Business Writing 4

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Name : Kris Mathilda

Class : Business Writing : In-Company Correspondence

Health and Safety Policy

Our company is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all employees. We strive to
provide a secure work environment, particularly in production areas where industrial processes
pose potential risks.

Safety Guidelines

All employees must adhere to displayed safety rules and procedures across the premises.
Violations, whether intentional or negligent, will result in disciplinary action, ranging from
warnings to dismissal in severe cases.

Continuous Improvement

As part of our ongoing commitment to health and safety, we regularly consult with employees, at
least twice a year, to identify additional measures for increased awareness. This may include
initiatives like newsletters, bulletins, and posters to effectively implement and reinforce our
health and safety policy.

Employee Representation

We engage with employee representatives at least four times a year to ensure proper training,
supervision, and instruction on health and safety matters. Our goal is to inform employees about
existing and new measures, providing necessary training to handle situations that could lead to
injury. This proactive approach aims to reduce risks for both employees and contractors.

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