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Now that there are many problems in our society, like the global pandemic people
tend to feel more stressed and pressured in the daily basis. Since the global pandemic had
started in year 2019, and as shown on the survey conducted by Cox (2023) 64% of the
parents said that pandemic had a huge and major negative impact on their child’s mental
health, the adverse experiences due to the global pandemic contributes to the adolescents’
stress, feeling of hopelessness and sadness. Stress is a normal human reaction it is
experienced by almost everyone. People are designed to experience stress; they tend to
react when they are put under pressure or feel threatened and put in a situation they couldn’t
control. Stress could influence the way people think, feel, and this could disrupt the rhythm
of a person. Perceived stress refers to a condition of physical or psychological arousal in
reaction stressors (Diaconescu LV, 2021). This does not just affect a person physically but
also their psychological wellbeing and productivity. In a much greater sense stress may
affect your life in many ways. There are a lot of factors why people are feeling stress may
it be because of their environment, a new situation they are in, their fears that affects their
lives. Internal and external factor exist in the academe in which this contributes in a
student’s academic stress.
Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to academic stress as transition occurs at an
individual and their environment (Menon, et. al, 2018). As adolescents feel more pressure
with their studies the tendency the increase in the academic stress of students. As academic
stress exists an unwavering effect comes along with it like obsession with grades, a self-
imposed academic stress can put a lot of burden on students (Pacific, 2021).
Many stressors exist in the academe in which this contributes on a student’s
academic stress. Demands from external factors could be a stressor to an individual,
however stress could boost an individual’s motivation to do well with their performance
and productivity. Stress is part of a student’s academic journey due to the internal and
external factors expectations that comes with it (Menon, 2018).
On the other hand, stress can be a motivator which is essential for us to cope in the
situation, or this could be the other way around in which stress will be a hindrance in our
daily life (Sampson, 2020). An academic pressure that comes with the academic stress
could positively motivating. In certain circumstances, stress could motivate a person to
get their work done. When a person feels stressed, this could possibly be beneficial to
him/her, Also, stress has a significant impact on a person’s physical, and mental well-being,
which will ultimately affect your productivity. In a much clearer view stress could produce
adrenalin making a person extra productive and could respond quickly (Walters, 2019).

In the write up of Peek (2022) in a column with a headline, the impact of stress
on productivity. This explains how stress links has been linked with productivity, stress
has an impact to the productivity of a person, and at the end of the day, this will greatly
affect a person’s life. Stressors triggers could come from your family, health, work and/
or sometime changes in responsibilities could be one of the factors of it. Stress has also
its benefits and the other way around. These are signs that stress has a negative impact
to their productivity. The lack of energy is one of it, although stress could burst
adrenaline, following an initial burst stress could drain your energy, which will leave a
person emotionally, and physically drained. The lack of physical and mental energy could
prevent the person to do his best, which has an impact on productivity and individual
work performance. Lack of focus, and constant worry are indications that stress has a
negative effect on productivity, the constant worry will could consume a person time
will be lost that could have been spent on more productive task have been spent on more
productive task.
When a person has an academic stress, he tends to be out of focus that hinders
his ability to learn and do perform. According to Peek (2022), this has a negative effect
on a person’s ability for this also led to a person’s unproductivity. In some cases, a person
productivity depends on what they feel in a certain moment and their social capacity in
which his productivity will depend on. For instance, a person might not do the task right
when he is stress and productive, he tends to postpone his task in which this affects their
own productivity.
In the 21st century where many expectations have been set for everyone, college
students get a lot of pressure, which lead them to stress, they suffer physical and
psychological problems. Academic stress are thought to be the most prevalent source of
stress of undergrad students, (Chawla et al., 2018). The reason for this is that they
typically were involve with significant changes in their lives, transition happened, extra
effort. Stress has become part of student’s academic life due to the various internal and
external, and external expectations placed upon their shoulders.
In addition, new responsibilities have been given to them, and they need a lot of
adjustment and adaptation in which also a key contributor for their Academic Stress.
Students claimed that academic-related pressures such as ongoing study, writing papers,
preparing for test, and are the daily problem of a college student (Yang et al, 2021). The
education system in the Philippines, through time has continuously developing, for they
aimed to serve the student a better and quality education, and keep up with academic
demands, along with the changes, were the possibility of unpreventable stress, that could
lead to students experiencing various degrees of academic stress, these stressors can be
categorized, and were under social, cultural, and or environmental factors. Academic
stress has been a challenge to the society for it hinders the student’s performance in
school that leads to its unproductivity. The hours and units a student have been dealing
with it is a serious matter especially in college (Caguimbal et al, 2017).

Academic productivity is described as the progression and the growing

improvements that surround a student’s academic journey (Johanson, 2022). Academic
work and stress could contribute to the declining of a person’s mental health the same way
that it contributes to poor academic performance, and productivity. Mental health
conditions such as depression, stress, anxiety contribute to a student’s troubles in the
Academic Stress, and Academic productivity has a relationship with each other
for stress, reduce productivity. Academic work and stress could contribute to the
declining of a person’s mental health the same way that it contributes to poor academic
performance, and productivity. Mental health conditions such as depression, stress,
anxiety contribute to a student’s troubles in the academe. The said conditions may lead
to lack of concentration, lack of motivation, minimal participation in classes, mixing up
of due dates, procrastination, and many other things that could possibly affect your
academic performance, and productivity. Furthermore, if you struggle with your mental
health, you may also have low optimism or reduced energy levels. If the students are not
consciously aware of the work that’s covered in the classroom. Your academic
performance and productivity could get affected. If you lack optimism and positivity
surrounding in your learning environment you may be less motivated to follow through
with engaging with your academic work, (Johonson, 2022).
This aims to help freshmen student to better understand the challenges they are
facing in college, the factors contributing to their academic stress, and how this directly
affects their productivity. This measures the relationship of academic stress and
academic productivity given the academic challenges face by student in internal and
external factors. The freshmen students using blended learning have been the
respondents due to the reason that freshmen find the transition from high school and
college could be challenging for the freshmen students, and that blended learning has
also contributed to the challenges they were facing.
This study become the basis for school to do programs for students for them to
adjust with the overwhelming challenges they faced as a college student, an output to
Management program: Navigate college journey, for the students to be able manage their
academic stress, and improve their academic productivity, this study also helps in
developing health coping mechanism for stress. The result of this study has been
beneficial on student has this helps them with the given intervention for the freshmen
students. This topic should be further studied on for the ideas contributing to academic
stress are still taboo, and vivid, that makes it hard to make an intervention out of the
results in the past, this has become a great way to come up with the possible intervention
to lessen or ease the struggles the students were facing in blended learning.

Research locale

The Divine Word College of Calapan has a total number of 918 freshmen student,
for the academic year 2022-2023, which was the target population of this study. The
freshmen student from DWCC who are in a blended mode of learning, has become the
participant of the research that has been conducted for they were facing a phase wherein
they feel overwhelmed with the changes that happened to their academic matters since
they are in blended learning and college is a new thing to them in which their high school
journey and college has a big differences in so many aspects, this factors could contribute
to the academic stress of student. With that being said, this concludes that the freshmen
student from all the seven existing schools of the Divine Word College of Calapan main
campus are the suited respondents of this study.

Theoretical framework
Academic Stress Theory (2020) This theory was proposed by Campbell-Phillips,
Halder, & Hasib in 2020, this theory states that personal inadequacy, fear of failure,
interpersonal difficulties with teachers were concerns of academic stress. In this theory
it could show how other factorlike family set up. Financial capacity, and other external
factors, could affect, and be a key contributor in academic stress. This theory is related
on the variables being measure as this explains how certain factors could lead to the
students academic stress, and how interpersonal difficulties, could affect a student.
The academic stress theory relates to this study as a students go with their
academic endeavors they faced a lot of external challenges that contributed to their stress
in terms of their academic the learning environment, socialization, and the fear of failure
is present in this study which has become a key contributor to students academic stress.
Walberg’s theory of Educational Productivity (1981) The said theory was
proposed by Herbert J. Walberg in 1981. He was an educator turned researcher emeritus
in pedagogy and psychology. This theory was proposed for it has a fundamental objective
to determine what factors influenced students’performance, and productivity. His theory
sought to explain the student’s productivity, to be aware of the factors and variables,
affecting the performance and productivity of a student. This theory relates with
academic stress an academic productivity, because in one of the elements of this theory
is aptitude, which has an impact on student progress, andadequately to perform and under
that was motivation were in when a student feels stress in terms of his academics, they
will then feel less motivated in which could lead to decreaseAcademic Productivity. Also,
one of the elements/ or factors of his theory is Environment,in which when a student has
a problem at home or arguments with their parents this could be a key contributor on
Students academic stress, which might affect their productivity in school.
In educational productivity students productivity is being affected based on what
they feel when a student feel that they are motivated or unmotivated they somehow feel
that they want to postponed what they supposed to do and this will hinder or boost their
productivity. A student possibly be academically productive if they are guided by the

