies Literary and Cultural Theories Literatures of the Weimar Republic and Post-WWII

Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology MBET

Commercialization of Emerging Technologies Innovation and Entrepreneurship New Venture Creation Social Entrepreneurship 14

Global Governance MA, PhD
Conflict and Security Global Environment Global Justice and Human Rights Global Political Economy Multilateral Institutions and Diplomacy

GRoWING LIST of INNoVATIVE PRofESSIoNAL PRoGRAMS: Master of Accounting MAcc Master of Actuarial Science MActSci Master of Applied Environmental Studies in Planning MAES Master of Architecture MArch Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology MBET Master of Engineering MEng Master of Public Health MPH Master of Quantitative finance MQf Master of Taxation MTax

Philosophy MA, PhD

Metaphysics and Epistemology Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science Philosophy of Technological and Scientific Developments Theoretical Ethics and Moral Psychology

Religious Studies PhD

Ethnicity and Religious Diversity Religious Diversity in North America Socio-cultural Approaches

Health Studies and Gerontology MSc, PhD

Aging, Health, and Well-being Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience Behavioural Research and Program Evaluation Biostatistics and Health Informatics Cancer Prevention Human Nutrition and Chronic Disease Intervention and Prevention Strategies Population Health

Physics MSc, PhD

Astrophysics and Gravitation Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Biophysics Chemical Physics Condensed Matter and Material Physics Industrial and Applied Physics Nanotechnology Quantum Computing Subatomic Physics

Russian MA
Belarusian and Croatian Studies Comparative Literature and Literary Theory Memoir and Album Literature Russian Literature (Medieval to Contemporary) Russian Folklore, Drama and Lyrical Prose

Sociology MA, PhD

Industry, Work and Leisure Self, Culture and Society Social Inequality Theory and Methodology Work and Technology

History MA, PhD

Canadian, American and Modern European History Gender, Women and Family Global History, Cold War History Historiography Race, Class, Imperialism and Slavery Science, Medicine and Technology War and Society

Planning MA, MAES, MES, PhD

Decision Support Tools and Analysis and Planning Environmental Planning Heritage Planning Infrastructure Planning Strategic Planning Sustainable Community Planning Urban Design

Statistics MMath, PhD

Biostatistics Quantitative Finance Statistics and Computing

Kinesiology MSc, PhD

Aging, Health, and Well-being Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience Biomechanics Neural Mechanisms and Determinants of Human Motor Behaviour Physiology and Nutrition Work and Health

Political Science MA
Bioethics and Contemporary Political Theory Canadian State and Society Conflict and Conflict Resolution Gender Politics and Interest Group Politics Globalization and International Relations Political Economy and Politics of Developing Areas

Systems Design Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD

Ergonomics, Human Factors and Biomedical Engineering Modelling and Simulation Nanotechnology Pattern Analysis, Machine Intelligence and Robotics Signal and Image Processing Societal and Environmental Systems Engineering Software Engineering and Optimization Software Systems Theory

Psychology MA, MASc, PhD

Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience Clinical Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Communication Science Developmental Psychology Health Psychology Industrial/Organizational Psychology Social Psychology

Local Economic Development MAES

Business, International and Sustainable Development Entrepreneurship (Private and Social) Human and Social Capital Local, Community, or Regional Economic Development Strategic Economic Planning

Taxation MTax
Canadian Income Tax

Theological Studies MTS

Christian Theological Traditions

Management Sciences MASc, MMSc, PhD

Energy Health-Care Management Human-Computer Interaction Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management of Technology Optimization

Tourism Policy and Planning MA, MES

International Tourism Sustainable Tourism Development Tourism and the Environment Tourism as a Force for Local Economic Development

Public Health MPH

Disease Prevention Environmental Health Health Promotion/Protection Policy, Planning, Evaluation Social Determinants of Health

Vision Science MSc, PhD

Biomedical Ocular Research Contact Lenses Low Vision Rehabilitation Optometric Education and Practice Visual Development and Refractive Correction Vision and Ophthalmic Standards

Mechanical Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD

Design and Manufacturing Fluid Mechanics Green Energy Mechatronics Research Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering Solid Bodies, Mechanics and Mechanical Design Thermal Engineering and Fire Behvaviour

Pure Mathematics MMath, PhD

Algebra and Logic Analysis and Functional Equations Geometry and Topology Number Theory

Quantitative finance MQF

Computer Intensive Methods for Stochastic Models of Finance Finance Econometrics

Work and Health PhD

Epidemiology of Workplace Injury, Illness and Disease Interventions to Reduce Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Return to Workplace Risk Management and Disease Prevention Social Determinants of Occupational Injury and Illness Work-leisure-family Balance

