Workout Guide

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shy girl gym guide
a basic gym explanation guide for the new gym girls


Guide Index


GYM TERMINOLOGY...................................................................................................4

HOW TO CHANGE YOUR BODY WEIGHT.....................................................................5

WHAT ARE MACROS?...................................................................................................7

MACHINES OVERVIEW.................................................................................................8

CARDIO OVERVIEW....................................................................................................14

CABLES OVERVIEW....................................................................................................15

BARBELL AND SMITH MACHINE OVERVIEW.................................................................16

BARBELL + DUMBBELL EXERCISE HOW-TO'S...............................................................17

Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts..............................................................................18

Barbell Squats.......................................................................................................19

Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats.........................................................................20

Dumbbell Heel-Elevated Goblet Squat...............................................................21

Smith Machine/Barbell Split Squats...................................................................22

HOW MUCH WEIGHT TO USE?...................................................................................23

CREATING A WORKOUT PLAN....................................................................................24

WORKOUT PLAN TEMPLATE........................................................................................28

GYM ACCESSORIES..................................................................................................29

CONFIDENCE TIPS.....................................................................................................30

GENERAL GYM ETIQUETTE.........................................................................................31

MACRO-FRIENDLY FOOD IDEAS...............................................................................32


To all the shy gym girls of the world - I am so glad you are here. You are

welcome, you are loved, and you are so appreciated.

I remember stepping foot into a gym and not even knowing what a treadmill

was used for, and now here I am a few years later as a Certified Personal

Trainer. I wanted to give back to the girls who may not have someone to

lean on at the gym. You matter, and your fitness journey is just as valid as

everyone else's! I am here to give you the 4-1-1 on everything gym related,

whether it be which muscle the lat pulldown machine is used for, how to

program your own workout split, and even which gym accessories are worth

the hype. While this may be basic knowledge to some experienced gym-

goers, I know the feeling of confusion that can come with the gym, so I am

here to help you out with all of that!

In this guide, I will explain...

What each gym machine or piece of equipment is used for;

Basic gym etequitte;

Calories, macro-nutrients, and micro-nutrients;

What specific gym accessories are used for;

How to calculate calories to lose weight, maintain weight, or gain


How to become more confident in the gym;

and so much more!

I am so glad that you have decided to take the next step in your fitness

journey with me! Just remember, every fitness expert once knew nothing in

this guide either. Stay consistent, believe in yourself, and you will be

amazed at what you can achieve (both physically and mentally!)

Kelsey Lavoie, NASM CPT

Gym terminology
There are so many different gym terms and abbreviations that can seem
overwhelming at first - but I promise, you'll get used to them real quick! Here are
some of the most common phrases/terms/abbreviations that you'll come across:

PR (Personal Record): usually used to refer to the heaviest weight that someone
can successfully use in any given exercise.

Example: I used to squat 100 pounds. Today I squatted 120 pounds, so 120 is my

new squat PR.

Reps: The amount of repetitions preformed when doing each exercise.

Sets: Groups of reps. Sets are usually set up as sets x reps.
Example: 4 sets of 10 reps. This means you will do your first set of 10 reps, take a

break, and then repeat 3 more times.

Push Day: A day consisting of working out muscles in a pushing motion, such as
triceps, shoulders, and chest.

Pull Day: Opposite of push day, this day consists of muscles that are worked
out in a pulling motion, such as biceps, back, and forearms.

Split: Used to refer to the set schedule of which body parts that people work
out on each specific day.

Example: My split is Monday: Legs, Tuesday: Push Day, Wednesday, Pull Day,

etc.Scooping: Taking a scoop of pre-workout powder in powder form, instead

of mixing it with water.

Clamps: Small circle-shaped clips placed on the end of a barbell so that the
weights don't slide off.

Cutting: Reducing calories in order to lose body fat.

Bulking: Increasing calories to maximize muscular growth.

How To Change your Body Weight
I chose to not title this chapter as "how to lose weight" because everyone

has a different goal in mind when starting a fitness journey! Some girls may

want to gain some weight, while others want to lose overall body fat. In

this chapter, I will explain exactly how to alter your body weight for your

specific goals, in a safe, healthy, and sustainable manner.

