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Level 1 (A1) :: Unit 5


The Present Simple Tense

1. Descripción de hábitos:

She smokes. - Ella fuma.

We usually go to work by bus. - Generalmente vamos al trabajo en bus.
They drink wine every night. - Beben vino todas las noches.
2. Hechos generales:

Elephants don't fly. - Los elefantes no vuelan.

Everybody likes English! - A todos les gusta el inglés.
3. Verbos de emociones, preferencias y creencias: gustar, amar, preferir, entender, saber, creer,

I like him. - Él me gusta.

I love her so much. - La amo tanto.
I don't understand that. - No entiendo eso.
Formación de oraciones en el Presente Simple
Oraciones positivas (afirmativas)
I run every day.
He drinks milk every morning.
We walk every evening.
Formación de preguntas
Do you work at weekends?
Does he like swimming?
Do we have money?
Oraciones negativas
I do not / don't have a car.
He does not / doesn't have a car.
We do not / don't want to wait.
Cuando un verbo acaba en ss, sh, x, o o, no se agrega "s" a la tercera persona singular
(he/she/it) sino que se agrega "es":
I kiss - he kisses
I rush - he rushes
I watch - he watches
I do - he does
I go - he goes
I box - he boxes

Palabras interrogativas
Level 1 (A1) :: Unit 5

what time - a qué hora (What time do you usually have

how - qué tan a menudo (How often do you visit your parents?)
why - por qué (Why does he like English?)
what - qué (What does she have?)
where - dónde (Where do you work?)
how - cómo (How do you study?)
how far - qué tan lejos (How far is the beach?)
how - cuánto (for things we can't count (How much does it cost?)
much individually)
how - cuántos (for things we can count (How many people live in this house?)
many individually)
who - quién (Who likes chocolate?)
which - cuál (Which one of you likes chocolate?)
whose - de quién (Whose car is this?)
El tiempo Presente Simple acompaña a muchas palabras relacionadas con frecuencia (qué tan
a menudo algo sucede):

always, often, usually, sometimes, never, hardly ever

every day / week / month / year - cada día / semana / mes / año

Ej: Every year I go on holiday.

once a day / week / month / year - una vez al día / semana / mes / año

Ej: I swim once a week.

La construcción "would like"
Oraciones positivas (afirmativas)
I / you / she / he / we / you / they would like to... - Me/te/le/nos/os/les gustaría...(infinitivo)
Ej: I would like to live in England. You would like to live in England. She would
like to live in England. We would like to live in England. They would like to live in

Formación de preguntas
Would I / you / she / he / we / you / they like to ... ? - ¿Me/te/le/nos/os/les gustaría... ?
Ej: Would I like to live in England? Would you like to live in England? Would she
like to live in England? Would we like to live in England? Would they like to live
in England?

Formación de oraciones negativas

I / you / she / he / we / you / they would not - No me/te/le/nos/os/les gustaría...(infinitivo)
like to...(infinitive)
Level 1 (A1) :: Unit 5

Ej.: I would not like to live in England. You would not like to live in England. She
would not like to live in England. We would not like to live in England. They
would not like to live in England.

En el inglés cotidiano se usa menos "would not" y más "wouldn't".

Ej.: I would not like to live in Germany. = I wouldn't like to live in Germany.

Uso de Ingles

Palabras claves
Wordlist Lista de palabras Example

a cup of una taza de

a few unos pocos

a glass of un vaso de

a pint of una pinta

bacon panceta

banana plátano

beer cerveza

biscuit galleta

both ambos Both Anna and her husband come from England.

bread pan

breakfast desayuno

cake pastel

cheese queso

Chinese chino

dessert pudín

dinner comida

egg huevo

farm granja

fish pescado
Level 1 (A1) :: Unit 5

food comida

fruit fruta

ham jamón

ice hielo

ice cream helado

Italian italiano

lemon limón

meal comida

meat carne

milk leche

mineral water agua mineral

mushroom champiñón

pasta pasta

perhaps quizás Perhaps she is from France.

