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School Cabuyao INHS Grade Level 9

Teacher Jonell P. Aquino Subject MAPEH (Health)

LESSON Date Week 7/ Quarter First Quarter
EXEMPLAR October 12, 2023
Time 2:10-3:00 PM No. of Days 1 day


The learner demonstrates understanding of the principles in protecting the

A. Content Standards
environment for community wellness.
B. Performance The learner consistently demonstrates healthful practices to protect the environment
Standards for community wellness.
C. Most Essential discusses the nature of environmental issues H9CE-Ib-d-11
Learning Competencies

D. Enabling (No available enabling competency)

E. Specific Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Name the current environmental issues.
2. Illustrate human activities that cause the environmental problems.
3. Reflect on the causes and effects of different environmental issues.

A. References

Teacher’s Guide Pages pp. 16-18

Learner’s Material
Textbook Pages

Additional Materials from

Learning Resources
B. List of Learning Powerpoint Presentation, task cards, reading materials,
Resources for Development
and Engagement Activities


A. Introduction  Greeting Managed learner
 Checking of Attendance behavior
 Setting Classroom Rules constructively by
applying positive
and non-violent
discipline to
I. Reviewing previous lesson ensure learning-
Learning Task 1: Circle-Recall focused
Recall the problems encountered in your community today environments.
based on your observation. Write the worst problem in the (Indicator 5)
outermost part of the circle and the least in the outermost part
of the circle.
Used a range of
The teacher will call students to present their answers. teaching
(Inquiry-based Approach) strategies that
enhance learner
II. Motivation achievement in
The students will be divided to small groups consisting of 4-5 and numeracy
members. skills.
Learning Task No. 2: Read the poem below. Highlight the (Indicator 2)
environmental issues mentioned. Answer the guide questions.

What You Can Do

When you see litter in the streets

And the air smells of pollution
When you feel like it’s all piling up
Remember there is a solution

There’s something each of us can do

To keep the rivers clean
To keep fresh the air we breathe
And keep the forests green

Help clean a beach

Or recycle bottles and cans
Learn about the problems we face
And help others understand

It doesn’t have to be a lot

If we each just do our share
So take time out on Earth Day
To show the Earth you care

(Constructivist Approach)
Applied a range of
III. Establishing a purpose for the lesson teaching
strategies to
Guide Questions: develop critical
1. How many environmental issues were impliedly mentioned in and creative
the poem? thinking, as well
2. What are the causes of these environmental issues? as other higher-
3. Choose one stanza from the poem. Give a reaction on this. order thinking
(Inquiry-based Approach) (Indicator 3)
III. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills Apply
B. Development
knowledge of
The teacher will lead the students to the discussion of the content within
lesson. and across
Environmental Issues are major concerns that happen in the teaching areas.
environment. Most of these happened because of human (Indicator 1)
activities on the biophysical environment which has harmful
effects to human who are living on it. Integration across
curriculum (Grade
Major Current Environmental Issues 7 Science Quarter
1. Climate Change is described as a change in the average 4 - Cite and
conditions — such as temperature and rainfall — in a region explain ways of
over a long period of time. using Earth’s
2. Pollution –means any alteration of the physical, chemical and resources
biological properties of water, air and/or land. Sustainably)
3. Environmental Degradation – deterioration or worsening of
the environment through depletion of resources
4. Resource depletion – is the consumption of resource faster
than it can be replenished.
Causes: Overpopulation, Overconsumption and waste, Displayed
Deforestation and the Destruction of Ecosystems leading to proficient use of
loss of biodiversity, Mining of Minerals and Oil Mother Tongue ,
5. Renewable resources problems – renewable resources are Filipino and
energy source that cannot be depleted and are able to supply a English to
continuous source of clean energy. Burning fuels emit toxic air facilitate teaching
pollution, and releases greenhouse gases, which drive climate and learning
change. In the country, the main problem is the lack of (Indicator 4)
infrastructure, and the high initial cost of installation.
6. Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees to make
room for something besides forest. This can include clearing
the land for agriculture or grazing, or using the timber for fuel,
construction or manufacturing.