Nanotechnology MASc, MSc and PhD

Biology Chemical Engineering Chemistry Electrical and Computer Engineering Mechanical Engineering Physics Systems Design Engineering

Recreation and Leisure Studies MA, PhD

Administration and Management of Services Aging, Health, and Well-being Leisure Behaviour and Cultural Studies Recreation and Leisure Resources Tourism Policy and Planning Work and Health


As an international student at the University of Waterloo, youre in good company. One-third of all graduate students come from over 90 nations around the world, making our multicultural campus welcoming to all. Our international students attend Waterloo for a high-quality education and the exceptional hands-on experience they receive through labs, research opportunities and our co-operative education system.

o n e o f t h e W o r l d s best C oUntr I es
Walk though the Waterloo campus and listen. Youll hear students speaking a variety of languages Cantonese, German, and Spanish, to name a few. Everyone is welcome in Canada, a safe country where people from many different ethnic backgrounds live peacefully together. Our education system is top-notch and our university degrees are recognized worldwide. No wonder the United Nations has consistently ranked Canada as one of the best countries in the world in which to live.

ad mI s s Io n r e qU I r e m ents
The minimum requirement for admission to a masters program is a four-year bachelors degree from an approved university or college. Some departments admit directly into the PhD program from a four-year bachelors degree, although most admit from the masters. Candidates must also demonstrate other superior qualifications, such as advanced research ability. Please see our International Admission Guide for a list of degree requirements and standings by country. Departments may set higher admission requirements. Please check with your chosen department or school for application deadline and additional application requirements. e n g lI s h l a n gUa g e r eqUI rements

If you were educated outside Canada in a country where English is not the official language, you will need to provide certification of English language proficiency. You will need these minimum test scores for admission: Paper-based ToEfL TWE Essay IB-ToEfL MELAB 85 IELTS 6.5 CAEL 70 CanTest 4.5

550 4.0 90 NOTE: Some departments may require higher scores.

I m p r o v e y oUr e n g lI sh
Whether youre ordering a coffee or commenting on the weather, day-to-day living is the best way to learn English quickly. But if you want extra practice to improve your Academic English skills, Renison University College offers two intensive language programs English for Success and English for Academic Success to develop spoken and written English.


onal students
sC h o l a r s hIp s a n d fI n a nC Ia l sU p port
Waterloo is committed to providing financial opportunities and support for international students. The main sources of funding are: International Graduate Student Awards, Waterloo scholarships, research studentships, research assistantships and teaching assistantships. Academic departments may offer guaranteed amounts at the time of admission. WATERLoo WEATHER: In Canada there are 4 distinct seasons: fall, winter, spring, and summer. Here are the typical weather conditions that you should expect in Waterloo. fALL: SEPTEMBER To DECEMBER It is usually warm at the beginning of September, but becomes cooler in the later months. WINTER: DECEMBER To MARCH Winters in Canada are usually quite cold, with regular snowfalls that leave from 5cm to 20cm of snow on the ground. SPRING: MARCH To JUNE Springs are usually mild and sunny, but can be cool and rainy at times. SUMMER: JUNE To SEPTEMBER Summers are usually very warm and sunny. The temperature rise and conditions can become hot, hazy and humid in July and August.

Int e r n a tIo n a l ma s t e r s s t U d e n t aW ard (I msa ) and In t e r n a tI o n a l d oC t o r a l s t U d e n t aW ard (I dsa)

The University of Waterloo provides awards specific to international students to offset the tuition fee costs. All full-time international students starting a masters research-based program receive an International Masters Student Award (IMSA) valued at $1,550 per term for two years. All full-time international students starting a PhD program receive an International Doctoral Student Award (IDSA) valued at $3,100 per term for three years. Students already receiving major external awards or sponsorship are not eligible.

h oW mU Ch W Il l It Co s t ?
International students pay tuition and incidental fees for each of the three academic terms: fall (September to December), winter (January to April) and spring (May to August). Here are approximate fees and expenses you can expect to pay (in Canadian dollars): Tuition and fees: Tuition* Incidentals and compulsory fees University Health Insurance Plan International Student Award reduction Total per term Living Expenses: Housing (rent, including heat and hydro) Food Books and supplies (varies by course and program) Other (transportation, entertainment, personal) Total per term Masters $5,238 $ 252 $ 252 $1,550 (-) $4,192 Masters $2,000 2,500 $1,400 1,800 $ 150 500 $1,000 1,200 $4,550 6,000 PhD $5,238 $ 252 $ 252 $3,100 (-) $2,642 PhD $2,000 2,500 $1,400 1,800 $ 150 500 $1,000 1,200 $4,550 6,000