Caloric Intake vs. Caloric Expenditure

Aside from medical issues and medications that can impact your

weight, weight loss/maintenance/gain is relatively simple. All of

the fad diets out there such as Keto, Intermittent Fasting, etc. that

claim to help you lose weight have one thing in common - a caloric


In order to achieve weight loss, the calories that you burn on a daily

basis must be more than the calories you ingest on a daily basis

(caloric deficit). Conversely, to achieve weight gain, the opposite is

true (caloric surplus). Your body burns a certain amount of set

calories every day, even if you just stay in bed all day! It is

important to eat (at a minimum) the number of calories that you

burn off automatically every day, as these are the calories that your

body absolutely needs in order to continue functioning properly.

This is called your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Your BMR is based

on your weight, age, biological sex, and height. There are multiple

BMR calculators online that you can input your information and find

out what your BMR number is. This is important when calculating

your calories for weight loss or gain!

Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is a combination of your BMR

number, the amount of calories burned while digesting food, the amount you

burn if you actively exercise that day, and the amount you burn from non-

exercise activity (such as walking). Your TDEE number is the total amount of

calories your body burns in one day! This can be calculated online with a TDEE

calculator. After finding your TDEE number, you will then want to add up your

ingested calories for the day. If your ingested calories are less than your TDEE,

you are in a deficit for that day. If they are the same, you will maintain your

weight. If they are more, you will gain weight. Consistently staying in either a

deficit, maintenance, or surplus phase will give you your desired results.

There are 3,500 calories in 1 pound of fat. In order to achieve sustainable and

healthy fat loss, you will generally want to aim to eat in a caloric deficit of

around 300-500 calories per day. This will result in fat loss of around 1 pound

per week (You will probably see more overall weight loss than 1 pound per

week due to water weight, reduction of bloating, and other factors). Rapid

weight loss from crash diets (deficit of approximately more than 500

calories/day) can result in burnout, fatigue, and un-sustainability.

While theoretically, you could eat cake and pizza all day and still lose weight

as long as it stays within your deficit, we are on a journey to be healthier, so

let’s discuss healthier food options! There is the famous saying that abs are

made in the kitchen (which is absolutely true!) We will stick to the 80/20 rule.

This means that 80% of the time you will try to stick to your healthy foods the

best you possibly can, and the other 20% of the time, you will indulge and live

your life. What this means is that if you go to a birthday party – have that slice

of pizza and cake! Life is absolutely meant to be enjoyed, so if we can enjoy in

moderation and still reach our goals, we will absolutely try to do that! A great

app for both iPhone and Android is “MyFitnessPal”. You can input all of your

food for the day into the app, and it will give you a breakdown of each’s food

nutrition specifics, macros, and calories.

Please reach out to a Registered Dietician for personalized

macros, meal plans, and nutrition help!
What are Macros?
Speaking of macros - what even are they? Macros, or macronutrients, are comprised of three

categories of nutrients that most individuals tend to eat the most. They are Carbohydrates, Fats,

and Proteins. When people refer to "counting macros" they are simply just referring to counting

the amount of fat, protein, and carbs that they ingest. Simple, right?

Everyone's individual macro needs will vary based on your personal goals and overall health, but

we also cannot neglect micronutrients! While macros play an important role in the health and

function of our body, so do micros. Unless you plan to compete in bodybuilding competitions, it is

not typical to track micros while on a standard fitness journey. There are a lot of micros, and the

risk to reward ratio for tracking micros is negligible. Micros can include Vitamin A, B, C and D,

Calcium, Zinc, etc. While you may need to track certain micros for health conditions, it is best to

leave that up to your doctor to decide!

What Are Their Function?

Protein: involved in almost every bodily function and key for muscle building.

The amount of protein that everyone needs to eat varies based on individual

factors, but usually, 0.6-0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight is standard.

Protein will help build lean muscle mass, which in turn, helps you burn more calories

while you are at rest. The more lean muscle mass you have on you body, the more

calories you will burn without even having to workout.

Carbohydrates: one of the key components for energy within the body.

Carbs are exceedingly important to maintain proper brain function, sustain your

energy levels, and help you build the body you want. Carbs will keep you properly

fueled for your workouts + keep your brain in tip-top shape!

