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Costs and Benefits Analysis

Chapter 59
59.1 Life Cycle
59.2 Conceptual Design
59.3 Methodology
59.4 Sources of Benefit
59.5 Benefits for Continuous Plant
59.6 Worked Example
59.7 Benefits for Batch Plant
59.8 Estimating Benefits
59.9 Categorisation of Costs
59.10 Estimating Costs
59.11 Payback and Cash Flow

Any automation system has to be properly engi- 59.1 Life Cycle

neered if it is to work effectively. There is much
scope for things going wrong.When this happens it For a system to be successfully engineered, all the
is invariably due to misunderstandings and lack of relevant factors have to be taken into account, in
communication, poor planning, or to cutting cor- sufficient detail, at every stage of the project’s life
ners. Key operational requirements may be over- cycle. These stages are listed in Table 59.1 which
looked. The complexity of some operations may indicates, for a typical turnkey project, the involve-
be underestimated. The functionality of the con- ment of the system supplier,end-user,or both.Sup-
trol system may not be fully appreciated. The soft- plier is the term used to describe either the man-
ware design may not be flexible enough.And so on. ufacturer of a system or a systems integrator (a
The inevitable result of mistakes is systems being specialist control and/or electrical contractor) util-
more expensive than budgeted for and delays in ising hardware and/or software to provide an engi-
start-up. neered working system. End-user is the term used
This section of the Handbook concerns the to describe the purchaser of the system,i.e. the cus-
project engineering of control systems. It is based tomer, which will be either an operating company
on the life cycle of a typical project starting, in or a process contractor acting on its behalf.
Note the role of the contractor. Major process
this chapter, with costs and benefits analysis. Sub-
sequent chapters follow the project life cycle to its contractors usually have a systems integration ca-
completion. Aspects of good practice are empha- pability and so are able to buy hardware and sys-
sised throughout. Whilst this section does not fo- tem software from manufacturers and function as
cus on safety and protection systems, it is interest- if they are suppliers. It is often the case that end-
ing to note that the IEC 61508 standard uses the users have only limited technical capacity and are
same project life cycle as its basis. A good intro- unable to handle large turnkey control projects ef-
duction to costs and benefits analysis is given in fectively, so contractors commonly act on behalf
the texts by Fisher (1990) and Lee (1998). of end-users. Sometimes they act both as supplier
466 59 Costs and Benefits Analysis

and end-user: whether that is desirable or not is a It is also true to say that the life cycle applies
moot point. For the purposes of this chapter, and to all aspects of a project, whether it be the in-
indeed the following ones, it is presumed that there strumentation and control system per se, a man-
is an arms length relationship between supplier agement information system (MIS), an emergency
and end-user: the role of the contractor has to be shut-down system, or whatever.
interpreted as appropriate. The amount of work involved in the various
phases of the life cycle will obviously reflect the
Table 59.1 Project stage vs end-user supplier involvement nature of the project. For example, the system se-
lection phase is trivial when there is a preferred
Stage Involvement vendor policy. Complex batch projects will require
Conceptual design End-user much more design effort than continuous control
Costs and benefits analysis End-user projects with a similar point count. Protection sys-
tems will require more rigorous design and testing
User requirements specification End-user
than others.
Tender/quotation Supplier
System/vendor selection End-user
Detailed functional specification Both
Design, development and testing Supplier 59.2 Conceptual Design
Acceptance Both Fundamental to the costs and benefits analysis is
Installation and commissioning Both the conceptual design which essentially consists
Operation and maintenance End-user of an outline control philosophy document and
Upgrading and replacement Both an outline P&I diagram. Whilst the formulation
of these is largely a process engineering activity, it
Note the pattern of involvement. This is inherently is perhaps worthwhile reviewing their content and
different to that for,say,the purchase of major plant origins.
items in which, once the order is placed, there is The control philosophy document covers, for
normally little meaningful end-user involvement example, the extent and scope of automation, the
until commissioning. For a turnkey control system key control schemes and strategies, policy regard-
it is important that the end-user’s engineers have a ing operator involvement, safety and shut-down
strong involvement in the early stages because it is strategy, etc. The philosophy is developed in outline
not practicable for the supplier to work in isolation. form alongside the preliminary design of the plant.
This life cycle applies to all projects, irrespec- This is appropriate because the design of the plant
tive of whether: is influenced by the way in which it is to be op-
erated, and vice versa. It must be emphasised that
• The project is large or small in terms of size of the demands of automation may require changes
system to the plant design. The document is further devel-
• The plant is new or being extended oped at the user requirements specification stage,
• The system is a retrofit or an upgrade as described in Chapter 60.
• The system is DCS-, PLC- or SCADA-based The P&I diagram is based upon and reflects the
control philosophy. It is a statement of the:
Note that retrofit is the term used to describe the
installation of a control system on an existing plant • Operational intent with regard to the plant
that previously had either no control system at all • Conceptual design of the control schemes and
or only a limited control capability. The term up- strategies
grade is used to describe the refurbishment or re- • Extent and scope of automation required
placement of an existing control system. • Functionality necessary of the control system
59.3 Methodology 467