*NOTE: Some programs may have higher fees.

s t Ud y p e r mIt
Every international student must have a Study Permit to study in Canada. Once you have been accepted into an academic program, apply for a Study Permit at a Canadian embassy, consulate or high commission in your home country. Dont wait until the last minute! Visit the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website to find out more. Int e r n a tIo n a l s t U d e n t o f fI Ce

The International Student Office offers a range of programs and services to help make your stay at Waterloo both enjoyable and academically fulfilling. Staff can help you with immigration issues, cultural adjustment, medical insurance, housing, and financial and academic advice. They host events designed to help you adjust to life in Canada, including orientation and English language programs.

scholarships, funding
Between attending seminars, researching, lab work, studying and defending a thesis, successful graduate study requires time and single-minded focus. Funding helps make that happen. The Graduate Studies Office works closely with departments to advertise, adjudicate and distribute awards to graduate students. In addition to government financial support and research grants, Waterloo offers a variety of internal and external awards.
p r e sI d e n t s gr a dU a t e sCholarsh Ip
The University of Waterloo Presidents Graduate Scholarship (PGS) celebrates outstanding academic achievement of graduate students. The PGS provides up to $10,000 each year in additional funding to students receiving tri-council (NSERC/SSHRC/CIHR) and provincial (OGS) competition-based scholarships. An awards reception to celebrate award recipients is organized each spring.

f e d e r a l a n d p r o vIn C I al g radU ate sC holarsh I p s

External Agency NSERC Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council SSHRC Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council CIHR Canadian Institutes of Health Research oGS Ontario Graduate Scholarship Value for 12 months $17,300 $35,000 $17,500 $35,000 $17,500 $30,000 $15,000 Website

Un I v e r sI t y o f W a t e r l oo sC holarsh I ps
Internal funding to support University of Waterloo graduate students includes bursaries, loans, and scholarships. Many of these funds are made possible through contributions by faculty, staff, retirees, students, alumni, corporate donors, foundations and the general public. Nominations for University of Waterloo Graduate Scholarships are submitted to the Graduate Studies Office (GSO) by academic departments, and are awarded to full-time graduate students with a first-class (80%) standing. The awards may be given as Graduate Entrance Scholarships, as Merit Scholarships, or as term scholarships and normally have a value between $1,000 and $3,000 per term. Other sources of funding processed through the GSO include: Maternity and Adoption Bursaries, Child Care Bursaries, Graduate Student Bursaries, Research Travel Assistantships and Doctoral Thesis-completion Awards.

re s e a rC h as s Is t a n t s hIps/ r esear Ch st U dentsh Ips

Research Assistantships and Research Studentships are offered at the time of admission by some academic departments.

t e aC h In g as s I s t a n t s hI ps
Various academic departments offer teaching assistantships to students interested in demonstrating, marking and instructing while carrying on graduate work. Teaching Assistantships are offered at the time of admission by some academic departments.

f U n dI n g f o r d oC t o r a l st U dents
Guaranteed financial support for doctoral students will be a minimum of $19,000 annually. This applies to the first three years of full-time enrolment in a PhD program.


and admissions requirements

Like the thousands of graduate students who call Waterloo home, the university has high expectations to drive academic excellence. The minimum requirement for admission to a masters program is a 75 per cent overall standing in the last two years of a four-year bachelors degree program from an approved university or college. Admission to a PhD program requires a 75 per cent overall standing in your previous degree. Candidates must also demonstrate other superior qualifications, such as advanced research ability. Some departments admit directly into the PhD program from a four-year bachelors degree, although most admit from the masters. Departments and faculties may set higher admission requirements. Please check with your chosen department or school for application deadlines and additional application requirements. Athletics and Recreation Career Services Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE) Child Care childcare/centres.html Graduate Student Association (GSA) Graduate Studies office (GSo) Health Services Housing and Residences Library office of Research Student Accounts students/stdfees.htm Virtual tour of Waterloo

yoUr g r a dU a t e s t U dIe s sU p e r vIs o r

The University of Waterloo is known for its exceptional and supportive graduate advisors. If your department requires you to select a potential supervisor when you apply for graduate studies, search the departmental website or on the Graduate Studies Office website: a pplI C a tI o n d e a d lIn e s

Application deadlines vary by department and program. Some departments only admit students for the fall term, while others admit students for fall, winter or spring terms. Check with the relevant department for its admission terms and application deadlines. International students may be required to apply earlier to allow for extra processing time.

hoW t o a p p l y
Applying to Graduate Studies at Waterloo is an easy two step process: 1. After researching the program you wish to apply to, go to Complete the on-line application and pay the application fee. 2. Within a few days of submitting your on-line application, you will receive an email from the University of Waterloo with instructions for using Applicant Quest (Waterloos self-service application system) to upload your application documents. This will include transcripts (courses, grades, degree certificates) from all postsecondary institutions attended and supplementary application materials. The materials might include test scores (English Language Proficiency, GRE), a resume, and statement of interest/supplementary information form.