Fats: another key component of energy within the body.

Similar to carbs, fats are important to keep your body moving and full of energy!

Machines Overview
You can find a machine in the gym to target pretty much any area of the

body. They are extremely versatile, easy to use, and the safest option for the

average gym-goer. This is what makes this section so special! As a new gym

girl, machines will probably be your best friend. While you can absolutely use

the free-weights (and I recommend it!) - machines are the easiest option to

both use and learn out of them all, so we will focus on the main machines first.


Fly Machine
Chest Muscles

Back Muscles
Plate Loaded Row Machine
Lat Pulldown Cable Machine
Back Muscles

Seated Cable Row Machine

Back Muscles

Chest Press Machine

Chest Muscles

Bench Press
Chest Muscles
Leg Extension Machine

Leg Press Machine

Full Legs

Leg Curl Machine

Training specifically calves is

Calf Press Machine usually not a normal part of a

workout routine split (unless

you are a bodybuilding

competitor) but it can be

good to throw in some

training once in a while!

There are not a ton of glute-

specific machines in the gym,

but other machines (leg

press) can be utilized to

target the glutes with a

narrow foot stance!

Glute Press Machine


Tricep Pushdown Machine

Shoulder Press Machine


Bicep Curl Machine


Ab Crunch Machine

Decline Sit Up

There are SO many different ab

machine variations, it would be

impossible to list them all here!

These three are the most

common ab machines that you

will find in pretty much every

Captains Chair commercial gym.

Cardio Overview
Stair Stepper

Rowing Machine


Elliptical Machine
Cables Overview
Cable Machine

Cables are extremely

versatile - you can use

different cable +

attachment combinations

to create an exercise for

almost every body part!

Some attachments

may include: bars,

ropes, handles, ankle

straps, etc. Usually

the gym will have all

of these options in

stock for you! Cable Attachments

Barbell + Smith Machine
smith Machine


Both the barbell and smith machine

can be utilized for multiple exercises

for different parts of the body. Both

have similar uses, but vary in some

functional aspects.

First, a standard barbell weighs 45

pounds by itself. On a smith machine,

the barbell

is held



You can do so many exercises on
some weight off the barbell, which can
each piece of equipment, but some
reduce it anywhere from 5 - 15 pounds.
of the most popular ones include:
Next, a barbell relies on the person

using it to balance it during the

exercise. A smith machine pre-
balances the barbell for you, making
Back Rows
certain exercises easier.
Calf Raises

Romanian Deadlifts
For these reasons, a smith machine is
Good Mornings
usually the go-to for new gym girls. It is
Shoulder Shrugs
an awesome, and safer, alternative to

the standard barbell!

Barbell + Dumbbell How-To's

Romanian Deadlifts
To preform a dumbbell (or barbell)

Romanian Deadlift (RDL) you will want

to start by grabbing the appropriate

weight and standing up straight.

Then, bend your knees slightly, and

hold the weight close to your legs.

Start to bend down by hinging at the

hips, while keeping the slight bend in

your knees the entire time. Your back

and neck should stay in line; picture an

imaginary piece of plywood taped

from the bottom of your spine to the

top of your head.

Ensure that the weight stays close to

your body when lowering it, and then

stop about halfway down your shin and

hold for 1-2 seconds. Slowly stand up

straight, while still keeping your back

and neck in line and your knees slightly


Common mistakes include: no bend

in knees, looking upwards, and not

keeping the weight close to your body.

These can result in neck and lower

back pain.

To preform a smith machine or barbell

squat, you will first want to un-rack the

barbell and place it across the top of

your back, as seen in the top photo. You

will want to stand with your feet slightly

pointed out, shoulder-length apart, and

(if on a smith machine) about 5-6 inches

in front of you.

Then, while keeping your core tight and

your back + neck in line, start to lower

yourself towards the ground. In the

bottom photo here, you can see that my

glutes are below my knees - this is called

breaking 90 degrees. There are plenty of

studies done on the benefits vs. risks of

breaking 90 in a squat, so you can

choose to either break 90 or stop the

squat when your knees are in line with

your glutes.

At the bottom of the squat, push up

through your heels while still keeping

everything tight and in line to return to

your starting position.