Formulation of the P&I diagram comes from an 59.3 Methodology

understanding of the way in which it is intended
In the early days of computer control, it was not
that the plant be operated. Control schemes and
uncommon to carry out a feasibility study to de-
strategies are proposed on the basis of the pro-
termine whether or not it was technically feasible
cess of determination, as explained in Chapter 30.
to automate a plant. It is now taken for granted that
Key control schemes and strategies are described
the technology is available to be able to implement
in Chapters 22 to 37.
as advanced or as extensive a control strategy as is
As the conceptual design evolves, decisions are
required. The issue today is to decide on what is
made about the extent and scope of automation.
required, whether it can be justified and, if so, how
It is, of course, possible to automate everything in
best to go about it.
sight, so some judgement about the extent of au-
Justification is established by means of a costs
tomation is required. There are some operations,
and benefits analysis. Sometimes this is not nec-
such as visual inspection, sampling or addition of
essary. For example, a similar process may have
small quantities of reagents, which are either too
been successfully automated. Or perhaps the plant
expensive or impractical to automate.Judgement is
cannot be operated without computer control. In
also required about the scope of automation. This
some companies the benefits of computer control
essentially concerns“ring fencing”the project such
are accepted to the extent that its use is expected
that only those plant items lying inside the fence
irrespective of cost. However, in general, a costs
are to be automated.
and benefits analysis is required to determine the
The P&I diagram that emerges from concep-
extent of automation that can be justified.
tual design is only in outline form: the detail is
The analysis is best carried out by a small
filled in at later stages in the life cycle. It must, nev-
team within an agreed framework. Team mem-
ertheless, be in sufficient detail to adequately rep-
bers should be drawn from within the company
resent the operational intent of the plant and extent
according to the expertise they can contribute, as
of automation. If that information is not available,
indicated in Table 59.2.
it is unlikely that a costs and benefits analysis can
be carried out accurately enough to be meaningful.
Table 59.2 Composition of costs and benefits team
There is an element of “chicken and egg” about
the costs and benefits analysis and the concep- Department Expertise/experience
tual design.Costs and benefits cannot be estimated
Business unit Production forecasts,
fully until the P&I diagram is complete. However,
planning, costs, etc.
some of the more marginal aspects of the control
system cannot be justified until the viability of the Process engineering Process design, operational
project as a whole has been estimated. It is normal intent, etc.
for there to be some iteration between design and Plant management Operability, safety, human
estimation. factors, etc.
As the extent and scope of automation is es- Control engineering Control, electrical,
tablished, the point count for the control system instrumentation, software
is determined. This is a key metric in determining Miscellaneous Independence
both the functionality and size, and hence the cost,
of the control system. Costing is fairly sensitive to Clearly the size of the team depends on the scale
the point count so a reasonably accurate figure is of the project and the effort involved. The exact
required. size doesn’t matter: what is of fundamental impor-
tance is that collectively there is an understanding
of the operational issues and of the control system
functionality required.
468 59 Costs and Benefits Analysis

