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19 101 03 283 Date: 2ofz/ 22 oll No. ‘Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 250 [ INDEX TABLI ae S.No | Max. Marks | Marks Obtained | 1 Please do furnish Name, Pm il, Roll No and Mobile in thr feo answer sheet. i ’ 2. There are TWENTY questions printed in ENGLISH & HINDI, al questions are compulsory. 3, The number of marks carried by @ question/p: art is indicate against it. ‘4, Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the a. sniseion Certificate, which must be stated clearly on the cover 0 this Question-Cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. if specified, should be adhered to. An: 'eft blank in the Question-Cum Answe 5, Word limit in questions, 10 page or portion of the page k Booklet must be clearly Struck off. Az ‘Any specific messages for ForumIAS Mentors, Evaluators with respect to your copy? 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Raise a ticket from your tre to meet mentor (all 7 days, Timings 1 atte eeu ty re-evaluation of the copy, : Note: You can discuss you a mentor call or visit the offline cen you are unsatisfied withthe evaluation, you can seek Greallent [VeryGood | Good | Average [Poor Parameters Language Structure Presentation Handwriting Content ‘Attempt ADDITIONAL REMARKS 2020 © ForumlAS | All rights reserved Rae fA ForuUtiies pwn Bie odes : 7 i ae wat = WF ¥ road ae cha 3) Aer . 4 peittion _— / THY Maan» ry Te eer fe ‘., hard Catt, ps, eae FORE eolucnlion coahations y oof Gvalatulinwnlow (ug -B— Cuauns “dale gy as” lub iv « bane Tana Cowatitictinnaley, a Omauars prstsationn ab Feedbac Ca Ope, HTT Blog: Dopo al ae runinn rece “Forum aS Ta person is offencled by someone's speech oF wor Bust Deere mitted. In this context, dis@uss the Issues suri en committed se has and 1538 06 TPC does not mean that an of- (CO marks, 156 words) fas whe cafe Pre a aoroeT aT ares omer ere &, eT Hera we =e Ale BNE are ry def 4 IPC arr 295A sie 153A } Gee Tear WI we Tal we (10 ai, 460 zr) q Pc deals ont ‘ ¥ gaol ‘he STA OEE — "chee Spel paps je osu Sant eer“ € beet re ‘Call us: 01149878625, 9821711605, Blog : roru \ mit [4 sperrds Ke x im Lat oC) cents eee Og it~ aul wah ersten ek poet” sidney Ode Yulia, whan pia wibbeda, toil ue ta necoktal do . ° dee pes wt nde : + 1-218. — Treat rwaune pos . sie : - rat eda mn fe wolemeg | : haut oy AD 2 Cammntanion “Arfrack on See RAZ Carer Fe tial mat ” _ penta Seas Tas bal Neca \cademy wt Eo ee ee tive analysis of political system of India and Sri-Lanka, How far do you 3) Present a compan" economic crisis in Sri-Lanka lies in its political structure? son for Erce that the reason for he eo eEeEeeeesecwe_as (10 marks, 150 words) (10 aim, 150,72) fhe resat Blog : Forum) a A Foru mas (Don't Write eything in this ty due to Its professionalization has helped in deepening of SipatiorranT accountability. 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