Common mistakes include: bending

your neck, not squatting low enough, and

feet too far/not far enough apart

Bulgarian Split Squats
To preform a Bulgarian split squat, you will

want to start by finding a bench or box that

is about 1-2 feet off the ground. A standard

incline bench should do the trick! You can

do this exercise with or without weights, but

if you use weight, you will want to grab that

before you start getting set up for the

exercise. You can either use 1 or 2


Place one foot on the bench, and place the

other foot on the ground about 1 foot in

front of the bench. If you have weight, hold

it in your hand/hands. Ensure that you have

good balance with your front foot, and lean

forward slightly. You are now in your

starting position.

To begin the exercise, slowly lower yourself

to the floor, as you see in the bottom photo

here. You want your upper body to be

slightly bent forward and your back knee

bent and angled towards the ground. Push

through your heel of your front foot to stand

up straight and return to the starting


Common mistakes include: not standing

far enough out with the front foot and

leaning backwards towards the bench

during the squat.

Heel-Elevated Goblet Squat
To preform a heel-elevated goblet squat,

you will first want to grab a weighted plate

(preferably a 25 lb plate) and place it on

the floor. Next, grab a dumbbell and flip it

so that you only hold onto one end (as

shown in pics).

Next, place the heels of your feet on the

plate and your toes on the floor. You should

have a couple inches between your feet,

and they should be pointing slightly


To preform the exercise, you will want to

slowly lower yourself down into a squat

while holding the weight (as shown in

bottom photo). You do not want your glutes

to touch the floor, but you do want to

ensure that you are breaking 90 degrees in

the squat. Hold for 1-2 seconds. Push up

through your heels and return to the

starting position. When done properly, you

will feel this exercise burn your quadriceps.

Common mistakes include: placing too

much foot on the plate, using too heavy of

a dumbbell, not going low enough in the


Smith Machine Split Squat
To preform a smith machine (or barbell)

split squat, you will first want to load the

appropriate weight onto either side of the

barbell or dumbbell. Next, you will set

yourself up on the smith machine or barbell

like you are going to preform a regular


Instead of having both feet out to the front,

you are going to place one foot about a

foot in front of you, and the other foot

about a foot behind you, like you are going

to preform a lunge (as shown in top photo).

Next, you are going to lower your body so

that your front and back knees both create

a 90 degree angle. Hold for 1-2 seconds,

and then push up with both feet to return to

the starting position. Ensure that you are

not dropping your back knee too much,

along with not lowering your front knee

enough. Ideally, both knees at the bottom

of the exercise will look like 90 degree


Common mistakes include: not lowering

knee enough or lowering too much, not

stepping out or back enough, too much

weight on the machine or barbell

How Much Weight to Use?
Now that you've seen the machines and understand which body part

they are used for, the big question is - how much weight should you use

on the machine? The honest answer completely varies from person

to person. But, let me dig into this answer a little bit deeper for you.

There is no set amount of weight to start off each exercise with. In

order to gauge your perfect starting weight, you will want to start at

the lowest weight on a machine and preform one rep. If it is too light,

go up to the next weight option. Continue doing this until you find a

weight that is challenging, but not too heavy.

A general rule of thumb is that you should be able to easily preform 10

reps with the weight you pick, and struggle a tiny bit on the 11th and

12th rep. If you find that you can preform 15+ reps with ease, you should

most likely choose a heavier weight. If you get to rep 8 and you are

really struggling, you should likely go down in weight.

Your starting weight is just that - starting. Once you feel as if your

starting weight is too light for you, then it is time to progress up in

weight once again! This type of progression is used in many training

plans as a forced progression (including my 10-week strength training

guide) and is coined with the term progressive overload.

Creating a Workout Plan
One of the most important aspects of starting a new fitness journey is

creating a workout plan! Structuring your workouts can be scary and

stressful when you are not too sure with what goes together, and how to

achieve your specific goals with the workouts you plan. No worries - I am

here to help you with this!

First, you will want to write out all the days of the week on a piece of

paper. Then, you will choose which days will be your rest days. As a

beginner, I recommend 3-4 rest days per week, so that you do not

overload yourself and end up overtraining (as that can lead to injuries and

many, many weeks off of the gym, trust me!).