Note the requirement for an independent person, quantified and have to be left out of the analysis.
ideally the chairperson of the team, who is some- In effect, their realisation is a bonus of automation.
body from a different plant/site, with no particular The potential benefits from automation de-
axe to grind. Costs and benefits studies inevitably pend on the extent of automation in the first place:
challenge perceptions about how a plant ought to • For a new system/plant, the basis of comparison
be operated, especially if the project concerns a has to be the level of automation on compara-
retrofit or an upgrade, and the chair will be re- ble plants elsewhere. It is unrealistic to compare
quired to act as honest broker and maybe arbiter. with the scenario of having either no control at
Another important person, unlikely to be a all or very limited control.
member of the team but crucial to its success, is • For a retrofit, where there is limited automation
a senior person in the company who is the ‘cham- to begin with, the benefits have to be costed on
pion’ for the project. The champion may well have the basis of improvements that can be achieved.
commissioned the costs and benefits study in the • For an upgrade, where the extent of automation
first place and will almost certainly use its outcome is high to begin with, the benefits have to be
as a basis for arguing the case with ‘management’ costed on the basis of any increase in scope of
for funding the project. It clearly makes sense that automation and/or functionality.
the champion’s views are taken into account during
The potential benefits also depend upon the nature
the study and that s/he be kept abreast of progress.
and scale of the process. It is convenient to distin-
As with any other project involving a team,
guish between continuous and batch processes. In
the project needs to be broken down into sepa-
general, most of the benefits that can be achieved
rate tasks, assigned to individuals as appropriate,
on continuous plant can also be achieved on batch
with the chairperson having oversight and respon-
plant, but the converse is not true. There are addi-
sibility for pulling it all together.
tional benefits that can be realised on batch plant
The outcome of the analysis should be a report
that do not apply to continuous plant.
identifying principal costs and benefits with an es-
timate of payback time. There should be some ex- Table 59.3 Tangible and intangible sources of benefit
planation of the basis of the various calculations,
supplemented with tables of data as appropriate. Tangible Intangible
Whatever assumptions have been made must be Increased efficiency More flexibility
stated unambiguously. Recommendations about
Tighter control Enhanced safety
the operability of the plant and/or functionality
Lower energy Better/more information
of the control system must be made clear.
consumption More modern image
Higher throughput Environmental impact
Reduced give-away Improved job satisfaction
Improved yield Better regulatory compliance
59.4 Sources of Benefit Better consistency etc.
There are two categories of potential benefits: tan- More responsive
gible and intangible, some of the more obvious Improved plant
ones being listed in Table 59.3. Tangible benefits utilisation
are those that can be quantified and provide the ba- Faster start-up
sis for estimating payback. Note that most of them Reduced manning
have a converse: increased yield is the same as re- levels
duced losses, better consistency results in less off- Greater reliability
spec product, etc., and must not be double counted! Lower maintenance/
The intangible benefits are those that cannot be support
59.5 Benefits for Continuous Plant 469

59.5 Benefits for Continuous • Reduced give-away. The probability distribution

of some product composition for which there
Plant is a quality specification is as depicted in Fig-
Efficiency, in the last analysis, measured in terms ure 59.2. The objective is to produce product
of the cost per unit amount of product, is the pri- which is as close as possible to the specification.
mary objective of automation. Increased efficiency Consider the flatter of the two profiles. This has
cannot be achieved in itself, it is realised by means a wide spread which suggests that there is scope
of other improvements such as: for much tighter control. Experience suggests
that, by making more effective use of existing
• Tighter control. More extensive automation en- controls and/or introducing advanced controls,
ables tighter control. This means that there is a 50% reduction in standard deviation can be
less variation in key process parameters. Thus achieved. However, there is no point in tighten-
plant can be“driven harder”with operating con- ing control if the amount of product beyond the
ditions set closer to the margins in terms of specification increases as, usually, over process-
safety limits, quality and environmental con- ing of product has a cost penalty. The strategy,
straints. There are substantial potential benefits. therefore, is to shift the mean towards the speci-
For example, reactors may be operated at higher fication whilst not increasing the size of the tail.
temperatures resulting in increased rates of re- This is discussed further in the Worked Example
action and higher throughput. below.
• Reduced energy consumption. Tighter control • Better responsiveness. Modern controls enable
also enables significant reduction in energy more responsive processing. For example, feed-
costs. Three examples. First: poor temperature forward arrangements enable major distur-
control on a reactor leads to a cycle of overheat- bances to be accommodated without the need
ing and undercooling, asdepicted in Figure 59.1. for buffer storage, an obvious capital benefit.
Operating strategies can be changed quickly to
Temp meet changed production requirements in re-
sponse to market demand.
• Improved yield. Many items of plant, especially
set point reactors and separation plant, operate at max-
imum efficiency over a fairly narrow range of
conditions. Clearly operating such plant as close
heat cool heat
as possible to their design criteria leads to in-
creased feedstock conversion and to an im-
proved overall process yield.
• Faster start-up and shut-down.Automating both
Fig. 59.1 Cycle of excessive heating and cooling start-up and shut-down enables plant to be
brought on-stream and taken off-stream faster
Reduced variation leads to a lower consump- than would otherwise be the case.This translates
tion of both steam and cooling water. Second, directly into a reduction in lost production time.
in overhead condensation: power consumption It may also result in less off-spec product being
for pumping cooling water through an overhead produced during start-up and shut-down with
condenser can be reduced by using temperature savings on both raw materials and processing
control to manipulate flow rate. Third, in agita- costs (especially energy consumption).
tion of viscous mixtures: much energy can be • Lower manning levels. In general, increased au-
saved by linking agitator speed to changes in tomation leads to a reduction in the number of
viscosity as, for example, in polymerisation. operators required. Careful estimates need to be
470 59 Costs and Benefits Analysis