Other Environmental Issues

1.A flash flood is a rapid flooding of low-lying areas:
washes, rivers, dry lakes and depressions. It may be caused by
heavy rain associated with a severe thunderstorm, hurricane,
tropical storm.
2. Soil erosion is a naturally occurring process that affects all
landforms. In agriculture, soil erosion refers to the wearing
away of a field's topsoil by the natural physical forces of water
and or through forces associated with farming activities such as
tillage. Causes of Soil Erosion:
 Deforestation
 Building of Roads
 Agriculture
 Urbanization
 Mining
3. Coral reef destruction is defined as the degradation (and
potential mass death) of the ocean’s corals. It is normally
caused by illegal fishing techniques, pollution, careless tourism,
other natural phenomena such as earthquakes and hurricanes,
and of course, climate change—the culprit responsible for our
warmer oceans.
4. Illegal mining is defined as the extraction of valuable minerals
or other geological materials from the earth from an ore body,
lode, vein, seam, or reef, which forms the mineralized package
of economic interest to the miner in the absence of land rights,
mining license, exploration or mineral transportation permit or of
any document that could legitimate the on-going operations.

(Integrative Approach)
IV. Developing Mastery Applied a range of
C. Engagement
Learners will be working by group (per table). Each group teaching
should choose in any of the two given activities. strategies to
develop critical
Learning Task 3: Group Activity and creative
thinking, as
TEACH-REACH well as other
Each group will choose an environmental problem from and will higher-order
illustrate its causes by making a poster (traditional or digital) to thinking skills.
teach fellow students about environmental issues. Each group (Indicator 3)
will be given 15 minutes to work on their output.

knowledge of
content within
and across
teaching areas.
(Indicator 1)

Integration across
curriculum (Grade
7 Science Quarter
4 - Cite and
explain ways of
using Earth’s

(Collaborative /Constructivist Approach)


Make a Reflection on
the song “Masdan
Mo ang
Kapaligiran” by Asin Maintained
environments that

on YouTube using
promote fairness,
respect, and care
to encourage

the link (Indicator 6)
v=N6VuuyfJeuQ or
on the Lyrics of the
song below.
Make a Reflection on
the song “Masdan
Mo ang
Kapaligiran” by Asin
on YouTube using
the link
v=N6VuuyfJeuQ or
on the Lyrics of the
song below.
Make a reflection on the song “Masdan Mo ang Kapaligiran” by
Asin on YouTube using the link
v=N6VuuyfJeuQ or on the lyrics given by the teacher to know
the causes and effects of the environmental issues.

Reflection Rubrics
(Collaborative/ Reflective Approach)

The teacher will use “Duck Race” to randomly pick the 3 groups
who will present their output. All groups need to post their work
anywhere inside the school and/or Facebook in case of digital

V. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the

D. Assimilation
The students will summarize the lesson using their own words.

(Constructivist Approach)
VI. Assessment
Directions: Answer the following questions. Write the letter of
the correct answer.

1. What environmental problem is the result of chemical

reactions in the atmosphere that involve sulfur?
a. Acid Rain
b. Deforestation
c. Holes in the Ozone Layer
d. Smog
2. Which of the following practices produces the most
organic water pollution?
a. Paper mills
b. Recreational boating
c. Intensive livestock farming
d. Humans bathing in the water
3. Which activity or activities can deplete plant life and
a. deforestation
b. environmental pollution
c. overgrazing
d. all of the above
4. What environmental problem does this picture depict?
a. water pollution
b. deforestation
c. global warming
d. flashfloods
5. Which of the following describes renewable resources?
a. can be used only one time
b. is replaced naturally and can be used again
c. cannot be readily replaced by natural means fast
enough to catch up to its usage
d. is a new resource to the earth
E. Reflection The students will write an essay on their notebook about the
importance of the carrying and transporting techniques during

Reflective Approach

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Checked by:


Master Teacher II



Principal III

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