aspect of educational productivity, this factors has a big impact on student academic
Dr. Dweck’s mindset theory (1970), this theory was developed by psychologist
Carol Dweck and popularized in her book, Mindset: The new psychology of success, in
year 1970’s. This growth mindset theory is believed that most basic abilities, and
productivity can be developed through dedication, and hard work, the brains and abilities
are just the starting point. This theory views create a love of learning and resilience that
is essential to attain a goal or task. Henoticed that some children were rather aversive to
challenges, while others actively sought them, in which some student has the capacity to
cope with the academic stress, and challenges, and some can’t which leads to
unproductivity of the students.
It is believed that a student who holds a growth mindset has a significant impact
on their learning experience. This theory could relate to academic stress and academic
productivity given the fact that internal and external stimuli could affect a student’s
attitudes in learning. Students’ mindset also boost their productivity and the ability to
cope with academic stress could be affected by the growth mindset.
The Bandura’s Social Cognitive theory published in year 1994, has for process
that could be affected by academic stress, the cognitive process on which he stated, could
be affected in such a way that stress could lead to the slow cognitive process of a person
due to dress, and the motivational aspect on where this could also affect the person. The
more a person is driven by academic stress the more it will affect a person cognitive
process and motivational process.


There are a lot of theories that could link on the study. In the academic stress
theory wherein, it is best believed that external factor triggers academic stress, external
factors is hard to be avoided by students as they will face challenges that might trigger
their stress. Walberg’s theory on Educational Productivity it discusses that the
productivity of a student is based on their motivation which emphasizes the relation of
mood and emotions on a person’s productivity. Dr. Dweck's mindset theory stated the
outcome of the situation will depend on the way a person looks at a circumstance, and
this will be essential to cope up like in academic stress, it shows that a student’s way of
perceiving things could be a determinant of its success or failure in a circumstance. In
social cognitive theory, it could be related to the study as a cognitive process and the
motivational process has been stated that when a person is properly guided by the social
cognitive theory this will have an impact on their processes. The more they are driven
by academic stress the more motivation and cognitive processes will not function and
this will affect a person's productivity.

Conceptual Framework


Academic Stress Academic Productivity

1.1 Socialization 2.1 Academic Motivation

1.2 Fear of failure 2.2 Individual Work

1.3 Learning Environment

College journey: Academic stress management


The figure above showed the dependent and independent variable of the study.
The academic stress is considered as the independent variable while Academic
productivity is the dependent variable. The single headed arrow indicates the relationship
of the academic stress and academic productivity of the DWCC freshmen students. The
conceptual framework used by the researchers is the IV-DV Model. Depending on the
findings of the study if the proposed output could push through.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to correlate the Academic Stress, and Academic Productivity of
the DWCC Freshmen student of the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Specifically, it will seek to find the relationship and answer to the following questions:

1. What is the Level of Academic Stress of DWCC freshmen Students in terms of:
1.1 Socialization;
1.2 Fear of Failure; and
1.3 Learning Environment?

2. What is the Level of Academic Productivity of DWCC Freshmen Students in

terms of:

2.1 Academic Motivation;

2.2 Individual Work Performance?

3. Is there a relationship between Academic Stress, and Academic Productivity of

the DWCC Freshmen Students?

4. Based on findings of the Study, what output can be proposed?

Statement of the Hypothesis

There is no relationship between Academic Stress and Academic Productivity
of the DWCC Freshmen students

Significance of the Study

This Study will be significant to the following:

Students. This study will serve as an indication for them to know how Academic
Stress could affect their Academic productivity. This will serve as a gateway for them to
cope up with the pressure and academic stress they will experience in their college
journey and understand how powerful their emotions are to their productivity.

Professors. With this study it will help the professors to know and better
understand that the academic stress has an impact and effect on a student’s productivity,
and for them to be more understating that Freshmen are in the process of transitioning
from High School to College Level, which makes them more vulnerable to Academic
Institution. It will make the institution better understand how important
recreational, out of the classroom activities, and institutional activities/ events are, to
relieve the Academic Stress the student has.
Parents. This will help them better understand their Children’s Productivity in
School. This study will also widen their minds that they should be their children’s first
emotional support and be more supportive of them and help them to not be pressured
especially onacademics and put an end on putting a lot of pressure to their children.

Future Researchers. The result of the study will help them, to fill the gaps of the
previous studies in line with Academic Stress, Academic Productivity. This study will
be an instrument that will guide, and help them to study, analyze, and better know the
relationship of the two variables. This study will help the future researcher to push through
their studies to know how important it was, to know the relationship of academic stress,
and academic productivity.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is only be limited to the freshman students in a blended mode of

learning of the Divine Word College of Calapan. This study only focused on the
relationship of the two variables, and its sub variables. This measures the level of
academic stress, and level of academic productivity. The freshmen students who were
enrolled for this Academic year were 918, slovin’s formula is used to get the small size.
The researcher conducts a simple random sampling for the respondents.

Definition of terms

The following terms are defined to have a clear view, and uniform understanding of the

Academic Motivation. It’s the student’s desire and eagerness to go to college.

Academic Pressure. It is an experience in which a student is burdened by the demands

of time and energy to achieve specific academic goals.
Academic Productivity. It is the progression and the growing improvements that
surrounds student’s academic journey This is the maximized and quality learning. In a
high-productive classroom, students know what they need to do and how to go about the
task at hand.
Academic Stress. It is the student’s psychological state, due to the continuous social,
environmental, and self-imposed pressure in their Academics that depletes the Student’s
Psychological Well-being
Failure. It is the lack of success in doing or achieving something, failure in education
receiving lower than the passing grade, or receiving a grade or mark that indicated failed.
Individual Work Performance. It is the school task that is made by an individual.
Learning Environment. It is a space in which students feels safe studying, this is where
they feel supported in their pursuit knowledge. This is where the student took place in
studying may it me in their face to face set up or their online classes (blended learning)

Motivation. It is the general desire or willingness and/ or reason of a person to do

Productivity. It is the ability of an individual, team, or organization to work efficiently
within that time to maximize output.
Socialization. It is the process in which an individual learns to adjust and mingle with
other people may it be in group or society.
Stress. It is how we react when we feel under pressure or threatened. It usually happens
when we are in a situation that we don’t feel we can manage or control.

Literature Review

This chapter contains the literature, studies and finding related to Academic Stress
and Academic Productivity, including the previously published academic documentation,
and ideas with relevance to the current study, and elaborates on the hypothesized
comparison of the variables. By utilizing references from different sources, the researcher
helps to strengthen the current investigation to reach its goal.

Academic Stress

Academic stress involves mental distress in students which has been brought by
the academic challenges and fear of the possibility of failing. Due to the academic
problems face by students in a highly competitive world this resulted to an excessive level
of academic stress that could result to psychological and physical problems on the
students. Academic stress could be increased with socialization, fear of failure and
learning environment, this factor could have reflection on an individual’s academic
frustration, academic conflict and their academic stress.

When a person feels an overwhelming stress related to their academics, and school
this does not only keep us from being motivated from doing the school task, but this also
reduces academic achievement of the students. According to Eys (2021), stress could
\result to less productivity of a person.

In addition, Peak (2022) claimed that stress has a serious consequence on a person’s
productivity and drive to make a task done. A person could lose a lot of time due to the fact
that the person is stress which compromise productivity. Whether it is due to family, health,
work or even in school that triggers, this still could cause stress on a person. Life events,
and changes could lead to stress.

Students struggle with a variety of academic challenges in today’s fiercely

competitive environment, including exam anxiety, a lack of interest in going to class, and
a lack of subject comprehension. Academic stress is mental anguish brought on by
upcoming difficulties, failure, or even the dread of potential academic failure. Academic
pressure manifests itself in a variety of ways in a student’s surrounding, including at
school and in relationship with peers.

For young people in both western and Asian nations academic problems are one of
the key factors of both continuous and episodic stress. Academic stress is defined as a
student’s psychological state caused on by ongoing social and self-imposed pressure in
the student’s environment, that depletes the student’s psychological resources. Students
experience academic stress throughout their secondary school, and College years.