made of the manning levels necessary to oper-
ate the system and to handle whatever operator p(x) 0.35
0.3 σ =1 Specification
interventions are required. Relatively small re- 0.25
ductions in operator requirements can lead to 0.2
substantial savings because of the need for 24-h 0.15 σ = 2.0
coverage. Note that automation requires addi- 0.1
tional instrumentation and system support: this 0.05
comes into the costs side of the equation. 0
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
• Increased reliability. Modern instrumentation x
and control systems, properly engineered, have
much higher levels of reliability than the plant Fig. 59.2 Composition spread vs tightness of control (Matlab)
being controlled. In practice, it is possible to
Going for a 50% reduction in standard deviation,
plan for continuous production, subject to the
that is setting
vagaries of the plant itself. Any reduction in lost
production due to unplanned shut-down may be u = 26.0, a = 1.0, b = 2.0 and
translated directly into benefits. Modern instru- x b = 20.0 results in xa = 23.0
mentation also needs less maintenance.
• Effective maintenance and support. The typical Thus the mean has been shifted towards the spec-
life of a system is 8–10 years compared with ification by 3 units. Note that the size of the tail is
that of a plant which may be up to 30 years. still only 0.13%.
As a system becomes obsolete, its cost of sup-
port increases. For example, spare parts become
unavailable and maintenance contracts escalate.
59.7 Benefits for Batch Plant
There comes a point when there are significant • Improved product consistency. Computer con-
savings to be made by going for an upgrade. trol leads to greater repeatability. For batch
plant this translates into improved product
consistency. Given raw materials of the right
quality, there is no reason for producing off-
59.6 Worked Example spec batches. Reducing the number of rejected
The two probability density distributions of Fig- batches is a major source of benefit. It is not
ure 59.2 are of the normal (Gaussian) type. The just the cost of the lost raw materials and wasted
flatter distribution has a mean of 20 and a stan- energy, but also the lost production and the re-
dard deviation of 2.0. The quality specification working costs.
has a value of 26 below which, for this particular • Increased throughput. By automating sequen-
distribution,99.87% of the data lies.In other words, tial operations, batch cycle times can be reduced
there is a tail accounting for 0.13% of the product. substantially. Reduced cycle times translate into
There is a useful rule of thumb which can be potential increased throughput. The benefit of
applied for determining the impact of tighter con- this can be costed on the basis of the interest
trol: charges on the capital that would be required to
a a de-bottleneck or expand the plant for the same
xa = u. 1 − + xb. increase in production.
b b
• Better plant utilisation. This comes about, partly
where x denotes mean, u denotes the (upper) spec- through the increased throughput, but also by
ification and subscripts a and b denote the con- the ability to implement control schemes that
ditions after and before tightening control respec- involve the effective sharing of common equip-
tively. ment items between different streams and units.
59.8 Estimating Benefits 471

Again, this translates into a reduction in capital As the benefits study progresses and alternative
expenditure. scenarios are considered,a profile of potential ben-
efits emerges, each of which can be quantified.

59.8 Estimating Benefits 59.9 Categorisation of Costs

The starting point is to assume that the control The costs to be estimated may be categorised as
schemes and strategies of the P&I diagram are re- shown in Table 59.4.Whilst the breakdown of costs
alised by some form of digital control system, DCS, will vary considerably from one project to another,
PLC, SCADA or otherwise. Next, realistic assump- it is useful to have a feel for typical cost scenarios.
tions are made about the tightness of control, con-
sistency and reliability of operation, etc. • The control and instrumentation (C&I) budget
Then, from an operational point of view, the for a new plant/system can be expressed as a
potential benefit of every control and safety func- percentage of the overall project cost. For a con-
tion is analysed on a stage by stage, unit by unit tinuous plant this is likely to be some 5–10% and
and stream by stream basis. Each and every con- for a batch plant some 8–15% of the total.
trol function has to be justified against the key • The electrical budget is typically some 5–10%
performance indicators (KPI) such as throughput, of the overall project cost. Demarcation is nor-
efficiency, yield, etc. Analysis will involve consider- mally on the basis of power: light current signals
ation of factors such as: (mA) and devices come under the C&I budget
• Previous best performance and heavy current (amps) are in the electrical
• Component and overall mass balances budget.
• Losses of feed and products • Field instrumentation, i.e. all the elements asso-
• Variations in key process parameters ciated with I/O channels, at list price is likely to
• Energy balances and excess energy be some 25% of the C&I budget but, allowing for
• Measurement of key variables installation, will cost approximately 50% of the
• Sources of disturbance budget.
• Known controllability issues • System hardware, plant and operator interface
• Time taken for operator interventions are likely to be 10–15% of the C&I budget. This
• Likely incidents and frequency of occurrence also includes the system software which, to all
• Potential future changes: feed,catalyst,products, practical intents and purposes, is treated as if it
etc. were hardware.
• Application software is approximately 10–20%
The benefits analysis is critically dependant upon of the C&I budget. For simple continuous plant
the availability of good quality data and informa- this is at the 10% end of the range and for com-
tion. Typical requirements are: plex batch plant at the 20% end.
• Price of raw materials, value of products, cost of • Infrastructure costs are some 5–10% of the C&I
utilities budget. Note that power supply for motor drives
• Different economic scenarios etc., and the heavy current side of the motor
• Quality constraints and margins control centres are provided for in the electri-
• Production plans and schedules cal budget.
• Proposed operating conditions
• Control room log sheets: available for retrofits An alternative perspective is to consider the cost
and upgrades only per loop. The following typical metrics are for a
• Historic data: strip charts and trend diagrams new continuous plant with a DCS and some 500
• Experience from similar plants, etc. analogue loops:
472 59 Costs and Benefits Analysis

