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The MICDAK Charity Foundation is legally registered with the Registrar General’s Department and
the Department of Social Welfare as a non-profit Civil Society Organization (CSO). It has a four-
member Advisory Board.

The MICDAK charity foundation's operations are guided by its constitution. Members of the Board
have backgrounds ranging from Academia, Social Sciences, Health, law, accounting, auditing, and the
KP constituent. MICDAK started operation in Ghana in 2007 as part of the MAP program by FHI

MICDAK can best be described as a CSO with national coverage and a physical presence in several
districts in Ghana.

The vision of MICDAK is to become a model CSO enhancing the health, human rights, and economic
empowerment of key and vulnerable populations in society with a mission to provide quality
services on sexual and reproductive health (SRH), education, and environmental issues to the people
through effective and efficient information sharing, counselling, capacity building, and innovative
development programs.

MICDAK has in-house expertise for capacity building. Since inception, we have built the capacities of
several individuals and CSOs, NGOs, FBOs, and HCWs in developing and implementing HIV and other
health-related interventions.

Over the years, MICDAK has demonstrated its ability to manage multiple donor projects with
intervention periods ranging from 2 to 12 years. For the past 12 years, MICDAK has implemented the
following projects: In 2010, MICDAK implemented an HIV program in collaboration with FHI360 on
linkages; in 2012–2015, MICDAK also implemented the Round 8 project in collaboration with the
Global Fund in the Ashanti region.

GLOBALFUND, in collaboration with MICDAK, implemented NFM1in 2015–2018 in the Ashanti

region; in 2016, MICDAK also worked with the population council on MEN STUDIES in collaboration
with the Ghana AIDS Commission and the School of Public Health.

MICDAK implemented science studies on key populations in the Kumasi metropolitan assembly in
June 2016 through USAID/CDC.

In 2016–2017, MICDAK worked in three districts in the Ashanti Region to increase availability and
access to comprehensive prevention, care, and treatment services, including reliable coverage
across the continuum of care for MSM and PLHIV in Bekwai, KMA, and Ejura, Sekyere Dumase, for 11
months, which started from November 2016 to September 30, 2017, through the USAID-funded
Also in 2017 and 2018, under the USAID-funded project (CARE CONTINUUM),

The project was extended to the Bono-Ahafo Region, where MICDAK provided HIV services to KP
within the Greater Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA): Kumasi, Sunyani municipal, Edwura,
Obuasi, Brekum municipal, and Bekwai municipal, as part of the Care Continuum Project in Ghana.

MICDAK has also worked in Sefwi Wiawso municipal in the western north under JSI through the
USAID-founded project (Strengthening Care Continuous) for 12 months, which started from October
2020 to September 2021 for KPs and GPs.

MICDAK is currently working in Sefwi Wiawso Municipal, Aowin Municipal, Bodi District, and Juaboso
District, all in the Western North Region under JSI, through the USAID-founded project
(STRENGTHENING CARE CONTINUUM) for KPs and GPs and the Covax Project. And also working as
the focal NGO for Send Ghana on Community LED Monitoring on HIV/AIDS in the Sefwi Wiawso

For effective program management, MICDAK has a very robust financial and M&E system, which has
seen us undergo several financial and data reviews and audits without challenges. For our financial
management system, we are currently using Quick Book Accounting software. We have
organization-specific Financial and Accounting manuals, procurement and supply management
guides, and asset management guides. Aside from these, we also respect specific donor financial
management policies and guidelines. MICDAK uses national M&E tools and data management
systems. For M&E capacities, we have qualified staff who have contributed immensely to the
development and/or revision of national M&E tools and documents. We have put systems in place
to support effective planning, data analysis, report generation, data quality assurance, targeting, and
forecasting, including assessment and evaluation. MICDAK has received several visits from GAC data
quality assurance teams, JSI, SIMS, the Local Funding Agency (LFA) for The Global Fund, and the
Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of USAID and The Global Fund.

We have representation on various national technical working groups and sub-committees, which
include the Programs Committee of GAC, the KP Sub Committee, the KP Technical Working Group
(KPTWG), the Committees on Communication, and human rights.

Core Values: Excellence, Accountability, Teamwork, Confidentiality, and Friendly Services to Our

Honour Code

The MICDAK charity foundation honour code is built on the organization’s core values, which are
Excellence, Accountability, Confidentiality, teamwork, and friendly services to our clients.

MICDAK expects all staff and volunteers to hold the organization in high esteem and project the
image of the organization at all times, demonstrating professionalism during the discharge of their

Staff of MICDAK are to be punctual and diligent towards work and must be committed to the values
of the organization, which are friendly and quality services to our clients.

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