pie tarta

potato patata

pub bar

pudding postre

restaurant restaurant

rice arroz

salad ensalada

sandwich bocadillo

sausage salchicha

soup sopa

sugar azúcar

that's a pity es una lástima It's a pity you can't come to the meeting.

ticket billete

toast tostada
Level 1 (A1) :: Unit 5

tomato tomate

vegetable verdura

water agua

wine vino

to drink beber

to eat comer

to go to work ir a trabajar

to learn aprender

to like gustar

to prefer preferir I prefer coffee to tea.

to start comenzar

to want querer I want to learn English.

to work trabajar
Level 1 (A1) :: Unit 5

Penny and Sophie are in the supermarket. They like shopping. Penny has got
some pasta, some cheese and some tomato paste in her shopping trolley.
She's also got a watermelon and two cabbages. Penny likes cooking and she
likes trying different foods. Tonight she would like to make a pizza. Today the
supermarket hasn't got any olives so Penny can't put them on the pizza. She
would like to use peppers instead but she can't find them.

Sophie also likes trying different foods but she doesn't like cooking. She has got
four avocados, twelve eggs and some coffee in her shopping basket (she
doesn't like pushing a trolley in a supermarket). She has also got some bleach,
although she doesn't like cleaning.

Penny and Sophie would like to have something to drink before they go home.
There is a small cafe in the restaurant where they can drink some coffee. There
is a problem, though. The cafe hasn't got many seats and most of them are
occupied. Penny and Sophie don't like eating or drinking in very crowded
places. Instead they decide to go home and have something to drink there.

Penny can take Sophie and her shopping home because she has got a car.
Penny likes driving, but only in the countryside. She drives a lot in the city but
she doesn't like it. Sophie hasn't got a car but she would like to have one.
However, she can't drive because she hasn't got a driver's licence. She would
like to learn to drive when she has the time and the money.

They both like living in the city, but they don't like everything in it. They would
like to visit other places but they wouldn't like to live in a different place.
Level 1 (A1) :: Unit 5

Neville is giving an informal garden party. Sebastian is one of the guests.

N: Hello Sebastian. Would you like some salad?

S: Oh, thank you Neville. Not too much please.

N: There you are. We've got some barbecued sausages as well if you like.

S: Thanks, but I don't like sausages. What are those?

N: Those are pork chops. They are a bit like steaks.

S: Oh, could I have one of them?

N: Certainly. You can have more if you like.

S: Really? Then I'll have two, please.

N: There you go.

S: Thank you.

N: Help yourself to ketchup or barbecue sauce. The bottles are just over there.


S: Neville, have you got anything to drink?

N: Oh, certainly. We've got some beer or quite a lot of wine. Would you like

S: Thank you, but I don't like alcoholic drinks with my food.

N: No problem. We've got four bottles of lemonade, one, no two cartons of

orange and a little apple juice.

S: Er, I'd like some apple. Wait a minute, what's that?

N: That? Oh that's pear juice. I've got two cartons. I forgot about that. Not many
people here like it.

S: I love it.

N: Oh, well help yourself.

S: Thank you very much.

Level 1 (A1) :: Unit 5

N: I don't think all the guests are hungry, Sebastian. We've still got a lot of food

S: How much?

N: Well there are twenty-four sausages, eight steaks, two bowls of potato salad,
one bowl of Greek salad and lots of fruit juice.

S: Well I'm sure I can help you there.

N: Please help yourself. I don't think there's much space in our refrigerator.
Here, how many sausages would you like?

S: I think I'll have another three, please. And a lot of potato salad. It's delicious.

N: There you go.

S: Lovely.


S: Well thanks for a lovely party, Neville. The food was excellent.

N: You can take some home with you if you like.

S: Oh, thank you very much!

N: Here. I can wrap this up in foil. There are four steaks and six sausages in
here. And a couple of chops too.

S: Great! I won't have to make dinner tomorrow!

N: And have some more salad to take home. I can put some in this plastic

S: Oh, thanks. I can give you back the container on Monday.

