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MULTIPLE = \.3 CHOICE QUESTIONS WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES Scotch yoke mechanism is used to generate (a) sine fianetiens, (b) square roots (©) logarithms (d) inversions. ‘The danger of breakage and vibration is maximum (a) below critical speed (b) near eritical speed (©) above critical speed (d) none of the above. In fal depth 14 degre vote system, the snes under of eth ina piion which meshes, with ack with out interference is @ 2 () 16 (© 2 (6) 32. Inversion ofa mechanism is (@) changing of higher pair to lower pair (b) obtained by fxing diferent links ina kinematic chain (6) turning it usside down (A) obtained by reversing the input and output motion. . The sense of Coriolis component 2 Viv is the same as that of the relative velocity vector rotated. (2) 45° in the crection of rotation of the link containing the path (b) 45° in the cirection opposite tothe rotation of the link centaining the path (©) 90° in the citection of rotation of the link containing the path (a) 180° in the direction opposite to the rotation ofthe link containing the path. Under logarithmic decrement, the amplitude of successive vibrations are (2) constant (6) in arithmetic progression (6) in geometric progression (in logarithmic progression. 1 Mahe orig 14 dg comp sae of gn List List It A. Dedendum 1. 2p B. Clearance 2. 0.157 C.Working depth 3. 1.1S7/P D, Addendum 4. uP Codes: a Tee eal wo 4 3 2 21 Osea al ® 32 tb 2 «i 8. A certain machine requires a torque of (500 + 50 sin 26) kN-m to drive it, where @ is the angle of rotation of shaft measured from certain datum. The machine is directly coupled to an engine which produces a torque (500 + 50 sin @) KN-m in a cycle. How many times the value of torque of machine and engine will be identical? @ 2 o4 Ws 9. ‘The curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls along the inside of a fixed circle, is known as (a) epieyeloid () hypocyctoid (©) cardiod (4) invotute. 10. In Oldham’s coupling the condition for maximum speed ratio is a, a, at a 1 ) A= cosa b) = sina @ 2-1. @ A= oS oD OD me © oO" ina 1, Mate the following: List I (Dymmometer) List I! (Characteristies) ‘A. Torsion dynamometer |. High speeds and low power B. Tesla fluid friction dynamometer 2. Power absorbed independent of size of flywheel. C. Prony brake 3. Power absorbed available for useful applications D. Swinging field dynamometer 4. Large powers, Codes: AB fe iD @ 4 2 4 3 ® 2 4 1 3 @ 3 1 2 4 @ a 4 m 3 2. 13, 4 Mitre gears (2) spur-gears with gear ratio 1:1 (6) Skew gears connecting non-parallel and non-intersecting shafts (©) Bevel gears transmitting power at more than oF fess than 90° (4) Bevel gears in which the angle between the axis is 90° and the speed ratio of the gears is Uc In which of the following case, the turning moment diagram will have least variations: (a) Double acting steam engine (©) Four stroke single cylinder petrol engine (6) Scylinder, 4 stroke diesel engine _—_(d) Pelton wheel. Which of the following statement is correct: 1. Ifa rotor is statically balanced itis always dynamically balanced also 2. Ifa rotor is dynamically balanced, it must be statically talanced 3. Ifa rotor is dynamically balanced, it may or may not be statically balanced 4, [fa rotor is statically balanced, it may or may not be dyramically balanced (a) and 2 only (b) 2ans 4 only (©) 2and3 only (a) 1 and 4 only. Which of the following are inversions of a double slider erank chain? 1. Whitworth return motion 2. Scotch Yoke 3. Oldham’s Coupling 4, Rotary e Select correct answer using the codes given below: Codes: (a) Land 2 (b) 1, 3,and4 (©) 2and3 (a) 2,3,and4. Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list: List List A. Governor 1. Pantograph device B. Automobile dfforontial 2. Food back control C. Dynamic Absorber 3. Epicylie train D. Engine Indicator 4. Twormass oscillator Codes A B © D (a) 1 2 3 4 ® 4 b 2 3 © 2 3 # 1 @ * 3 2 4 [ss ee 17. Consider the following statements: Coriolis component of acceleration depends on L. velocity of slider 2. angular velocity of the link 3. acceleration of slider 4, angular acceleration of link Of these statements (a) 1 and 2 are comect (b) 1 and 3 are correct (©) 2and 4 are correct (@) 1 and 4 are comect. 18. ABCD is a four-bar mechanism in which AB = 30 em and CD =45 cm. 4B and CD are both per- pendicular to fixed link AD, as shown in the Fig.1. If velocity of B at this conditions is V, then velocity of C is @V () 327 (©) 94V (@ 237 45 30 A D Fig 19, Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List I (Forces) List II (Mathematical expressions) gy A. Inertia force: tee B. Spring force 2. C. Damping force 3. MaFR D. Centrifugal force 4. ky Codes ADB WD @ qa ie ae @ 2 4 A 4 @ 2 9 @ @) 1s 20. In gears, interference takes place when (a) the tip ofa tooth of mating gear digs into the portion between base and root circle (b) gear do not move smoothly in the absence of lubrication (6) pitch of the gear is not same (A) gear teeth are undercut. 21, Match List I with List Il an seleet the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List List I A. Quad eyele chain Elliptic trammet 1 B. Single slider crank chain 2. Rapsons slide C. Double slider crank chain 3. Ackerman steering, . Crossed slider erank chain 4, Eecentrie mechanism 5. Pendulum pump Codes: A R 6 Db © ¢ “ 2 4 we ff 3 4 jos aa @ 3 8 1 2 22. Ina flat collar pivot bearing, the moment due to friction is proportional to (r, and r, are the outer and inner radii respectively) @ wo i w 23. A fiction circle is drawn when a journal rotates in bearing. Its radius depends on the coefficient of friction and the (@) magnitudes of the forces on the journal (b) angular velocity ofthe journal (©) clearance between the Journal and the bearing (4) radius ofthe journal 24. If the rotating mass of a rim type fly whee! is distributed on another rim type flywheel whose ‘mean radius is half mean radius of the former, then energy stored in the later at the same speed. will be (a) four times the first one (b) sameas the first one (©) one-fourth of the frst one (4) one and a half times the first one, 25. A flywheel is fitted to the crankshaft of an engine having ‘E” amount of indicated work per revolution and permissible limits of co-efficients of fluctuation of energy and speed as K, and K, respectively. The kinetic energy of the flywheel is then given by 2KE KE KE KE = ©) oe @ @ 26. A Hartnell governor has its controlling force F given by F = p-+ qr, Where r is the radius of the balls and p and g ae constants. ‘The governor becones isochronous when (@) p=0and q is positive (b) p is positive and g = 0 (©) pis negative and q is positive (a) pis positive and q is also positive. 27. The plots of controlling force versus radii of rotation of the balls of spring controlled governors are shown in the given Fig.2. A stable governor is characterised by the curve labelled Iv Radius —= Fig2 @t 0 (om @w 28. A system in dynamic balance implies that (a) the system is eitically damped (b) there ison critical speed in the system (©) the system is aso statically balanced (4) there will be absolutely no wear of bearings. 29. Fora twin cylinder V-engine, the crank positions for Primary reverse eranks and Secondary direct cranks are given in the following Fig,3: The engine isa (a) 60° V-engine (b) 120° V-engine (©) 30° V-eagine (@) 150° engine. 31 32, 33. Which one ofthe following can completely balance several masses revolving in different planes ona shaft? (@) A single nass in one of the planes of the revolving masses, (b) A single mass in a different plane (6) Two masses in any two planes (@) Two equal masses in any two planes. With symbols having the usual meanings, the single degree of freedom system, i + ek + kx = F sin of represents (a) free vibration with damping (©) fice vibration without damping (6) forced vitration with damping (@) forced vibration without damping. Inthe two-robyr system shown in the given Fig.4, (J, 36. Rotating shafts tend to vibrate violently at whirling speeds because (a) the shafts are rotating at very high speeds (b) bearing centre line coincides with the shaft axis (6) the system in unbalanced (€) resonance is caused du to the heavy weight of the rotor 37. Citcal speed ofa shat with a disc supported in between is equal tothe natural frequency of the system in (2) transverse vibrations (b) torsional vibrations (©) longitudinal visrations (4) longitudinal vibrations provided the shaft is vertical 38. In.a automobile se-viee station, an automobile is ina lifted up rosition by means of a hydraulic jack. A person working in the service station gave a tap to one rear wheel and made it rotate by ‘one revolution. The rotation of another rear wheel is (@) zer0 (b) also one evolution in the same direction, (©) also one revolution but in the opposite direction (@) unpredictable 39, Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List (Standard tooth forms) List IT (Advantage or disadvantages) A. 20° and 50? system 1, Results in lower loads on bearing 214 sabtod gem 2. Broadest athe base and songest in bending C. 25° Full depth system, 3. Obsolete D. 20° Full depth system. 4, Standards for new applications 4. 2. Codes: A eS ¢ 9 a ae Op 3 ke ee @ 3 2 wt 4 ett om In involute genrs the pressure angle is (a) dependen: on the size of teeth (b) dependent on the size of gears (6) always constant (@) always variable. A thin circula:dise is rolling with a uniform linear speed, along a straight path on a plane surface. Consider the following statements in this regard: 1. All points of the disc have the same velocity 2. The centre of the dise has zero acceleration 3. The centre of the dise has centrifugal acceleration 4. The point on the dise making contact with the plane surface has zero acceleration, OF these statements (a) Land 4 are correct (b) 3 and4 are correct (©) 3alone iscorrect (@) 2 alone is correct ‘An elliptic tremmel is shown in the given Fig.7. Associated with the motion of the mechanism are fixed and moving centrodes. It can be established analytically on graphically that the moving. centrode isa circle with radius and centre respectively of Fig.7 (@) Land O (b) 12 and B (©) 12andC (@ Wand. 43, Ina circularare cam with roller follower, the acceleration in any osition ofthe lift would depend only upon (a) total li, total angle of lift, minimum radius of cam and eam speed (b) radius of eirewar are cam, speed, location of centre of circular are and roller diameter (©) weight of cam follower linkage, spring stiffness and cam speed (4) total lift, centre of gravity of the cam and cam speed. 44, ‘The Klein’s method of constuction for reciprocating engine mecnanism (a) is a simplified version of instantaneous centre method (b) utilises a quadrilateral similar to the diagram of mechanism for reciprocating engine (©) enables determination of Corioli’s component (@) is based on the acceleration diagram. 