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An Ever-Expanding Universe of

Networked Possibilities
NDI 5: An Ever-Expanding Universe

of Networked Possibilities
If you are in the business of how to achieve improved and reliable With such wide-ranging industry sup-
performance out of traditional IT prac- port, making connections to an IP net-
video production, then you tices and infrastructures. That challenge work fast while finding a device within a
have likely read, heard, or was met with the introduction of NDI®. networked infrastructure is easy. Com-
thought about using Internet bine that with full metadata support that
Welcome to the industry’s most flexible, is invisible to the user—represented
Protocol (IP) as an alternative cost-effective, and widely accepted as XML blocks that validate and store
to baseband video, but you audio/video networking protocol for IP multiple lines of formatted descriptive
are concerned it may be too transmission and live production using text to power workflows—and you can
standard LAN networking. NDI, which easily leverage NDI 5’s software-based
complicated to implement and along with Vizrt and NewTek is a stand- efficiencies to automatically control
use. alone brand within Vizrt Group, is now and trigger devices like PTZ cameras,
compatible with thousands of video tally lights, graphics insertion, audio
Fear not. products—from cameras to desktop levels and more, on the network. These
editing systems, routers to audio mixers invaluable audio and video file descrip-
IP video went mainstream some time and much more—supporting a wide tors help preserve visual quality, frame
ago. Just think about the streaming variety of applications and a myriad of accuracy, and source synchronization
services you use at home. With respect video production workflows and distri- to keep your productions looking and
to live production and post-production bution market verticals. performing at their absolute best.
workflows, the challenge has been in

2 NDI ebook
NDI is a royalty-free software standard high-quality signal processing and few
developed by NewTek to enable audio limitations.
and video-compatible products to com-
NDI® is designed municate, deliver, and receive high-defi- According to Dr. Andrew Cross, Vizrt
nition video over a computer network Group’s President of Product Develop-
to harness the in a high-quality, low-latency manner ment and one of NDI’s original devel-
opers, “NDI is designed to harness the
massive creative that is frame accurate and suitable for
switching in a live production environ- massive creative potential of software
potential of ment. It requires no special hardware of and networks, allowing anyone to work
with video and have fun doing it.”
any kind, and it works with your existing
software and software applications, computer plat-
What NDI has given the industry is a
forms, and network infrastructure. NDI’s
networks, allowing lightweight, low overhead implementa-
reliable and de facto standard that gets
everyone speaking the same network-
anyone to work tion makes it as simple as downloading
an NDI Tool (at no charge), and then
ing language, greatly speeding up new
product launches and system integra-
with video and sitting back as you witness live video
tion while ensuring that each device will
moving across your network.
have fun doing it. be easily recognized on the network
and simple to control remotely.
Far from a nascent technology, since
2015, millions of video professionals
have incorporated it into their workflows
and now have the freedom to work in Free NDI® Tools Streamline
tandem with their preferred choice in Network Deployment
technology and network topologies
without having to change their already Complete with a new interface and
established workflows. For example, intuitive guidance built in, NDI Tools is a
common audio networking technolo- suite of applications designed to intro-
gies like Dante™ can easily co-exist duce you to the world of IP. NDI makes
on an NDI video-over-IP network with it possible to connect to any device, in

any location, anywhere in the world and technology companies supporting NDI,
transmit live video to wherever you are. and millions of users incorporating it
Indeed, with a single download, you into their workflows. Applications and
gain the ability to integrate more source devices ranging from gaming to cor-
devices and applications into your porate video to broadcast are readily
workflow, insert more content into your available.
shows, and expand video opportunities
throughout your network. To make NDI NDI 5 represents a quantum leap
even more accessible to new and expe- forward in live IP production workflows,
rienced users alike, the free NDI Tools and since NewTek products, like Tri-
download has been reimagined for NDI Caster integrated production systems—
5, with a fresh interface and intuitive are natively IP-centric, they are ready to
guidance built in. plug-and-play into your Internet-based
network topology.
And the best part is that this invaluable
and continually expanding software So, what can you do now with NDI
toolkit is available as a free download that you couldn’t do before when you
(for both Macintosh and PC desktops, combine NewTek production solutions
as well as Android and iOS) from the with NDI 5?
NDI Tools website.