N: Sure thing.
Level 1 (A1) :: Unit 5


Food - Comida
Tipos de comida
breakfast - desayuno
lunch - comida
dinner - comida
tea time - hora del té
supper - cena
salad - ensalada
soup - sopa
scrambled eggs - huevos revueltos
French fries (USA) / chips (UK) - patatas fritas
paté (Fíjate que 'é' lleva acento.) - paté
meat - carne
fish - pescado
vegetables - vegetales
fruit - fruta
mushrooms - champiñones
seafood - mariscos
eggs - huevos
cheese - queso
bread - pan
butter - mantequilla
jam / honey - mermelada / miel
sandwich - bocadillo
bacon - panceta
tomatoes - tomates
potatoes - patatas
carrots - zanahorias
onion - cebolla
beans - judías
corn - maíz
cabbage - repollo
cucumber - pepino
Fruit - fruta
apple - manzana
plum - ciruela
banana - plátano
orange - naranja
grapes - uvas
Level 1 (A1) :: Unit 5

cherries - cerezas
pear - pera
Meat - carne
sausages - salchicha
chicken - pollo
steak - filete de carne
Desserts - postres
chocolate - chocolate
ice cream (también se escribe "ice-cream") - helado
whipped cream - nata
sweets - dulces
cakes - pasteles
Condimentos y especias
salt - sal
black / red pepper - pimienta negra / roja
ketchup - ketchup
mustard (¡La mostaza inglesa es muy picante!) - mostaza
mayonnaise - mayonesa
a cup of tea / coffee - una taza de té / café
a glass of milk / water / juice / scotch on the - un vaso de leche / agua / zumo / scotch on
rocks (scotch = whiskey) the rocks
a glass of red / white wine - una copa de vino tinto / blanco
a can of beer / milk / cola - una lata de cerveza / leche / coca cola
a bottle of beer / juice / mineral water / - una botella de cerveza / zumo / agua
lemonade / wine mineral / limonada / vino
a mug of coffee / cocoa - un tazón de cafe / de cacao
Frases generales
I'd (I would) like a cup of tea, please. - Qusiera una taza de té, por favor.
You'd / she'd / they'd / we'd like some - Tú quisieras / ella quisiera / ellos quisieran /
sausages with mustard and ketchup, nosotros quisieramos salchichas con mostaza y
please. ketchup, por favor.
Hacer ofertas y responder
 Would you like something to drink?  ¿Quisieras algo de beber?
 Yes, please. I'd like a bottle of  Sí, por favor. Quisiera una botella de
mineral water, please. agua mineral, por favor.

 Would you like to have lunch with  ¿Te gustaría comer conmigo?
me?  Encantado. ¿A qué hora?
 With pleasure! What time?

 Would you like to go shopping with  ¿Os gustaría venir de compras con
us? nosotros?
 Okay. We are free at 5 p.m. on  Vale. Nos estamos libres a las 5 PM del
Friday. viernes.

 Would you like some more  ¿Quieres más champiñones?

Level 1 (A1) :: Unit 5

mushrooms?  ¡Claro! ¡Están deliciosos!

 Of course! They are delicious!

 Do you want a cup of coffee?  ¿Quieres una taza de café?

 Yes, please  Sí, por favor.

Invitar y rechazar
 Would you like to go to the party on  ¿Quieres venir a la fiesta el domingo
Sunday evening? por la tarde?
 No, thank you / thanks. I have to go to  No gracias. Tengo que ir a trabajar
work early on Monday morning. temprano el lunes por la mañana.

 Would you like something to drink?  ¿Quieres beber algo?

 I can't because I'm driving.  No puedo porque estoy conduciendo.