Table 59.4 Categorisation of costs

Main category Sub-category Example

Field instrumentation Input channels Sensors, transmitters

Output channels Actuators, valves, etc.

Hardware System hardware Memory, processors, communications cards, low power supply, etc.
Plant interface I/O cards, racks, cabinets, etc.
Operator interface OCPs, peripherals, etc.

Software System Operating system, communications, tools and packages

Application Configurable

Infrastructure Electrical Trays, trunking, termination cabinets, power and air supply

Project management

Miscellaneous Documentation

• Overall project cost is approximately £730K per is deciding how to handle streams that go through
loop. the fence. This is particularly true of utilities like
• C&I budget is some £60K per loop. steam and cooling water.In general,it is best to dis-
• Field instrumentation and infrastructure is tinguish between the supply of a utility and its use.
£40K per loop. Consider, for example, a boiler plant for rais-
• System hardware, plant and operator interface ing steam and an exchanger in which steam is con-
costs £7K per loop. densed,as depicted in Figure 59.3.Unless the boiler
plant is itself to be automated, it is best to assume
There is little published information about the that both the boiler and its steam main are outside
detailed breakdown of costs. Sawyer (1993) pro- the fence. Suppose that the exchanger is inside the
vides such information for a multi-purpose, multi- fence. Since the process stream temperature is to
products batch plant.

steam main
59.10 Estimating Costs
a. Field instrumentation. The starting point is to
establish the point count as accurately as possible. PI
This requires that the project be “ring fenced”. In- ring fence
strumentation and controls associated with items
of plant inside the fence have to be costed and those
outside don’t. Getting the fence in the right place
has a significant impact on the overall costs. It is
usually fairly obvious whether a plant item is inside
or outside the fence. What tends to be problematic Fig. 59.3 Ring fencing the plant items
59.10 Estimating Costs 473

Table 59.5 Instrumentation costs on a per channel basis

Type Variable Elements List price £ Installed Comments
cost £

Analogue Level, Dp cell, 850 2500a a

Including impulse lines,
input pressure, pneumerstat, 100 equalising valves, etc.
differential air setb , 175 b
pressure barrier 100
Flow Orifice assembly 350 1750 + dp cell etc., excluding
Electromagnetic 1800 3000 IS or including barrier
Coriolis 3500 5500 ditto
Temperature T/c or RTD, 150 700 ditto
well/pocket 200
Weight 3 load cells, 2500 5500 ditto
amplifier/transmitter 500
Conductivity In-line 100 1700 ditto
housing, cell, 200
amplifier/transmitter 550
pH In-line housing, 250 1500 ditto
sensor/transmitter 550
Analogue Stem Barrier, 100 3050 Intelligent positioner
output position, I/P converter, 300 ≈ £850
flow positionerc , 250
air set, 100
globe valve 1500

Discrete Proximity Detector, 250 450 Assumes barrier is

input barrier 50 2 channel
Limit Switch, 275 500 ditto
barrier 50

Discrete Valve status Relay, 50 1500 ditto

output isolating valve, 750
barrier 50
Motor status Relay and/or contactor, 0d 150 d
Covered by electrical
barrier 50 budget

Pulse Flow Turbine meter 1000 1500 Excluding straighteners

input barrier 100

be controlled, the valve for manipulating the steam The cost of the field instrumentation is determined
flow should be within the fence. Similarly, if the directly from the point count. Typical figures are
steam supply pressure is to be used for diagnostics given in Table 59.5.Note that the following assump-
purposes, say, its measurement should be deemed tions apply:
to be inside the fence.
474 59 Costs and Benefits Analysis