45. With reference to tne mechanism shown in the Fig.8, the relation between Fand P is ! ©) F-Lptms ()PaPime —()Pe2Peme Paha 46, In the given Fig.9, ABCD is a four-bar mechanism, At the instant shown AB and CD are vertical and BC is horizontal. AB is shorter than CD by 30 em, AB is rotating at 5 rad/s and CD is rotating at 2 rad/s. The length of 4B is a ¢ 4 lb Fig.9 () 100m (b) 20m (©) 30cm (@) 50m. 47. The two-link system, shown in the given Fig.10, is constrained to move with planar motion, It possesses (a) 2—degrees of freedom (b) 3 — degrees of freedom (©) 4—degrees of freedom (@) 6~ degrees of freedom. 48, 49. 31 2. 33. ‘Two co-axial otors having moments of inertia J, J, and angular speeds «, and «, respectively are engaged together. The loss of energy during engagment is equal to LEACH ey al bo) Atstei — 8) Orage may ‘A spring contolled governor is found unstable. It can be made stable by (a) increasing the spring stiffness (b) deoreasing the spring stiffness (6) increasing the ball weight (€) de2teasing the ball weight. Ifa number of forces act on a rigid body, each force may be replaced by an equal and parallel force acting through a fixed point, together with a couple. For the rigid body to be in equilibrium, (a) the resultant force at the fixed point must be zero (b) the resultant couple on the body must be zero (©) both resultant force and couple must be zero (@) none of the above need be zero. A rotor whichis balanced statically but not dynamically is sported on two bearings L apart and speed of the rotor, reaction of the left bearing is R. The right side of the bearing is shifted toa new position 2L apart from the left bearing. At the same rotor speed, dynamic reaction on the left bearing in the new arrangement will (a) remain same as before (b) become equal to 28 1 1 (©) become equal to = R resome equal to — R (©) b sual to 5 @ be sual to Consider the following statements regarding high speed in-line engine with identical reciprocat- ing parts with cranks spaced to give equal firing intervals: 1. Allharmone forces, except those which are multiples of hath numberof cylinders, ae balanced 2. Couples rebated ifthe engine is symmetrical about a plane normal othe axis ofthe cranks shaft 3. Ina four einer inline engine, second and fourth harmonic fooes are unbalanced whereas in a six ‘ylinder ina six eylinder in-line engine, second fourth and sixth harmonic forces are unbalanced ‘Of these sttements (@) 1, Zand 3 are correct (0) 1 and3 are correct (©) 1 and? are correct (@) 2 nd3 are correct In the statement “an eecentrie mass rotating at 3000 rpm will create X times more unbalanced force than 50% of the same mass rotating at 300 rpm,” ‘X" stands for @ 10 () 50 © 10 (@) 200. KEEL opens 54, A machine of 100 Eg mass has a 20 kg rotor with 0.5 mm eccentricity. The mounting springs have stiffness 85 kNim and damping is negligible. If the operating speed is 207 rad/s and the unit is constrained to move vertically, the dynamic amplitude of the machine will be (@) 0.470% 104m —(b) 1.000% 10 m (© 1270x10m = (@) 254010 m 55. Match List I (force transmissibility) with List II (frequency ratio) and select the correet answer using the codes given below the Lists: B. Less than 1 2. C.Gresertant 3, Loe D. Tending to zero 4, V2 Codes: é ob € 1D @ if Be 4 @ 2 4 @ 3 @ 2 1 mR a @ oat ea 56, A mass of | kg is attached to the end of a spring with a stiffness 0.7 Nimm. The critical damping coefficient ofthis system is (a) 140Nsim (b) 52.22 Ns'm (©) 5292 Nvim (@) 529.20 Nvim. 57. A system is shown inthe following Fig.11. The bar AB is assumed to be rigid and weightless. ex Fig.t1 59. 6. The natural frequency of vibration of the system is given by 1 vik hh tik -) 2a mk, +k) b) f= 1 Vir @ 32 mk, © ‘Two heavy rosating masses are connected by shafts of lengths /, /, and /, and the corresponding, diameters ared,,d,, and d,. This system is reduced to a torsionally equivalent system having uni- form diameter “d,” of the shaft. The equivalent length of the shaft is 4 y the a nol ay at ©) h+h|%| 44/4 + © +3) (4) @ they A shaft has two heavy rotors mound on it The transverse natural frequencies, considering each of the rotor separately, are 100 cycles/sec and 200 eycles/see respectively. The lowest critical speed is (a) 5367 rpm (6) 6000 rpm (6) 9350 rpm (€) 12000 rpm, A shaft has ar attached disc atthe centre of its length, The dis has its centre of gravity located at a distance of ? mm from the axis of the shaft. When the shaft is allowed to vibrate in its natural bow-shaped mode, its has frequency of vibration of 10 radians/second. When the shaft is rotated. 2300 revolutions per minute, it will whirl with a radius of (@) 2mm. (b) 225 mm (© 250mm (@) 300mm. Let S and G te positions of centre of mass and geometric centre is a dise attached to a rotating dise with axis at O as shown Fig.12. Let the system be resisted by viscous damping. Then at the critical speed, the relative positions of G and S are given by @ 4 0 A> dl —s = © @ Le) KE opens 62. Consider the following statements regarding the differential of an automobile 1. The speed of the crown wheel will always be the mean of the speeds of the two road wheels 2, The road whee! speeds are independent of the number of teeth on the planets 3. The difference between the speed of the road wheels depends on the number of teeth on the planets 4. The ratio of speeds of the road wheels depends upon the number of teeth on the gear wheels attached to them and on the crown wheel Of these statements (a) 1 and 2 are correct (b) 3 and 4 are correct (©) Land 3 are correct (4) 2and 4 are correct. (63. A single epicyclic gear train is shown in the given Fig, 13. Wheel is stationary. Ifthe number of teeth on 4 and B are 120 and 45 respectively, then when B rotates about its own axis at 100 rpm, the speed of C would be ( Fig.13 3 (a) 20 rpm (©) 277 om © 197 om (@) 100 rpm. (64, A round bar A passes through the cylindrical hole in B as shown in the given Fig.14, Which one of the following statements is correct in this regard? LEP Fig.14 (2) The two links shown from a kinematic pair _(b) The paicis completely constrained (©) The pair has incomplete constraint (@) The paicis successfully constrained. 65. The instantaneous centre of rotation of rigid thin dise rolling on a plane rigid surface is located at (a) the centre of the dise (b) aan infinite distance on the plane surface (©) the point of contact, (@) the point on the circumference situated vertically opposite to the contact point. Appendix Ao KEEL 666. The dircetions of Coriolis component of acceleration, 2eV, of the slider 4 with respect to the coincident po nt B is shown in Fig.15. (1 t0 4) Diretions shown by figures v 2 uf ms 2 21e ol tl2” alt] zev lA la al a é i” ‘0 ‘ o o o © 1 2 3 4 Fig.15 (a) 2and 4 are wrong, (b) 1 and 2 are wrong (©) Land 3 are wrong (@) 2 and 3 are wrong. 67. Klein's construction for determining the acceleration of piston P is shown in the given Fig.16. When N coincides with 0, Fig.16 (a) acceleration of piston is zero and its velocity is zero (b) acceleration is maximum and velocity is maximum (6) avceleration is maximum and velocity is zei0 (@) acceleration is zero and velocity is maximum. 68. A torsional system with discs of moment of inertia /, and f, shown in the given Fig.17, is gear driven such that the ratio ofthe speed of shaft B to shaft 4 's*n". Neglecting the inertia of gears, the equivalent inertia of disc 2 atthe speed of shatt 4 is equal to 4 : Fig.17 (@) ml, (b) nd, © Ye @ Lin FED opens 69. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (a) Positive drive .. Belt drive (b) High velocity ratio ... Worm gearing (6) To connect nor-parallel and non-intersecting shafts... Spiral gearing (4) Diminished noise and smooth operation ... Helical gears. 70, Consider the following expressions for a spur gear: 1. Addendum 3. Centre distance for internal gears = (7, + T,/2P, 4, Dendendum = 1.157 7 p./a Of these expressions (8) 1,2,3,nd4 are correct (b) 1 and 2 are correct (©) 1,2, and 3 are correct (@) 1,2, and 4 are correct 71, Babbit lining is used on brass/bronze bearing to (a) increases bearing resistance (b) increase compressive strength (©) provide antifriction properties (¢) increase wear resistance. 72, In an oil-lubricated journal bearing, coefficient of friction between the journal and the bearing. (a) remains constant at all speeds (b) is minimum atzero speed and increases monotonically with increases in speed. (©) is maximum at zero speed and decreases monotonically with increase in speed (@) becomes minimum at an optimum speed and then increases with further increase in speed. 73. The given Fig.18 shows the output torque plotted against crank positions for a single cylinder four-stroke-cycle eagine. The arcas lying above the zero-torque line represent positive work and the areas below represent negative work. The engine drives a machine which offers a resisting torque equal to the average torque. The relative magnitudes of the hatched areas given by the ‘numbers (in the areas) as shown: Crank position Fig.18 During the eycle, the minimum speed occurs in the engine at @B &) D OH @F 74, 15. 76. 7. 7. Avpendxa-s AEE For a spring controlled gavernor to be stable, the controlling foree (F) is related to the radius (r) by the equatien (a) Far—b (b) F=ar+b () Fear (@) Fare A rotor supported at 4 and B, carries two masses as shown in the given Fig.19. The rotor is Fig.19 (a) dynamically balanced (b) statically balanced (c) statically and dynamically balanced (@) no’ balanced, The equation of free vibrations of a system is + 36x = 0. Its natural frequency is (a) 46 Hz (b) 3H (©) 3H (@) 6 He Which of the following methods can be used to determine the damping of machine element? 1, Logarithmic method 2. Band-width method 3. Rayleigh method 4. Holzer method. Select the correct answer using the codes given below: Codes: (a) Land 3 (b) Land 2 (©) Sand 4 (@) 1,3,and4 If @fe, = V2, where @ is the frequency of excitation and @, is the natural frequency of vibra- tions, then the transmissibility of vibrations will be (@ 05 ) Lo O18 @ 20 A lender shat supported on two bearing at its ends carriesa dise with an eccentricity e from the axis of rotation, The eritical speed of the shafts. If the disc is replaced by a second one of same weight but mounted with an eccentricity 2e, critical speed of the shaft in the second case is (@ 12N () 1N2N (NN (d) 2 For the spring-mass system shown in the Fig.20(a, the frequeney of vibration is NV. What will be the frequency when one more similar spring is added in series, as shown in Fig.20(b)? k ke mut etiam @ ° Fig.20 (@) Nz (b) Nv © VIN (@) 2N, FED pense 81. Which one of the following is true for involute gears? (a) Interference isinherently absent (b) Variation in ceatre distance of shafts increases radial force (©) A convex flank is always in contact with concave flank (d) Pressure angle is constant throughout the teeth engagement, 82. The gear train usually employed in clocks is a (@) reverted gear tain (b) simple gear train (c) sun and planet gear (d) differential gear. 83. Which one of following is an Open Pair? (a) Ball and socketjoint (b) Journal bearing (c) Lead screwand nut (d) Cam and follower. 