Cosas que gustan y que no gustan

I / you / we / they like - Me / te / nos / les gusta
he / she / it likes - le / le / le gusta
I enjoy - Disfruto
I hate - Odio
I quite / really like - Me gusta mucho / de verdad
I don't like / enjoy / hate - No me gusta / disfruto / odio
Frases de ejemplo
I like going to the shops. - Me gusta ir de compras.
I hate sea food. - Odio los mariscos.
I really like eating chocolate. - Me gusta tanto comer chocolate.
What do you like doing / eating? - ¿Qué te gusta hacer / comer?
Do you like beer? - ¿Te gusta la cerveza?
Do you enjoy going to pubs? - ¿Te gusta salir de bares?
Where do you like eating? - ¿Dónde te gusta comer?
What do you hate eating? - ¿Qué odias comer?
What do you think about John's cooking? - ¿Qué opinas de cómo cocina John?
I like eating at good restaurants. - Me gusta comer en buenos restaurantes.
I hate eating fast food. - Odio comer comida rápida.
I really like good, red, Spanish wines. - Me gustan tanto los buenos vinos tintos españoles.
I think it's a very good cheese. - Creo que es un queso muy bueno.
I think Frank is a really good cook. - Creo que Frank cocina muy bien.
Diálogos de ejemplo
Diálogo 1

 Do you want something to drink?  ¿Quieres beber algo?

 Yes, please.  Sí, por favor.
 What would you like?  ¿Qué te gustaría?
 I'd like a cup of coffee.  Quisiera una taza de café
Level 1 (A1) :: Unit 5

 Of course. Do you take sugar and  Por supuesto. ¿Le pones azúcar y
milk? leche?
 Just milk please.  Sólo leche, por favor.
 Here you are.  Aquí tienes.
 Thank you.  Gracias.

Diálogo 2

 Can I buy you something to drink?  ¿Puedo invitarte a un trago?

 Yes, please.  Sí, por favor.
 What would you like?  ¿Que te gustaría?
 I'll have a banana juice, please.  Tomaré un zumo de plátano, por
 Of course. Do you want something to favor.
eat?  Claro. ¿Quieres algo de comer?
 Just a bag of crisps.  Sólo una bolsa de patatas fritas.
 Here you are.  Aquí tienes.
 Thank you.  Gracias.


Vocabulario adicional
I really like the way you / he / she / - De verdad me gusta la forma en que
they... tú/él/ella/ellos...
I love the way... - Me encanta la forma en que...
I don't like the way you / he / she / - No me gusta la forma en que tú/él/ella/ellos...
I hate the way... - Detesto la forma en que...
I really love the way they speak / - Me gusta mucho la forma en que ellos
smile / dress / sing / prepare food. hablan/sonríen/visten/preparan la comida.
I hate the way he always complains / - Detesto la forma en que él siempre se
pushes / talks / dresses queja/empuja/habla/viste
I think it is... - Pienso que es...
interesting / boring - interesante/aburrido
exciting / boring - emocionante/aburrido
noisy / quiet - ruidoso/tranquilo
dangerous / safe - peligroso/seguro
slow / fast - lento/rápido
careful / careless - cuidadoso/desatento
friendly / rude - amigable/grosero
light / heavy - ligero/pesado
expensive / cheap - caro/barato
I really like London because there are so - Me encanta Londres porque hay tantas tiendas
many shops and people and it's so y la gente es tan interesante. Adoro esa
Level 1 (A1) :: Unit 5

interesting. I love the noisy atmosphere atmósfera ruidosa que hay.

What's you favourite band / film / book? - ¿Cuál es tu banda/película/libro favorita(o)?
It's a real masterpiece. - Es realmente una obra de arte.
Diálogo de ejemplo
 Do you like fast food?  ¿Te gusta la comida rápida?
 Not really. I prefer a good steak and  No mucho. Prefiero una buena carne y
potatoes. patatas.
 And what do you like eating for your  ¿Y qué te gusta de postre?
dessert?  Me gusta mucho el helado,
 I really like ice cream, especially especialmente de chocolate y fruta
chocolate with fresh fruit. fresca.
 What would you like to eat now?  ¿Qué te gustaría comer ahora?
 I'd like some meat with potatoes and  Me gustaría carne con patatas y de
some cabbage for salad. I'd also like a ensalada repollo. Quisiera también un
glass of mineral water and vanilla ice vaso de agua mineral y de postre
cream for dessert. helado de vainilla.
 Wow! Give me some time I cook it  ¡Vaya! Dame tiempo para cocinártelo.
for you.  Bueno.
 OK.

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