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TITLE [no more than 15 words]

1. Introduction
a. Background information
b. Rationale for the study [what makes your study different from previous ones 
the reason for doing the study]
c. Research objective(s)/purpose(s)
d. Hypotheses/Research questions [1-2]
e. Significance of the study [the importance or contributions of your study]
2. Literature review
a. Definitions of key concepts/terms
b. Previous studies [present relevant previous studies and then re-emphasize what
makes your study different from previous ones]
3. Methodology
a. Research type
b. Participants:
 target population [Who? Why?]
 sample size
 sampling strategy [What? Why?]
c. Instruments [What? Why?]
d. Data collection [How?]
e. Data analysis [What? How?]
4. References [at least 5 primary sources]
5. Appendices [include a consent form (if the research is experimental) and/or relevant
instruments (e.g., questionnaires, interview questions, …)]

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