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10 Adverb Phrases Using 'Very' 1. Very quickly: at a high speed. 2. Very softly: in a gentle or quiet manner. Ww . Very carefully: with great attention to detail. 4. Very slowly: at a low speed. 5. Very quietly: making very little noise. 6. Very politely: in a respectful and courteous manner. 7. Very efficiently: in a way that maximizes productivity. 8. Very cautiously: with care and caution. 9. Very excitedly: with great enthusiasm and excitement. 10. Very deliberately: in a way that is carefully planned and thought out. cenglisntreareer.?. or Scanned with CamScanner "Polite Interruptions” 7. "I'm sorry to interject, but..." 2. "May ] add something here?" 3. “If ] may, I'd like to say...” 4. “7 don't mean to eut in, but..." 5. "Could ) share my perspective?” 6. Z. 8. 9 . Id like to offer a different view." . “May ) jump in for a moment?" . “Sorry, but ) wanted to mention..." . “Could ] briefly interject?" A a 71. "Can J briefly interrupt?” 12. "] hope it's okay to mention..." 13. "Is it okay if ) share my view?" 74. “May ) add a quick comment?” 15. "Can } contribute my thoughts?" 16. "I'd like to make a quick point." 17. “May } offer my input here?” 78. "Could ) share a quick thought?" 19. "Do you mind if 7 add something?" 20. “May ) offer a different idea?” 21. “May ) share my perspective briefly?” 22. "If it's okay, ] have something to say." 70. "Allow me to contribute..." . > ca ee wel Scanned with CamScanner Uses of, ‘But’ 7. Talented but inexperienced. 2. Beautiful day, but scorching. 3. Party desire but must study. 4, Friendly but somewhat shy. 5. Entertaining movie but lengthy. 6. Works hard but needs guidance. 7. Love ice cream but lactose issues. 8. Fast car but pricey. 9. Smart but lacks sense. 10. Great concert but crowded. 71. Skilled but no experience. 12. Good food but noisy spot. 73. Interesting book but complex. 74. Good friend but always late. 15. Dedicated but perfectionist. 16. Powerful phone but short battery. 17. Strong coffee but too bitter. 18. Want to travel but tight budget. 79. Creative but disorganized. 20. Cool class but early hours. 21. Want to go out but feeling tired. @euglishfercarcer?! Scanned with CamScanner Ways to Say, 'Don't Tell Others' Mum's the word. This is confidential. Keep this between us. 2.5 Can you keep a secret? Ww Let's keep a lid on this. Let's keep thishush-hush. /” This is strictly confidential. ‘ Let's keep this to ourselves. Let's keep this under wraps. This stays between us, okay? Let's not spread this around. This is just for your ears only. Please don't tell anyone else. Let's keep this our little secret. This is just between you and me. Can we keep this off the record? We should keep this confidential. This is not for public consumption. Let's keep this between us, alright? Please don't share this information. What we talk about here stays here. I'd prefer if you kept this to yourself. Can we keep this between us, please? Let's keep this on a need-to-know basis. We need to keep this between ourselves. eenglishiéreareer.? h- Scanned with CamScanner 2 O Are You Alternatives Alright? . How are you feeling? . Is everything okay? . Are you doing okay? . How are things with you? OMONAMAWNE . Are you feeling okay? . Is everything going well? . Is everything all right? . Are you feeling better? . Are things going smoothly? . How are you holding up? . What's the matter? . What's been going an? . Are you doing alright? . How are you managing? What's going on? How's your day going? How are you coping? Do you need anything? . How's life treating you? . ls something bothering you? cenglisntrcarcer? b Scanned with CamScanner Improving Reading Skiils 7. Read regularly. 2. Set aside reading time. 9. Pick interesting books. 4, Start with short texts. 5. Highlight important parts. {' 6. Take notes as you read. 7, Join a book elub. 8. Read aloud. 9. Try speed reading. 10. Focus on understanding. 11. Enjoy different writing styles. 72. Listen to audiobooks. ay 18. Set reading goals. 714. Study the author's style. 15. Read in other languages. 16. Build your vocabulary. 17. Try children's books. 18. Challenge yourself. 19. Use bookmarks. 20. Use a dictionary for new words. 27. Summarize what you've read. 22. Discuss books with friends. 23. Read newspapers and magazines. 24. Enjoy the reading journey! Scanned with CamScanner 15 Excuses for Being Late 1. Traffic was terrible. 2. My alarm didn't go off. 3.1 got lost on the way here. 4. | missed my train/bus. 5. | got stuck in traffic. 6. My car broke down on the way. 7. [had to deal with a personal matter. 8. | got stuck in a long line at the store. 9. | had to wait for an important phone call. 10. | had a last-minute emergency at home. 11. | got lost and couldn't find the location. 12. 1 overslept and lost track of time. 13. | had to deal with an urgent family matter. 14. | had to drop my kids off at school. 