NOTE: Academic departments make admission decisions and offers of financial support. The Graduate Studies Office grants official admission.


life in Wat
Are you looking for a city that boasts a thriving multicultural community with safe streets, plenty of green space, top-tier entertainment, museums, restaurants and shopping? Welcome to the city of Waterloo, an integral part of Canadas technology triangle.

With a population of 121,000, the city of Waterloo combines the advantages of a small community with easy access to metropolitan Toronto, Stratford Shakespeare Festival and the sandy beaches of the Great Lakes. Waterloo is known for its charming blend of urban and rural, so dont be surprised if you see cornfields and Old Order Mennonite buggies just minutes away from busy streets.

gr a dU a t e h o Us Ing
Located within walking distance to campus, Columbia Lake Village is a great place to call home. This residence community offers graduate students and those with families a comfortable, safe, and convenient residence while studying at Waterloo. Of course there are many off-campus options in Waterloo region to meet your needs and budget. gr a dU a t e s tU dent asso CIat Ion

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) advocates concerns to university administrators and external agencies, communicates regulations and operates the Graduate House. Occupying the original farmhouse of South Campus, the Grad House is the graduate student lounge and houses the office of the GSA. An exclusive Club, the Grad House offers a variety of services and activities that cater to the graduate student and university community. gr a dU a t e s tU dent resear Ch Conferen C e

Keep the spirit of graduate innovation alive and show off your work. The annual Graduate Student Research Conference encourages and fosters interdisciplinary research on campus and creates awareness of the research conducted by graduate students at Waterloo. Students have the option of an oral or poster presentation.


Montreal Ottawa


Starting or continuing your graduate studies sometimes means moving to a new city. Why not jump in feet first and take advantage of all the things Waterloo region has to offer? Buy local apples, tomatoes or artisanal cheeses at one of the many nearby farmers markets. Watch mainstream and foreign films at the Princess Cinemas. Snowboard or ski at Chicopee Ski Club when cold weather hits. Spend a Saturday afternoon shopping at Conestoga Mall or trendy boutiques in Uptown Waterloo. Ice skate at the outdoor rink in downtown Kitchener. Plan a weekend camping trip with friends or family at one of the many local provincial parks. Take a walk through Waterloo Park or hop on your bike and ride the trails. Get dressed up and meet friends for dinner and dancing at Caesar Martinis. Check out live bands at Grad House or at the fox and the fiddle. Hop on a bus to Toronto, Niagara falls or Stratford. Throw on some lederhosen (or not), grab a beer stein and some schnitzel and make some noise at oktoberfest.


Lake Superior Lake Huron

Lake Michigan Detroit

Toronto Lake Ontario Boston Niagara Falls Stratford Lake Erie New York Philadelphia



g et tI n g a r oUn d W a t e r l o o
Travelling around Waterloo region is often trouble-free. Being a smaller city, traffic jams are rare in Waterloo and there is usually enough parking for everyone. Or hop on a Grand River Transit bus to get from point A to B. Flying out to visit family or take a vacation? Torontos Pearson International Airport is just over just over an hours drive from Waterloo.

Inte l l I g e nC e C o m e s h o m e
Of course we have a lot to be proud of in Waterloo, but it is satisfying when outsiders pay us accolades too. Waterloo, best known as the home of BlackBerry development company, Research in Motion, was named Intelligent Community of the Year in 2007. Why? While Waterloo only represents 10 per cent of the labour force in the region, it accounts for 45 per cent of job growth and is home to 40 per cent of all the hightech firms in the area. This track record can be partially attributed to our enlightened approach toward intellectual property. Professors and graduate students retrain rights to the intellectual property they develop at the university. What better way to spur entrepreneurial spirit than to let professors and students own their work?

a boU t t h e U nIv e r sI t y o f W a t e r l o o
In just half a century, the University of Waterloo, located at the heart of Canadas Technology Triangle, has become one of Canadas leading comprehensive universities with 28,000 full- and part-time students in undergraduate and graduate programs. Waterloo, as home to the worlds largest post-secondary co-operative education program, embraces its connections to the world and encourages enterprising partnerships in learning, research and discovery. In the next decade, the university is committed to building a better future for Canada and the world by championing innovation and collaboration to create solutions relevant to the needs of today and tomorrow.


graduate studies
your mind, our mentors
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

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