After you have picked your rest days, you can then see how many days are

open for you to select your workouts from.

You can choose to split up your workout days in so many different

ways, but for a beginner, I would recommend splitting up your

days by specific body parts. Feel free to split them however you

prefer, but my typical groupings are Chest/Back,

Shoulders/Triceps, Legs, and Triceps/Abs.

After you have you desired splits to fit into the days that you have

open, fill them into your schedule! Try to not schedule 2 of the

same body parts for back to back days, as you need time in-

between for those muscles to mend and heal.


MONDAY: Chest/Back


WEDNESDAY: Shoulders/Triceps




SUNDAY: Triceps/Abs

Once you have your workout split written down, you are ready to

choose the exercises that will go for each day! Over time, you will

begin to sense which exercises work better for you particularly,

but to start, there are a few basic exercises that go with each

body part. Some are body weight, but most are either machines,

dumbbells, or weighted straight bars.

A good rule of thumb is to start off doing 3 sets of 10 reps per

exercise, per workout. If that feels extremely easy, try bumping up

the reps to 12 or 15. If it is still too easy at 15 reps, then go up to 4

sets (or use a heavier weight!)

Some options (definitely not an extensive list, by any means) for

exercises for each body part include:

Biceps Triceps
Dumbbell Bicep Curl Tricep Pushdown Machine
Alternating Hammer Curls Cable Tricep Pushdown
Dumbbell Incline Curls Straight Bar Cable Tricep Pushdown
Bicep Curl Machine Dumbbell Tricep Kickback
Cable Single-Arm Curls Dumbbell Lying Tricep Extension
Preacher Curls Tricep Cable Rope Pushdown

Legs Back
Leg Press Machine Lat Pulldown
Glute Pushback Machine Seated Cable Row
Dumbbell Goblet Squats Dumbbell Rows
Romanian Deadlifts Reverse Fly Machine
Smith Machine Squat Row Machine
Smith Machine Lunge Cable Face Pulls

Chest Abs
Dumbbell Chest Press Crunches
Smith Machine Chest Press Forearm Plank
Fly Machine Lying Leg Raises
Chest Press Machine Russian Twists
Push-Ups Bicycle Crunches

The general rule of thumb is to do 3-4 exercises per body part. So, if you

are doing back and chest, you should have around 6-8 total exercises for

your workout. Once you choose the exercises you want to do for each

body part, you will want to notate them under each day. How you choose

to organize this is completely up to you, but this is a brief example:

MONDAY: Chest/Back

Dumbbell Rows

Fly Machine

Cable Seated Row

Chest Press Machine

Row Machine

Dumbbell Chest Press


If you decide to add in some cardio, I would strongly advise you to stick to

only three days per week. While cardio is great for cardiovascular health

and creating an additional caloric deficit, too much cardio can have

detrimental aspects. While this will vary for every person, and I strongly

advise seeking advice from a personal trainer for your specific goals and

needs, cardio 3x week for around 30 minutes seems to be the best amount

for most people.

Please feel free to alter your workout plan/schedule according to your own

needs and injuries, but I feel it is important to note that even if you are

trying to grow your glutes, it is more beneficial to train them 1-2x week,

rather than everyday. Most muscle building occurs while that muscle is

resting and repairing itself, which it can only do if it is not actively being


Workout Plan Template
MONDAY ________________________________

TUESDAY ________________________________







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___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________


___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ 28
Gym Accessories
The fitness industry is completely inundated with accessories and gadgets

that claim to help you preform better, look better, and get stronger

quicker. While some accessories may be somewhat of a scam (looking at

you, waist trainers!), there are plenty of others that are definitely helpful for

everyone who is on a fitness journey. Three of the legitimate, helpful ones


Lifting Straps Gallon/Half Gallon Water Bottles

Typically used when preforming exercises with While anyone can use them, they are

a barbell, such as a deadlift. They wrap particularly helpful for those who have a hard

around your wrists and around the barbell, in time remembering to drink water. The one

order to give some more grip strength. shown here is a HydroJug, but any of them

will do the trick.