Yousif et al., (2022) stated academic stress has a negative physiological, and social
impact on students and may affect their learning and overall performance. Moreover,
concerning the duration of academic stress and approximately three quarters of
respondents exhibited academic stress all the exams’ durations. Factors causing academic
stress are broadly arranged into four categories: study habits and exams, sleep and living
conditions, factors related to attitude, and factors related to class teaching. In addition,
physical factors such as not having a good sleep hours before the exam and being tired
sleepy to study efficiently were highly related to academic stress development in the

According to Maddox (2019) stated that stress can come from different sources
which can lead to many issues that affects productivity and lead to burn out. Stress could
directly affect a person’s productivity in this factor. In regards with this, according to
Vallance (2019), individuals who regularly experience stress suffer poorer health and lower
productivity A big percentage of people who suffer from stress says that stress has a
negative impact on their personal lives. A person who experienced stress became less
effective in doing their works.
With their transitioning from being high school and to being a college student could
set an intimidating, but at the same time thrilling effect on students. Changes could be
overwhelming to students at times, when they experience different aspect of life outside of
their comfort zone, like the uncertainty of going to next stage the college life Montesi
(2017). Transitioning on students could be a factor on why Academic Stress manifest on
the freshmen students. Changes in environment, relationship, and circumstances with
colleagues and professor could increase the sickness and stress on Students, which leads to
a great suffering associated with the students’ academic studies, this effect has limit
opportunities from college life. Changes related to the academe, could be the reason for
less interaction with people that directly affect the academic performance of a student
which leads to delays, and difficulty of finding ways to concentrate. Cao et al., (2020).
Blended learning a kind of learning in the new normal set up could be a contributor to the
Academic stress of students, for it has factors that could affect a person’s mental well-
Socialization has a big impact on a person’s stress, starting with how a person’s
deal with others can caused a lot of anxiety and stress to a person, especially when they are
in a new environment. Socializing could make a person tired, dull or irritated. However, in
socialization this could brought a sense of social support to a person that could help in
stimulating the decrease of stress and have a calming down response, spending time with
others has an impact of directing energy outward. Meanwhile, social interaction could be
draining to some, especially if they are with the new set of people. Investing a lot of energy
and trying to get along with the socially demanding environments could lead to social
burnout and stress. Socialization which eventually leads to burnout and stress, could make
a person detached from other people, inability to focus, difficulty sleeping and emotional
breakdown, which could be an indicator, and a contributor on academic stress to a student

(Orentas,2021). Socialization could cause stress on a person as a person is required to

interact, some people are having a hard time to socialize as they needed to exert efforts in
socializing. On the other hand, socialization also has a positive effect on a person, when a
person is surrounded by people they feel a bit at ease, and they feel a sense of support in
their struggles (Edubirbie, 2023).
In addition to the contributor of academic stress, fear of failure is crucial in learning
for it has a ripple effect on students’ productivity and motivation to study. Students fear of
failure caused them to be academically stress, which leads to students neglecting their
studies, and trying to stop. Failure contributes to academic stress, and mental distress, in
regard with the academic challenges and fear of the possibility of academic failure
(Thakkar, 2018). Students believe that grades is the measure of a student’s success in the
future. Low grades have a big impact on a student due to this they could feel that they are
different from their classmates, that make them stress when they saw that they got a low
grade (Ed, 2015). In the academe they gave importance on the mark or the grade the
students get as this is the evidence of a student’s accomplishments, and this build a sense
of superiority on students who has a high mark.
While learning environment could be a stressor to a student, which includes
teacher-students relationship, heavy academic workload, poor physical classroom
environments, and the disorganization in academic surrounding, which shows that learning
environment is an essential factor to a student to function well, and meet the academic
standards set by the academic institution, which has a negative effect on Academic Stress
of the student (Thakkar, 2018) A healthy learning environment could increase students
attention sand focus, in which promotes meaningful learning experiences, which
encourages a higher level of academic performance, and gives motivation to students to
have a higher critical thinking that will help them in their productivity and performance in
school. A good learning environment will increase the interaction with their peers and
teachers, which supports that learning environment is fundamental factor that contributes
in the mental well-being of a student (Valley, 2019). Having a conducive learning
environment is a must in a student as this help a student to focus and this will lessen the
stress they feel as having a good learning environment will keep their mind at peace and
away from distraction that could be a contributing factor on their academic stress (Gautam,
2020). When a student is in a learning environment wherein in they can’t stay focused this
will led to a student’s poor academic performance and that will cause them academic stress.
Academic Productivity
Productivity in students refers to their effort and ability to effectively perform in
their studies. This involves on how they manage their time, students’ ability to concentrate,
and their overall academic success. Academic productivity serves a fundamental role in
students’ success. It also plays a big part in their education and a first-hand experience to
evaluate a student’s learning process. The research has concluded that their success will be
determined through their productivity.

In having contributors of academic stress there are also determinants of a student’s

academic productivity. In individual work performance this revolves around a student’s
progress. According to Students wellness centre of the University of Saskatchewan (2022),
study habits is a contributor to students’ academic productivity, having a study habit can
increased a student’s confidence, competence, and self-esteem in doing their task. This
could also help in reducing anxiety and stress, about deadlines and test. While having an
good performance on individual work performance, a student will be able to balanced their
academic life when a student has a good study habit and doing work by being alone this
will cut down the numbers of hours spending in studying and leaving more time on other
things, which will improve a person productivity, for it will help in achieving and doing a
lot of tasks, and able to passed it on time, and procrastination will be avoided. In their
individual work performance they have their own phasing on when they will do their school
works in which this comes along with their overall punctuality that will also determine
their academic work performance in school this helps in building success in students’
journey, by enabling them to plan ahead and be more productive, make an effective routine
to help in doing the task as fast as they could, and be a punctual student with their tasked,
and attendance. Punctuality builds disciplined to students, this is important in productivity
for a student will behave as a catalyst to make a positive change with their lives, and stand
against laziness, and negative behavior that will affect their school productivity (Podar,
In addition, motivation plays a crucial role to productivity and Success, in different
aspect of life. Being motivated and having a motivation keeps an individual to keep going
and work effectively towards a goal (Merchan et al., 2017) According to Bawa (2017),
motivation and productivity are the themes that stimulates the curiosity of students, and
educators. Students has become more productive if they understand what their motivations
are and how to apply it on various demands of their activities. Having a high motivation
positively increases the level of academic performance of an individual (Haarms, 2015).
Motivation plays a big role in students learning for it piques the interest of a person to learn
and be productive. Motivated students have an effective learning environment which
makes the learner effectively acquire the new knowledge they get and be more productive
Perlman (2015) with that being said it helps in improving students’ academic performance.
In order to be successful in the academe it requires a high level of motivation (Gbollie &
Keamu, 2017). Fear, social anxiety, stress could lead to a student’s having difficulty to feel
comfortable in going to school which lead to students’ absentees and this lead them to
being unmotivated. (Johnson, 2016). The students motivation to go to school is an integral
factor in a student’s academic productivity and success in which this influences the
student’s performance in school Roby (2014). Student’s academic motivation in school
could be affected due to Academic stress, student feels unmotivated due to this.
Research Synthesis
Academic stresss is one of the most prevalent stresses to students, which could
affect the student’s productivity in school. Productivity plays a big on part someone’s
success, but due to the demands of the world and factors that contributes with Stress, people

tend to be less productive. The contributor to academic stress is very evident and it affects
a person productivity. A student whose experiencing academic stress, needs to be
motivated for them to do their task they need to find the reason to do the task and with that
they will be productive. fear of failure, learning environment, and socialization contributes
to the academic stress of students, this factor correlates with one another, which lead to the
effect of it to the productivity of the student. The studies and literature show support with
the contributor of academic stress and determinants of academic productivity. Stress in
general has a big impact on a person, however in students this could lessen their
productivity in doing their individual work performance and lessen their academic
motivation in going to school or doing their task. Students have experienced an
overwhelming stress due to various factors. In a much greater sense, fear of failure, learning
environment contributes to the academic stress of students this could possibly affects the
student’s productivity in their individual work performance, and academic motivation. On
the other hand, academic stress has its contributor, and due to the contributor stated, it is
shown how it directly contributes on a student’s academic stress. Academic motivation
could be a determinant of a person’s productivity, same goes to the individual work
performance in which this presents the student productivity through this. However, they
might be differences, there are still a noticeable similarity that academic stress, academic
motivation, individual work performance shows a highly similarities through the effects of
it on one another.



This chapter discusses the methods that will be used and implemented in the process
of completing the research venture. This section shows the needed component which
includes research design, the target participants, the sampling technique, the research
instrument, the reliability of instrument, data gathering procedure, and the other
components in fulfilment of this chapter.

Research design

This study is quantitative research using a descriptive-correlational design in

research this is used to attain the sole purpose of the researcher which to determine the
relationship of the two variables, the academic stress and academic productivity. This
research design also describe the two existing variables, and its relationship that exist
naturally between them. This helps to identify if academic stress has a direct effect and
relationship on the academic productivity of the freshmen students at the Divine Word
College of Calapan.

