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Department of Home Economics

Mindanao State University
Marawi City

Submitted by:
Mark Lester J. Tanguan

Submitted to:
Inst. Sahiba R. Macacuna

February 8, 2023
Name: Mark Lester J. Tanguan Date: February 8, 2023
Name of School: College of Education, MSU-Marawi

4A’s Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan in T.L.E. – Home Economics (Grade 10)
Applying the Basics of Food Preservation

I. Objectives
After the lesson, the learners will be able to:
A. Explains different ways of food preservation (drying, salting, freezing, and
B. Conducts an inventory of foods that can be preserved/processed using any of
the process on food preservation;
C. Discusses the processes in each of the food preservation/processing methods.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Food Preservation
Subtopics: Applying the Basics of Food Preservation
Materials: Laptop, images (e.g. preserved food), PowerPoint presentation, different
vegetables, chopping board, knife, kitchen utensils, bottled jar

III. Procedure
Preliminary Activities

Teacher Mark: Good morning class! All learners: Good morning sir!
Teacher Mark: Now, before anything else I
want you to settle down yourselves, find a
good internet connection, and a classroom-
friendly environment so that you can pay
attention to whatever discussions we may
have had today. All learners: (silent prayer) Amen!

Teacher Mark: Now, to formally begin our

class let us have a silent prayer first.
Teacher: Amen! Okay, today, I am your
teacher for this subject. My real name is
Mr. Mark Lester J. Tanguan and you can
call me Sir Mark.

Teacher Mark: Okay, right now to boost All learners: (stands up and start following
your energy and in order not to feel the the dance steps on the video shown)
tiredness I want everybody to open your
camera, stand-up and let us have a little
energy dance called Father Abraham. And
let us follow the dance steps on the video
which I will be playing.
(Teacher Mark plays the video) Learner 1: Yes Sir! You did instruct us to
(The students are now start dancing) take a bath everyday even though you did
not see and witness us do that.
Teacher Mark: Okay go back to your seats.
Teacher Mark: Did I mention our classroom All learners: Yes Sir!
rules already? All learners: You are welcome Sir!
Teacher Mark: Okay, thank you learner 1,
other than that please do not talk if your
teacher is talking, open your camera and
microphone if ask and please respect
everyone. Are we clear about that?

Teacher Mark: Okay, thank you class!

Lesson Proper

Teacher Mark: Right now, before we
officially start our new lesson, we will have
an activity first. Are you excited for this? All learners: Yes, sir!
Teacher Mark: Right! Okay, before the
activity starts let me read to you the
instruction first before we will proceed.
All learners: (answer in chorus) yes sir.
Teacher Mark: So, we will be having a None so far!
game. I have here a bottle of preserve food
now as you can see, I want any volunteers
to identify and conduct a virtual inventory
what kind of vegetables I include here (students start volunteering)
during the food preservation. And questions
will be followed. Do you have any
clarifications? (All students stop)

Teacher Mark: Learner 1?

Teacher Mark: Learner 2? All students: Thank you sir!
Teacher Mark: Learner 3?
(Teacher Mark starts the timer for each

Teacher Mark: Okay, time is up! All learners: (Claps their hand)
Congratulations to all!
Teacher Mark: So right now I want all the
three volunteers to please open your
cameras because we will check if your
answers are all correct.
Learners 1,2, and 3: (open their cameras)
Teacher Mark: So learner 1 you answered
that the vegetable I include here in the
bottle for food preservation is cucumber, I
must say that your response is wrong and
you are very close to that.
Teacher Mark: As for you learner 2 you
answered peeled mango which is also

Teacher Mark: And lastly, learner 3, you

are the only one who got the right answer
which you have provided; you are right
with the cucumber. Good job!
All learners: Yes Sir!
Teacher Mark: I want you to know that
your answers are all accepted and not
rejected, you tried all your best and that is
all that matters. All right?
Teacher Mark: So right now, we will
officially begin our new lesson.
(Learner A raised his hand)
Teacher Mark: Before we will go to our
new discussion why do we further need to Learner A: We need food preservation to
preserve food? I want any other idea. have a supply food for the next
Teacher Mark: Very good! But actually we consumption.
need it to retain the nutritive value, natural
color, and texture of the food. Aside from
that it will maintain the sanitary quality of
the food.

Teacher Mark: On the other hand, it will

help the economic development of the (Learner B raised her hand)
country because the farmers are encouraged
to produce more for others.

