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Title: State ways to improve English speaking skills

English is a (lingua franca) worldwide language used by 20 percent of the world population as
their native, second or foreign language. By improving our skills in speaking English, we can
understand the local culture more and communicate with foreign friends fluently. Reading frequently
with complete phrases and sentences, listening and practising with native speakers are ways to
improve English speaking skills.
One of the ways to improve English speaking skills is by reading frequently with complete
phrases and sentences. Reading with complete phrases and sentences is a good way to excel in our
vocabulary and grammar. If we progress our reading habit steadily, it helps us to grasp exactly how to
use it in our daily life.
In addition to reading, listening skills should be paid attention to. It not only helps in
understanding a conversation, but also helps us to be aware of our pronunciation. However, there are
distinct accents in different countries. Hence, we can listen to different speakers to mimic their speech
patterns and be more fluent in our own speech.
Lastly, practising with native speakers through online websites can be helpful and effective to
improve English fluency dramatically. It is because we can be alert of the mistakes we made
immediately while communicating with them. On top of that, we can get to grips with slang to sound
more like a native speaker. It may be nerve-racking at first, but the more we express ourselves, the
more confidence we have.
In a nutshell, there are no shortcuts to improve English speaking skills. It is most important to
practise daily. As the saying goes, ‘practice makes perfect’. The more we practise, the better we get.
(277 words)

Title: What are the causes of social ills among teenagers?

Due to the rapid development of the information age, young people can obtain a wide range
of information through the network. Teenagers are often exposed to all sorts of information and not
knowing how to identify the rights and wrongs of it. The social ills include truancy, vandalism and
depression. The lack of parental supervision, less interaction among young people and the
squandering of the media are the causes of social ills among teenagers.
One of the causes of social ills among teenagers is the lack of parental supervision. It is
because parents are making ends meet and spend less time with their children. There will be a lack of
communication and understanding between parents and children. Therefore, when a child has a
problem, parents cannot curb the child's behavior in time. As a result, social ills and crimes among
young people are on the rise.
The prevalence of digital communication has changed the way teens interact with their peers.
They browse through social media excessively and make less interaction with the public. For instance,
they will be immersed in their virtual world. As a result, many teens lack communication skills on
knowing how to express themselves.
Furthermore, the media is one of the causes of social ills for teenagers. While the media
brings some benefits, there are a lot of risks as well. It plays a role in the moral degeneration of
teenagers. For example, some teenagers are over-exposed to media broadcasting violence and
pornographic content. They generally lose their ability to think about the consequences which lead
them astray.
However, in order to overcome social ills among teenagers and to tackle the increasing social
problems among adolescents as soon as possible are the most crucial. As the saying goes, prevention
is better than cure, parents must spend more time to carry out meaningful activities that allow
teenagers to pay more attention to their self-discipline. (318 words)
Title: What are the causes and effects of global warming?

Global warming is the phenomenon of changes in temperature due to human activities

which worsens the greenhouse effect. Gradually, as a result of the increasing temperature, the
world faces severe disasters such as drought, floods and melting glaciers. Deforestation and
the overconsumption of fossil fuels are the causes of global warming. As a result, humans
face ecological imbalance and dreadful calamities.
One of the causes of global warming is deforestation. The exploitation of forests is to
satisfy the material needs and daily supplies of human beings. They cut down trees to
produce papers, furniture and build houses. Trees provide oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide
which helps in regulating the climate. However if humans continue deforestation, the carbon
which is stored in the trees will be released into the atmosphere.
Moreover, the overconsumption of fossil fuels leads to global warming.
Manufacturing industries rely on fossil fuels as their primary source of fuels. When
producing electronic products like computers, the power machine generated by fossil fuels
will release carbon dioxide into the air. Emissions of greenhouse gases are also contributed
by vehicles.
Ecological imbalance is the effect of global warming. It will affect the conditions and
cycles of plant reproduction. Various birds will also migrate to other places while seashells or
coral reefs cannot adapt to the habitat due to climate change. Furthermore, there will be the
intrusion of invasive species that threaten crops and other animals.
In addition to ecological imbalance, humans will face dreadful calamities. As the
temperature increases, the glaciers will melt. The rising sea levels cause people to suffer from
floods and lose their homes. Global warming also gives a huge impact on droughts,
heatwaves and more natural disasters like floods, hurricanes and storms.
Global warming is a continuing issue that humans are actually facing. As human
activities are the main factors of global warming, we need to raise our awareness and take
action to address the problem. Humans changed the world; now it's time for humans to
change themselves.

(332 words)
Title: Ways to avoid being cyberbullied and suggest two ways to deal with cyberbullies

Cyberbullying is an act of sending, posting or sharing harmful, false or mean content

about someone via digital devices. It is considered a criminal behaviour.

