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Chapter 1


Translation is necessary for the spreading new information, knowledge, and

ideas across the world. It is necessary to achieve effective communication between

different cultures. It is a multilingual neural Machine translation service developed

by Google to translate text, document and website interface, a mobile app for

Android and iOS, and a API that helps developers build browser extension and

software application. Translating languages directly, it first translate text to English

and then pivots to the target language in the most of language in the most of the

language combinations it posits in its grid. In the process of spreading new

information, translation is something that can change history. In many cases,

students may be able to improve their understanding.

Communication skills refer to the ability to effectively convey and exchange

information, ideas, and feelings with others in a clear, concise, and engaging

manner. It involves both verbal and non-verbal communication, including listening,

speaking, writing, and interpreting body language. Excellent communication skills

enable individuals to understand and be understood, build strong relationships,

resolve conflicts, and collaborate efficiently in any personal or professional context.

Effective communicators are able to articulate their thoughts, actively listen to

others, adapt their communication style to different audiences, and demonstrate

empathy and respect in their interactions. Communication skills is the foundation of

language learning from which effective speaking, writing and reading emerge and it

is also the bedrock of human language learning. (Tortor, 2006) The ability to

communicate through a second language has become a crucial skill in today’s

globalized world. However, not everyone has the opportunity to learn a new

language due to various reason such as time, resources, or accessibility.

To address this issue, Google Translate has become one of the most widely

used tools to help bridge the communication gap between people who speak

different language. Google Translate is an online translation machine that can only to

translate words but also check grammar errors, provide audio, give example of how

to pronounce words, and final synonyms of the words that are translated”. (Poetry

Agustin , 2019) In addition to that, Google Translate is better at translating into

English than any other languages. It allows translation of documents and entire

websites, as well as words type into the translation box. It is a great for quick

translation that do not need to be perfect. It will translate well enough that you can

piece together the general meaning of the text.

Background of the Study

Due to the widespread usage of Google Translate, the researchers have

decided to conduct a study that will discuss the Impact of Google Translate on the

communication skills of Selected Senior High School students at ANCHS. Despite its

widespread usage, there still remains a limited understanding of its impact on the

communication skills of Selected Senior High School student. Through a Quantitative

method, the researchers will explore assess the perceived benefits and drawbacks of

Google Translate, as well as its role as a supplementary tool in language learning.

These insights into the impact of technology on language learning and

communication. The results can be used by educators, policymakers, and language

learners to make informed decisions about the use of technology as a language

learning tool. The study also has the potential to contribute to the wider discourse

on the role of technology in education and its influence on communication skills.

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study is to determine the impact of using Google

Translate on the communication skills of the selected Senior High School Student at

Atimonan National Comprehensive High School.

It attempts to seek answers for the following questions:

1. What are the impacts of using Google Translate on the communication

skills of the selected Senior High School student in terms of:

a. Listening

b. Speaking

c. Reading

d. Writing

2. What is the implication of using Google Translate on the communication

skills of the selected Senior High School student?

3. What intervention should be propose?

Significance of the Study

This study aims to contribute on students’ enhancement ability in

terms of translating languages with the use of Google Translate. This study will

provide significant contributions to the Students, Teachers, and School

Administration of ANCHS and event to the Future researchers who will conduct

related studies in relation to this study.

To the students. This study is significant to the senior high school students as

it aims to explore how the use of Google Translate affects their communication skills.

The study will help the students understand the benefits and challenges of using

Google Translate in their language learning process. They can also use the findings to

improve their communication skills and enhance their language proficiency, which

can be beneficial in their academic and future professional endeavors.

To the school. The study is significant to the school as it provides insights into

the impact of technology on language learning and communication. The findings can

be used by the school to improve its language teaching methods and incorporate

technology into language learning. The study also highlights the importance of

improving communication skills among students, which can benefit the school’s

reputation and contribute to the students’ overall academic performance.

To the teachers. The study is significant to the teachers as it provides them

with insights into the challenges and benefits of using Google Translate in language

learning. The findings can guide them in creating effective lesson plans that

incorporate technology and enhance students’ communication skills. The study can
also help teachers identify students who are struggling with language learning and

provide them with appropriate interventions.

To the parents. The study is significant to the parents as it can help them

understand how their children are using technology to learn languages and

communicate with people of different cultures. The findings can guide parents in

supporting their children’s language learning journey and provide them with

appropriate tools and resources.

To the school administration. The study is significant to the school admin as

it highlights the importance of technology in education and language learning. The

findings can help the school admin make informed decisions about implementing

technology in language teaching and improve the overall academic performance of

the students. The study can also showcase the school’s commitment to incorporating

new and innovative teaching methods.

To the future researchers. The study is significant to the future researchers

as it provides a basis for further research on the impact of technology on language

learning and communication skills. The study can also serve as a reference for future

researchers who are interested in exploring the role of technology in education.