15. | had a family emergency | needed to attend. eenelishbrearcer 2ly- Scanned with CamScanner 2 3 It Is Your Alternatives Choice. . It's allin your hands. ? . It's entirely up to you. . You have the final say. The decision is up to you. . The ball is in your court. . The callis yours to make. . It's your call. . The decision rests with you. . You have free rein to choose. 10. The choice is entirely yours. 11. You have the final decision. 12. The decision is yours to take. 13. It's ultimately up to you. 14. You have the power to decide. 15. It's your prerogative to choose. 16. You have the liberty to choose. 17. You have the freedom to decide. 18. You're the one who gets to decide. 19. You're in charge of this decision.. 20. You have the authority to choose. 21. It's completely up to your discretion. 22. The decision is entirely yours to make. 23. The power to choose is in your hands. cenglishrcarcer? be oanrtoanhwhr Scanned with CamScanner ‘Move Away!” 7. Leave immediately! 2. Make a quick getaway! 3. Take a powder! 4, Run for the hills! 5. Make like a tree and leaf! 6. Take your exit! 7. Go your own way! 8. Get on your bike! 9. Make a break for it! 10. Scat and don't come back! 11. Get out of my sight! 12. Pack your bags and go! 78. Time to hit the trail! SS 74, Away with you, quickly! gs 15. Depart the scene! wayiisinanrss 76. Make a quick exit! ) 77. Be on your way! 78. Make a move! 19. Find another spot! 20. Head out of here! 21. Clear the area! 22. Step out of sight! 28. Move out! Scanned with CamScanner Daily Use English Sentences I'm not feeling well. | need to go to work. I'm going to the gym. I'll see you tomorrow. What's the date today? I'm feeling tired today. How much does it cost? I need to do my laundry. What's the wifi password? | forgot my phone at home. | have to pay my bills today. I'm taking my dog for a walk. What's your favourite hobby? I'm fine, thank you. And you? Can you please lend me a pen? I'm going for a walk in the park. What's your favourite TV show? 43.54" I'll be working from home today. - Do you have any weekend plans? * ' I'm looking for a new book to read. What time do you usually wake up? I'm planning to cook dinner tonight. I'm running late for my appointment. Do you have any plans for the evening? Can you please turn down the volume? cenglishrcarcer.? ly Scanned with CamScanner “Life Lessons” 1. Be kind, always. 2. Cherish family and friends. 3. Follow your passion. 4. Learn from your mistakes. 5. Balance work and life. 6. Stay humble. 7. Live in the present moment. i 8. Prioritize health and well-being.© 9. Stay true to your values. 10. Make time for self-care. ie} 71. Appreciate the beauty of nature. 72. Keep your promises. 18. Be patient; good things take time. 14. Don't take life too seriously. 15. Love unconditionally. 76. Stay curious and open-minded. 17. Take risks and step out of your comfort zone. 78. Be honest, even when it's difficult. 79. You can't control everything; accept it. 20. Surround yourself with positivity. 2). Find joy in small moments. 22. Practice mindfulness. 23. Quality matters more than quantity. 24. Money doesn't buy happiness. Crag lislfercarere# Scanned with CamScanner Alternatives of, 'I'm Busy' . I'm currently ona call. . My schedule is pretty full. . My calendar is booked up. . I'm tied up at the moment. . My schedule is pretty tight. . I'm otherwise occupied. . I'm currently unavailable. . I'm currently in a meeting. . I'm working on a tight deadline. 10. I'm fully booked at the moment. 11. I'm occupied with other priorities. 12. | have a lot on my plate right now. 13. My hands are full at the moment. 14. I'm swamped with work right now. 15. | have a lot going on at the moment. 16. I'm tied up with other commitments. 17. I'm preoccupied with other matters. 18. I'm currently in the middle of a project. 19. I'm currently engaged in other activities. 20. I'm unable to take on any more right now. 21. Unfortunately, | don't have any free time. 22. I'm currently dealing with urgent matters. 23. I'm in the middle of something right now. 24. I'm overloaded with work. NR OMONOaHW @englishforcareer24 Scanned with CamScanner Daily Use English Sentences * What's your name? ¢ Nice to meet you. ¢ How was your day? * What time is it? * Let's meet at 7 pm. * See you later. * Have anice day! * I'm so tired today. * Do you have any pets? \ / \ \ * Thank you for your help. is / ¢ Itwas nice talking to you. a * I'm looking for a new job. ¢ What's your favourite hobby? * Can you give me some advice? | ¢ | really like your outfit today. \ ¢ What's your opinion on this? * | have to go now, see you later. ¢ Have you ever tried this before? * Do you have any siblings? * Can! help you with anything? ¢ Sorry, | can't make it today. ¢ Could you repeat that please? ¢ Excuse me, where is the restroom? * Can you speak a little slower please? * Thank you for your time. Beng ishbrcarcer DLy- Scanned with CamScanner Supporting students: 7. Be a patient listener. 