84, In the mechanism ABCD shown in the given Fig.21, the fixed link is denoted as (1), Crank AB as (2), rocker BD (3), Swivel trunnion at C as (4) The instantaneous centre J, is at oylh. @ ® Fig.21 (a) the centre of swivel trunnion (b) the intersection of line 4B and a perpendicular to BD (©) infinity along AC (@) infinity perpendicular to BD. 85. The instantaneous centre of motion of rigid-thin dise-wheel rolling on plane rigid surface shown, in the Fig.22, is located atthe point. Fig.22 @a4 )B we @ D. 87. 88, Ina cam drive with uniform velocity follower, the slope of ihe displacement must be as shown in ‘ig.23(a). But in actual practice itis as shown in Fig.23(b) (ie. rounded at the corners) This is because of (a) the difficulty in manufacturing cam profile (b) loose coniact of follower with cam surface (©) The acceleration in the beginning and retardation at the end of stroke would require to be infinitely high (@) uniform \elocity motion is a partial parabolic motion. sf sf ° Fig.23 Ina 4-stroke IC engine, the turning moment during the compression stroke is (a) positive throughout (b) negative throughout (©) positive daring major portion of the stroke (@) negative during major portion of the stroke, With referenc: to the engine mechanism shown in the given Fig.24, match List I with List Il and. select the correct answer Fiy2e List List IL A.F, 1. Inertia foree of reciprocating mass B.F, 2, Inertia foree of connecting rod C.F, 3. Crankeffort DF, 4, Piston side thrust. Codes: A 8 G6 D i hb 2 a 3 BSE Mirah rhe eh een ele toe ee a 89, 90, 1 93. ‘A compound train consisting of spur, bevel and spiral gears is shown in the given Fig.2S along ‘with the teeth numbers marked against the wheels. Overall speed ratio ofthe train is @s 2 io) Ore Which of the following statements hold good for a multi-collar thrust beating carrying an axial thrust of W unis? |. Friction moments independent of the numberof collars 2, Te intensity of premero i ited by the mur of oll 3. Co-flcient of ction of the bearing surfaces affected by the numberof collars (a) Land 2 (b) Land 3 (©) 2and3 (@) 1,2,and3. ‘The centre of gravity of the coupler link in a 4-bar mechanism would experience (a) no acceleration (b) only linear acceleration (©) only angular acceleration (@) both linear and angular accelerations. ‘Which of the following statements regarding laws governing the friction between dry surface are correct? |. The friction force is dependent on the velocity of sliding, 2. The friction foree is directly proportional to the normal force 3. The friction force is dependent on the materials ofthe contac: surfaces 4, The Friction force is dependent on the area if contact surfaces (@) 2,3,and4 (b) Land 3 (©) 2and4 (@) 1,2,3,and4. Which of the following statements are correct? |. For constant velocity rato transmission between two gears, the common normal at the point of contact must always pass through a fixed point on the line oining the centres of rotation of the gears 2, For involute gects the pressure angle changes with change in centre distance between gears 3. The velocity ratio of compound gear train depends upon the number of teeth ofthe input and output gears only 4, Epicyclic gear tains involve rotation of atleast one gear axis about some other gear axis, (@) 1,2,nd3 (b) Land 3 (©) 1,2,and4 (@) 2,3,and4 Appendix AS 94. Which one of the following equations is valid with reference tothe given Fig.26. 95, 97. A | c Fig.26 EG Gel -("24)f Match list I with List 1 and select the correet answer List List It A. Hunting 1. One radius of rotation for each speed B. Isochronism 2. Too sensitive C. Stability 43. Mean force exerted at the sleeve during change of speed D. Effort 4, Constant equilibrium speed forall radii of rotation, Codes A B 4G Dp a iat era oh 8 # #£ 8 Oa on gg (@ bh 2 @ 4 1. A system of masses rotating in different parallel planes is in dynamic balance ifthe resultant (a) force is equal to zero (©) couple is equal to zero (©) force and the resultant couple are both equal to zero (@) force is numerically equal to the resultant couple, but neither of them need necessarily be zero. ‘When shaking force is transmitted through the spring, damping becomes detrimental when the ratio of its frequency to the natural frequency its greater then (a) 025 (b) 0.50 © 10 (@) sqet 2. FEED opens 98. When the mass of a critically damped single degree of freedom system is deflected from its equilibrium position and released, it will (a) return to equilibrium position without oscillation (b) oscillate with increasing time period (©) oscillate with decreasing amplitude (@) oscillate with constant amplitude. 99, The equation of motion for a single degree of freedom system with viscous damping is 4¥ + 9% + 16x =0, The damping ratio of the system is 9 9 © ae OF o 9 “2 ia O3 ra 100, For the spring-mass system shown in the given Fig.27, the frequency of oscillations of the block along the axis of the spring is pam s4 Fig27 a fR » + © atm eh Fk 1 ize 1 fe Oa mn © ahh 1,“ acaajusd insta dea (a) mass () siness (©) mass and stitness (@) mas, sttiness and eccentricity. 102. A fixed gear having 200 teeth is in mesh with another gear having 50 tecth. The two gears are connected by an erm. The number of turns made by the smaller gear for one revolution of arm about the centre of the bigger gear is, a OF &) 3 4 @5 103, An involute pinioa and gear are in mesh, If both have the same size of addendum, then there will be an interference between the (2) tip of the gear tooth and flank of pinion (b) tip of the pinion and flank of gear (©) flanks of both gear and pinion (@) tips of both gear and opinion, Appendix AS 104, Match List I with List IL and select the answer using the codes given below the List, List 1 List IL A. Helical gears 1, Non-interchangeable B. Herringbone gears 2, Zero axial thrust C. Worm gears 3. Quiet motion D. Hypoid Gears 4, Extreme speed reduction Codes: AB 6 bs i faa @ 3 2 w 4 @® 3 1 4 2 @ 3 2 4 1 105. Given 0= angle through which the axis ofthe outer forward wheel turns = angle through which the axis of the inner forward wheel turns = distarce between the pivots of front axle, and ‘b= whee! base. For correct steering, centre lines of the axes of four wheels of an automobile should meet at a ‘common point. This condition will be satisfied if a) c08 8 cos $= a/b (b) cot 8 cot (©) 608 8+ cos p= a/b (@) tan 8+ tan ab 106. IF air resistance is neglected, while it is executing small oscillations the acceleration of the bob ‘of simple pendulum at the mid-point of its swing will be (a) zero (0) a minimam but not equal to zero (©) amaximum (@) not detemninable unless the length of the pendulum and the mass of the bob are known. 107. In the Fig.28 shown crank 4B is 15 em long and is rotating at 10 rad/s. Cis vertically above 4. CA equals 24 cm. C is swivel trunnion through which BD (40 cm) slides. If ABCD becomes a vertical line during its motion, the angular velocity of the swivel trunnion at that instant will be D | Ye Fig.28 (a) zero (b) (100/25) rad/s (€) (100/15) rad/s (@) (100/10) radi KEE tepen 108. In order to draw the acceleration diagram, itis necessary to determine the Coriolis component of acceleration inthe case of (a) crank and slotted lever quick return mechanism (b) slider-erank mechanism (©) four bar meckanism (@) pantograph, 109, What isthe correct sequence of the following steps in engine analysis? 1. Vibration analysis 2. Inertia force analysis 3. Balancing analysis 4, Velocity and Acceleration analysis Select the correct answer using the codes given below: @ 24,13 () 2,4,3,1 ©) 4.213 @) 4,231 110, If tis the actual coefficient of friction in a belt moving in grooved pulley, the groove angle being 2.0, the virtual coefficient of friction will be (@) sin (b) sleos a © asin (@) woos « ILL, Match List 1 (Positioning of two shafts) with List I (Possible connection) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List| List 1 A. Parallel shaft with slight offset 1. Hookes joint B. Parallel shafts at a reasonable distance 2, Worm and whee! . Perpendicular shafts 3. Oldham coupling D. Intersecting shafts 4, Belt and pulley Codes: Aw 1G AD: @ A 3 @ a ea akan ey eee gee gy oe 112, Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List| List A. Quadrie eyele chain 1. Rapson’s side B, Single slider crank chain 2. Oscillating cylinder engine mechanism C. Double slider crank chain 3. Ackermann steering mechanism D. Crossed slider crank chain 4. Oldham coupling Codes: x 8 @ Db @ a 2 @ 3 Bg a ® 8 4 a 2 a 113, Match List I with List I and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I (Rearing) List (Purpose) A. Ball bearing 1, Heavy loads with oscillatory motion B. Tapered Roller bearings 2. Light loads, C. Spherical Roller bearings 3. Carrying both radial and thrust loads D. Needle roller bearings 4, Self-aligning property Codes: eee @ «4 Pf 2 2 () 2 1 4 3 ee a hod ata a 114, Ina journal bearings, the radius of the friction circle increases with the increase in (a) load, (b) radius of the journal (©) speed ofthe journal (@) viscosity of the lubricant 115. Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List] List A. Flywheel 1. Dunkerley Method B. Governor 2. Turning Moment C. Critical speed 3. D Alembert’s Principle D. Inertia foree 4, Speed control on par with load Codes: A Bc D ey a aaa ® 4 2 1 3 Gear aah o 2 b & 116. The sensitivity of an isochronous governor is (a) zer0 (b) one (©) two (a) infinity. 117. When the primary direct crank of a reciprocating engine is positioned at 30° clockwise, the secondary reverse erank for balancing will be at (a) 30? anticlockwise (b) 60° anti-clockwise (©) 30° clockwise (€) 60° clockwise 118. A statically-balanced system is shown in the given Fig.29. Two equal weights W, cach with an eccentricity, “e” are placed on opposite sides of the axis in the same axial plane. The axial distance betveen them is ‘a’. The total dynamic reactions at the supports will be (@) zero 6) Mores © Lor et @ Hot et e 2 8 ee Fig.29 119, A damped free vitration is expressed by the general equation x = Xe" which is shown in Fig.30: Fig.30 The envelope d has the equation: (@ Xe" () Xsin( VIFF Joy © & @ xem 120, What is the equivalent stiffness (ie. spring constant) of the system shown in the given Fig.31. 10.Cois perann «foo Fig.21 (@) 24mm (b) 16 Nimm. (©) 4 Nim (@) 53 Nimm, 121. The given Fig.32 depictsa vector diagram of forces and displacements in the case of Forced Damped Vibration. If vector A represents the forcing function P= P, sin er, vector B the displacement y = ¥ sin ay, and ¢ the phase angle between them, then the vectors Cand D represent respectively. (a) the force of inertia and the foree of damping (b) the elastic foree and the damping force (©) the damping force and the inertia torce (@) the damping force and the elastic force. 