Quantitative research is built with different methods that deals with structured
scrutinization of social phenomenon using statistical and numerical data approach. This
method makes the existing variables measurable and or quantifiable by providing data from
the research instruments provided for the study, research instruments include
questionnaires, scales, etc (Watson, 2015). This is a more logical and data driven strategy,
that provides a metric success in a statistical and numerical standpoint on what people
believe, quantitative is used to seek the relationship among the variables presented. A
formal, objective and a systematic method to that help to obtain information, using
numerical data. (Ahmad, 2019)

Descriptive- correlational design in research according to McCombes, (2019),

intends to define aa phenomenon in precise and methodological manner. It can answer the
what, where, when, and the how question.

Correlational Method is structured to determine the level of relationship between a

variable in a study. (Myers & Hansen, 2021). Typically used to correlate two or more
variables, to scrutinize the things, topics that are still taboo.

Descriptive correlational in accordance with McBurney & White (2009), is used in

the research study, this aimed to provide a clear view of the situations and established the
relationship between two variables. In this research design, the primary purpose and way
of interest is describing the relationship among variables, without causal situation.

Participants of the study

The set of respondents of the study were the Freshman students using blended
learning of the Divine Word College of Calapan, they were comprised of two-hundred
seventy-nine (279) freshmen students of from all the seven schools existing in the college
department of the Divine Word College of Calapan, who was enrolled for the school year

Sampling Technique
This study is limited to students of the Divine Word College of Calapan, and
restricted to the target population of the Freshmen Student enrolled on the School Year
2022-2023. The samples is randomly pick through simple random sampling from the
population of the freshmen students under the blended learning. This is to ensure that the
samples covered gives the best result for the aim of this study. The two hundred seventy-
nine (279) sample size was determined through the Slovin’s formula that was presented

Table 1
Distribution of respondents

Respondents Total Population Size Actual Number of Sample

School of Accountancy 68 21
School of Business,
Hospitality, and Tourism 233 71
School of Criminal Justice 107 32
School of Education 62 19
School of Engineering
Architecture and Fine Arts 335 102
School of Information 54 16
School of Liberal arts 59 18
Total 918 279

Research Instruments
Academic Stress Scale. To determine the level of academic stress of freshmen
student this used a self-made test, this also has three subscales and has a total of 6 items
each sub variable, which are fear of failure, socialization, and learning environment, the
researcher used 4 likert scale for its scaling (4= “Strongly Agree”, 3- ‘’Agree”, 2=
“Disagree’’, 1= ‘Strongly Disagree). The higher the score the higher the Academic Stress
of students, and a call for intervention may it be in a positive or negative way, the lower
the score the lesser it affects the students with their academic stress.
Academic Motivation Scale. Used to gather information on the students on their
Academic Productivity in terms of Academic Motivation, the researcher used a modified
scale with a 5- items questionnaire using a 4-point scale (4= “corresponds exactly’’, 3=”
corresponds a lot”, 2= “corresponds a little’’, 1= “does not correspond at all”). This
scale measured the freshmen student’s academic motivation which can be a basis of their
academic productivity. The higher the score in the academic motivation the higher they are
motivated and productive in going to school.
Individual work performance Scale. To obtain data on the Individual work
performance of students that will help in determining the student’s academic productivity.
The researcher used a 6 item questionnaire, using a 4 likert scale (4= Always”, 3= “Often”,
2= “Regularly”, 1= “Seldom”). The higher the score the higher the individual work
performance of the student.

Reliability and Validity of the Intruments

This used a self-made test and a modified scale and to ensure the reliability of the
questionnaire, three registered psychometricians validated the consistency and accuracy of
the scale. There has been a test retest cronbach conducted 17 freshmen student under the
blended learning from Divine Word College of Calapan. The researcher conducted a test
and retest through google form, they were asked to answer the test with a 1 week interval
from the first test that the participant take the test and after a week with the same set of
questions they were asked to answer the retest, and from the data that has been gathered is
subjected for Cronbach alpha in which the score from the first and second take from the
exam is compared and relate to one another to measure the internal consistency of the scale

Table 2
Reliability of the questionnaires

Scale R Test- retest Cronbach’s Interpretation


Academic Stress Scale Acceptable

Socialization 0.79 0.83 0.81 Good

Fear of Failure 0.83 0.85 0.86 Good

Learning environment 0.80 0.85 0.82 Good

Academic motivation 0.83 0.87 0.89 Good

scale (AMS)
Individual Work 0.75 0. 83 0.86 Good
Performance (IWP)

The Academic Stress scale is a 18 item self-made scale that is categorized into the
three sub variables: Socialization (6), Fear of Failure (6), and learning Environment (6),
this Measures the Freshmen students’ Academic Stress level.

From the analysis of the questionnaire, it has then found that the Cronbach alpha for
Socialization is 0.81, while the Cronbach in fear of failure is 0.86, on the other hand in the
learning environment it has a 0.82 The academic motivation scale is a 5- item scale its was
found that it has a 0.89 cronbach alpha, and the Individual work performance scale has a
total of 6 items, with the 0.86 Cronbach alpha with this results it is determined that the test
used has a good and acceptable result from the reliability test. The researcher determined
that the instrument used for this study has a high level of internal consistency based on the
findings of this reliability test.

Data gathering procedure

In gathering all the data and information for the study to be conducted a request
letter was written addressed and signed for the school deans, and research professor to
request for the list of the target population and ask a permission to conduct the survey
which is the freshmen student using blended learning of Divine Word College of Calapan.
The scale for the two existing variables were prepared for it was the fundamental factor in
conducting this study: academic stress scale,and academic motivation scale.

The data gathering is conducted through Google form, in which the form is send
through the student’s personal Facebook messenger and also conducted in face to face set
up through QR code. The google form is consist of the inform consent, which includes

the letter to conduct, basic information of the participant and the survey form.

Scaling and Quantification

This part provides the information in the numerical scores of the presented scales
based on its given description. The scales are structured based on its needed measure, the
same scaling is used in interpretating the high-or low-level scores1-4 is used in
interpreting the data using the 4- point Likert scale. The scales will be interpreted on the
Table 3, Table 4, and Table 5 below.

Table 3

Academic Stress Scale

Numerical Scale Mean Distribution Description Interpretation

4 3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree Very High
3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree High
2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree Low
1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree Very Low

Table 4
Academic Motivation Scale
Vallerand, R.J.,M. R., Briere, N.M.,& Pelletier, L,G. (1989)

Numerical Scale Mean Distribution Description Interpretation

4 3.26-4.00 Corresponds Exactly Strongly
3 2.51 – 3.25 Corresponds a lot Motivated
2 1.76 – 2.50 Corresponds a little Demotivated
1 1.00-1.75 Does not Strongly
corresponds at all demotivated

Table 5
Individual Work Performance Scale
Koopmans, 2015

Numerical Scale Mean Distribution Description Interpretation

4 3.26-4.00 Always High
3 2.51 – 3.25 Often Moderately
2 1.76 – 2.50 Regularly Low
1 1.00-1.75 Seldom Very Low

In determining the strength or degree of relationship between Academic Stress

and Academic Productivity of the DWCC Freshmen students the table of r values by Boer,
et.,al. (2018) is the basis of interpretation.

Table 6
Interpretation of Pearson’s r-values (Correlation)

Numerical Scale Interpretation

± 0.00 to ± 0.10 Negligible Correlation
± 0.11 to ± 0.39 Weak Correlation
± 0.40 to ± 0.69 Moderate Correlation
± 0.70 to ± 0.89 Strong Correlation
± 0.90 to ± 1.00 Very Strong Correlation

Statistical Treatment
This study aims to determine the relationship between academic stress and
academic productivity of the freshmen student of the Divine Word College of Calapan.
To answer the Research problem, this study used a Pearson’s r coefficient and this is used
to better access on whether to reject or not to reject the null hypotheses.

Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r)


Ethical Consideration

In quantitative research when conducting this kind of research different ethical

conditions is considered and has been addressed for the objective of legal norms and rules.
As mentioned, this study is quantitative research in which is it is very specific in having
ethical practices and the researcher make sure that this does not violate the participants
rights. First and foremost, the student who participated in this study is given respect no
matter what the result of their test shows. It is for the reason that the participants of the
study have different ethical principle.

Another ethical consideration followed in this study is the respondents free will to
participate in this study, they are not forced to answer the scale of the said study. The
researcher has provided letter to conduct. The study is conducted using the google form. It
provides the inform consent; in which it mentioned the aims, purpose, benefits and
importance of conducting the study. The researcher discloses the data that have been
gathered, the data has been gathered will remain confidential and the privacy, personal
information of the participants is kept, and hidden from everyone other than the researcher.



This chapter presents all the analysis and interpretation of data that were gathered
from the Freshmen Students of Divine Word College of Calapan. This was presented
according to the statement of the problem.
1. What is the level of Academic Stress of DWCC Freshmen Students.