Scope and Delimitation

A research study on the Impact of using Google Translate on the

communication skills of the selected Senior High School at Atimonan National

Comprehensive High School. This study is limited to selected senior high school

students in a specific context. The research will use a quantitative research design to
collect data from focus group discussions and interviews. The study will focus on the

effects of using Google Translate on the students’ communication skills and will

explore the challenges and benefits experienced. It will be utilize the purposive

sampling procedure of research. The main participants are the thirty (30)

respondents from senior high school students who are using Google Translate. Each

of these participants will answer the printed from of validated survey research

questioner the result will be measured using T-test formula, this study will cover ten

months from September 2023 to June 2024.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter is a review of the existing research literature on the use of

Google Translate and its impact on communication skills among senior high school

students. The chapter provides a comprehensive analysis of the available literature

and identifies the gaps and limitations in the existing research.

Google Translate: Definition and Use

Google Translate is a free online tool developed by Google which uses

artificial intelligence and machine learning to translate text from one language to

another. It is widely used in various settings, including educational institutions,

businesses, and personal communication. The tool offers users an opportunity to

communicate in different languages without necessarily having proficiency in the

target language.

Impact of Google Translate on Communication Skills

Research studies have explored the impact of Google Translate on

communication skills, with mixed findings. Hughes and Dowling (2017) found that

students who utilized Google Translate in their writing assignments demonstrated

better writing skills compared to those who did not use the tool. Similarly, a study

conducted by Mahgoub and Hasan (2018) indicated that the use of Google Translate

can improve the writing ability of language learners.

In contrast, some studies have highlighted negative effects of utilizing Google

Translate. For example, Rose (2016) suggested that using Google Translate could

lead to errors, misconceptions, and inaccuracies in the translation process, which

might affect communication skills.

Students’ Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Google Translate

The success of Google Translate largely depends on the users’ attitude and

perception towards the tool. A study conducted by Wigglesworth and Storch (2016)

revealed that some students had negative attitudes towards using Google Translate

and viewed it as an easy way out of learning the target language. In contrast, a study

conducted by Wang (2019) found that students had a positive attitude towards using

Google Translate and viewed it as a useful resource for language learning.

Limitations of the Existing Research

Despite the available literature, there are some limitations to the existing

research on the impact of Google Translate on communication skills. First, most of

the studies are limited to a single language or language pair. Second, the research

has largely focused on the writing aspect, with little exploration of the impact of

Google Translate on speaking and listening skills.

Wang and Wang (2017) suggest that users’ proficiency in the target language

might affect the quality of the translated text using Google translate, indicating that

the tool should be used to supplement, instead of replacing, language learning.

Another study by Shi and Wang (2018) highlighted the role of the Google translate

tool as a critical aid for language learning for international students, who faced

linguistic and cultural barriers in their new academic environments. Ying and Lin

(2018) explored students’ perceptions of Google translate among middle school

students and revealed that although some students had a negative attitude towards

Google translate, it was still considered an effective support tool by the majority of

the participants. Kim and Kang (2019) explored the impact of Google translate on

Korean elementary school students, indicating that the tool acted as a motivator,

providing students with the opportunity to learn new languages while instilling

confidence. Huang (2019) highlights the challenges associated with the use of

machine translation tools such as Google translate, which result in the production of

grammatically incorrect and inauthentic language output. In contrast, Wang and Lee

(2019) showed that Taiwanese university students regularly used Google Translate

for skill improvement in writing assignments, reasoning that the tool was more
precise than traditional dictionaries. Park (2019) discusses the negative impact of

Google translate on foreign language writing proficiency, with evidence pointing to a

decline in the quality of the written assignments. Kang and Lee (2019) identified that

despite its perceived negative impact, Google translate could improve the language

skills of elementary school students who may not have had access to formal

language training. Yang (2019) investigated the impact of Google translate on the

language experience of non-English speaking international college students and

found that while the tool provided initial support, it could also create a learning

plateau that hindered students’ progress. Finally, Zhang (2020) revealed that Chinese

primary school students had a positive perception towards the use of Google

translate in their language learning, with students reporting significant improvement

in their speaking skills.

Research Paradigm

Figured showed the research paradigm of the study indicating the indicating

variable and the depending variable.

Input Process Output

What are the -Formulate the The impact of

impacts of validates google translate
Google Translate questionnaire on the
on the communication
-Summarize the
communication skills of the
skills of the selected Senior
selected Senior -Interpret and High School
High School analyze the data Student at
student in terms Atimonan
of: -Create the t National
finding Comprehensive
-Draw High School.
b.Speaking conclusion



What is the implication of using Google Translate on the communication

skills of the selected Senior High School student?

Figure 1. Input-process-output model of the study the impact of google

translate on the communication skills of the Senior High School student at Atimonan

National Comprehensive High School

Conceptual framework
The figure shows the input-process-output models of this study. This will be

the guide of the study. The two way arrow shows the impact of Google Translate on

the communication skills of the selected Senior High School at Atimonan National

Comprehensive High School. The column 1, illustrated the input of the research

which the statement of the problem. This referred to the question that will answer

by the respondent. The researchers will find out the impact of Google Translate on

the communication skills of the selected Senior High School at Atimonan National

Comprehensive High School. The researchers also proposed a plan of action for the

solution to the problem.