122. Two heavy rotating masses are connected by shafts of length J, f, and /, and the corresponding diameters ard d, d,, and d, This system is reduced to a torsionally equivalent system having, uniform diameter d, of the shaft. The equivalent length of the shatt is equal to Ltheh @) hthri, ) ay @) ,+4 [2] +4 coaeila] oe 123, An axial flow fan balanced at one speed often exhibits substantial vibrational effects when oper- ated at other speeds, mainly due to (a) primary critical speed effect (b) secondary critical speed effect (©) unbalanced parts of the fan (@) aerodynamic unbalance. 124, A reverted gear train is one in which the output shaft and input shaft? (a) rotate in opposite directions (b) are co-axial (©) are at right angles to each other (@) are at an angle to each other. 125. Inthe case of an involute toothed gear, involute stars from (a) addendum circle (b) dedundum circle (©) piteh circle (d) base circle 126. In the epicyelic gear train shown in the given Fig.33, 4 is fixed. A has 100 teeth and B has 20 teeth. Ifthe arm C makes three revolutions, the number of revolutions made by B will be Fig23 (@ 12 (15 18 (a) 24. 127. Given that © = forward path given and H = feed back path gain, if G and H are functions of frequency, then the feedback would affect gain G of a non-feedback system by a value to (@) 14+GH () 1-GH (© GH (@) VGH 128. Two geared shafts 4 and B having moments of inertia /, and /, and angular acceleration «and «, respectively are meshed together. B rotates at G times the speed of A. Ifthe gearing efficiency of the two shafts in 7, then in order to accelerate B, the torque which must be applied to A will be @) 1a,+E han (b) Clan © Glan @ @1,a/n. FED epee 129. Which of the following pair (5) is/are correctly matched? 1. Four bar chain Oscillating-oscillating converter IL Inertia governor Rate of change of engine speed I, Hammer blow Reciprocating unbalance, Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (@) Tatone (b) 1.11, and 1 (©) Mand tt (@) Land it 130, Which of the following are examples of kinematic chain? Z1 ) through the CG and no inertia torque (b) Am inertia torque Fsa (=>) and no inertia force (©) Both inectia force F(-+) through the CG and inertia torque F-a(—=>) (@) Both inertia force F(€) through the CG and inertia torque F-a(-). KEE sepen 159, Consider the follewing statements: Apinion of 14 © pressure angle and 48 invoute eth asa ph ice diameter of 28.8 cm. has 1. Module of 6 mn 2. Circular pitch of 18 mm 3. Addendum of 6 mm 4, Diamstral pitch of #4 Which of these statements are correct? (@) 2and 3 (b) Vand (© Vanda (@) 2anda 160, Fora given lift of he followers in a given angular motion of the cam, the acceleration/retardation of the follower will be the least when the profile ofthe cam during the rise portion is (a) Such that the follower motion is simple harmonic (b) Such that the Follower motion has a constant velocity from start to end (©) A straight line, it being a tangent cam (@) Such that the follower velocity increases linearly for half te rise portion and then decrease linearly for the remaining half of the rise portion. 161. Consider the following statements regarding the choice of conjugate teeth for the profile of mat- ing gears 1. They will transmit the desired motion 2. They are difficult to manufacture 3. Standardisation is not possible 4, The cost of production is low Which of these statements are correct? (@) 1,2,and3 () 1,2,and4 (©) 2,3,and4 (@) 1,3,and4 162, The motion transmitted between the teeth of two spur gears in mesh is generally (2) Sliding () Rolling (©) Rotary (4) Partly sliding and partly rolling 163, Ina single slide four-bar linkage, when the slider i fixe, it forms a mechanism of (@) Hand pump (b) Rolling? (©) Quick return (4) Oscillating cylinder 164. Consider the follewing parameters: 1. Limit of peripheral speed 2. Limit of centrifugal stress 3. Coefficient of Tuctuation of speed 4, Weight ofthe rim Which of these perameters are used in the calculation of the diemeter of flywheel rim? (a) 1,3,and4 () 2,3,and4 (©) 1,2,and3 (@) 1,2,and4, 165. Consider the following speed governors: 1, Porter governor 2, Hartnell governor 3. Watt governor 4, Proell governor The correct sequence of development of these governor is (a) 1,324 (b) 3,1,4,2 ©) 31,24 @ 1,3,4,2 Avpendxa-s EE 166. Ifa two-mass system is dynamically equivalent toa rigid Dody, then the system will not satisfy the condition thatthe (a) Sum of the two masses must be equal to that of the rigid body (b) Polar moment of inertia of the system should be equal to that of the rigid body (©) Centre of gravity (c.g) of the system should coincide with that of the rigid body (@) Total mement of inertia about the axis through c.g. mast be equal to that of the rigid body. 167. A rigid shaft when laid on horizontal parallel ways will not roll if the (a) Centre of gravity falls parallel (b) Centre of gravity lies on the shaft axis, (©) Horizonial moments are large _(d) Vertical moments are large. 168. If the ratio ofthe length of connecting rod to the crank racius increases, then (a) Primary unbalanced forces will increase (b) Primary unbalanced forces will decrease (©) Secondary unbalanced forces will increase (4) Secondary unbalanced forces will decrease. 169. Ifa spring-mass-dashpot sysiem is subjected to excitation by a constant harmonic force, then at resonance, its amplitude of vibration will be (a) Infinity (b) Inversely proportional to damping (©) Directly proportional to damping (@) Decreasing exponentially with time. 170. Ina forced vibration with viscous damping, maximum amplitude occurs when forced frequency is (a) Equal tonatural frequency (b) Slightly less than natural frequency (©) Slightly greater than natural frequency (&) Zero. 171. The value of the natural frequency obtained by Rayleigh's method (a) Is always greater than the actual fundamental frequency (b) Is always less than the actual fundamental frequency (©) Depends upon the initial deflection curve chosen and may be greater than or less than the actual fundamental frequency (@) Is independent of the inital deflection curve chosen. 172. Ina multi-retor system of torsional vibration maximum number of nodes that can occur is (a) Two (©) Equal tothe mumber of rotor plus one (©) Equal tothe mumber of rotors (@), Equal to the number of rotors minus one. 173. A rotating shaft carries a flywheel which overhangs on the bearing as a cantilever If this fly- wheel weigh is reduced to half ofits original weight, the whirling speed will (@) Be doube (b) Increase by /2 times (©) Decrease by /2 times (4) Be half, KEL open 174. Consider the gear train shown in the given Fig.42 and table of gears and their number of teeth. E 2 2 Fig.42 Gear: gas No. of teeth: 2 «50 (SS HS Gears BC and DE are moulded on parallel shaft rotating together Ifthe speed of 4 is 975 rpm, the speed of F will be (a) 39 rpm (b) 52 pm (©) 75 rpm (@) 80 1pm. 175, Consider the following statements in respect of introduction of feedback in a control system: 1, Itenhanees its gain 2, Itattenuates the unwanted noise 3. Ithelps in improving the accuracy of the system. Which of these statements are correet? (a) 2and 3 (b) 1,2,and3 (©) Land 3 (@ Land 2. 176, The kinematic chain shown in the given Fig.43 is a Fig.43 (a) structure (b) mechanism with one degree of freedom (©) mechanism with two degrees of freedom (4) mechanism with more than two degrees of freedom. 177. A point on a link zonnecting a double slider crank chain will trace a (a) straight line () circle (©) paraboh (@) ellipse. 178. A wheel is rolling on a straight level track with a uniform velocity “s*. The instantaneous veloc- ity of a point on the wheel lying at the mid-point of a radius. (@), varies between 3 and 5 (©) varies between * and —5 (©) varies berween 35 and 5 (@) does nee vary and is equal to v. 179. A four-bar cxain has (a) all earning pairs (b) one turning pair and the others are sliding pairs (©) one sliding pair and the others are turning pairs (@) all sliding pairs. 180 Sensitiveness of a governor is defined as Range of speed 2. Mean speed ©) 25. Mean speed ©) Range of speed Range of speed (©) Mean speed x Range of speed (@) pean speed 181. Masses B,, #, and 9 kg are attached to a shaft in parallel planes as shown in the given Fig.44. If the shaft is tating at 100 rpm, the mass B, is Oz ‘50m ot { —————- sen sch % 3, Fos (3g ( ong (on me 182, ‘The equation of motion for a damped viscous vibration is 3e4 98+27: ‘The damping factor is (a) 025 (b) 0.50 © 075 (@) 1.00. 183. A mass is suspended at the bottom of two springs in series having stiffness 10 N/mm and 5 Nimm. The equivalent spring stffiness of the two spring; is nearly, (a) 03 N/mm (b) 3.3 Némm (© 5Nimm (@) 15 Nim, 184, ‘The velocity ratio in the case of compound train of wheels is equal to (a) No-ofteeth on fist driver (py De-ofteth on ast follower No, of teeth on last follower ‘No. of teeth on first driver (o) Test of teth on the drivers (a) Pdustoficeth onthe followers Product of teeth on the followers Product of teeth on the drivers 185. Consider the following pairs of parts 1. Pair of gear in mesh 2. Beltand pulley 3. Cylinder and piston 4, Cam and follower FED pense Among these, the higher pairs are (a) Vand 4 (b) 2and4 (©) 1,2,and3 (@) 1, 2,and4. 186, Which one of the following sets of accelerations is involved in the motion of the piston inside the cylinder of a uniformly rotating cylinder mechanism? (a) Coriolis and radial acceleration (b) Radial and tangential acceleration (©) Coriolis and gyroscopic acceleration (a) Gyroseopic and tangential acceleration. 187, Consider the follewing statements: 1, Round bar in around hole forms a turing pair 2, A square bar in a square hole forms a sliding pair 3. A vettical shaft in a foot-step bearing forms a successful comstraint Which of these statements are correct? (a) Land3 (b) Land2 (©) 2and3 (d) 1,2, and 3. {Pat Souet ear Ritmo es ‘ih tse sis cot mca? Ola tm © 2mas aad cra hom inte es (Seale 1 cm? = 100 Nm) 1, Itisa four stroke IC engine 2 Theconessb ake 401 180 3. Mem wing manent 1, = 2m Qu2ms Wiimé OAS USAMA 190, The pitching ofa ship in the ocean isan oscillatory periodic metion. A ship is pitching 6° above and 6° below with a period of 20s from its horizontal plane. Consider the following statements inthis regard 1. The motion has a frequency of oscillation (i. pitching) of 3 cycles/minute 2. The motion has an angular frequency of 3.14 rad/s 3. The angular velocity of prescission of ship’ rotor is “— rad/s it ity ofp i’ 0 4, The amplitude of pitching is rad Which ofthese statements are correct? (a) Land 2 (b) 1, 2,and4 (© 2,3,and4 (@) 1, 3,and 4. 191, The critical speed ofa shaft is affected by the (a) diameter and the eccentricity of the shaft (b) span ane the eccentricity ofthe shaft (©) diameter and the span of the shaft (@) span of the shaft 192. Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List| List IL A. Compound train 1, Hart mechanism B. Quick reurn Mechanism. 2. Coriolis force . Exact straight line motion 3. Transmission of motion around bends and D, Approximate straight line motion 4. Watt mechan'sm, Codes: A @ ©) © @ 193. Match List 1 (Kinematic inversions) with List Il (Applications) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists ust tse Piel 1. Hand pump ° ~~ 2. Compressor ° 2. whith ui ‘otum mechani . 