2. Encourage questions. 3. Promote a growth mindset. 4. Celebrate small victories. 5. Foster a love for learning. 6. Teach time management. 7. Be accessible for help. f &. Encourage creativity. 9. Teach study skills. 10. Offer study groups. A 71. Share real-world examples, — @uglstferanezt 12. Show empathy. 13. Promote a balanced lifestyle. 74. Encourage critical thinking. 15. Promote independence. 16. Create engaging lessons. 17. Teach problem-solving. 78. Encourage reading. 19. Share success stories. 20. Offer a variety of learning resources. 27. Be a mentor. 22. Inspire a lifelong love of learning. Scanned with CamScanner 24 | Have Alternatives No Idea. I'm not sure. | have no clue. I'm in the dark. I'm not clued in. I'm not informed. | have no concept. I'm not hip to that. I'm not in the loop. I'm not across that. | have no perception: I'm not aware of that. I'm not on top of this. I'm not versed in that. I'm clueless about this. I'm not knowledgeable. ¢ I'm not apprised of that. ¢ | have no understanding. « [have no comprehension. ¢ I'm not up-to-date on that. ¢ [have no comprehension. I'm not aware of the situation. I'm not aware of the specifics. I'm not well-versed in that area. I'm not familiar with the details. cenglishtércarcer.? ie Scanned with CamScanner Introduce Yourself Confidently 7. Smile warmly. 2. Maintain eye contact. 2. Stand or sit up straight. 4, Start with a friendly greeting. 5. Use a clear, steady voice. 6. Offer a firm handshake. 7. State your name clearly. | 8. Share something interesting about yourself. 9. Keep your introduction brief. 10. Use positive body language. 71. Mention your current role or occupation. 72. Include a recent achievement. 73. Express your passion or hobbies. 74. Speak slowly and clearly. 15. Avoid filler words like "um" and "u 16. Practice your introduction. 17. Listen actively. 18. Keep a friendly tone. 19. Take deep breaths if nervous. 20. Share your goals and aspirations. 21. End with a friendly closing statement. Scanned with CamScanner Quarrel Phrases “Enough is enough!” “Stop it right now!” "This is ridiculous{” ~~ “You're pushing my buttons!" us “] can't take this anymore.” “We need to talk.” "Why are you doing this?" 8. "Calm down, please." 9. "I'm at my limit.” 10. "Don't test my patience.” 11. "You're out of line." 72. "Can't we just get along?" 73. "You're being unreasonable.” 74. "Enough with the arguing!” 75. “We're not seeing eye to eye.” 76. "I'm really disappointed.” 17. "We're on opposite sides.” 78. "We're not on the same page." 19. "Why are you so defensive?" 20. "I'm really frustrated.” 21. "You're impossible to talk to!" 22. "We're stuck in this disagreement.” NOAS WWD Craglishfercareed et Scanned with CamScanner Ways to Say "Well Done!" 1. Great job! 27. Splendid! 2. Bravo! 28. A job well done! 3. Excellent work! 29. I'm proud of you! 4. Fantastic! 30. You're a star! 5. Outstanding! 31. That's incredible! 6. Terrific! 32. That's fantastic! 7. Superb! 33. That's phenomenal! 8. Awesome! 34. Top-notch! 9. Incredible! 35. Kudos to you! 10. Impressive! 11. Amazing! 12. Phenomenal! 13. You nailed it! 14. Way to go! 15. Good going! 16. Keep it up! 17. That's the way! 18. I'm impressed! 19. Very nice! 20. You did it! 21. Congrats! 22. You rock! 23. Hooray! 24. You're killing it! 25. That was impressive! eenglishiercarcer? ty 26. You deserve a pat on the back! Scanned with CamScanner Uses of, “Until”: 7. 7'll wait until you're ready. 2. She danced until dawn. 3. Wait here until ) return. 4. 7'll love you until the end. 5. They played until dark. 6. The rain fell until evening. 7. Continue until it's perfect. 8. The store is open until 9. 9. Rest until you feel better. ~ 10. He worked until exhaustion. ~ Chaph Meare ?# 71, Keep trying until you succeed. 12. We laughed until tears came. 18. Play the game until finished. 14, Work hard until you achieve. 15. The train runs until midnight. 76. Study until you're confident. 17. Keep dreaming until it’s real. 78. Exercise until you're strong. 19. She smiled until it hurt. 20. Keep pushing until the end. 21. Don't stop until you're proud. 22. Learn continuously until wise. Scanned with CamScanner Options To Decline 7. Can't make it, sorry. 2. Unavailable, can't attend. 3. Wish) could, can't. 4. ) won't be there, sorry. 5.]'m tied up, can't come. 6. Decline this time. 7, Unable to attend, sorry. 8.) can't be there, sorry. 9. Have to decline, sorry. 10. Can't make it this time. 11. Tied up, can't come. 72. Can't join you this time. | ~ 78. Unavailable, sorry. 74. Pass on this oceasion. : Conglsbfereaner2? 15. Won't work for me to go. 16. Have to miss this one. 17. Can't make it this time. 18. Won't make it to the event. 19. Tied up, can't attend, sorry. 20. Unavailable, won't attend. 21. Unable to join you, apologies. Scanned with CamScanner

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