Flyers Practice Test

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Practice Tests for Flyers

Paper 1

part 1

5 questions.
Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Nick Harry Mary David

Betty Katy

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part 2

5 questions.
Listen and write. There is an example.

Robert Smith’s Birthday Party

Where? ...................River Cafe..................

1 Day ...........................................................

2 Time From 6:30 to..................................

3 Address ............................................................................. Street

4 Activity ...........................................................

5 Mrs Smith’s Telephone Number ...........................................................

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part 3

5 questions.
What did each person in Mrs. Field’s family choose to buy in the new
supermarket? Listen and write a letter in each box. There is one example.

Mrs Field Jane David

Grandpa Robert Mr Field


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part 3





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part 4

5 questions.
Listen and tick ( ) the box. There is one example.

Where did Betty go at the weekend?


1 What was the weather like at Betty’s grandparents?


2 What did Betty do at the weekend?


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part 4

3 What did Betty’s grandpa give her?


4 What was the best thing about Betty’s weekend?


5 What time did Betty get home on Sunday?

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5


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part 5

5 questions.
Listen and colour. There is one example. You can write the name of the colour and use an

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Practice Tests for Flyers

Paper 2
Reading andWriting
Reading and Writing

part 1

10 questions.
Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.

fruit doctors a sledge

a suitcase scissors a cook
a mountain a picnic a chemist’s
sandwiches a bridge a mechanic
breakfast planets a job

We use this to go over a river or a road. ...................... bridge....................

1 Men and women do this to get money. A nurse, a ..........................................................

journalist and an engineer are examples.

2 This is like a hill but much bigger. You can walk up .........................................................
and down it.

3 This is the first meal of the day. People have it before .........................................................
they go to work or school.

4 You go see these people if you are ill. They look at you .........................................................
and give you medicine to take.

5 It’s food that you take with you to the countryside ...........................................................
or the beach. You eat it outside.

6 When you have a problem with your car, you take ...........................................................
it to this person.

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Reading and Writing

part 1

7 This type of food often grows on trees. Oranges, ...........................................................

lemons and limes are examples.

8 This is a shop where you can buy medicine. .........................................................

9 To make these you put some vegetables or meat .........................................................

between two pieces of bread.

10 This is a very big bag. You put clothes your in it to .........................................................

them on holiday.

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Reading and Writing

part 2

7 questions.
Look and read. Write yes or no.

The girl who is wearing the green dress is wet. ....................yes.........................

One of the boys is picking up a red ball from the ground.

1 The clown nearer the big tent has got lots of balloons. ...................................................

2 There are two green flags in the picture. ...................................................

3 The boy with a green balloon has got a monkey on ...................................................

his head.

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Reading and Writing

part 2


4 There is a woman and a man riding the white horse. ...................................................

5 The woman in the pink dress has got a red bag. ...................................................

6 Most of the people in the picture are unhappy. ...................................................

7 One of the clowns has got red pockets on his ...................................................


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Reading and Writing

part 3

5 questions.
Michael is late for school. What does he say to his teacher?
Read the conversation and choose the best answer. Write a letter (A–H) for each answer.
You do not need to use all the letters.


Mr Grim: Michael! Do you know what the time is?

Michael: .......................... B............................


1 Mr Grim: Did you get up late?

Michael: ..........................................................

2 Mr Grim: Okay. Give me your homework and sit down.

Michael: ..........................................................

3 Mr Grim: Why not?

Michael: ..........................................................

4 Mr Grim: Oh, what was the matter?

Michael: ..........................................................

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Reading and Writing

part 3


5 Mr Grim: Okay. Well I would like the homework finished

for tomorrow, please.

Michael: ..........................................................

Yes, I did it.

Sorry. I haven’t done it.
Yes, of course, Mr Grim.

No, Mr Grim. The bus didn’t arrive until 8:45.

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Reading and Writing

part 4

6 questions.
Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to the numbers 1 – 5.
There is one example.

Every summer I go on holiday to the ……beach……with my family. My brother and I always

go looking for shells in the (1)…............ and rocks. Last year, one sunny day, we went to the
beach with our dog, Gruffy. We (2) ................on the rocks and found a dark cave. We felt a little
afraid but we wanted to go inside. We went in a little way but we couldn’t see anything so I
turned on my torch and we could see much (3)…………. .
It was very cold and wet. Then, we heard a noise. We were really afraid. I pointed my torch into
the dark and we saw two eyes (4)… ........ at us.
“Run! Run! Run!” I shouted.
We turned and ran as fast as we could until we came out into the sun. We stopped and sat
(5) … .............. on a rock. A minute later we saw Gruffy come running out of the cave. It was

only our dog’s eyes we had seen. We looked at each other and laughed.

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Reading and Writing

part 4


beach climbed sand

look bat best
looking better down

(6) Now choose the best name for the story. Tick one box.

