The Contemporary World

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Provide at least one concrete and your own example for the theories discussed in this

Think of a unicorn. A unicorn is something that cannot be found in the real world. No one
owns a unicorn as a pet; there are no unicorns in zoos; no unicorns have ever been
discovered as fossils; and no unicorn has ever been seen on camera.

However, everyone is aware of what a unicorn is and what it appears to be. Although we
may not all perceive the same unicorn, even if it is "only" an idea, the idea of a horse with
a horn coming out of the center of its face is remarkably close to being shared by all

Idealism claims that unicorns are everywhere. Even when there are physical references
readily available, we still only have a notion of what something is. Our minds transform
sensory data into meaningful messages (called "ideas"), which later develop into a kind of
processing language we employ to understand both our individual and shared experiences
(the latter of which we refer to as "reality").

2. Identify two functions and importance of ideas and technology in globalization.

The interchange of information, knowledge, and culture is made possible by

communication and innovation, which play significant roles in globalization. Global
interactions have been transformed by technology, including the internet, social media,
and mobile devices, which have reduced geographic barriers and increased
interconnection. Economic integration has resulted from this, promoting more
international trade and global trade.

Technology also fosters cultural understanding and interchange, leading to a more

inclusive global society. Technology-driven innovation produces better goods, services,
and manufacturing processes, promoting economic growth, and raising competitiveness.
Additionally, it is essential for sustainable development, which addresses issues like
resource scarcity and climate change on a global scale.

3. Global institutions are________________________________________.

Global institutions are organizations and entities that function on an international level,
addressing global issues, encouraging international cooperation, and influencing global
government. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank Group, the World
Trade Organization (WTO), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the International
Criminal Court (ICC) are important international organizations. These organizations
collaborate to fight poverty, advance sustainable development, and maintain free
commerce around the world. Concerns like human rights, sustainable development,
peacekeeping, and global health are among the topics the UN, IMF, and ICC work on.
They also offer member nations facing economic difficulties financial support, policy
recommendations, and technical assistance. These organizations act as venues for
international cooperation, fostering collaboration and global cooperation by facilitating
discussion, negotiation, and group action.

4. As world leaders scramble for vaccine and finding order amidst the chaos. Imagine you
are tasked to handle a top government post in response to the pandemic. What mindset
will you adapt to assert rules in this crisis and how will you deal with other world leaders
if the vaccine is discovered?

The quick development of COVID-19 vaccines poses difficulties in terms of deployment,

manufacture, distribution, and acceptance. Governments must administer vaccines safely
and properly explain their benefits to foster public confidence in vaccines. Despite
reluctance in many nations, governments must gain trust in order to successfully launch
vaccination campaigns. For a society to be more resilient after a crisis, government action
is crucial.

5. Think of at least three past events that have captured the ideas of the public worldwide
from the year 2000 to 2018. From the three global events you have thought of, pick one
which could be considered a global phenomenon and explain why?

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