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Mechanics of the
Musculoskeletal System

Many professionals interested in human which is resisted by tensile loading of the

movement function need information on plantar fascia and the longitudinal liga-
how forces act on and within the tissues of ment in the foot. Shear is a right-angle
the body. The deformations of muscles, ten- loading acting in opposite directions. A
dons, and bones created by external forces, trainer creates a shearing load across athlet-
as well as the internal forces created by ic tape with scissor blades or their fingers
these same structures, are relevant to un- when they tear the tape. Note that loads are
derstanding human movement or injury. not vectors (individual forces) acting in one
This chapter will provide an overview of direction, but are illustrated by two arrows
the mechanics of biomaterials, specifically (Figure 4.1) to show that the load results
muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bone. The from forces from both directions.
neuromuscular control of muscle forces When many forces are acting on a body
and the mechanical characteristics of mus- they can combine to create combined loads
cle will also be summarized. The applica- called torsion and bending (Figure 4.2). In
tion of these concepts is illustrated using bending one side of the material is loaded
the Force-Time Principle of biomechanics. in compression while the other side experi-
An understanding of mechanics of muscu- ences tensile loading. When a person is in
loskeletal tissues is important in under- single support in walking (essentially a
standing the organization of movement, in- one-legged chair), the femur experiences
jury, and designing conditioning programs. bending loading. The medial aspect of the
femur is in compression while the lateral
aspect is in tension.

When forces are applied to a material, like RESPONSE OF TISSUES

human musculoskeletal tissues, they create TO FORCES
loads. Engineers use various names to de-
scribe how loads tend to change the shape The immediate response of tissues to load-
of a material. These include the principal or ing depends on a variety of factors. The
axial loadings of compression, tension, and size and direction of forces, as well as
shear (Figure 4.1). Compression is when an the mechanical strength and shape of
external force tends to squeeze the mole- the tissue, affect how the material structure
cules of a material together. Tension is will change. We will see in this section
when the load acts to stretch or pull apart that mechanical strength and muscular
the material. For example, the weight of a strength are different concepts. This text
body tends to compress the foot against the will strive to use "muscular" or "mechani-
ground in the stance phase of running, cal" modifiers with the term strength to


D. Knudson, Fundamentals of Biomechanics

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2003

(a) (b) (c)

Compression Tension Shear

Figure 4.1. The principal axial loads of (a) compression, (b) tension, and (c) shear.

help avoid confusion. There are several im- chanica! stress is not vector quantity, but an
portant mechanical variables that explain even more complex quantity called a tensor.
how musculoskeletal tissues respond to Tensors are generalized vectors that have
forces or loading. multiple directions that must be accounted
for, much like resolving a force into
anatomically relevant axes like along a lon-
Stress gitudinal axis and at right angles (shear).
The maximum force capacity of skeletal
How hard a load works to change the shape muscle is usually expressed as a maximum
of a material is measured by mechanical stress of about 25-40 N I cm2 or 36-57
stress. Mechanical stress is symbolized lbs/in2 (Herzog, 1996b). This force poten-
with the Greek letter sigma (a) and is de- tial per unit of cross-sectional area is the
fined as the force per unit area within a ma- same across gender, with females tending
terial (a= FI A). Mechanical stress is similar to have about two-thirds of the muscular
to the concept of pressure and has the same strength of males because they have about
units (Nim2 and lbs/in2). In the SI system two-thirds as much muscle mass a males.
one Newton per meter squared is one
Pascal (Pa) of stress or pressure. As you
read this book you are sitting in a sea of at- Strain
mospheric gases that typically exert a pres-
sure of 1 atm, 101.3 KPa (kilopascals), or The measure of the deformation of a materi-
14.7 lbs/in2 on your body. Note that me- al created by a load is called strain. This de-

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