To perform the above procedure, the researchers will gather the necessary

data through a survey questionnaire that they will develop. The survey questionnaire

helped to gather information about the student profile and opinions toward


After the data gathering, it is carefully tallied by the researchers and

tabulated to organize the gathered data. Analysis of data was also done by the

researchers. After the analysis of the data, the data was interpreted and presented

for the finalizing of the study.

Chapter 3: Methodology
Research Design

This study employs a quantitative research design since it aims to explore the

impact of Google translate on the communication skills of selected senior high

school students. A survey questionnaire was used to collect data from the

participants, and thematic analysis was used to analyze the data.


The population of this study is senior high school students from a selected

student in Atimonan National Comprehensive High School, who are taking up

language classes. The study will include the 30 participants, who are among those

utilizing Google translate in their language classes.

Sampling technique

The study involved 30 selected senior high school students who used Google

translate in their language learning. Participants were selected through purposive

sampling based on their usage of Google translate as an online translation tool.


The primary instrument used in this study was a survey questionnaire. The

survey questions were developed based on the research questions, objectives, and

literature review. The questions were pilot tested on one participant who was not

part of the study to ensure that they were clear and understandable.

Data Collection Procedures

Data collection was conducted through survey questionnaire with the

selected participants. The researchers scheduled appointments with each

participant, informed them about the research objectives, and obtained their

consent to participate in the study.

At the beginning of the survey, the researchers explained the purpose of the

research and the procedure to be followed during the survey. Informed consent was

sought, and the participants signed consent forms before the survey began. The

participants were assured of confidentiality and anonymity throughout the study,

and their personal information was not disclosed to any third party.

Surveys were conducted in a private room, and each survey lasted

approximately 30 minutes. The survey were listed in the questionnaire, with the

permission of the participants, and transcribed verbatim.

Data Analysis

Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data collected from the survey.

The researchers analyzed the data manually by following the six steps of thematic

analysis: familiarization with the data, generating initial codes, searching for themes,

reviewing themes, defining and naming themes, and producing the final report.

The transcripts were reviewed several times to ensure that the data was

familiar, and relevant information was identified. Initial codes were generated from

the relevant segments of the transcripts. The researchers then grouped similar codes
into categories and identified patterns and themes within the data. The themes were

reviewed and refined to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Ethical Considerations

Ethics was an integral part of the research. The study followed ethical

guidelines to ensure the protection of the participants’ rights and wellbeing.

Informed consent was obtained from the participants before the survey. Participants

were also assured of confidentiality, anonymity, and the right to withdraw from the

study at any time without any explanation.

Sample Research Questionnaire 1

Direction: Please rate your thoughts and feelings pertaining to the research

study entitled: “The impact of using Google Translate on the communication skills of

the selected Senior High School student”. Put a checkmark (/) on the corresponding

column. Use the following points as your guide.

Strongly Agree (SA) - 4
Agree (A) - 3
Disagree (D) - 2
Strongly Disagree (SD) - 1


No. GOOGLE TRANSLATE (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. I find it difficult using google translation.

2. Google translate help me most in translation of the


3. I have an improvement when I am using google


4. Google translate help me to make an essay and

other academic activities.

5. I always use google translate in assignment for

Sample Research questionnaire 2


Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Your

responses will be kept confidential and will only be used for research

purposes. There are no right or wrong answers. Thank you for your


Demographic Information:

1. Gender:

a) Male

b) Female

2. Grade Level:

a) Grade 11

b) Grade 12

4. Age: _______

4. How often do you use Google Translate for your school-related tasks?

a) Never

b) Rarely (once a month or less)

c) Sometimes (2-3 times a month)

d) Often (once a week)

e) Very often (multiple times a week)

Communication Skills Assessment:

Please rate your proficiency level in each of the following skills, both with

and without the use of Google Translate. Use a scale from 1 to 5, with 1

being the lowest proficiency and 5 being the highest proficiency.

5. Speaking:

a) Without Google Translate: _______

b) With Google Translate: _______

6. Listening:

a) Without Google Translate: _______

b) With Google Translate: _______

7. Reading:

a) Without Google Translate: _______

b) With Google Translate: _______

8. Writing:

a) Without Google Translate: _______

b) With Google Translate: _______

9. How confident do you feel in using Google Translate for improving your

communication skills?

a) Not confident at all

b) Slightly confident

c) Moderately confident

d) Very confident
e) Extremely confident

10. In your opinion, how has the use of Google Translate affected your

overall communication skills development?

a) Positively impacted

b) No impact

c) Negatively impacted

d) Not sure

11. Have you noticed any specific improvements or challenges in each

communication skill (speaking, listening, reading, writing) when using

Google Translate? Please provide specific examples if possible.

12. Do you believe that there are limitations or drawbacks to relying

heavily on Google Translate for communication skills development?

Please explain your answer.

Additional Comments:

13. Please provide any additional comments or insights related to the

impact of using Google Translate on communication skills.

Thank you for participating in this research. Your contribution is greatly


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