Dog in a dark cave

The secret cave
Lost in a cave

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Reading and Writing

part 5

7 questions.
Look at the pictures and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about
the story. You can use 1,2, 3 or 4 words.

Grandad’s hat

My name’s Sam and every summer I stay with my grandparents for a week. We always go some-
where exciting but I never know what we are going to do.

Last year we had to drive into the countryside. We stopped in a big field. There were lots of bal-
loons everywhere and they were all different colours. I couldn’t believe it! We were going to go
up in a balloon! I chose one that was red and yellow and we got into the basket.
We were wearing coats because my grandad said it could be very cold high up in the sky. We
went higher and it got colder. My grandad gave me his hat so my ears didn’t get cold but I
didn’t mind because I was more interested in looking down at the hills and fields.

Suddenly, I could see the village where my grandparents lived below us.“Look! There’s your
house!” I shouted. It was very exciting and I jumped into the air and my grandad’s hat fell off my
head and out of the basket. I could see it falling to the ground.“Oh, no! I’m sorry about your hat,
granddad!” I said.“It’s okay, it was old. I don’t mind.” He answered.
We went back to the field and drove home. I was very sad about losing my grandad’s hat. But,
what a surprise! When we got out of the car, there was his hat! It had fallen from the balloon,
into my grandparent’s garden.

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Reading and Writing

part 5

Sam goes to ....................visit .............. his grandparents every summer.
Sam is always .............excited .............. by the place they go to.

1 Last year they went into .......................................... .
2 There was a field full of different coloured .......................................... .
3 They went up in a red ................................ balloon.
4 Sam wore his grandad’s hat to stop his ears getting .......................................... .
5 Sam told his grandparents he could see their.................................. from the balloon.
6 Sam’s grandad didn’t mind about the hat because it .......................................... .
7 His grandad’s ............................... was in his grandparent’s garden when they got home.

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Reading and Writing

part 6

10 questions.
Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines.


Many people have watched or played a game basketball ……… but ……… not many
people have heard (1) …………… a man called James Naismith. He is the man (2)…………. .
invented it back in 1881. Now basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world.
It is played by two teams on a basketball court. (3)................. court has got two baskets and
you score points by throwing a ball into the (4)… ............. team’s basket. The team who scores
the most points wins the game.
There are twelve people in a team but (5)…............. five players can be on court at any one
time. In basketball you (6)…............. kick the ball but you can hold the ball in your hands. You
move the ball on court by throwing it to another player or by running and (7)… ..............the
ball at the same time. You cannot run (8)…............. you don’t bounce the ball.
(9)… ............of the best basketball players are the richest sportsmen in the world so if you
are tall and good at (10)… ............ , maybe you should start playing basketball!

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Reading and Writing

part 6

Example but and so

1 at of for

2 who which what

3 They It The

4 both every other

5 only all else

6 haven’t mustn’t couldn’t

7 bouncing bounced bounce

8 why because if

9 Much Some One

10 jumps jump jumping

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Reading and Writing

part 7

5 questions.
Read the letter and write the missing words. Write one word on each line.

Dear Chip,
I watched your programme Kid’s Club ……on…… TV yesterday. The part about animals
(1)…………… very interesting. You said that you want (2) ............... hear from people who
have strange pets. I’m sending you a photo of my pet snake. It is (3)… ............. Zigzag and I
have had it for two years. It lives in a big glass box in (4)… ............ bedroom and eats insects.
I think the children (5)… .............. watch your programme will find it interesting to see how I
look after my snake.
Robert Jones

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Practice Tests for Flyers

Speaking Script

Examiner does this Examiner says this Minimum response expected Back-up questions
Introductions Hello, (child’s name), my Hello.
name’s .
What’s your surname? (Child’s surname) What’s your family name?
How old are you? 11 Are you ten?
1 Find the Now look at these two 1 Point at relevant
difference pictures. My picture is nearly difference(s)
the same as yours, but some
Show candidate things are different. 2 Repeat
both pictures. For example, the tables are statement.
yellow in my picture, but in
Give candidate his/ your picture, they are white. 3 Ask back-up
her picture then des- questions.
cribe things without I’m going to say something
pointing. about my picture. You tell
me how your picture is

In my picture, it’s raining. In my picture, it’s foggy. Is it raining?

In my picture, there’s a blue In my picture, there’s a blue bag Is the bag on the table red?
bag under the table. In my on the table. Is the chef wearing black
picture, the chef is wearing In my picture, the chef is wearing trousers?
black trousers. blue trousers. Is the woman opening a
In my picture, there is a wo- In my picture, there is a woman cupboard?
man opening a cupboard. opening a fridge. Is the man drinking a cup of
In my picture, there is a man coffee.
drinking a cup of coffee. In my picture, there is a man
reading a newspaper.
2 Information Here’s information about
exchange Lucy and Katy’s birthday
parties. I don’t know an-
Briefly show can- ything about Lucy’s party,
didate both cards. but you do. So I’m going to
Then give candidate ask you some questions.
his/her card.

