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3 (a) Describe the main events in the Prophet’s life before he was

granted prophethood .
1) Ancestors:
a)Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Imaeel
2) Birth and Upbringing:
a)Born orphan to Amina and Abdullah (Abdullah had died).
b)Named Muhammad and Ahmad.
c)Given to halima sadia (a beduoin women) for some years.
d)The incident of cleaning of heart.
e)Aminah died when prophet was 6 years old.
f)Abdul muttalib (his grandfather) took care of him.
g)Abdul muttalib died when prophet was 8 years old.
h)Abu talib (his uncle) then raised him.
i)Trade journey to Syria when prophet was 12.
j)Christian monk (bahira) recognized him.
3) Harb-ul-Fijar:
a)War broke out when prophet was 15.
b)Quraish vs Hawazin.
c)many lives lost.
a)League formed to maintain peace in the region
a) Al-Sadiq (due to his truthfulness)
b) Al-Amin (due to his honety)
6)Marriage to Hazrat Khadija:
a) proposal given by Hazrat Khadija(wealthiest woman in Makkah)
b)Proposal given on the basis of prophet’s honesty.
7)Fixing of black stone:
a) Kaba was rebuilt.
b) black stone was fixed by prophet.
c) black stone was taken to the fixing site by all leaders using cloth.

4 (a) Write about the events surrounding the Treaty of Hudaybiyya

and the main terms in it.
1) Date (6 A.H).
2) Prophet’s Dream about entering sacred mosque.
3) Gathering of 1400 people for the performance of umrah.
4) All people marched towards Makkah.
5) Camped at the site of hudaybiyya( 3 miles from Makkah)
6) Prophet sent two messengers towards Makkah.
7) The messengers didn’t returned so prophet sent Usman(R.A).
8) Rumors of Usman’s reached.
9) Bait-e-rizwan.
10)Quraish were trying to negotiate.
11)Treaty of hudaybiyya was signed.
12)Its terms.
13)Prophets prominent companions weren’t happy.
14)Allah declared this as manifest victory.
15)Large no of people accepted islam.
16)Prophet sent message of islam to varios kings.
17)It paved the way for conquest of Makkah.

5 (a) Write about the lives of the Prophet’s uncles, Hamza and
Abu Sufyan.


Hazarat Hamza:
1)Foster brother of prophet.
2)Warrior , hunter and sportsmen.
3)Little interest in the issues.
4)His argument with abu jahl and all event.
5)His conversion raised confidence of muslims.
6)Appointed leader to raid Abu jahl’s caravan.
7)Participated in battle of badr.
8)Killed utba.
10)Martyred in battle of uhad by wahshi (who later embraced islam)
11)Hind (she later embraced islam)appointed wahshi to take her
12)Hind chewed Hamza’s liver.
13)Prophet gave him the title ‘Sayyed al Shuhada’.
14)Prophet forgave the murderers of Hazrat Hamza.

Hazrat Abu Sufyan(R.A):

1) Prominent figure in Quraish.
2) First , he was a staunch opponent.
3) He used to lead trade caravans.
4) The immediate reason for the battle of badar was his caravan.
5) He participated in the battles against muslims.
6) He played the important rule in the treaty of hudaybiyya.
7) He was in Syria when prophet sent letters to kings.
8) He comfirmed the truthfulness of prophet.
9) He embraced Islam on the conquest of Makkah.
10) Prophet declared his house as a place of safety.
11) He lost his eye in the siege of Al-taif.
12) He lost his second eye in the battle of yarmuk.
13) He died in 650 A.D at the age of 40.
14) Hazrat usman led his funeral prayer.

Synobsis prepared by:

M Umar Farooq

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