1.1 Socialization

Table 7
Mean and Rank Distribution on the level of Academic Stress in terms of Socialization
Item Mean Rank Description Interpretation
1. It is frustrating for me to 3.57 3 Very High
take part in group projects or Strongly Agree Academic Stress
2. I get anxious whenever I 3.63 2 Strongly Agree Very High
talk to my classmates. Academic Stress

3. I find trouble in relating 3.90 1 Very High

myself to others. Strongly Agree Academic Stress

4. I enjoy the company of my 1.95 4 Low Academic

friends and classmates in Disagree Stress
5. The presence of my 1.85 6 Low Academic
classmates and professors Disagree Stress
makes me at ease.*

6. I can easily talk to anyone 1.86 5 Low Academic

at school.* Disagree Stress

Overall Mean 2.79 Agree High Academic

The Academic stress level of students in terms of Socialization was interpreted as
High academic stress. It has a computed over all mean of 2.79, which implied that
socialization also has a impact on the stress of students. Item 3 ranked first with a mean of
3.90 which they strongly agree that they find trouble in relating themselves to others like
their classmates and professor. Since the students are freshmen, they are still adjusting on
the changes of their environment, it will not be easy for them to easily relate themselves to

others given the fact that they used to have online learning for the past 2 years
(Jackson,2022). In Mead’s theory of development of the self-socialization in school setting
is important, however, that data shows that they are having trouble to relate themselves
with other people. Since they are freshmen, they tend to be self-conscious that prevents
them from socializing and relating their self to other people most of the time because they
have shyness and social anxiety. (Hasan, 2018). A student who is new in a certain
environment finds trouble in finding friends at first. This contributes to their academic
stress due to the reason that they will continuously think of other things when they are
around with other people. It will be difficult for them not to be distracted when they are in
school socializing with their classmates and professors. Social support promotes a student’s
view on their self-worth and appreciation of their own capacity. This helps them in
managing the pressure they feel in the academe (Cheng, 2018). Academic stress occurs
when a student has troubles in relating themselves to their peers and classmates because
when they lack friends and social support, they tend to feel indifferent and seem become
more stress. Social support and friends plays an important role in a student’s academic
success and process because they provide emotional support and a source of
encouragement for their academic achievements (Edubirdie, 2023).
On the other hand, Item 5 has the lowest mean of 1.85 in which stated there that the
presence of their classmates makes them at ease, and they disagree with the statement given
that they are having trouble relating their self to other, being around other people does not
make them at ease at all, this is interpreted that item 5 cause a low level of academic stress
to student because there are still factors to look at on why a student’s feel academically
stress in socialization. The student has gone through a massive change and transitions they
are having a hard time to feel at ease with other people, because of self-isolation for the
past years during pandemic when the students are having their online class.
As observed, a computed overall mean of 2.79 shows the implication that
socializing and or socialization contributes to the growing academic stress of a freshmen
students, in which they obtained a High Academic stress due to Socialization.

1.2 Fear of Failure

Table 8
Mean and Rank Distribution on the level of Academic Stress in terms of Fear of Failure

Item Mean Rank Description Interpretation

1.I fear that I might fail a 3.25 2 High Academic
subject this year Agree Stress
2. I get anxious every time I 3.11 4 High Academic
take an exam in school Agree Stress

3.I get anxious every time 3.27 1 Very High

the grades will be release. Strongly Agree Academic Stress

54. I stick to what I know I 3.09 5 High Academic

am good at, and avoid Agree Stress
anything that might present a
challenge to me.
5. I often avoid failure by not 3.02 6 High Academic
trying at all. Agree Stress

6. I refuse to take risks in 3.20 3 High Academic

order to avoid potential Agree Stress
Overall Mean 3.16 Agree High Academic

As seen on the table, the highest mean of 3.27 is obtained by Item 3. The
respondents strongly agree that they get anxious every time the grades will be released in
which this has showed on the table as ranked 1 which is interpreted as very high Academic
Stress. The data shown implies that releasing the grade makes them more academically
Stress, and this has been a great contributor on the fear of failing of students. Grades has a
big impact on a student’s success. It is best believed that grades is a great predictor of a
person’s success in future. Although grades do not measure a person’s intelligence, but this
can measure a student’s academic accomplishment (Singh, 2021). In college there are
programs that has a maintaining grade to stay eligible to their course which could put a lot
of stress and pressure to a student to keep up with the maintaining grade set by their
respective colleges. As Ed (2015) states that low grades could impact a student in such a
way that they feel a sense of indifference with their classmates and make them more
stressed and depressed. A sense of superiority on a student who get a higher grade and
inferiority starts to build up in a student when they get a bad grade, so they tend to feel
anxious when grades will be released. The anticipation on the releasing of grades every
end of the semester adds up to the Academic Stress of the students.

On the items, it is shown on the table that Item 5 has the lowest mean of 3.02 in
which the item indicates that they often avoid failure by not trying at all, the respondents
agree with it, with an interpretation of high academic stress. This implies that student avoid
taking risk for them not to face failure that could contribute to their anxieties and academic
stress. Students tends to stay on their comfort zone for them to avoid failures and dismay,
and this keep them away from learning and experimenting new things (Ed, 2015). In some
cases, students have a low self-esteem that could be a factor of their risk aversion. Fear is
the typical reason and response when students are put in a situation, challenges and new
experiences given to them, they tend to avoid something that is not familiar to them even
though it has a positive effect, they prefer to stay in their comfort zone rather than to risk
and attempt to do something new out of fear of failing (Cullins, 2022).
The Academic Stress level of the Freshmen students using the Academic Stress
scale in terms of fear of failure is considered as high academic stress with an overall mean
of 3.16. This implies that the participants for this study, has a high level of stress with
academics and their studies due to their fear of failing. Almost all of the items have an
interpretation of a high academic stress, in which this shows that these factors are the ones
that causes them to have a fear of failure that contributes to the academic stress of students.

1.3 Learning Environment

Table 9
Mean and Rank Distribution on the level of Academic Stress in terms of Learning
Item Mean Rank Description Interpretation
1.The atmosphere in face to face set 3.33 5 Strongly Agree Very High
up is draining. Academic Stress

2.Face to face classes is stressful 3.29 6 Strongly Agree Very High

because teachers are more strict Academic Stress
about my academic performance.

3.I find it hard to understand the 3.35 4 Strongly Agree Very High
discussion during online classes. Academic Stress

4. It is difficult for me to stay 3.47 1 Very High

focused and avoid distractions Strongly Agree Academic Stress
during online classes

5. One of the things that frustrate 3.45 2 Very High

me during Face-to-face classes, is Strongly Agree Academic Stress
the expense of public

6. It feels isolating and lonely 3.41 3 Very High

during online classes. Strongly Agree Academic Stress

Overall Mean 3.38 Strongly Agree Very High

Academic Stress

The respondents response on the Academic stress in terms of Learning environment

implies that they feel a very high academic stress due to their learning environment, it is
shown on the table, that the item 4 ranked first with highest mean of 3.47 with an
interpretation of very high academic stress, in which the respondents have strongly agree
that they find it difficult to focus and avoid distraction during their online classes. A lot of
difficulties and challenges could be face during online class, stated by Gautam (2020), one
of the main struggles of a students with online learning is the inability to stay focus on their
screen for a long class hour, the students tend to be easily distracted by other things
surrounded them while having an online class like social media. On the other hand, this
has been a factor on why it is hard for the students to focused and avoid distractions in
online class is the unstable internet connection that is not readily available in every Filipino
household and the lack of learning device to easily tune in with their online classes and
keep up with their assignments and activities that needs to be passed online when they are
in their virtual learning space or environment (Santos 2020).
Since blended learning is somehow new in most of the students they are still
adapting on this modality of learning which causes them to faced multiple challenges
(Mateo,2020) to provide and adapt on rapid advances in technology for their education is
not that easy, and that not every student could keep up to (Alvarez, 2020). This changes
lack of facilitative learning device and the poor internet connection on a developing country
like Philippines could be a cause of distraction to students during their online class without
these essential for online class it will be hard to attend online class. According to Thuy
(2022), this mode of learning makes a lot of pressure especially on students from a lower-
income families that and people in remote areas being disconnected from the internet could
lead to a barrier on students learning and lead to their distress during online class, this
difficulties and problems encountered during online it is no surprise that students learning
environment could affect their studies and the level of their academic stress. Research has
found that learning environment plays a crucial role in a student’s success. A student in
poor environments, that has an uncomfortable surrounding, loud and full of distractions
has happened to be more distracted and has a hard time to absorb information and stay
engaged. (Hendrix, 2019). It is important for a student to have a conducive learning
environment in which it highlighted the important things like flexibility, openness, and
access to resources with that being said a good internet connection, a nice and peaceful
learning space, a room that has good lighting could help a student as this will help them to
have their own conducive space during online class, with this being present this will help
and encourage the student to enjoy learning this will increase their attention, focus and will
promote a meaningful experience for the students even if there are in online class
(Philadelphia, 2022).
Meanwhile, it can be gleaned from the table that item 2 ranked last with a mean of
3.29. The respondents strongly agree that face to face classes is stressful because teachers
are stricter about their academic performance. This item has an interpretation of very high
academic stress using the academic stress scale. This implies that even though it ranked
last it still has a big impact on their academic stress in terms of learning, especially that for

