Happiness Ignore

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• His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck continues to give impetus to the

concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH). He said that, ‘Today, GNH has
come to mean so many things to so many people, but to me it signifies simply
Development with Values. I am confident that the noble goal of Gross National
Happiness will be key to Bhutan’s success in maintaining our unity and
harmony, indeed our character as a nation.’

• The core of the GNH concept and measurement is the view that a more
holistic range of human needs should be appreciated for a happy and fulfilling
life. GNH stands for the preservation and renewal of a holistic range of capital
or resources: ecological, economic, social, human resource, cultural, all of
which should be valued and possibly measured. Such needs, or primary goods,
are listed in the literature on political philosophy. But usually their range is not
detailed, and it often tails off with rights and freedom as catch-all categories.

• The conceptual structure of GNH lists some 72 factors or conditions as

representing this wide spectrum of human needs for us to be happy in a deep
and holistic sense. These include indispensably freedoms and rights as part of
good governance. The list of 72 factors constituting and conducive to happiness
are grouped under nine domains of GNH, namely psychological well-being,
balanced time use, community vitality, cultural diversity and resilience,
ecological diversity and resilience, good governance, living standards, health,
and education.

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