4. Osetating Cynder Engine Heese heRKG ere eg 194, 195. 196. Codes: AB 6 D Qt 3 #2 9 4 ge fee ae @ 1 4 @ 2% Match List I (Applications) with List Il (Features of vibration) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List 1 List IT ‘A. Vibration damper 1, Frequency of free vibration B, Shock absorber 2. Forced vibration . Frahm Tachometer 3, Damping of vibration D, Oscillator 4, Transverse vibration 5. Absorption of vibration Codes: <2 << Db @ s 3 @ 4 ® 8 a at 2 os 3 4 ow @ 3 4 @ 5 ‘When the intensity of pressure is uniform in a flat pivot bearing of radius r, the frietion force is assumed to act at t 2r r @r > oF 5 Consider a harmonic motion x = 1.25 sin (St— 2/6) em. Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I List It 5 A. Amplitude (em) i plitnle (em) x B, Frequency (eyclels) 2. 1.25 C. Phase angle rad) 3 D. Time period(s) 4. als Codes: (@) (b) © @ vaweap oe Bag Avpendxa-s MEE 197. Which of the flowing pairs of devices and their functions sre correctly matched? 1. Flywheel ».— Forstoring kinetic energy 2. Governors .. _ Forcontrolling speeds 3. Lead screw in lathe... Forproviding feed te the slides 4, Fixtures .. For locating workpiece and guiding tools Select the correct answer using the codes given below: Codes: @ 1,3,and4 (b) 2and3 (©) Land 2 (@) 2and4. 198, Match lst I vith lis Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. (Nota- tions have their usual meanings) List List A. Law of eorect steering 1. fe3(n-1)-2) B. Displacement relation of Hooke's joint Rxe ala = 0s) + = . Relation between kinematic pars and links 3. cot? corp = 4 b D. Displacement equation of reciprocating engine piston 4, tan tan @ = cosa Codes a’ F c Dp @ ta a 2 @ 1 2 3 4 @ § 4 1 @ 3 2 b & 199, Force required to accelerate a cylindrical body which rolls without slipping on a horizontal plane {mass of cylindrical body is m, radius of the cylindrical surface in contact with plane is r, radius of gyration cf body is k and acceleration of the body is a) is (a) mQ/P+ 1a (b) (mk) -a (© mea (@ (mkir+ ta 200. Consider the following statements regarding motions in machines: 1. Tangential acceleration is a function of angular velocity and the radial acceleration is a fune- tion of angular acceleration. 2. The resulant acceleration of a point A with respect to & point B on @ rotating link is perpen- dicular to AB. 3. The direction of the relative velocity ofa point A with respect to a point B on a rotating link is perpendicular to 4B, Which of these statements isiare correct? (a) 1 alone (b) 2and3 (©) Land2 (a) 3 alone. 201. Consider the following statements: In petrol engine mechanism, the piston is at its dead centre position when piston 1. acceleration is zer0 2. acceleration is maximum, 3. velocity is zero 4, velocity is infinity. KEEL open Which of these statements are correct? (@) Vand 4 (b) Tand3 (©) 2and3 (@) Zand 4. 202, The speed of driving shaft of a Hooke's joint of ange 19.5° (given sin 19.5° = 33, cos 19.5°=.94) is 500 rpm. The maximum speed of the driven shaft is nearly (2) 168 rpm () 44 rpm (©) 471 rpm (@) 531 rpm. 203, The given Fig.46 shows the Klein's construction for acceleration of the slidererank mechanism, Which one of the following quadrilaterals represents the required acceleration diagram? Fig. 46 (a) oRsT (b) oPsT (©) ORWT (@ RPT 204. A servomotor is connected through 2 gear ratio of 10 (i.e., motor speed: load side spe 10:1) to a load having moment of inertia J. The equivalent parameter referred to motor shaft side is (@) J,=0015 () J,= 103 © y,=015 (@) J,,= 1005 205, Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists List 1 List IL A. Cam and follower 1. Grobler’ rate B. Screw pair 2. Grashof's linkage .4-bar mechanism 3. Pressure angle D. Degree of freedom of planar mechanism 4, Single degree of freedom Codes: x 8 © >» @ 3 4 2 1 © 2 2 @ 8 fo) Uk a) @3 2 4 1 206. Consider the following statements: When two gears are meshing, the clearance is given by the 1. difference between dedendum of one gear and addendum ofthe mating gear 2, difference between total and the working depth of a gear tocth 3. distance between the bottom land of one gear and the top land of the mating gear 4, difference between the radii of the base circle and the dedendum cirele Which of these statements are correct? (a) 1,2,and3 (b) 2,3, and 4 (©) 1,3,and4 (@) 1,2,and4. Avpendxr-s MEE 207. A body of mass m and radius of gyration kis to be replaced by two masses m, and m, located at distances h, and h, from the CG of the original body. An equivalent dynamic system will reoule, if @) h+h=k @) +n =e © hth=e @ hh =e 208. Match List land List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists: List List A. Undercuting 1. Beam strength B. Addendun 2. Interference C. Lewis equation 3. Large speed reduction D. Worm and whee! 4, Intersecting axes 5. Module Codes: A B c D @ 2 5 @ 2 mis 4 4 © 1 3 4 s @2 3 a 5 209, The natural equency of transverse vibration of a massless beam of length L having a mass m tached at is midspan is given by CEs the Mlexural rigidity ofthe bear) mt 48m) ¥ s8E1 3Er a) (PE raas 0 mds) (SF was (2 rae ‘ (ar o (4 } o(% Je © (aI 210. Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List 1 List IL A. 6 dog. system 1, Vibrating beam B. 1 dof, system 2. Vibrating absorber C.2 dosh system 3. A rigid body in space D. Multi dof. system 4, Pure rolling of a cylinder Codes ~ B ec p jt 2 4 8 Ot 4 2. ai aaa @ 2 #4 2 1 2u ‘a weigh IV atthe centre. The CG of the weight is displaced by an amount ¢ from the axis of the rotation. If y is the additional displacement of the CG from the axis of rotation duc to the centrifugal force, then the ratio of to e (where @ is the critical speed of shaft and @ is the angular speed of shaft) is given by @ Be ) a [0s ee 212, Ina simple gear train, ifthe number of idler gears is odd, then the direction of motion of driven gear will (a) be same as that ofthe driving gear (b) be opposite te that ofthe driving gear (©) depend upon the number of teeth on the driving gear (@) depend upon the total number of teeth on all gears of the train, 213, When a vehicle travels on a rough road whose undulations can be assumed to be sinusoidal, the resonant conditions of the base-excited vibrations, are determined by the () mass of the vehicle, stiffness of the suspension spring, speed of the vehicle, wavelength of the roughness curve (b) speed of the vehicle only () speed of the vehicle and the stiffness of the suspension spring (@) amplitude of the undulations 214, During torsional vibration ofa shaft, the node is characterized by the (@) maximum engular velocity (b) maximum angular displacement (©) maximum angular acceleration (@) zero angular displacement. 215, Ina slider-crank mechanism, the maximum acceleration of slider is obtained when the erank is (a) at the inner dead centre position (b) at the outer dead centre position (©) exactly midway position between the two dead centres (@ slightly in advance of the midway position between the two dead centres 216, Consider the following statements for completely balancing a single rotating mass 1. Another rotating mass placed diametrically opposite in the same plane balances the unbalanced mass. 7 Another rotating mass placed diametrically opposite in a parallel plane balances the unbal- anced mass. 3. Two masses placed in two different parallel planes balance the unbalanced mass. Which of the above statements is/are correct? (@) Lonly (b) Land 2 (©) 2and3 (@) Land3. 217. Consider the following statements in case of reverted gear train: |. The direction of rotation of the first and the last gear is the sime 2. The direction of rotation of the frst and the last gear is opposite 3. The first and the last gears are on the same shaft 4. The first and the last gears are on separate but co-axial shafts, Which of these statements is/are correct? (@) Land3 (b) Zand 3 (© 2and4 (@) 4 alone. Appendix As KES 218. The instantancous centre of rotation of a rigid thin dise rolling without slip on a plane rigid surface is located at (a) the centre of the dise (b) an infinie distance perpendicular to the plane surface (©) the point of contact (@) the point on the circumference situated vertically opposite to the contact point, 219, Match List I (Kinematic pairs) with List II (Practical example) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List [(Kinematie pairs) List (Practical example) A. Sliding p 1. A road roller rolling over the ground B. Revolute pair 2. Crank shaft in a journal bearing in an engine C. Rolling pair 3. Ball and socket joint D. Spherical pair 4, Piston end cylinder 5. Nut ané serew Codes: Ba et ye Efe a we ¢ 3 © @ © 5 3 4 2 @ 4 ag 1 @ 220. The choice of displacement diagram during rise or return ofa follower of a cam-follower mecha- nism is based on dynamic considerations. For high speed cam follower mechanism, the most suitable disp'acement for the follower is (a) cycloidal motion (b) simple harm (©) parabolic or uniform acceleration motion (q) uniform motion or constant velocity motion, ‘motion 221. A linkage is shown below in the Fig.47 in which links ABC and DEF are ternary links whereas AF, BE and CD binary links. Fig.A7 ‘The degrees of freedom of the linkage when link ABC is fixed are (ao 1 ©2 @s KE pense 222, Match List I (Mechanism) with List II (Motion) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists List | (Mechanism) List II (Motion) A. Hart mechanism 1. Quick return motion B. Pantograph 2. Copying mechanism . Whitworth mechanism 3. Exact straight fine motion D. Scotch yoke 4, Simple tarmonic motion 5. Approximate straight line motion Codes: AR co @ s ht 2 6 at a mn ae @ = 2 & 2 @ 3h 2k 223, Match List (Connecting shafts) with List [1 (Couplings) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List | (Connecting shaft) List II (Couplings) A. Inperfeet alignment 1, Oldham coupling B. With angular misalignment of 10° 2. Rigid coupling . Shafts with parallel misalignment 3. Universal joint D. Where one ofthe shafis may undergo 4, Pin type flexible coupling ‘more deflection with respect to the other Codes: ‘A fa 9G ap a2 3 34 a ery @ 2 3 a « ge ot 224, The erank and sltted lever quick-return motion mechanism is shown in Fig.48. The length of links 0,0, 0,C and O.A are 10 em, 20 em and 5 em respectively © Oe °, Fig.48 The quick return ratio of the mechanism is (@ 3.0 (b) 2.75 © 20 @ 0. Avpendixr-s EEE 225. If the rotating mass ofa rim type flywheel is distributed on another rim type fly wheel whose ‘mean radius is half the mean radius of the former, then energy stored in the latter at the same ‘speed will be (@) four times the first one (b) same as the first one (©) one-fourth of the first one (2) to times the first one 226. ‘The nature of the governors is shown by the graph between radius (r) of rotation and controlling force (F). Which of the following is an isochronous governor? @ Cy o @ Fig.49 227. ‘The radius ofthe fretion circle in a journal bearing is dependent on coeflicient of friction and the (a) angular velocity ofthe Journal (b) radius ofthe journal (©) magnitudes of the forces on the journal (@) journal end bearing clearance. 