the last two years students were attending class through online and has to physical contact
and communication with their teachers, or professor. Thuy (2022), have supported online
class have decreased the social emotional learning of students, they do have a limited
interactions with their professor in online class, students have a little chance to connect
with their professors, the low interactions and lack of communication could lead to social
isolation to students in which this affect the student on how why they find their teachers
more strict on their academic performance, because they already have this social emotional
learning interaction. Parker (2023) stated that back in online class there is a limited teacher
to student feedback in which feedback from their work and academic performance cannot
come quickly because of barriers, which is opposite now that they are experiencing face to
face classes, teachers could easily talk to their students when they have a concern in their
students’ academic performance so students tend to be stress because they feel that the
teachers or professor is more strict because now in face to face they are closely being
monitored and receiving feedbacks, (Thuy, 2022). They become unfamiliar on the feeling
of being in a face-to-face environment and how they interact with their professor this factor
also contributes to their academic stress in the learning environment (Tampines, 2022).
From the table, the respondents result from the items using the academic stress level
in terms of learning environment is asserting that the respondents have a very high level of
Academic Stress and has an overall mean of 3.38. It shows that learning environment has
been the biggest contributor on the academic stress due to this factors that comes with it,
since the respondents were freshmen students in a blended mode of learning a lot of
adjustment has been experienced by them. In addition, the stress they feel when they are in
the process of cultivating their learning environment, since there are shifts in the mode of
learning of students.

2.What is the level of Academic Productivity of DWCC Freshmen Students?

2.1 Academic Motivation
Table 10
Mean and Rank Distribution on the level of Academic Productivity in terms of Academic
Item Mean Rank Description Interpretation
1.I go to college because I 3.07 5 Motivated
experience pleasure and Corresponds a
satisfaction while learning new lot

2.I go to college for the pleasure 3.38 1 Strongly Motivated

I experience while surpassing Corresponds
myself in my studies. Exactly

3.I go to college in order for me 3.10 4 Motivated

to obtain a more prestigious job Corresponds a
later on. lot
4. I go to college because of the 3.16 3 Corresponds a Motivated
fact that when I succeed in lot
college I feel important.

5. I go to college because I want 3.27 2 Corresponds Strongly Motivated

to have "the good life" later on. Exactly

Overall mean 3.19 Corresponds a Motivated


The productivity level of student in terms of Academic motivation using the

Academic motivation scale has an overall mean of 3.19 and interpreted as Motivated. This
implies that the respondents are motivated to go to college that is boosting their
As shown on the table, the highest mean of 3.38 is obtained by item 2. The
respondents strongly agree that they go to college for the pleasure they experience while
surpassing their self in their studies. They want to see improvements with their self is the
reason why they go to college, they became strongly motivated to exceed the expectation
on their self. Surpassing one self is a term used to say that a person wants to go on their
limits, and for their own improvement, to surpass one-self they have to go beyond their
limits, they find courage, put sacrifices and a lot of efforts that could lead them to a positive
outcome, with all of these they find pleasure on their achievements in school that keeps
them motivated (Bruny, 2020). This result implies that students go to their respective
colleges and attend school to feel pleasure and see the good outcome of their sacrifices and

However, item 1 got the lowest mean with 3.07, with an interpretation of being just
motivated, in which they agree that they go to college because they experience pleasure
and satisfaction while learning new thing. Now a days students are afraid to do new things
after the pandemic happened the students has gone through self-isolation, which must be
the factor that this item got the lowest mean. However, they are still motivated to go to
school to experience new things that will bring them pleasure and satisfaction in their life.
They find joy in learning and going to college, because learning is a sure path to happiness,
growing, and challenging one-self in new ways, it is best believed that once a person
achieves something they are thriving for, they will feel a lot of satisfaction and pleasure,
and find beauty in their hardships (Brower, 2021). Going to college empowers an
individual they will be a greater sense that they have a purpose in their life, that they have
control in their lives, and that there’s a bright future for them while pursuing their own
interest and goals while also learning new things.
As observed, a computed overall mean of 3.19 shows the implication that Academic
Motivation contributes to the Academic productivity of students, in which interpreted as
2.2 Individual Work Performance
Table 11
Mean and Rank Distribution on the level of Academic Productivity in terms of Individual
Work Performance
Item Mean Rank Description Interpretation
1. I kept in mind the outcome of my 3.22 2 Moderately high
academic activities that I needed to Often productivity

2.I worked on keeping my academic 3.15 5 Moderately high

related knowledge up to date. Often productivity

3. I worked on keeping my 3.25 1 Moderately high

academic performance Often productivity

4. I took on extra responsibilities to 3.08 6 Often Moderately high

be productive. productivity

5. I actively participated in meetings 3.17 3 Often Moderately high

and/or Consultations regarding productivity

6.I was able to plan my academic 3.16 4 Often Moderately high

activities so that I finished it on productivity

Overall Mean 3.17 Often Moderately high


The Academic Productivity level of students in terms of Individual work

performance is just moderately high productivity since the overall mean is 3.17. This
implies that the respondents have a moderately high productivity level in which students
tends to be productive with their individual work.
Being productive is important so that a student are able to keep up with their
academic work. Item 3 got the highest mean of 3.25 with an interpretation of moderately
high productivity in the participant are often being productive and that they worked on
keeping their academic performance productively. In order to determine if they are being
productive a student should be able to be on track on their academic works. Productivity is
the progression and the growing improvements that surround the academic journey of
students. (Johanson, 2021). They often put efforts on the integral parts of profession in
their studies. Academic work and productivity are connected with one another in such a
way that when a person is productive they able to keep track with their academic work in
which this plays a vital in their academic success.
However, item 4 got the lowest mean of 3.08 with an interpretation of moderately
high productivity in which they often took an extra responsibility being productive. This
shows that students still took extra efforts to be more productive. For students productivity
involves a students effort that they put in their academics, this includes putting up short-
term goal, drafting a study time, eliminating distraction, they put effort a lot of effort to
avoid procrastination. Any successful person has a responsible approach in productivity,
being able to compete their task effectively, by putting a lot of effort students will have
their aspirations comes into reality, that will help them with their studies and goals in life
(Ludovici, 2019). As a college student it is given that they must put a lot of effort knowing
that there are a lot of workloads in college, you will behind in class if you procrastinate.
This result implies that with 3.17 over all mean and moderately high productivity,
gave importance and efforts with their Individual Work Performance.

3.Is there a relationship between Academic stress and Academic Productivity of the
DWCC Freshmen Students?
Table 12
Correlational Analysis between Academic Stress and Academic Productivity of DWCC
Freshmen Students

Academic Stress and Academic Productivity

r r2 Direction Degree Significance
Socialization 0.00 0.00 Positive Negligible Not
and Academic Correlation Significant
Socialization -0.04 0.00 Negative Negligible Not
and Individual Correlation Significant
Fear of failure 0.23 0.05 Positive Weak Significant
and Academic Correlation
Fear of failure 0.28 0.08 Positive Weak Significant
and Individual Correlation
Learning 0.41 0.17 Positive Moderate Significant
Environment Correlation
and Academic
Learning 0.56 0.31 Positive Moderate Significant
Environment Correlation
and Individual

Socialization and Academic motivation is not significant with one another since the
computed p value is greater than a level of significance of .0500, with the computed r value
0.00 it is positive but has negligible correlation. Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted.
There is no relationship between Socialization and Academic Motivation.

Socialization has no effect on a student Academic motivation of students, there are

a lot of factors that could add up and affect a student’s motivation, but socialization is not

one of them. There are a lot of factors that could be consider that affects a student’s
motivation. In self-determination theory of Ryan and Deci this lies under the circumstances
of being independent and autonomy on one’s life, which autonomy refers to a person
feeling of having their own choice and upholding this behavior they feel in control of their
actions and choices they do things for their own benefit. A student’s good view on their
competence, capacity, effectiveness makes them not to rely to others to feel motivated this
implies that socialization is not a factor in the student’s motivation, only self-determination
of a person is what matters and their eagerness to accomplish a work. This result is also
supported by a specific motivation that comes within the Self-determination theory in
which the person is not the focus on the other external factors around them, and this justify
the result on why socialization and academic motivation is not interconnected with one
another, this motivation is the intrinsic motivation which is driven and sustained by a
person personal needs to feel competent and self-motivated rather than the external driven
force (Corrigan, 2017).