• List price costs cover all the elements of the I/O e. Project Management. Some of the management
channels excluding the I/O cards. costs are spread across the other categories. For ex-
• List prices are exclusive of VAT and carriage. ample, management of the installation of the field
• Installed costs allow for branches and/or flanges, I/O will invariably be covered by sub-contractors
mechanical support, connections for hook up as part of the instrumentation costs. Management
and local wiring. of the software development is usually provided
• Local wiring is to a field termination panel for in the application software costs.
or equivalent. Wiring and multi-core cabling However, a significant proportion of the man-
through to the I/O cards is covered by the elec- agement costs have to be budgeted for directly.This
trical and/or infrastructure budgets. includes, for example, effort in producing specifi-
• Flow measurement and valve costs assume a line cations, liasing between suppliers and contractors,
bore of 5 cm or less. Larger sizes will obviously carrying out acceptance tests, commissioning, etc.
cost more. There is no easy way to cost this other than to make
• Pipe fittings, flanges, impulse lines, isolating realistic estimates of the effort involved. It is par-
valves, etc, assumed to be in mild steel: other ticularly important not to underestimate the effort
materials of construction will be more expen- required of the end-user to produce the detailed
sive. specifications from which the application soft-
• Castings for instrumentation such as dp cells, ware can be developed. This is covered in Chapters
valves, etc in mild steel but internals such as di- 60–62.
aphragm capsules, valve trims, etc in stainless
steel. f. Documentation. The cost of documentation is
• Costs are approximate at 2007 prices. largely spread across those activities where it is
• Currency equivalents (2007): generated. There are certain documents which are
£2.00 ≈ €3.00 ≈ $4.00. essential, for example:
b. Hardware. Estimates for the system hardware
• Specifications
and plant interface costs can only be meaningfully
• P&I diagrams
provided by systems’ suppliers in the form of writ-
• I/O channel diagrams
ten estimates. The key information to be provided
• Termination listings
here is the point count and any anticipated needs
• Database design/listings
for segregation and hardware redundancy.
• Function block diagrams
Estimates for the operator interface also can
• Sequential function charts, etc.
only be meaningfully provided by systems’ suppli-
• Operating instructions
ers. This is largely determined by the numbers of
• System manuals
operators, supervisors and engineers requiring ac-
• Maintenance guides
cess to the system, and the amount of redundancy
required. The objective is to reduce the amount of documen-
c. Software. System software is best treated as if tation to the minimum necessary, consistent with
it were hardware and costed by the supplier. maintaining quality standards and/or satisfying
Application software has to be estimated on the validation criteria. This is enabled by using generic
basis of the effort required to produce it. Metrics documentation as far as is practicable, with appli-
for estimating the cost of developing, testing and cation specific information being held separately.
documenting it are provided in Section 61.5. The approach is enabled by the use of CAD pack-
ages in which use is made of template diagrams,
d. Infrastructure. This is best costed by an electri- charts, etc., and document management systems.
cal contractor using industry standard metrics. When a document is required, the template is pop-
59.11 Payback and Cash Flow 475

ulated with application specifics from a database of spares sharing agreement with other system
and printed off. users is not uncommon.
System and maintenance manuals are invari- • Technician support.Additional electrical and in-
ably software based and can be accessed on the strumentation technician support is required to
system itself using prompts, keywords, etc. This support the system and, in particular, to main-
should be provided for under the system software tain the field instrumentation and I/O channels.
costs. Sensible estimates of effort required have to be
g. Training. Presuming appropriate levels of edu- • Field instrumentation spares. A stock of these
cation and experience, this is relatively easy to cost will have to be provided to enable effective in-
given that system suppliers provide product spe- strumentation maintenance and repair. Clearly
cific courses at a variety of levels. It is essentially a use of preferred vendor and instrument type
question of assessing who needs what training at policies will reduce the scope of the inventory.
which level. Account must be taken of needs from • Hardware replacement. It is essential to budget
operators through to system support, and is clearly for on-going hardware replacement to enable the
context dependant. system to evolve as opposed to becoming locked
into a particular generation of technology. This
h. Contingency. It isn’t necessary to budget for will counter obsolescence and avoid the whole
a contingency at the costs and benefits stage. It system having to be replaced at once.
should be noted that a contingency will neverthe- • Software maintenance. It is not usual to bud-
less be required for the project proper. get for software support which is invariably re-
quired for utilising the flexibility of the system
i. Profit. Any contractor or supplier involved will
to realise enhanced operability, additional safety
require to make a profit. If the profit margins are functions, etc. Given that these are all intangible
too low then there is a danger that corners will be benefits that have not been allowed for in the
cut on the quality front. Profit is usually allowed benefits analysis, it is appropriate not to count
for in the cost of field instrumentation and system the costs of realising them.
hardware and software, but has to be budgeted for
explicitly in relation to application software and
project management.
59.11 Payback and Cash Flow
j. Running Costs. These are relatively straightfor-
ward to assess. The principal categories are: Payback,which is the time taken to recover the cap-
ital investment, is often calculated according to the
• Power.The electrical power required to drive the following formula:
system and all it I/O channels is not insignifi-
cant. Estimates of power consumption have to Simple payback(yr) (59.1)
be based on the system’s ratings and by assum- capital costs (£)
ing average currents for all the I/O channels. =
benefits (£/yr) – running costs (£/yr)
• Maintenance contracts. These are normally
placed with the supplier for maintenance of the This formula for determining viability is often
system. The cost of the contract depends on the good enough for small projects and/or when the
speed of response,level of support and inventory payback time is short.Payback for instrumentation
of spares required. For critical applications, it is and control projects of two to three years is not un-
normal to have an agreed call-out response time, common: for advanced control projects, where the
measured in hours, and “hot standby” spares control infrastructure is already in place, payback
on site. For less critical applications, some form of less than less than six months is the norm. More
476 59 Costs and Benefits Analysis

