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UNCSW- GSL Speech Example

Here is a possible simplified version of the speech in 300 words:

Dear Chair, delegates, and participants,

I am happy to speak for Bangladesh in this committee on women's issues. Bangladesh

has improved the lives of women and girls a lot in the last 50 years. We have made girls
and boys go to school equally, given women better health and jobs, and made women
safe and respected.

But we know that we still have many problems and gaps to solve to make all women
and girls in Bangladesh happy and successful. One of the main things we need to work
on is to give social protection, public services and infrastructure that are good for
women and girls.

Social protection means helping women and girls who are poor, vulnerable and
discriminated against. Bangladesh has many programs that give money, food, pensions,
and health insurance to these people. But we need to make these programs better and
reach more women and girls who need them, like those who live far, are different, have
disabilities, or face violence.

Public services mean things like health, education, water, sanitation, and justice that
women and girls need to be healthy, educated, and empowered. Bangladesh has
invested a lot to make these services better and more available, especially for mothers,
children, and girls. But we still have some barriers and gaps that stop many women and
girls from using and benefiting from these services, like not knowing, not affording, not
finding, not reaching, or not liking them. These barriers are worse because of COVID-19,
which has made it harder to get and use these services and has increased the risks and
burdens for women and girls.

Infrastructure means things like roads, bridges, energy, and technology that help women
and girls move, connect, and work. Bangladesh has focused on building strong and
inclusive infrastructure, especially in rural areas, to support growth, development, and
sustainability. But we still have some challenges and gaps in making sure that these
projects are good for women and girls and that they think of their needs and wants, like
safety, security, and convenience.
So, Bangladesh asks for a complete and integrated way to deal with the connected
issues of social protection, public services and infrastructure for women and girls. We
ask the international community to work together and give the resources, skills, and
innovation to help the developing countries in this effort. We also ask the national
governments to make and do policies, programs, and projects that are good for women
and girls and that are based on facts and evidence to make sure that no woman or girl
is left out in the path of development.

Thank you for listening.

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