Lifting Belt
While sometimes controversial, lifting belts

help stabilize the core and reduce spinal

compression during heavy lifting, such as

deadlifts or squats.

Gym confidence Tips
A big question I always get asked is - "How do you become confident

enough in the gym to go by yourself?" and honestly, it just takes time. Not

saying that there aren't tips and tricks, but with time and repetition, you

will naturally become more confident. Aside from time, some of the

biggest pieces of advice I have for those who are shy or not confident in

the gym are:

1. Everyone there was once a beginner also. Nobody walked into the
gym for the first time ever and automatically knew how to use

everything flawlessly. If you feel like people may judge you because

you aren't 100% confident in your gym abilities, just remember that

they were once in your shoes too, and aren't judging you!

2. It may seem silly, but wearing a cute outfit that you feel confident

in can help a TON. Whether this may be a cute t-shirt and leggings, or

a sports bra and shorts - rock it. Don't give an f about anyone else. If

you feel good in it, that is absolutely the only thing that matters.

3. Learn about the machines and workouts before going into the

gym! With this guide, and other resources, you can learn a ton about

what machines are for, how to structure a workout, and a general

idea of what you should be doing while at the gym. This can help

ease some of your fears!

4. Go in with a plan. If this means hiring an online personal trainer to

make a specific plan for you, or creating your own plan in a notebook

or on your phone, go in with a plan! This can help decrease the

amount of time that you walk around looking for something to do.

While that is totally okay, having a plan can help you feel more

confident in what you are doing at the gym for the day.

General Gym Etiquette
One of the biggest fears I had when starting to go to the gym was not

knowing the "unknown" gym etiquette rules, per say. Do not fear - I am

here to teach you all about common gym etiquette!

1. Wipe down your machines after you use them! There should be

some form of paper towel/spray or wet wipes available for you to

wipe down the equipment with, so please use them. It is seen as a

courtesy to wipe down your equipment, and expected by the gym


2. Do not sit on a machine for an extended period of time without

using it. I'm not talking about your rest time in-between sets or reps
here, but rather if you are already done using the machine, try to not

sit on it for too long after so that other people can use it.

3. If someone's belongings are on a machine and unoccupied, try

to find them before moving their things off the machine. A common
technique that weightlifter's use is called "supersetting" - this is

where you use 2 machines without a break in-between, in order to

maximize muscular gains. If they are supersetting, ask them if you can

"work in" to their set, meaning you will use the unoccupied machine

while they are using the other one.

4. If someone is prefoming reps in front of a mirror, try to not walk in

between them and the mirror. Sometimes it is necessary to use a

mirror to check your form, so try to take another route if possible!

This may seem like a lot to remember, but over time, it will become like

second nature to you! Don't worry if you forget some, we all do at times.

Everyone working together, or putting forth their best effort, is what

makes the gym an awesome place to be.

Macro-Friendly Food Ideas
Below are some of my favorite macro-friendly meals + snacks! Please note that

this is not a meal plan, but simply just some ideas for macro-friendly meals and

snacks. While these foods are all macro-friendly, it is important to note that your

diet should not be so restrictive to where these are the only types of foods that

you should eat (unless you are a bodybuilding competitor). Balance is key!

While I would love to guarantee you certain results from following the

advice in this guide, unfortunately, I can not. Results will vary based on

the level of exercise, intensity, nutrition during the program, and other

various factors. Any physical concerns observed throughout the

duration of the your fitness journey should be evaluated and

treated/cleared by a medical professional.

This guide is not designed to diagnose, treat, or help any form of

eating disorder or nutritional deficiency. If you believe that you require

assistance with these aspects, please consult a Registered Dietitian or

your primary care provider for further assistance and/or a referral.

Do not share, copy, imitate, re-produce, or publish any portion of this

guide in any format (PDF, JPEG, PNG, hard copy, etc.). Do not

plagiarize or copy any aspect of this guide for use in your own

publications. Any and all violations will result in legal action taken

against every individual involved or associated.

I truly hope you enjoy this guide for what it has to offer - but please

remember to seek out medical or mental health treatment when you

feel it is necessary. Nobody knows you, better than you! Be an

advocate for yourself and the treatment that you may need in order to

continue on with a healthy and happy fitness journey.


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