One of the ways to avoid being cyberbullied is by avoiding posting anything that is
private. It is because exposing ourselves on the Internet will endanger ourselves. People can
easily access our information to fabricate and deceive people. Whenever we use the Internet,
we will also leave traces of the websites we visit, along with everything we click. Thus, we
must be aware of our privacy.

Moreover, we can limit our online friends. By only accepting the friends we know
well in social media, we can lessen the chances of being a cyberbully’s target. It is definitely
fine with making friends online, but to take the danger of the Internet into account, the
Internet is not always safe to make friends.

To deal with cyberbullies, we can save all the information related to cyberbullying so
it can be used as proof to take action against the bully. We should not give chances to
cyberbullying and must take legal action in order to reduce the rate of cyberbullying.
Nevertheless, we must make sure to collect enough evidence.

Furthermore, we should tell an adult if we receive messages that make us feel

uncomfortable or feel threatened via the Internet. Adults are more likely to take care of the
matter more maturely. We should ignore any kind of bad remarks which are not serious.
However, if we feel that we are in danger or threatened, we should not hesitate to report to
our parents.

Cyberbullying is a serious matter as it can cause impactful emotional distress and is

likely to errode one's self-confidence completely. Hence, parents must instil awareness to
their children at a young age. They must also monitor their children's online activities to
prevent cyberbullying from happening.
(311 words)
TOPIC: How would you advise someone to maintain a stress-free lifestyle?
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. Stress can be positive, especially
in increasing alertness and performance. Nevertheless, if we are stuck in a long term stress, it
can bring about depression, anxiety and low energy performances. In order to maintain a
stress-free lifestyle, one should be mentally and physically healthy with optimistic attitudes,
regular exercises and enough sleep.
First of all, one should always have optimistic attitudes when facing any difficulties.
Whenever we are expecting the worst, feeling powerless or having trouble with negative
thoughts, we can try to surround ourselves with positivity. We should stay with positive
people who guide us to appreciate the wonderful things in life. When we are having negative
thoughts, they can refrain us from focusing on the positive sides of the situation. Focusing on
what we have learnt and gained from experience rather than what we have lost is important
for being an optimist. Furthermore, we must not deny reality when facing challenges. Instead,
by learning to accept and finding a solution for it, we can strengthen ourselves to face tougher
Having regular exercises can keep our body fit and physically healthy. Exercise can
help us deal with stress and reduce our risk of depression by improving our mental health and
mood. It is because our body will release chemicals that can make us feel more relaxed. We
should exercise more to keep the sharpness of our thinking, learning, and judgment skills.
Exercise can also stimulate our body to release proteins and other chemicals that improves
the structure and function of our brain. Moreover, it is beneficial for us to get our blood
pumped. Picking a sport for us to relax such as running and swimming helps us to be fully
immersed in the activity while not thinking of our worries for a short period of time.
Finally, it is very important to have enough sleep to relax our minds and bodies from
our daily routines. Being continuously involved in work can be stressful. Hence, having a
break moderately can ease our stress and make us feel better. When we have enough sleep,
we can regain energy for our body and recharge our mind to face a new day. For example, we
can take a nap when we feel very tired at work. Adequate sleep can get your brain and body
back to the best state. This way, we can avoid the doubled pressure brought by the difficulties
in work.
Ultimately, stress is caused by many things and will increase continuously. It is
impossible for us to get rid of the pressure completely, but we can make good use of the
pressure as one of our motivations. Most importantly, we must be contented with what we
have to lead to a trouble-free life.
(465 words)
TOPIC: Teenagers should be encouraged to participate in community service. Discuss.

Community service is a voluntary work intended to help people in a particular area.

Much as teenagers are juggling school work and personal life, community service is useful as
teenagers are able to take something away from the experience to utilize it in real life. Hence,
teachers and parents should motivate teenagers to participate actively in community service.
To begin with, volunteerism enables students to acquire valuable skills and
knowledge which they would not be able to learn in a classroom. For example, students can
boost their social skills and confidence by making new friends who have similar interests.
Additionally, doing activities such as cleaning parks or roadsides, helping the elderly in the
nursing homes and assisting as a teacher in local schools will teach the youths to have a good
mindset and make efforts in order to provide a good service in their community. They can
also enhance their creativity and learn to counteract problems when they take part in
community service.
In addition, participating in community service gives students an advantage on college
admissions and scholarships. Most of the community service and activity provides certificates
which are helpful for teenagers to apply for university. Moreover, admission into colleges
and universities has become more competitive over the years. If teenagers participate in
community service, it is more favorable for them compared to those who did not serve in the
Furthermore, youth participation in community service can develop their social
awareness. They can learn patience and empathy as they involve themselves in others' lives
through deep conversations and interactions with the locals. At the same time, they can also
have a positive impact on the local community. For instance, during community cleaning,
teens can make the community a better place to live. This can make contemporary young
people realize that community service is not just the responsibility of the community
committee but also every resident.
Last but not least, community service is not only about helping the community but
also making a difference in someone's life. When we spend quality time to create a deeper
bond between people, we can foster greater understanding and tolerance among each other.
Because of that, we can even meet a new group of friends who share the same interest and be
connected with people from all walks of life. We will be surprised to see the growth that is
mutually built together. Correspondingly, we can help the person mentally, physically, and
emotionally. Well-written
Community service is a blessing in disguise. It seems like a waste of time but when
we dedicate our time, we realize that we gain more than we think. Therefore, teenagers
should be encouraged to participate in community service.