Point to the pictures Where is Lucy’s birthday (At) Lucy’s house. Point at the information if
of the families on party? Eleven necessary.
the candidate’s card. How old is Lucy?
How many children are at Fifteen.
Point to the Lucy’s party?
questions about What are the children doing Dancing.
the families on the at the party?
candidate’s card. What time does the party (At) half past ten.
finish? Point at information cues if
Respond using At) a restaurant. Where is Katy’s birthday party?
information on Eight How old is Katy?
examiner’s card. How many children are at Katy’s
Eighteen. party?
What are the children doing at
Watching clowns. the party?
(At) half past nine. What time does the party finish?

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Speaking Script

Examiner does this Examiner says this Minimum response expected Back-up questions
3 Tell the story These pictures tell a story. 1 Point at the pictures.
The name of this story is ‘A
Point to the pictures Place To Play Football.‘ 2 Ask questions about the
in the story. Just look at the pictures first. pictures.

Some boys are playing

Point at the first football on the computer.
picture. The sun is shining. One of
the boy’s mum’s says it’s a
sunny day. She tells them to
go out and play football.

Now you tell the story. The boys play football near a Where are the boys?
café. They break a window. The What happened to the
man from the café tells the boys window?
to play in a different place. Is the man happy?
Can the boys play football
The boys are playing football on near the café?
the road. A policeman is telling
the boys to play football in the Where are the boys?
park. Who is talking to one of the
Can the boys play football
The boys arrive at the park. It is in the road?
starting to rain. Where does the policeman
tell them to go?
The boys go (back) home. They
are playing football on the com- Where are the boys?
puter (again). What’s the weather like?

Where are the boys?

What are they doing?
4 Personal

Put the pictures Now let’s talk about your

away and turn to the friends.
Where do you play with your In the park. Do you play with your
friends? friends in the park?
How often do you play with Everyday.
your friends? Do you play everyday?
What’s your best friend’s Maria
name? (Because) she is very kind. Is her name Maria?
Why do you like Maria? Is she / he kind?

Tell me what you do at the (I go) skating and swimming. Do you go skating?
weekends. Swimming?

Okay, thank you (Child’s Goodbye.


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Find the differences

Candidate’s copy

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Find the differences

Examiner’s copy

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Information exchange
Candidate’s copy

Lucy’s birthday party Katy’s birthday party

Age. ................................... 11 Age..................................... ?

Where ............................................Lucy’s house Where ................................ ?
How many children.............. 15 How many children .............. ?
What time / finish ................ 10:30 What time / finish ................ ?
What / doing ....................... dancing What / doing........................ ?

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Information exchange
Examiner’s copy

Lucy’s birthday party Katy’s birthday party

Age. ................................... ? Age. ................................... 8

Where ................................ ? Where ................................ restaurant
How many children .............. ? How many children .............. 18
What time / finish ................ ? What time / finish ............... 9:30
What / doing ....................... ? What / doing ....................... watching clowns

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Picture story

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Practice Tests for Flyers

Part 1 (5 marks)
Lines should be drawn between:
1 Katy: girl reading magazine
2 David: boy with purple T-shirt
3 Harry: boy climbing the rocks
4 Nick: boy about to paint
5 Lucy: girl crying

Part 2 (5 marks)
1 Wednesday
2 9:30
3 Bridge
4 disco
5 311025

Part 3 (5 marks)
1 Mrs Field / F
2 Jane / B
3 David / E
4 Grandpa / A
5 Mr Field / H

Part 4 (5 marks)
1 B
2 B
3 A
4 C
5 A

Part 5 (5 marks)
1 Colour the big paper airplane blue.
2 Write the word Lunch above salad.
3 Colour the baby’s dress pink.
4 Colour the helicopter green.
5 Draw a red bird in the sky.

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Part 1 (10 marks)

1 a job
2 a mountain
3 breakfast
4 doctors
5 a picnic
6 a mechanic
7 fruit
8 a chemist’s
9 sandwiches
10 a suitcase

Part 2 (7 marks)
1 yes
2 no
3 yes
4 no
5 yes
6 no
7 yes

Part 3 (5 marks)
1 G
2 D
3 F
4 A
5 E

Part 4 (6 marks)
1 sand
2 climbed
3 better
4 looking
5 down
6 Dog in a dark cave

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Part 5 (7 marks)
1 the countryside
2 balloons
3 and yellow
4 cold
5 house
6 was old
7 hat

Part 6 (10 marks)

1 of
2 who
3 The
4 other
5 only
6 mustn’t
7 bouncing
8 if
9 some
10 jumping

Part 7 (5 marks)
1 was
2 to
3 called
4 my
5 who

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