Teacher Mark: As I mentioned earlier, we

will be going to learn the four (4) types of
preserving the food. First and foremost we
have the drying method. Drying can be
accomplished through: Sun – drying – Learner B: Yes sir, because for me drying
utilizes the solar energy that circulates can help any food especially the fish give
around food materials laid out on trays and the fact that it will release the moist that is
racks. There is also drying during smoking. responsible for food wastage.
Smoking with warm fumes at 69 ˚C from
burning wood results in drying besides
imparting the desired color and flavor effect
on cured meat and fish.

Teacher Mark: It is also one of the man’s (Learner C raised his hand)
oldest methods of preserving food. Drying
preserved food by lowering the moisture
content below at which microorganisms can
grow and reproduce.
Learner C: Freezing sir is a method where
Teacher Mark: Okay if that so, we will that specific food should be refrigerated
proceed to the next type which is the and places it in a cool place.
freezing. What is your idea about this?

Teacher Mark: Very well said! (Student 2 raised his hand)

Teacher Mark: To further learn about
freezing and its tips the meat, fish should be
placed in moisture vapor proof packages so
that moisture is maintained, and
discoloration n is prevented because of
oxygen in the air. Most fruits have to be Student 2: We have the chicken and beef
packed with syrup or sugar. meat sir.

Teacher Mark: Vegetables need blanching

(brief heating in boiling water or in a steam)
to kill the bacteria and stop enzyme action
which can cause spoilage.

Teacher Mark: Okay, one last question,

give me at least 2 examples of meat that can
be freeze and refrigerated.

Teacher Mark: Very good!

(Teacher Mark provide an examples of
drying and freezing)

Teacher Mark: So that ends our discussions

today and I hope that you learn something
out from it.
Teacher Mark: Now since you seem like
ready, let’s have another activity, are you
excited for it?

Teacher Mark: So, this time around surely

you will find this more interesting. I just
want to remind you before proceeding to
our activity that you will need to participate
to this since this is a closure activity.

Teacher Mark: So here are the instructions,

earlier ago, you conducted a virtual
inventory of the preserved food. This time
around as continuation, I want you to do the
dry run of the process instead of explaining
the procedures that they did in this activity.

Teacher Mark: Now, do you have any


Teacher Mark: Time starts now!

(now students performing the activity)

(teacher Mark is monitoring his students)

Teacher Mark: Times up! Now go back to

you seats.

Teacher Mark: Okay very good you got the All learners: None so far sir!
perfect idea, by doing so, you all are so
prepared for this activity. Now give
yourselves a round of applause!

Well-organize 50%
Flow of Idea 30%
Word 20%
All students: (claps their hands)
Total 100%

IV. Evaluation

Teacher Mark: Seems like you are way ready

for the next activity right now, we will have
a short quiz to know that you really learned
out from the discussions. Are you ready?
Teacher Mark: Before answering the
questions please read the instructions first.
You will be given 10 minutes to answer all
the questions. Please refrain from cheating!

Teacher Mark: Timer starts now!

(Teacher Mark distributes the test paper)
(Students starts answering the question)

Teacher Mark: Time’s up. Exchange all your

papers to your seatmates and after checking
it return it to the owner and pass it on the
center aisle

Teacher Mark: Great job! Congratulations

everyone you all passed the quiz. Keep up
the good work!

Refer to the question and answer below

Direction: Choose the letter of your correct answer and write in the space provided
before each item.

Test I. Multiple Choice

1. If there is abundance for a certain period or even the whole year round what
needs to be done in order to ensure that there is no wastage?

A. Food Spoilage

B. Food Wastage

C. Food Borne

D. Food Preservation

2. Food preservation is very important EXCEPT

A. To prevent spoilage.

B. To retain the nutritive value, natural color, and texture of the food.

C. To help the increase of unwanted microorganisms.

D. To contribute to better nutrition for the family.

3. What are the less common essentials in terms of salting?

A. Fruits

B. Meat

C. Fish

D. All of the above

Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and replace the word if it not to
make it correct.

4. Drying preserved food by increasing the moisture content above at which

microorganisms can grow and reproduce.

5. Meat, poultry and fish should not be placed in moisture vapor proof packages
so that moisture is maintained.

Test II. Enumeration

Direction: Give at least 2 examples of food preservation

Test III. Essay

Direction: How are you going to value food preservation as part of your daily life?

Answer Key:

Test I

1. D

2. C

3. A
4. Lowering

5. Should be

Test II

1. Drying

2. Freezing

Test III

V. Assignment
Teacher Mark: Now that we are done with our lesson, I will give you a homework
that will be submitted on the other week.

Teacher Mark: I want you to bring foods of the preserved foods. Provide a caption for
each of the photo, read on the process of drying and salting, and bring at least ten (10)
photos of foods which can be preserved. Also, bring Cartolina, scissors and paste.

Teacher Mark: That’s all for today, thank you for listening and goodbye. Always
remember that your success starts within yourselves!


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