(448 words)
TOPIC: Malaysia is a beautiful country which offers countless attractions to travellers.
Describe some places that can attract tourists.

Malaysia is one of the most popular tourism destination in South East Asia. Here are some
beautiful places to visit.

One of them is Petronas Twin Towers. It is one of the tallest buildings in the world located in
the Kuala Lumpur city centre. It is famous for its 88-storey buildings and its Islamic art. In the
building, there is a landscaped KLCC Park which features a jogging track, a water fountain and more
which is suitable for exercise purpose. Moreover, tourists can get to visit the Petrosains Science
Centre which exhibits interactive science discovery related to petroleum industry and more.

Next, you can visit Mount Kinabalu located in Sabah. The height of it is 4095m which is the
tallest peak in South East Asia. Climbers will face multiple hurdles including physical exhaustion and
low oxygen as they ascend higher. At the end of the day, the spectacular sight right from the peak of
the mountain will leave you good memories which will unlikely be forgotten for the years to come.

Lastly, Perhentian Islands is highly recommended to visit. It is an island known for sandy
beaches and crystal clear water. Travellers can enjoy the magnificent marine life while snorkeling the
sea and having fun activities in the sea such as kayaking and scuba diving. On top of that, family and
friends can spend some time together developing their bonds.

Malaysia has different places to visit whether it is mountains, seas, forests or other cultural
heritage. Therefore it is worth visiting. (251words)

TOPIC: ‘The Impact of Internet on Teenagers’.

Internet is the most common network in the 21th century. Thus, the internet impacts a lot on
the teenagers.

One of the advantages is teenagers can access information from Google web page that allows
them to learn about the things they want to. Specifically, they can improve their studies with
educational resources that help to expend the range of learning. Besides, they can develop important
skills including interpretation and evaluation if they surf through the internet appropriately.

Moreover, they can easily communicate with their family and friends through apps such as
e-mail and Skype that brings people from all over the world together. Furthermore, Internet is of use
for entertainment. For example, Youtube can provide video contents for users as a way to relieve

On the other hand, internet brings many negative effects on teenagers. Cybercrimes often
happen on the internet. Hackers may use treacherous means to steal personal information and
misuse their information. It also leads to depression as many teenagers tend to compare their lives
with others.

Furthermore, addiction to the internet leads to waste of time. It affects their productivity in
studies as they always end up turning to something that is not important. In addition, teenagers
nowadays seem to lose ability to communicate with others. It is because they are over depending on
Indeed, internet brings advantages and disadvantages at the same time. Hence, teenagers
must be aware and be wise to use internet as a tool to learn. (247 words)
TOPIC: Most students are active on social networking websites such as Facebook or
Twitter. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of using social networking

Social networking websites are so common among all range of people nowadays.
However, it brings advantages and disadvantages.

One of the advantages is that we can make new friends and connect with our family
members and friends from all around the world. Social networking websites such as Skype
allows us to video call when we miss one another. Moreover, we can be reunited by sharing
our own experience through social networking.

Another advantage is we can gain useful information from the websites such as an app
Pinterest which provides various ideas about different interests. Furthermore, we can share
our own content on these websites to help exposing our brand to others.

On the other hand, we may be addicted to the websites that affects us to use it even
when studying. It is a waste of time to spend too much time on browsing the websites such as
games and chats as we lose our productivity. For example, we may get bad grades at school
just because we lessen our time on studying just to follow up the social media.

Social networking can also affect us by the negative comments. If children or teens are
exposed to cyber bullying contents, they may not be able to take the pressure and leads to
committing suicide, depression and etc.. Other than that, bad feedbacks that are reviewed on
business page may leave bad impression on the products. These feedbacks can impact
people’s future marketing efforts badly.

In conclusion, social networking websites can bring advantages and disadvantages. If

we use them wisely, they can improve our lives. However, we have to be aware of how we
use them. So, we must make social networking websites a useful tool in life.


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