In addition, Socialization and individual work performance is also not significant

with each other since the p value is more than the indicated level of significance of .0500.
The r value of -0.04 is negative and has a negligible correlation. In which this implies that
there is no chance that Socialization and Individual Work Performance has something to
do with one another. Since an individual could work on their own on their individual work
performance, interaction with other people is not necessary. Whether or not there is a
socialization an individual could be able to perform well in their individual work
performance. In socialization this prepares the student to participate in a social group but
there is no need for that in individual work performance since they are only working with
their self for their own productivity (Arnett, 2021). Since a sense of self-isolation happened
in the online set-up for the past two-years students happens to be independent and could
do their work on their own. They believed that due to the pandemic some kids are gaining
their independence, this could be a factor why socialization and individual work
performance is negligible correlated with one another, when the schooling is asynchronous,
the students have their control over their productivity, and work performance, a feeling of
freedom has a huge impact on the students (Burch, 2020).
This shows that socialization has no effect with a student individual work
performance, because a student could stand alone to keep their individual performance
On the other hand, the computed p value of fear of failure and academic motivation
is less than the level of significance of .0500, then the null hypothesis is rejected. There is
a significant relationship between fear of failure and academic motivation. It was described
that fear of failure boost a motivational behaviour because of the desire to escape failure
(Bedewy,2015). The fear of failure pushes individual to do better and be academically
motivated, to avoid the consequences of failures, by utilizing their cognitive ability

The achievement motivation theory has defined that fear of failure is seen as failure
avoidance motivation to avoid shame and disappointments along failure. In an article
written by very well mind fear of failure could affect a person’s belief in their abilities and
motivation to pursue the things they need to do, and their goals, when a person has a fear
of failure this might affect their motivation, this may this boost their motivation or have a
low motivation.
The r-computed value of 0.22 is positive but has a weak correlation, in which it
indicates that however there is a significant relationship between fear of failure and
academic motivation they only have a weak correlation, because only 5% of the fear of
failure could contribute to the academic motivation of student. In a study conducted by
Nakhal (2019) it is stated that fear of failure is associated with academic motivation in
which a student fear of failing could lead to a student’s motivation to strive harder and be
more productive for them to able to avoid failing. The fear of failing for student could boost
up student’s academic motivation in a positive way.
While in fear of failure and Individual Work performance is significant with one
another since the computed p-value is less than the level of significance .0500.
R- computed value of 0.28 is positive and has only weak correlation which indicates
that there is a weak correlated chance that fear of failure affect a student’s individual work
performance. However even if there is a relationship between the two existing sub variables
there is only 7% of the fear of failure affects their Individual work performance. According
to Cleveland clinic (2022) Fear of failure may affect a person’s performance negatively or
in a positive way in work or in school, fear of failure could be a force that will help a
student with their productivity in their individual work performance. In a study conducted
by Alabduljabbar (2022), it is then stated that fear of failure is seen as dispositional
tendency in which it occurs to avoid a possible failure in the student’s end and fear of
failure could adversely affect the ability of the student to perform well in their educational
Meanwhile, between Learning Environment and Academic motivation with a
computed p value less than the level of significance, then therefore there is a relationship
between learning environment and academic motivation.
This has a computed r value of 0.41 which indicates a positive direction and
moderate correlation degree, this implies that there is a moderate correlation between
learning environment and academic motivation and there is a 17% of the learning
environment that could contribute to the student’s academic motivation. It is said that
motivation and the learning environment is interconnected, to enhance the learner’s
experience and increase the student’s success factors of motivation and learning
environment should be identified (Jacob, 2015). The learning environment could impact
their perception in competence, and this could highly impact their motivation when they
have a build rapport with their classmates and educator in such a way that they feel their
ability to achieve something when they have an emotional support and a positive
relationship with their learning environment. (Allen, Hafen, et al., 2016). A learning

environment will serve as supporting motivation to a student either this will make them
motivated or ammotivated, and this is important to a student, given that lack of motivation
could hinder the productivity and the overall performance of a student. (Homayoun, 2019).
Learning environment plays a vital role in a student’s academic motivation, this will
contribute on their competence and the motivation to strive harder as they have a good
learning environment, and this will motivate them to develop a good study habit, and a
better school performance.
In terms of Learning Environment and Individual Work performance since the
computed p value is 0.00 is less than .0500 then the null hypothesis will be rejected.
Therefore, there is a relationship between learning environment and individual work
performance. It is said that students in their learning environment are being productive with
their individual work performance, with the computed r value of 0.55, and the learning
environment contributed 31% with individual work performance and has a positive
direction and moderate correlation.
A student with a good learning environment, has appears to be more motivated and
engage and shown a higher overall ability in academics, student tend to be more focused
and has a longer motivation when they are comfortable with their learning space. (Hendrix,
2019). In study conducted by Dr. Ella (2018), Learning environment has a relationship
with an individual work performance, it happens that an individual with a good learning
environment increases students attention and focus more and this promotes a meaningful
learning experiences on students that led to their productive individual work performance,
because learning environment tends to encourage higher levels of student performance, and
boost students engagement in school activities and their performance. It helps in provision
of better learning environments in which this improves the aspects and factors that has
something to do with learning (Malik & Rizvi, 2018). A learning environment has a
positive impact on students’ academic achievement and performance, a student takes much
interest with their activities when they are in a inclusive learning environment, which help
them to perform well with their individual work performance (Kausar et al.,2017).
Environmental factors when it comes to individual work performance is a key factor that
contributes to a student's productivity that affects their individual work performance. The
more distraction or the lesser they have in their learning environment the more difficult or
easy for them to begin and follow through their individual task. It is a challenge to a person
who needs an individual work performance to be done in the right time when they have
distraction in the learning, like smart phone, social media consumptions and at homework
also increased its effect on productivity (Wilson,2023).

4. Based on findings of the study, what output can be proposed for the DWCC
Freshmen Students?
Based on findings of the study, the possible intervention can be proposed is on the
effect of stress on students and their academic productivity. “Academic stress management
Program”, a program that will help the student to cope up with the stress they feel with
their academics, in which this program will help them in their long college journey as they
go through different year level on how they can turn their academic stress with a positive
effect on their academics. This will also help them to improve their intrapersonal skills and
manage and improve their productivity. This program may also include group discussion
and help the student to find the essence of a good learning environment and how will they
manage their fear of failing that has a relationship on their academic motivation and their
individual work performance, also this could also improve still the importance of
socialization on a person. In participating in this intervention program this would let the
freshmen student able to understand the overwhelming stress they feel that might increase
when they are in their junior or senior year which by that time without this intervention
cause them burn out rather than feeling of being motivated and moderately productive.
Below are the possible program and activity based on the results of the study:

Academic stress management Program

“Seek support: Don’t Balance and thrive: Success Catalyst:
be afraid to ask for Mindset Shift Managing stress and Driving Productivity
help” creating a conducive Motivation,
learning environment Reducing academic
stress program

-To help the students -To keep the good -To emphasize the -To manage students
open more when they effect of stress on importance of productivity despite
are Struggling with freshmen student balancing stress in being stress.
their academics. instead of feeling learning environment.
burnout when they are
in higher year. -To build resilience to -To help them
-To help them students to help them maintain academic
manage their fear of -To help students to cope with academic stress as a driving
failure. look at stress as a stress while focusing force to be motivated
positive one rather on learning and more productive.
than a negative force. environment as a key
-To seek social factor in students’
support and let them -To teach students success.
know that they are not that stress can be a
alone. good thing and could -To help Students to
help them perform not just survive but
better. thrive in their learning


- Group discussion on -Understanding stress -Build conducive -Anti-procrastination

their struggles in and its triggers. learning environment program
academics and tips and utilize school
how they cope up resources
with it. -Developing healthy -Discussion the
coping strategies with -Symposium on importance of
Academic stress & making your learning motivation on
-An interactive Goal setting environment helpful productivity and how
activity that will keep in online class. could this also be a
their mind off from -Academic stress positive driving force.
their academic for a management program -Discussion on how to
while. have a conducive
learning environment.

Person involved and Expected outcome

-School Guidance - School Guidance -School administrator -Students affairs office

counselor counselor
-School Guidance -Students will find the
-Students will be able to -School counselor importance of
have a social support psychometrician motivation and
and lessen the fear of -Students will feel that productivity.
failing and have fun -Students will able to they have a conducive
while learning. create a coping learning space.
mechanism to manage
their academic stress.

-Students will able to

used stress as a positive
force throughout their
college journey.

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations
established from the result of the study.

Summary of Findings
The result of the analysis presents the following findings:

1. In terms of the level of Academic stress of the Freshmen students of DWCC using
the Academic Stress Scale they have a High academic stress in regards of the fear
of failure with a computed overall mean of 3.16. It is also the same with
Socialization in which the student has a high academic stress in terms of this, in
which it has an overall mean of 2.79. On the other hand, Learning Environment has
a very high academic stress level because it has a computed overall mean of 3.38.