sophistication is probably required for longer pay- • Running costs. These are the recurrent costs in-
backs. curred once beneficial operation of the system
The essential shortcoming of simple payback has commenced. They are identified in j above.
is that it does not take into account the phasing
Cumulative cash flow (CCF) is the summation (£)
of expenditure and return. Thus costs and bene- of the CF over a period of n years:
fits are presumed to be immediate and capital is
presumed to be unlimited. In practice, costs and 

benefits are concurrent and there are constraints CCF(n) = CF(j) (59.3)
on capital.Simple payback is unable to differentiate j=1

between different spend rates or to distinguish dif- Figure 59.4 depicts the costs, benefits, CF and CCF
ferent phases of a project. In particular, cash flow profiles for a typical project, based upon the data
(CF) needs to be taken into account: in the first five columns of Table 59.6.
CF(£ year−1 ) (59.2) £M
= benefits – costs (capital + running) 10 benefits
cash flow
8 cumulative cash flow
There are different categories of costs:
• Fixed capital. The lumpsum costs incurred by
the purchase of major system items, bulk pur- 4
chase of instrumentation and the placement of
fixed price contracts for infrastructure, etc. year
• Working capital. The variable costs incurred by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
the placement of reimbursable contracts, to- -2
gether with the cash on hand necessary for pay-
ing wages, for spares and repairs, and for the -4
purchase of consumables used during commis-
sioning, etc. Fig. 59.4 Costs and cash flow profiles for a typical project

Table 59.6 Data for costs and cash flow profiles

Year Costs Benefits CF CCF PV NPV PV NPV

(j) £K £K DR = 0.00 DR = 0.10 DR = 0.365

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1500 0 –1500 –1500 –1364 –1364 –1099 –1099
2 1500 0 –1500 –3000 –1240 –2604 –805 –1904
3 1000 400 –600 –3600 –451 –3055 –236 –2140
4 1000 1500 500 –3100 342 –2713 144 –1996
5 0 3000 3000 –100 1863 –850 633 –1363
6 0 3000 3000 2900 1693 843 464 –899
7 0 3000 3000 5900 1539 2382 340 –559
8 0 3000 3000 8900 1400 3782 249 –310
9 0 3000 3000 11900 1272 5054 182 –128
10 0 3000 3000 14900 1157 6211 134 6
59.11 Payback and Cash Flow 477

Aspects of the CCF profile are as depicted in Fig- CCF (£M)

ure 59.5. Note that costs are incurred from the be-
ginning of the project whereas benefits cannot oc-
cur until beneficial use of the system commences. 4
The cash flow becomes positive when the bene-
fits exceed the costs, and levels out only when the year
capital costs cease. Payback occurs when the CCF 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
profile becomes positive. It is important to appre-
ciate that by adjusting the phasing of the capital -2
costs and hence the onset of benefits, significant -4 Payback from start of
differences can be made to the payback time. beneficial operation
The CF and CCF profiles of Figure 59.4 pre- Payback from start of
sume that money does not change in value. Unfor- project
tunately that is not the case. For example, interest
charges paid on the capital raised cause it to lose Fig. 59.5 The cumulative cash flow (CCF) profile
value. Thus at 5% interest (say), each £1000 of cap-
ital borrowed today will only have a purchasing
power of some £1000/1.05 ≈ £952 in a year’s time,
assuming zero inflation. NPV (£M)
The rate at which future values of cash flow are 6 0%
depreciated is referred to as the discount rate(DR) 4
expressed on a fractional basis. For example, a dis-
count rate of 10% gives DR = 0.1. Thus the value 2 10%
today of the cash flow (£ year−1 ) in j years time, 0 2 9
4 6
known as its present value (PV), is evaluated using 36%
a discount factor (DF) as follows: -2