228, Ina collar thst bearing, the number of collars have been doubled while maintaining coefficient of friction ard axial thrust same. It will result in (a) same friction torque and same bearing pressure (b) double Fiction torque and half bearing pressure (©) double fiction torque and same bearing pressure (@) same frietion torque and half bearing pressure. FED pense 229, In a Hartnell governor, the mass of cach ball is 2.5 kg. Maximum and minimum speeds of rotation are 10 red/s and & rad/s respectively. Maximum and minimum radii of rotation are 20 em and 14 em respectively. The lengths of horizontal and vertical arms of bell crank levers are 10 em and 20 em respectively. Neglecting obliquity and gravitational effects, the lift of the sleeve is (@ 15cm (b) 300m (©) 60cm @ 120em, 230. A rod of uniform diameter is suspended from one of its ends in vertical plane. The mass of the rod is ‘m” and length ‘1, the natural frequency of this rod in Hz for small amplitude is fe [2g oie oe o Lf @ 1 fe an VI 2n Vil nV ¥ eV 231, The mass momen: of inertia of the two rotors in a two rotor system are 100 kg -m? and 10kg-m?, Tis lnnth of het fun dle beceey tn secs 110s, Th Gan nde from the rotor of lower moment of inertia is (a) 80cm (b) 90 em (©) 100 cm (@) 10em. 297A shaftaf'S0 mm diameter and I'm length carries. dlise which has mass eccentricity equal to 190 microns. The displacement of the shaft at a speed which is 90% of eritical speed in microns is, (@ 810 (b) 900 © 800 (@) 820. 233, Fig.S0 shows a rigid body of mass m having radius of gyration & about its centre of gravity. It is to be replaced by an equivalent dynamical system of two masses placed at A and B, The mass at A should be a eee AQ——}-—_____—_98 a ey Fig.50 ( am (vy bem © M4 @ Bxe ath ath > 2a 234, f= 3 (n~ 1) 2j. in the Grublers equation for planar mechanisms given, jis the (a) Number of mobile links (b) Number of links. (c) Number of lower pairs (d) Length of the longest link. 235. Which of the following are examples of forced closed kinematic pairs? 1, Cam and roller mechanism 2. Door losing mechanism 3. Slider-crank mechanism 4, Automotive clutch operating mechanism Select the correct answer using the codes given below: Codes: (a) 1,2,and4 (b) Lands (© 2,3,and4 (@) 1,2,3,and4. 236. Which of the mechanisms shown in Fig.51 dovdoes not have single degree of freedom? @ @ Fig 51 (a) 3and4 (b) 2and 3 (©) 3only (a) 4 only 237. Two points, 4 and B located along the radius of a wheel, as shown in the Fig,52, have velocities ‘of 80 and 140 m/s, respectively. The distance between points 4 and B is 300 mm. The radius of wheel is (a) 400 mm (b) 500 mm (©) 600 mm (@) 700 mm. 238, Ina slider-crank mechanism, the velocity of piston becomes maximum when (@) Crank ard connecting rod are in line with each other (b) Crank is perpendicular tothe line of stroke of the piston (©) Crank ard connecting rod are mutually perpendicular (@) Crank is 120° with te line of stroke 239, Three positions othe quick-return mechanism are shown in Fig.53. In which of the cases does the Coriolis component of acceleration exist? R R i 3 e P 20° 4 pp P e 0 ° a @ @ @ Select the correct answer using the codes given below: Codes: (@ Lonly &) Vand 2 © 1,2,and3 (@) 2and 240, The below Fig.54shows a circular dise of 1 ky mass and 0.2 m radius undergoing unconstrained pplanar motion under the action of two forces as shown, The magnitude of angular acceleration aot the dise is sn] ‘ 10N (@) 50 radi (b) 100 rads? (©) 25 radi (@) 20 rads’ 241, Fora slider-crank mechanism with radius of crank r, length of connecting rod /, obliquity ration, crank rotating at a1 angular velocity a, for any angle @ ofthe crank match, List | (Kinematic Vari- able) with List Il (Equation) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I (Kinematic Variable) List Il (Equation) A. Velocity of pision 1. 2 cos Pee ; 0s 20 B. Acceleration 0” piston 2, o'r | cos + Oe: C. Angular veloci'y of connecting rod. 3-2 sing sin 20 D. Angular acceleration of connecting rod 4, on {sina + Codes: AB ¢€ D 4 2 so @ 2 4 5 4 ce gem @ 2 4 i @ 242, Fig.55 shows Klien’s construction for slider-crank mechanism OCP drawn to full scale. What velocity does CD represent? D (a) Velocity of the erank pin (b) Velocity ofthe piston (c) Velocity of the piston with respect to erank pin (d) Angular velocity of the connecting rod. 243, The maximum fluctuation of energy E,, during a cycle fora flywheel is, (8) L(g. ~ pig) Pav (@nax ~ Ornin) 1 Oo yh, © 5 1K, a2 @ Le -K, (where ‘Mass moment of inertia of the flywheel K,, = Coetticient of fluctuation ot speed) = Average rotational speed 244, For minimizing speed fluctuations of an engine as a prime mover, it must have (a) Only a flywheel fitted to the crankshaft (b) A governor provided in the system (0) Both a flywheel and a governor provided in the system (a) Neither a flywheel nor a governor. 245. Effect of friction, atthe sleeve of a centrifugal governor isto make it (a) More seasitive (b) More stable (©) Insensitive over a small range of speed (d) Unstable KEL opens 246, A circular disc having a mass of 30 kgis moved asymmetrically between two bearings A and Bas shown in the Fig.$6. It is used as an eccentric cam with an ecceatrcity of 0.01 m. Ifthe shaking, force on cach of the bearings is not to execed 1500 N, the speed of rotation of the cam should not exceed Fig.56 (@) 10 rads (b) 100 rads (©) 10.7 rads (@) 140 nad’s 247. The below Fig.57 shows the schematic diagram of an IC engine producing a torque T= 4Nm at ‘the given instant. The Coulomb friction coefficient between the cylinder and the piston is 0.08. If ‘the mass of the piston is 0.5 kg and the crank radius is 0.1 m, the Coulomb friction force occur- ring atthe piston cylinder interface is i ERX Fig.57 (a) 16N (b) 04N (@4N (@) 164N, 248. Consider the following, modifications regarding avoiding the interference between gears ‘The centre distance between meshing gears be increased Addendum of the gear be modified ‘Teeth should be undercut slightly at the root Pressure angle should be increased Circular pitch >¢ increased Which of these are effective in avoiding interference? (@) 1,2, and 3 (b) 2.3.4, and 5 (©) L.4,ands (@) 3,4, ands. 249, Ina reverted gear train, two gears P and Q are meshing, O-R is a compound gear, and R and S are meshing. The modules of P and R are 4 mm and 5 mm respectively. The number of teeth in P, Qand R are 20, 40 and 25 respectively. The number of teeth in Sis (@) 23 (b) 35 (©) 50 (@) 83. Appenixa-s KEE 250. When two spur gears having involute profiles on thei teeta engage, the line of action is tangen- tial to the (a) Pitchcitsles __(b) Dedendum citeles _(e) Addendum citeles (4) Base circles, 251. Ifthe annular wheel of an epicyclic gear train has 100 teeth and the planet wheel has 20 teeth, the number of teeth on the sun wheel (a) 80 (b) 60 © 40 (a) 20. 252. The double slider-crank chain is shown below in the Fig.58 in its three possible inversions. The link shown batched is the fixed lin: a T ed ea — 1 ! + @) a) Fig.58 Which one of the following statements is correct? (a) Inversion (1) is for ellipse trammel and inversion (2) is for Oldham coupling (b) Inversion (1) is for ellipse trammel and inversion (3) i for Oldham coupling, (©) Inversion (2) is for ellipse trammel and inversion (3) is for Oldham coupling (4) Inversion 3) is for ellipse trammel and inversion (2) i for Oldham coupling, KEE sepen 253. ABCD is a four bar mechanism, in which 4D is the fixed link, and link BC, is in the form of a circular disc wih centre P. In which one of the following cases P will be the instantaneous centre of the dive? Fig.59 (a) I it lies on the perpendicular bisector of line BC (b) If it lies on the intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of BC and AD (©) Ifit lies on the intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of 48 and CD (@) If it ties on the intersection of the extensions of 4B and CD. 254, In the Fig.60 giver below, the magnitude of absolute angular velocity of link 2 is 10 radians per second while that of link 3 is 6 radians per second, What is the angular velocity of link 3 re: 102? Fig.60 (a) 6 radians per second (b) 16 radians per second (©) 4 radians per second (@) 14 radians per second. 255, ABCD is a mechanism with link lengths AB = 200, BC = 300, CD = 400 and DA = 350. Which one of the following links should be fixed for the resulting mechanism to be a double crank ‘mechanism? (All lengths are in mm) (a) 4B (b) BC (cD (@) DA 256. The crank of the mechanism shown below in the Fig.61 rotstes ata uniform angular velocity x Figs Which one ofthe following diagrams shows the velocity of sider x with respect to the crank angle? @ yx © Poo 8 8 ©) yi © Pos @ Rao 8 257. In the plate cam mechanism with reciprocating roller follower, in which one of the following cases the folower has constant acccleation? (a) Cycloide! motion (b) Simple harmonic motion (©) Parabolic motion (@) 344.5 polynimial motion, 258. Which one of the following statements is correct? In petrol engine mechanism the velocity ofthe piston is maximum when the crank is (a) at the dead centres (b) at right angles to the line of stroke (©) slightly ss than 90° to Fine of stroke (A) slightly above 90° to line of stroke. 259, Ina differential mechanism, two equal sized bevel wheels 4 and B are keyed to the two halves of the rear axle of a motor car. The car follows a curved path. Which one of the following state- ‘ments is contect? ‘The wheels 4 and B will resolve at different speeds and the casing will revolve at a speed which is equal to the (a) difference of speeds of A and B (b) arithmetc mean of the speeds 4 and B (©) geometric mean of the speeds of 4 and B (@) harmonic mean of the speeds and B [2 ee 260, Which one of the following conversions is used by a lawn-sprinkler which is a four bar mechanisms? (a) Reciprocating motion to rotary motion (b) Reciprocating motion to oscillatory motion (©) Rotary mation to oscillatory motion (@) Oscillatory motion to rotary motion, 261, In the mechanism shown below in Fig.62, link 3 has Fig.62 (2) curvilinear translation and all points in it trace aut identical (b) curvilinear translation and all points in it trace out identical involutes (©) linear translation and all points in it trace out identical helices (@) linear translation and all points init trace out identical ellipses, cloids 262. Consider the following methods: (1) Triflar suspension (2) Torsional oscillation 3) Fluctuation of energy of engine (4) Weight measurement and measurement of radius of flywheel Which of the above methods are used to determine the polar mass moment of inertia of an engine flywheel with arms? (@) Land 4 (b) 2and3 (© 1,2,and3 (@) 1,2,and4, 263, A connecting rod has a mass of 0.5 kg. The radius of gyration through its centre of gravity is 5 emand its acceleration is 2x 10° rad/s’. The equivalent two-mass system for the connecting rod has a radius of gyration 6 cm. What 1 the correction couple ofthe equivalent system? (@) Nm (b) 9Nm (©) 6Nm (@) 2Nm, 264, Which one of the following statements is correct? A governor will be stable ifthe radius of rotation of the balls, (a) increases as the equilibrium speed decreases (b) decreases as the equilibrium speed increases () increases as the equilibrium speed increases (@) remains unaltered with the change in equilibrium speed. 