2. The freshmen students of Divine Word College of Calapan in terms of Academic

Productivity in regards of Academic Motivation using the Academic Motivation
Scale has a computed overall mean of 3.19 and is interpreted as Motivated.
Meanwhile, in terms of the Individual Work Performance, using the MIWP Scale
it has an interpretation of Moderately High Productivity with its computed overall
mean of 3.17.

3. Based on the correlation analysis conducted between Academic Stress and

Academic Productivity of DWCC freshmen students. A weak correlation is seen on
both fear of failure and Academic Motivation, and Fear of failure and Individual
work performance. However, a negligible correlation change of relationship is
shown on Socialization and Academic Motivation and Socialization and Individual
Work Performance. On the other hand, there is a moderate correlation on Learning
Environment and the academic motivation of students, and on Learning
Environment and Individual Work performance.

4. Since there is a relationship between the variables there is a need for a proposed
program for freshmen students to help them cope with academic stress to boost
more their academic productivity, and this will also help to manage the academic
stress they experience.

Based on the findings of the study, the researcher has come up with the following
1. The freshmen students at Divine Word College of Calapan academic stress as found
in the study that has been conducted that freshmen student has a high level of fear
of failure, students to have a big concern in their grades as they agree and believe
that grades has a big impact on student’s success. Meanwhile, learning environment
also shows a very high level of academic stress, as students are in blended mode of
learning there are a lot of changes and distraction in their learning space that
influenced the result, this shows the importance of having a conducive learning
environment. However, on the other hand the result in socialization shows a high
level of academic stress among the freshmen students of DWCC as they are
freshmen students, they are still having a hard time to relate their self to others and
to adjust quickly in college.

2. The Divine Word College of Calapan freshmen students has a motivated level to
academic motivation, they are motivated to go to college as they find fulfillment
when they exceed their expectation with their self and that makes them motivated.
While in individual work performance the result showed that the students have a
moderately high productivity, students are productive for them to be able to keep
tack with the given task to them, they believe that work performance is an important
aspect in their success that contributes with their moderately high productivity.

3. As a result, the findings on the data implies that fear of failure and academic
motivation, fear of failure and individual work performance, learning environment
and academic motivation, learning environment and individual work performance
are significant in which this shows how fear of failing could fuel up a student to be
motivated and to do their individual work performance. Also, the result shows how
learning environment motivates a student to study and learn, and how this also
encourages student to do their work performance. However, both the socialization
and academic motivation, and socialization and individual work performance, show
no relationship at all, and that socialization is not an integral part on student’s
academic motivation and their individual work performance.

4. In the findings of the study, it shows the relationship of academic stress and
academic productivity and how they directly affect one another, in which it
implicates the need to have intervention program. The proposed program is the
Academic stress management program, with four componets which focus on
freshmen students mainly, this is designed to help students to cope with academic
stress and improve their academic productivity the programs are made for the
students to manage their academic stress, and condition them that academic stress
could be a positive moving force for them that they could use when the academic

stress piles up as they go through the academic year, this will help them develop
healthy coping mechanism to manage their academic stress and their academic
productivity as well. This program is an intervention for the negative effect of
academic stress on students’ productivity in the present time and future.

Based on the findings, the following are recommended.
1. Based on the study’s findings, it is important for students to have their resources
for them to lessen the academic stress they experienced, improve productivity, and
build a more conducive learning environment thus a management program on
academic stress will be build. The school will invite a resource speaker, the school
guidance counselor to guide the students and will utilize the school resources in
which there will be a series or career talk, group discussion about different factors.
In which this might help the students to look at the factors in a much positive way.

2. The school can open an avenue for students to help them engage more on their
peers, learning environment and to hone their interpersonal skill that could help
them be more motivated to go to school and be more productive.

3. It is suggested that to go deeper and further in studying this topic and look for
additional sub variables, like looking at the financial capacity of the students and
their families that affects the present variables that could lead to another results and

4. Future researchers may conduct a much in-depth approach and look for other
factors that could lead to Academic stress and lessen the effect on the Academic
Productivity of students.


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Research Locale

Letter to Conduct Study

Dear respondents:


I am Kyle Nicole M. Almarez, a Third year AB Psychology student from the Divine
WordCollege of Calapan. In fulfillment of the requirements for PSY_MAJOR 12,
Research in Psychology subject, I’m currently conducting a study entitled
“Academic Stress and its relationship to Academic Productivity of the DWCC
Freshmen Student”

Inline with this, I am humbly asking for your cooperation to take part in the study,
as a respondent. With your approval, you will be answering the following
questionnaires aboutacademic stress and academic productivity, it will only take
five (5)- ten (10) minutes of your time.

The researcher guaranteed the confidentiality of all the information that will be
provided by the respondent. Rest assured that the results and data that will be
gathered will only be used for academic purposes. Your decision is purely

I gladly appreciate your participation towards the success of my study. For any
related questions and concern in the study, please contact me on the given details

Thank you.



Third Year AB


Phone: 09455629234


Survey Questionnaire

Please respond to each statement by selecting one of the following if you can relate
and agree with the statement: 4 which corresponds to Strongly Agree, 3- which
indicates agree, choose 2 if you disagree and 1- for strongly disagree. 4-Strongly Agree;
3-Agree; 2; Disagree; 1 Strongly Disagree

Academic stress and its relationship on Academic productivity of the DWCC Freshmen
Name: _____________________________
Gender: ____________________
Program: ____________________________

Direction: The following statements may consist of items reflecting Academic Stress. You
are encouraged to honestly and truthfully answer by ticking your desired answer in the box
that corresponds to the number of your response to the statement. The values of these
numbers are stated below as your guide.

4-Strongly Agree; 3-Agree; 2; Disagree; 1 Strongly Disagree

Academic Stress Scale
Questions 4 3 2 1
I fear that I might fail a subject
this year
I get anxious every time I take
an exam in school
I get anxious every time the
grades will be release.
I stick to what I know I am
good at, and avoid anything
that might present a challenge
to me.
I often avoid failure by not
trying at all.

I refuse to take risks in order

to avoid potential failure.
It is frustrating for me to take
part in group projects or
I get anxious whenever I talk
to my classmates
I find any trouble in relating
myself to others.
I enjoy the company of my
friends and classmates in
The presence of my
classmates and professors
makes me at ease
I can easily talk to anyone at
The atmosphere in face to face
set up is draining.
Face to face classes is stressful
because teachers are more
strict about my academic
I find it hard to understand the
discussion during online
It is difficult for me to stay
focused and avoid distractions
during online classes
One of the things that frustrate
me during Face-to-face
classes, is the expense of
public transportation
It feels isolating and lonely
during online classes.

DV: Academic Productivity

Academic Motivation Scale

Directions: Kindly read each statement carefully and circle the number the represents

your level of treatment with the statements in the questionnaire.

1 = Does not Corresponds at all

2 = Corresponds a little
3 = Corresponds a lot
4 = Corresponds exactly

4 3 2 1
I go to college because I
experience pleasure and
satisfaction while learning
new things..
I go to college for the pleasure
I experience while surpassing
myself in my studies.
I go to college in order for me
to obtain a more prestigious
job later on.
I go to college because of the
fact that when I succeed in
college I feel important.
I go to college because I want
to have "the good life" later

Modified Individual Work Performance Questionnaires

1 = Seldom
2 = Regularly
3 = Often
4 = Always

Statements 4 3 2 1
I kept in mind the outcome of
my academic activities that I
needed to achieve.
I worked on keeping my
academic related knowledge
up to date.
I worked on keeping my
academic performance
I took on extra
responsibilities to be
I actively participated in
meetings and/or
Consultations regarding

I was able to plan my

academic activities so that I
finished it on time.


Name: Kyle Nicole M. Almarez

Age: 20 years old

Sex: Female

Date of birth: September 16, 2002

Place of birth: Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro

Address: Sitio Proper, Brgy. Parang, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro

Contact Number: 09455629234

Email address:


Preschool: Holy Infant Academy, Calapan City S.Y 2007- 2008

Elementary: Holy Infant Academy, Calapan City S.Y 2008- 2014

Junior High: Holy Infant Academy, Calapan City S.Y 2014- 2018

Senior High: Holy Infant Academy, Calapan City S.Y 2018- 2020

College: Divine Word College of Calapan, S.Y 2020- Present

Calapan City


I hereby declare that this research paper is my work and that this is the product of

my knowledge, ideas and determination, and that this submission does not contain

materials that have been previously published or written by another person.

I also declare that the even though I have received guidance from others from the

best of their knowledge, style, presentation and their language expression, this submission

is still purely my work, and that their contribution is explicitly acknowledged.


Date: May 30, 2023


Date: May 30, 2023

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