DNA and RNA As Ballets of Life

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DNA and RNA as Ballets of Life

Nucleic Acid are known to carry genetical information responsible for passing genetical information for
generation. Nucleic Acid are biomolecules which is responsible for storing genetics and protein synthesis
in the body. These nucleic acids appeared to be long and chain like composed of nucleotides.

Nucleotides is the monomer of this acid and has a structure of phosphate, sugars the ribose and
deoxyribose, and lastly Nitrogenous bases which can be purines and pyrimidines. Purines are the
adenine and guanine, Pyrimidine are the uracil, thymine and cytosine. These bases are found in DNA &
RNA but thymine in RNA is replaced by uracil.

Discussing the title and the diagram, I differentiate DNA & RNA to ballerinas who could perform their
task gracefully with partners or solo, they’re complete with each other or alone making man’s existence
immaculate. Watching the replication of the DNA & RNA is like watching ballet performance in the

The objective of nucleic acid is to carry blueprints of cells and carry instruction for the functioning of the
cell. Additionally, DNA is a double strand which is responsible for storing information needed to
construct a protein and RNA is a single stranded which is responsible for regulation of expression in
constructing protein synthesis.

To conclude it, the absence of nucleic acid in mans survival will cause extinction because there is no
genetic information passed down through the generation, the cell cycle without DNA & RNA is none

Therefore, how can man continue its reign in earth without nucleic acids? Remembering the theory of
Humorism which talks about any imbalance in life can cause diseases, for me Man’s Survival is just like
Humorism because of any imbalance of biomolecules or anything in the body can cause disease or worst
an extinction.

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