265. Which one of the following statements in the context of balancing in engines is correct? (@) Magnitude of the primary unbalancing force is less than the secondary unbalancing fore (b) The primary unbalancing force attains its maximum value twice in one revolution of the crank Avpendixr-s AEE (©) The hammer blow in the locomotive engines occurs due to unbalanced foree along the line of stroke of the piston (@) The unbalanced force due to reciprocating masses varies in magnitude and direction, 266. A four-cylinder in-line reciprocating engine is shown in the Fig.63 given below. The cylinders are numbered I to 4 and the firing order is 1-4-2-3 1 2 34 Primary cranks Fig.63 Which one of the following statements is correct? (a) Both primary and secondary forces are balanced (b) Only primary force is balanced (©) Only secondary force is balanced (q) Both primary and secondary forces are unbalanced, 267. Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List List IL A. Open loop system 1. Frequency domain analysis B. Closed leop system 2. More stable C, Step input 3. Less stable sinusoidal input 4, Time domain analysis. oe oe wt Ranag Beusg lic gear train has 3 shafts 4, B and C. A isan input shaft running at 100 rpm clockwise. Bis an output shaft running at 250 rpm clockwise. Torque on A is $0 kNm (clockwise). C is a fixed shaft. The torque to fix © (a) is 20 Nn anticlockwise (b) is 30 kNmanticlockwise (©) is 30 kN clockwise (@) cannot be determined as the data is insufficient. 269. Which ofthe following isa closed-loop control system? (@) Traffic contol on the roads by lights where the timing mechanism is present irrespective of the intensity of traffic (b) Switchirg off the street lights of a tower ata predetermined time by a time-switch irrespec- tive ofthe fact thatthe sun rises ata different time each day FED pense (©) Switching off an clectric heater by a time-switch irrespective of whether the dish has been prepared or not (@) Human body. 270, ‘The power transmitted by a belt is dependent on the centrifugal effect in the belt. The maximum ‘power can be transmitted when the centrifugal tension is @ $f tension (on the tight side ©) fof total tension (7;) om the tight side © {ofthe tensn (7) onthe slack side @ yofsum of tensions 7; and 7, Le. ia, +1), 271, The length of the belt in the case of a cross-belt drive is given in’erms of centre distance between pulleys (C), diameters of the pulleys D and d as (@) 2¢+2(D+a+ Oe 0) 2¢+2(D- +O 2 ic 2 = (Day 48), (D-dt © 2+2D++O= @ 2450-4 + Oo 272, Consider the following statements: 1, Coriolis acceleration component direction of the slotted bar 2, In a4-link mechanism, the instantancous centre of rotation of the input link and output Link always lies on a straight line along the coupler Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) Lonly (©) 2only (©) Both 1 and2 (@ Neither I nor 2, 273. Which one of the following is the correct value ofthe natural frequency (@,) ofthe system given above? a slotted bar mechanism is always perpendicular t the —x , w Eee Fig 64 @|! _]| » (2] © x] @ 274, Consider the following statements concerning centrifugal governors 1. The slopeof the controlling foree curve shouldbe less than tha of the straight line representing the centripetal force at the speed considered forthe stability of a centrifugal governor 2. Isochronism for a centrifugal governor ean be achieved only at the expense of stability 3. When sleeve ofa centrifugal governor reaches its topmost position, the engine should develop ‘maximum power Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) Vand 2 (b) 2and3 (©) 2only (a) 3 only 275. Consider the following statements for a 4-cylinder in-line engine whose cranks are arranged at regular intervals of 90°, 1. There are8 possible firing orders for the engine 2. Primary force will remain unbalanced for some firing erders Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1 only () 2only (©) Both | and 2 (@ Neither 1 nor 2 276. Spiral gears are used to connect (a) two parallel shafts. (b) two intersecting shafts (©) two non-parallel and non- intersecting shafts. (a) None ofthe above. 277. Inthe below Fig.65 shown, ifthe speed of the input shaft ofthe spur gear train is 2400 rpm and, the speed ofthe output shaft is 100 rpm, what is the module of the gear 4? ie l ! i [INPUT i i SHAT Fig.65 (@) 12 (b) 14 2 @ 25 278. ‘The crank of slider-crank punching press has a mass moment of inertia of 1 kgm, The below Fig.66 shows the torque demand per revolution for a punching operation. If the speed of the crank is found to drop from 30 rad/s to 20 rad’s during punching, what is the maximum torque demand during the punching operation? FE opens ‘ToRGUE m2 ok GR Oe (CRANK ANGLE Fig.66 (a) 954.Nm. (b) 104.7Nm (©) 477.2.Nm (@) 523.8Nm. 279. A single eylinder, four-stroke ILC. engine rotating at 900 rpm bas a crank length of 50 mm and ‘a connecting rod length of 200 mm. If the effective reciprocating mass of the engine is 1.2 kg, ‘hat is the approximate magnitude of the maximum ‘shaking force” created by the engine? (@) 533N (b) 666N (©) 133N (@) None of the above. 280. In a kinematic chain, a quaternary joint is equivalent to (@) one binary joint (b) two binary joints (c) three binary joints _(d) four binary joints, 281. Consider the follewing statements: 1, The effect of grroscopic couple ona car while negotiating a curve is that its outer wheels tend to get lifted frcm the ground 2. If'spin vector is rotated about the precession vector axis in a direction opposite to that of preces- sion through 9°, the new positon ofthe spin vector indicates the direction ofthe torque vector Which ofthe statements given above ivare correct? @) Lonly () 2only (©) Both | and 2 (@ Neither 1 nor. 282, Consider the follewing statements: |. The degree of freedom for lower kinematic pais is always equal to one 2. A ball-and-socket joint has 3 degrees of fteedom and is a higher kinematic pair 3. Oldham’s coupling mechanism has two prismatic pairs and two revolute pairs Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1,2and3 (b) L only (©) 2and3 (a) 3only. 283. A Hooke’ joint is used to connect two (2) coplanar and 20n-paralel shafts () non-coplanar and non-parallel shafts (6) coplanar and parallel shafts, (@) non-coplanar and parallel shafts. 284, Which one of the following governors is used to drive a gramophone? (a) Watt governor (b) Porter governor (©) Pickering governor (4) Hartnell governor. 285. In the Fig.67 givea below, the link 2 rotates at an angular velocity of 2 rad/s. What is the magni- tude of Coriolis acceleration experienced by the link 42 @o (b) 08 mis? (©) 0.24mi (a) 032 mvs’ Fig.67 286. The below Fig.67 shows a cam with a circular profile, rotating with a uniform angular velocity of rad/s, What is the nature of displacement of the follower? 4 @ Fig.68 (a) Uniform (b) Parabolic (©) Simple harmonic (d) Cycloidal. 287. Which one ofthe following can completely balance several masses revolving in different planes ona shaft? (2) A single mass in one of the planes of the revolving mass (b) A single mass in any one plane (©) Two masses in any two planes (@) Two equal masses in any two planes. 288. Which one of the following expresses the sensitiveness of a governor? @ MAN, © MoM (© 2W,+N) @ 2M=ND 2NWN, INN, W—™, N,N, N,=Maximum equilibrium speed imum equilibrium speed. 289. What is the number of nodes in a shaft carrying three rotors? (a) Zero 2 ©3 @ 4. FEED opens 290, Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I (Property) Lise Il (System) A. Resonsnce 1, Closed-loop control system B. On-off control 2. Free vibrations . Natural frequency 3. Excessively large amplitude D, Feedback signal 4, Mechanical brake Codes: x Cw: @ 12 4 3 oO sx 4 2 1 oO 1 4 2 3 @ 3 2 4 21 291, In case of partial balancing of single-cylinder reciprocating engine, what is the primary disturb- ing force along the line of stroke? (a) cme 603 8 (b) (1. eymr aos @ (©) (1-0) ma?reos 20 (@) (1-6) naFrcos 20 where, c = Fraction of reciprocating mass to be balanced; «= Angular velocity of crankshaft; = Crank angle. 292. Consider the following statements: 1, The condition of stability of a governor requires that the slope of the controlling force curve should be less than that ofthe line representing the centripetal force at the equilibrium speed under consideration 2. For a centrifugal governor when the load on the prime mover drops suddenly, the sleeve should at once reach the lower-most position ‘Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (@) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (© Both 1and2 ——(@) Neither 1 nor 2. 293, What is the number of instantaneous centres of rotation for a 6-link mechanism? (a4 &) 6 (©) 12 (@ 15. 294. In which one of the following is a flywheel generally employed? (a) Lathe (b) Electric motor (©) Punching machine (d) Gearbox, 295, What isthe value of pressure angle generally used for involute gears? (@ 35° (6) 30° (©) 25° () 20° 296. Consider the follewing statements: 1. A stub tooth hes a working depth larger than that ofa full-depth tooth. 2. The path of contact for involute gears in an arc ofa circle. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (©) Both Lane 2 (@) Neither I nor 2 297, 298, 209, 300. 301 3002, ‘Consider the following statements Cam followers are generally classified according to 1. the nature of its motion 2. the nature ofits surface in contact with the cam. 3. the speed of the eam Which of the statements given above are correct? (a) 1,2,and3 (b) Only 1 and 2 (©) Orly2and 3 (@) Only 1 and 3, ‘Consider the following statements: Radius of friction cirele fora journal bearing depends upon 1. coetficiert of friction 2. radius of the journal 3. angular speed of rotation of the shaft Which of the statements given above are correct? (@ 1,2and3 (b) Only 1 and 2 (©) Only2and3——(@) Only Land3 \What isthe maximum acceleration ofa cam follower undergoing simple harmonic motion? h{ m0 o o 2haw* @ 4(@ oo) anf © aif (@) 2aw* (F (*) (=) : where, fi = Strake of the follower; @= Angular velocity of the cam; $= Cam rotetion angle for the maximum follower displacement Consider the following statements: 1, Lower pairs are more resistant than the higher pairs in a plane mechanism, 2. Ina 4-bar mechanism (with 4 turning pairs), when the link opposite to the shortest link is fixed a deuble rocker mechanism results. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (©) Both 1 and 2 (4) Neither 1 nor 2 ‘Consider te following follower motions in respect ofa given lift, speed of rotation and angle of stroke ofa cam: 1. Cycloidal motion 2. Simple harmonic motion 3. Uniform velocity motion Which one ofthe following is the correct sequence ofthe above in the descending order of maxi- ‘mum velocity? (a) 3-2-1 (b) 1-2-3 (©) 2-3-1 (@) 3-1-2 If a= helix angle, and p, = circular pitch; then which one of the following correctly expresses the axial pitch ofa helical gear? (@) pcos ) Pe © ee (0 wos ma KE pense 303. Ina slider-bar mechanism, when does the connecting rod have zero angular velocity? (a) When erank angle = 0° (b) When erank angle = 90° (6) When erank angle = 45° (A) Never. 