1. Connect Your Studios,

Welcome To NDI 5 ®
Not Just Your Devices
The latest version of NDI, NDI 5, brings An exciting new part of the NDI Tool
a wealth of new features that even suite, NDI Bridge streamlines the re-
seasoned NDI users will find surprisingly mote production workflows of TriCast- With NDI® Bridge,
helpful for their everyday video pro- er-based productions by forming a se-
ductions. That is because the world’s cure bridge between any NDI network users can
most widely adopted software-defined regardless of location. This has helped
IP video standard now allows anyone to redefine the concept of decentralized securely share
to easily share live, high quality, low
latency video with anyone else in real
workflows, opening a wealth of new op-
portunities for cost-effective, live video
NDI® sources
time, using billions of devices. Now you production. between remote
can easily build shows and share videos
between them, for free. It has signifi- With NDI Bridge, users can securely sites, anywhere
cantly furthered the current creative and share NDI sources between remote
technical infrastructure revolution now sites, anywhere in the world, using a in the world,
taking place in video storytelling. simple and secure network setup. This
allows live production teams to stay using a simple and
As a scalable media transport mecha- native in NDI, end-to-end, reducing
nism, NDI 5 is designed to encourage complexity, cost, and latency across secure network
all types of suppliers to integrate NDI
into their applications and devices. As
any distance. NDI Bridge delivers local
convenience on a global scale as it han-
a result, NDI has achieved the widest dles all the complexity of remote sourc-
support of any IP-based protocol for es, and still works with alpha channel,
media by far. There are thousands of KVM, PTZs, tally, and much more.

4 NDI ebook
an Internet-connected device, like a
camera phone or a web browser, to
another point anywhere in the world.
This facilitates the live contribution of
guests and reporters to a newscast or
entertainment interview show.

3. Gain Better Network

Another big step forward in NDI 5 is a
new transport protocol at the core —
Reliable UDP.

Reliable UDP is better at managing

packet traffic and network congestion,
avoiding packet loss and dropped
frames. Also, you no longer need a
complex network switch, an entry-level
switch and NDI 5 networking works just
fine. This makes it much easier for the
end user to set up a network with no
prior networking experience. It’s literally
plug and play.

This remote networking capability 2. Easily Access Remote

allows you to eliminate the limitations
Sources Over a Secure 4. Network Connectivity
of your local facility by connecting and
controlling PTZ cameras—NewTek or WAN Or Public Internet & Coexistence
otherwise—in remote locations. Not Another critical point to understand in
The need to bring live sources into a
only do you get pristine video capture terms of secure and reliable network
production at the last minute with little
and display (as well as high quality au- connectivity is that NDI 5 and other
time to establish secure and stable
dio), but also full control of the camera networking technologies, such as
connections is one of the greatest
with tally and other important ancillary Dante, can be configured to coexist on
headaches for anyone working in media
data at the receive site. You can also the same network. On both the transfer
production. NDI Remote means you
easily reverse the connection and run and receive sides, the users should al-
can connect with any remote user to
your TriCaster from the remote location ways be aware of the risk of mixing two
receive their video and audio over the
through NDI KVM, allowing users to different technologies using the same
public internet by simply sharing a link.
access the user interface of their New- physical connection, but compared
This is ideal both to quickly add sources
Tek live production system and take to what came before, this powerful
to live productions, or to receive video
control from anywhere on your network. combination works so much faster and
from any mobile device anywhere in the
Even better, this is not only two-way, more reliably than other solutions on the
world into any video software applica-
but multi-way. Multiple sites can share market today. Networked compatibility
and work with each other’s sources, is the name of the game in successful
whether they are next door or across an NDI Remote allows anyone with a URL and seamless audio and video produc-
ocean. to contribute live audio and video using tion architectures.