PV(j) = CF(j).DF(j) -4
1 (59.4)
where DF(j) =
(1 + DR)j Fig. 59.6 Net present value (NPV) vs discount rate (DR)
Note that the discount rate is not normally the same
as the interest rate charged on the open market.The ing as depicted in Figure 59.6.Note that the effect of
present value, for a given discount rate, is also re- discounting is to flatten off the profiles and delay
ferred to as the discounted cash flow (DCF) return. payback. At higher values of DR the NPV strug-
Since capital for projects is invested over the gles to become positive and the payback horizon
first couple of years or so and benefits are realised becomes untenable. The golden rule of project fi-
sometime thereafter,the economics are worked out nance is that the NPV must become positive.
over a longer time scale taking the discount rate The internal rate of return (IRR) is defined as
into account. The net present value (NPV) is calcu- that value of the discount rate DR which results in
lated (£) as follows: an NPV of zero. For example, for the project of Ta-
ble 59.6,over a period of 10 years,IRR ≈ 0.36.Thus

CF(j) IRR is a measure of the benefits returned from in-
NPV(n) = PV(j) = (59.5)
(1 + DR)j vestment in a project taking into account the time
j=1 j=1
value of money. It is used for comparing and con-
Also listed in Table 59.6 are values of PV and NPV trasting a variety of projects which are competing
for different values of DR, the profiles for NPV be- for investment capital. Companies often specify a
478 59 Costs and Benefits Analysis

minimum IRR return for projects to force the dis- There are several common mistakes made in cal-
tinction between those that are clearly viable and culating payback:
those that are only marginally so.
• Costs and benefits are calculated on a different
Not only does discounting affect the current
economic basis. For example, costs for equip-
value of money but so too does inflation. Assum-
ment are usually at market prices whereas the
ing a constant rate of inflation,a fractional inflation
cost of labour may be at internal rates, which
factor (IF) may be introduced:
could be artificially high or low.Again, with ben-

CF(j) efits, there is scope for calculating these using
NPV(n) = either market or internal rates. The important
(1 + DR)j .(1 + IF)j
thing is that a consistent basis is used.

CF(j) • Marginal costings.This involves working out the
≈ (59.6) incremental cost or benefit as opposed to the
(1 + DR + IF)j
real value. For example, the cost of a few extra
Note that the cash flow is made up of many ele- I/O channels is small if the rest of the control
ments (hardware, software, services, etc.). The con- system is assumed to exist already or the project
tracts/orders for these are all purchased/paid for at is going ahead anyway.
different stages of the project and probably subject • The benefit of reduced manpower is lost if rede-
to different inflation rate indexes, not to mention ployment is not practicable.
varying discount rates and exchange rates. For ac- • Costs and benefits not attributable to the project
curacy the cash flows should be calculated on a are included. This is most likely to occur with
monthly basis rather than yearly. Clearly the cal- retrofits when the opportunity is taken to de-
culation of detailed cash flow projections is a non- bottleneck the plant. For example, an external
trivial task for which a spreadsheet or accounting circulation loop and pump may be installed to
package is required rather than a simple formula. improve process mixing but costed as a sam-
A further complication which can significantly pling system for additional instrumentation. Or
affect the projections is the way in which benefits the benefits from replacing a heat exchanger ap-
are taxed and the extent to which depreciation can pear as improvements in temperature control.
be set off against taxation. In effect, Equation 59.2
for CF has to be modified as follows:
CF(£ year−1 ) 59.12 Comments
= benefits (after taxation) A costs and benefits analysis is inevitably approx-
– costs (after depreciation) (59.7) imate. At best the costs can be estimated to within
10% and the benefits to within 20%. There is
There is more to this than meets the eye. Taxation
no point in looking for perfection where it does
will depend upon whether the plant is a business
not exist. Detailed and more accurate costings are
in its own right or just part of a larger entity, and
made at later stages in the project life cycle and,
will vary annually according to profitability. De-
obviously, are subject to on-going review. The ben-
preciation of assets is invariably used as a means
efits tend not to be reworked, unless some major
of reducing tax liability and is clearly a function of
new factor emerges. It is good practice to maintain
company accounting policy. However, taxation and
an audit of costs and benefits for future reference.
depreciation are often not taken into account in a
Apart from anything else, it provides useful infor-
costs and benefits study: it would be futile to at-
mation for subsequent costs and benefits analyses.
tempt to do so without understanding the relevant
law and/or policy.

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