304. The tuming moment diagram for a single cylinder double acting steam engine consists of +ve and —ve loops abeve and below the average torque line. For the-+ve loop, the ratio ofthe speeds of the flywheel atthe beginning and the end is which one of the following? (a) Less than unity (b) Equal to unity (©) Greaterthan unity (a) Zero, 305. Which one of the following isthe correct statement? {In meshing gears with involute gear teeth, the contact begins atthe intersection of the (2) line of action and the addendum circle ofthe driven gear (b) line of action and the pitch citcle of the driven gear (©) dedendum circle of the driver gear and the addendum circle of the driven gear (@) addendum circle of the driver gear and the pitch circle ofthe driven geat 306, Interference between the teeth of two meshing involute gears ean be reduced or eliminated by 1. Inereasing the addendum of the gear tecth and correspondingly reducing the addendum of the pinion 2, Reducing the pressure angle of the teeth of the meshing gears 3. Increasing the centre distance Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) Vand 2 (b) 2and3 (©) Lonly (a) 3 only. 307. What is the direction of the Coriolis components of acceleration ina slotted lever-crank mecha- (a) Along the sliding velocity vector (b) Along the ditection of the crank (© Along a line rotated 90° from the sliding velocity vector in a direction opposite tothe angu- lar velocity of the slotted lever (@) Along a line rotated 90° from the sliding velocity vector ina direction same as that of the angular velocity of the slotted lever. 308. The controlling force curves for a spring-controlled governor are shown in the below Fig. 69. Which curve represents a stable governor? Controling force > Radius rotation > @t &) 2 @4. 309, 310, 31 312, 313, 314, For a governor running at constant speed, what is the value of the force acting on the sleeve?” (a) Zero (b) Variable depending upon the load (©) Maximun @ Minimum, ‘What is the condition for dynamic balancing of a shaft-rotor system? (@) ZM=Oand2F=0 — (b) EM=0 © 2F=0 () EM+EF: (W = Weight of reciprocating parts per cylinder) For a three-ylinder radial engine, the primary and direct reverse cranks are as shown in the below Fig.7¢ rina dicate Thine meecai rar chon th losing as steam rep? (0 Pinay at ath) aro ee Zin (0) Primary est ernk pet (2) Primary ever crank spec... 20 ‘A uniform bar, fixed at one end carntes a heavy concentrated mass at the other end, The system is executing longitudinal vibrations. The inertia of the bat may be taken into account by which ‘one of the following portions of the mass of the bar atthe free end? @ > mt 2 @ t 34 8 140 3 ‘A motion is aperiodic at what value ofthe damping factor? (a) 1Oorabove ——_(b) 05 (©) 03 (@) 0.866 ‘Avrolling dise of radius ‘r" and mass ‘m’ is connected to one end of linear spring of stiffness *k’, as shown in the below Fig.71. The natural frequency of oscillation is given by which one of | the followin, [ak (@) o= @ o FED tense a= w——} Fig.71 315, Ina 6x 20 wite rope, number 6 indicates the (a) diameter of tke wire rope in mm (b) numberof strands in the wire rope (6) number of wires (€) gauge number ofthe wire. 316. Which one of the following statements relating to belt drives is correct? (a) The rotational speeds of the pulleys are directly proportional to their diameters (b) The length of the crossed belt increases as the sum of the diameters of the pulleys (c) The crowing of the pulleys is done to make the drive sturdy (@) The slip increases the velocity ratio. 317. A force *F” is to be transmitted through a square threaded power screw into a nut. If ‘is the height of the mut and ‘a’ is the minor diameter, then which one of the following is the average shear stress over the screw thread? (@ 2F w # (pees w@ AF. dt dt 2ndt mdr 318. In the compound gear train shown in the below Fig.72, gears 4 and C have equal numbers of teeth and gears B and D have equal numbers of teeth, When A rotates at 800 rpm, D rotates at 200 rpm. The rotational speed of compound gears BC would then be wo tie 8 I aim Fig.72 (2) 300 cpm (b) 400 rpm. (©) 500 rpm (@) 600 rpm. 319. Under service corditions involving jurking, vibration and pulsation of the working load, the bolt of choice would be a (2) short bolt with high rigidity (b) tong bolt with increased elasticity (©) bolt with a dished washer (@) ott with castle nut. Avpendixr-s EEE 320. Gearing contact is which one of the following? (@) Stiding contact () Sliding contact, only rolling at pitch point (6) Rolling contact (@) Rolling and sliding at each point of contact. 321. Maximum angular velocity of the connecting rod with a erank to connecting rod ratio 1:5 for crank speed af 3000 rpm is around: (@) 300 rads (0) 60 radis (©) 30nds (€) 3000 rads, 322. Consider the following statements: 1. One way of improving vibration isolation is to decrease the mass of the vibrating object, 2. Foreffective isolation, the natural frequency of the system should be far less than the exciting frequency Which ofthe statements given above islare correct?” (@) Lonly (©) 2only (©) Both Land 2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 323, Common contact ratio of pair of spur pinion and gear is (a) less than 1.0 {b) equal to 1 (c) between 2and 3 (d) greater than 3. 324. In case of a niultiple dise clutch, if'm, is the number of dises on the driving shaft and, is the ‘number of discs on the driven shafi, then what is the number of pairs of contact surfaces? (@) mtn, () n+m-1 (©) mtn (© n,42%, 325. For roller chain drive with sprocket having 10 teeth, the velocity of the driven shaft with respect, to that of drive will be approximately (a) same (b) S% above (©) 5% below (2) S%above to 5% below. 326, Which of th: following in-line engines working on four-stroke cycle is completely balanced inherently? (a) 2 cylinder engine (b) 3 cylinder engine (©) 4 cylinder engine (@) Geylinder engine, 327. Match List with List Il and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists: List I (Principle/method) List II (Cotresponding Application) A. Klein’s construction 1. Instantaneous centres in linkages B. Kennedy's theorem 2. Relative acceleration of linkages C. D’Alembert’s principle 3. Mobility of linkages a D. Grublers rule Dynamic forces in linkages Codes: 4 8 @ Db (ope ea tia te ae at a @ 43 2 1 @ 2 i 4 6 FED pense 328. Which mechanism produces intermittent rotary motion from centinuous rotary motion? (@) Whitworth mechanism (b) Scotch Yoke mechanism (©) Geneva mechanism (@) Elliptical tramme, 329, The Fig.73 below shows the schematic of an automobile having amass of 900 kg and the suspen- sion spring constent of $1 x 40* Nim, If it travels ata speed of 72 km/hr on a rough road with periodic shown, what i the forcing frequency ofthe road on the whee!? Tt Suu a7 Fig.73 (@) 10HZ (o) 4nz (©) 1S He (@) 200z 330, Which one of the following mechanisms represents an inversion of the single slider crank chain? (@) Elliptical trammet (6) Oldham’ coupling (©) Whitworth quick return mechanism (@) Pantograph mechanism, 331, Ata given instam; a dise is spinning with angular velocity cin a plane at right angles to the paper (see the Fig 74) and after a short interval of time 6, itis spinning with angular velocity + «and the axis 0” spin has changed direction by the amount 88 In this situation what is the component of acceleration parallel to O4? 4 . a CY Sg, Fig.74 (a) dove &) ocaaian © dow (@) deido 332, The given Fig.75 showsa slider crank mechanism in which link | is fixed. The number of instan- taneous centres would be @4 (&) 5 @ 12, AvpendixA-3 FEE 333, Consider the following statements: ‘The Klein's construction for slider crank mechanism with crank rotating at constant angular velocity provides values of 1. piston velocity 2. piston acceleration 3. normal acceleration of erank pin 4, angular acceleration of the connecting rod Of these statements (a) Land 2 ere correct (©) 1,2,3,and 4 are correct (©) 1,2,and4 are correct (@ 3 and 4 are correct, 334. Iftwo parallel shafts are to be connected and the distance between the axes of shafts is small and. variable, then one would need to use (a) aclutch (6) a umiversal joint (c) an Oldbam’s coupling (4) a knuckle joint 335, Consider the following statements relating to the curve forthe inertia torque v/s erank angle for a horizontal, single cylinder petrol engine shown in the given Fig.76: 1, 8, +0,=180° 4 A=A, Of these statements (a) 1 and 3 ee correct (b) 2and 3 are correct (©) 1, 2and4 are correct (@) 1,3 and 4 are correct. 336. The height / of Porter governor with equal arms pivoted at equal distance from axis of rota- tion is expressed as (where m = mass of balls of the governor, M = mass of sleeve of the governor and ’= rpm) _[m+M] 2 a) h=912 £ b) = 91.2 neon © Aeoal ahh 337, Match List I (Type of Governor) with List I (Characteristics) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: © he we ovo) o sena[]g List I List 11 ‘A. Isochronnus governor 1. Continuously fluctuates above and below mean speed B. Sensitive governor 2. For each given speed there is only one radius of rotation C. Hunting governor 3. Higher displacement of sleeve for fractional change of speed D. Stable governor 4, Equilibrium speed is constant for all radii of rotation Codes: A 2 6 »b @ 43 2 1 ® 2 4 1 3 @ 2 # 3 w @ 4 3 1 2 338, Consider the following statements: An in-line four-cylinder four-stroke engine is completely balanced for 1. primary forees 2, secondary forces 3. primary couples 4, secondary couples Of these statemerts (@) 1,3,and4 are correet (©) 1, 2, and 4 are correct (©) Vand3 are correct (@) Zand are correct 339, A uniform cantilever beam undergoes transverse vibrations, The number of natural frequencies associated with the beam is @1 (b) 10 © 100 (4) infinite, 340. ‘Two vibratory systems are shown in the given Fig.77 (1 and 2), The rato of the natural frequency of longitudinal visration of the second system to that of the firs is f - 0 @ Fig.7 @4 (2 © 0s (@) 025. 341. A shat, supported on two bearings at its ends, carries two flywheels ‘L” apart. Mass moment of inertia of the two flywheels are /, and /,, 1 being the polar moment of inertia of cross-sectional area of the shat. Distance /, of thé mode of torsional vibration of the shaft from the flywheel J is given by LI, Ls, u, a) | ©) |, =——b t Darah Orage 8 eR 342, A rack is a gear of (a) infinite diameter (b) infinite module (€) zero pressure angle (a) large pitch. 343, The maximum efficiency for spiral gears in mesh is given by (where shaft angle and @ = friction angle) (a) Lt e0s(0 = 4) (b) Lt cota +4) 1+ cos(0 +4) 1+ cos — 9) fo) Leos -¥) (@ Leos +6) 1+ cost +4) 1+ cos — 9)

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