5 NDI ebook
connections more resilient with less 7. Work With All Apple and
configuration required.
NDI® Audio Adobe Creative Cloud Products
Management and control software
Direct lets users adjustments are also enhanced, giving
For the first time, NDI 5 provides native
support for macOS, iOS, tvOS and
users the ability to direct NDI traffic to
select, receive, specific audio and video interfaces. And
iPadOS devices. This speeds up the
performance and production workflows
and generate these helpful connectivity enhance-
ments are available as soon as you
of countless and unrelated vertical mar-
kets. An updated plug-in allows output
multichannel audio download the free NDI 5 toolkit found
for Final Cut Pro with real-time audio
within the NDI Developers’ SDK.
with extremely and video frame buffers. There is also
improved support for Adobe Premiere
high quality and 6. Make Your Audio
and After Effects plugins, which now
feature improved audio workflows.
near zero latency. Sound Better and Travel
More Securely In addition, NDI 5 offers an all-new
Adobe Creative Cloud plugin that allows
NDI Audio Direct is a set of audio audio output both to the soundcard and
plugins that allows virtually any audio the NDI output, enabling users to hear
software application to take advantage the very same audio as is going out to
of NDI. NDI Audio Direct lets users se- NDI, providing a full editor workflow.
lect, receive, and generate multichannel
audio with extremely high quality and
near zero latency. The plugins are a ma-
jor enabler for easy audio-over-IP and
supports workflows both on premises
For the first time,
5. Strengthen Your
Network Connectivity
and in virtual or cloud environments. NDI® 5 provides
Network congestion control is perhaps
This means users can freely move native support
audio around their production using
the single most vital component for high
performance and reliability across the
NDI 5 networking. It provides seamless for macOS, iOS,
integration of NDI audio into soft-
hall or across the globe in real-world ware-based audio workflows, be they tvOS and iPadOS
networks. NDI-native NewTek products,
such as TriCaster and 3Play, benefit sig-
across a local network, in the cloud,
or hybrid, setting your production free devices. This
nificantly from the Reliable UDP (RUDP)
transport protocol, which optimizes
from the limitations of hardware audio
speeds up the
network transport with state-of-the-art
congestion control algorithms, band- For example, NDI 5 allows you to
width management, and high latency connect your Digital Audio Workstation and production
support. (DAW) to any TriCaster-based pro-
duction. In this way you can leverage workflows of
RUDP is designed to move video and third-party audio plug-ins to sweeten
audio across a network. By adding your audio mix or pair-up with a con- countless and
standards based on UDP, NDI 5 works
better on the network that you already
trol surface through a DAW for direct
control of the program mix. And there is
unrelated vertical
have installed—including over WiFi and
WAN. In fact, as part of NDI’s mission
no external timing hardware or network markets.
clock required, saving you setup time
to make video easier everywhere, and money.
RUDP transfer makes WAN and WiFi

6 NDI ebook
8. Deploy IP-Based 5’s advanced SDK features can help NDI® is the Right Choice
developers support NDI for both audio
Synchronization (Genlock) and video. This lets developers get new
for Your AV-over-IP
for Multi-Camera, Remote products and applications to market Networked Environments
and Virtual Set Production faster and more efficiently than ever
At its core, NDI moves video, audio,
Although NDI 5 does not support auto- and data across any network—glob-
matic synchronization of cameras and al, wireless, mobile, or local, between
cameras, mobile devices, production
other audio devices on its own, users 10. See A Fast ROI equipment or desktop machines—and
can manually synchronize two or more
sources to keep the timing correct, Compared to any other Audio/Video is now the most used standard to move
assuming the product they are using over IP technology NDI is extremely content in the world.
supports this function. When working in easy to implement, most times requiring
Due to its flexible and open design the
virtual set and augmented reality envi- only a single Ethernet cable to move
latest version of NDI continues to push
ronments, synchronization is critical. In streams of UHD material. The advan-
the boundaries of video production over
this case users can use an NDI stream tage of using a compressed protocol is
IP and now, with unmatched WAN and
as a reference to synchronize all of the becoming huge, particularly in that NDI
audio capabilities, NDI offers unprece-
applications on the network. can operate both locally and globally.
dented integration and power to share
NDI is more than a transport protocol. It
This makes it as simple to work with as and move video, audio, and metadata
is also a codec, a control path, a vehicle
genlock was in the old composite video between devices anywhere around the
for metadata, a bi-directional communi-
world. This synchronization capability world.
cation avenue, a recording environment,
can be accessed within the new ad- a signal routing fabric, and an SDK.
vanced NDI 5 SDK.
And NDI is flexible. If your production

9. Quickly Develop NDI ®

company staffs four control rooms NDI® – Moving
during the week, but ten at the week-
Applications for ARM Devices end, employing NDI means a simple video. Moving the
adjustment to the IP network switch
NDI 5 is among a few networking can make those extra rooms avail- world.
technologies products that can support able to remote production staff within
Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) devic-
es. Withing the NDI 5 advanced SDK,
minutes. Easy installation and increased
productivity mean your company sees
Curious to know
there are special software tools focused a return on investment in a very short more? Please
on ARM CPUs. It means that one could time.
build an NDI-compatible encoder and visit ndi.tv and
decoder to benefit the display markets. In addition, with NDI you save money
Technology providers using tradition- by not having to purchase extra gate- newtek.com.
al methods previously took years to way or signal processing components.
implement modern technologies that lie From a business perspective, we can
within NDI 5. look at stream per cable. With SMPTE
2110, you get one HD stream per cable
Now a developer can take an inex- over a 10 GB/s connection. With NDI
pensive compute device and an HMDI you can run three UHD streams over a
plug-in box and it can decode NDI. single 1 Gb/s stream (over one Ethernet
There are many hardware devices that cable). More streams equal increased
use ARM CPUs in the industry, like revenue.
audio mixers and mobile phones. NDI

7 NDI ebook
NDI® is a registered trademark of NewTek, Inc.

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