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SESI: 1 Bright Colours Police officers wear bright colored jackets when they are directing traffic.

This helps drivers to see them clearly, especially when it is dark. Which colors do you think are the best to wear for safety at night? More about Bright Colours You will need: __________ 1) white stickers __________ 2) Silver glitter Non-toxic glue ___________ 3) Sticky Tack ___________ 4) You will need 1. a. a bright torch b. a torch c. bright d. torch 2. a. scissor b. scissors c. razor d. razors

3. a. sheet b. a sheet c. black paper d. a sheet of black paper 4. a. pens b. tip pens c. felt-tip pen d. felt-tip pens 5. Donita : Hello, can I speak to Lisa? Lisas mother: Sorry, I cant hear you. The signal is low. The italicized sentence shows .. a. certainty b. agreement

c. repetition d. hesitation 6. ______have a look! a. Can I b. Let me c. May I d. Come on 7. ______go as soon as they have finished. a. Let us b. Let he c. Let me d. Let them Nona: I havent slept well lately. I dont know why. Ardi: Dont worry if youre the kind of person that doesnt sleep easily. First, dont think too much. Then, drink a glass of hot milk before sleeping. You will sleep really well. Nona: _______8) about it? Ardi : __________9) 8. a. are you sure b. are you happy c. dont you d. have you 9. a. are you sure b. have you c. dont you d. did you

10. Resty : How did you do that? Kesya: Sorry. What did you say? Resty: How did you do that, Kesya? Kesya : Oh. Well, first, I just added some colorful buttons. Then, fourfive glittery beads. Finally, I gave my magic finishing touch, he... he... he...

The italicized sentence express a. certainty b. agreement c. repetition d. hesitation

SESI: 2 HOW t o PLAY SNAKE and LADDER GAME To play the game we need : a broad, somecounters and dice.How to play it F irst of all, give every player a counter.Next, make a toast to decide which playerwill start the turn.-

Then the one who wins the toast throw thedice. If he throws four, he will jump to squarefour, but if he throws two will jump squaretwo. When there is ladder in the square hecan go up the ladder but when there a snakehe must go down.Have the second player to throw the dicemake a step based on the throw.Make steps until the finish. The one who getsthe finish square first is the winner.

36. What is the purpose of the text?A.

Describing a kind of gameB. Telling the way to play a gameC. Informing a children gameD. Giving entertainment to reader37. How many things do you need to play it?A. TwoB. ThreeC. F ourD. F ive38. What do you do after making a toast?A. Opening the boardB. Moving the ladderC. Killing the snakeD. Throwing the dice39. What does the text about?A. How to play gameB. How to play snake and ladder gameC. GamesD. Snake and ladder40. What is the main idea of this text?A. Playing snake and ladder gameB. Throwing the dice to make a stepC. Making steps until the finishD. Giving every player a counter. Qu estions n u

mber 41 to 43 are based on the followingtext He second paragraph 41. The text is written in order to .A. show the use of mangrove in our lifeB. explain how to plan mangroves treesC. describe about mangroves treesD. tell where mangroves live. 42. The main idea of the second paragraph is ..A. mangroves can grow on dry landB. mangrove can be found all over the worldC. mangroves has several species all over the worldD. mangroves can grow only on sea water 43. . that enable them to thrive in brackish water.(paragraph I)The underlined word has the same meaning as ..A. Grow wellB. Absorb saltC. AppearB. Survive The f o ll o wing text is f o r numbers 44 t o 46 ! A rabbit is a small fury mammal with a . (44)tail and pointed ears. Rabbits .. (45) in burrows inthe ground. Each burrow is the home of a singlefamily. A rabbit is weak and timid animal and isalways surrounded by many enemies . (46),nature has gifted it with large ears to help it to heareven the fun of drop sound44. A. thickB. tallC. shortD. fat45. A. liveB. are livingC. livedD. have live46. A. becauseB. soC. thereforeD. although 47. Arrange the f o ll o wing w o rds int o meaningfulsentences! . a housewife is a lawyer is my father 1 2 3 4 5my mother an6 7A. 5 2 3 7 6 4 1 B. C. 5 3 2 4 6 7 1 C. 6 3 7 1 5 2 4 D. D. 1 3 7 6 4 2 5

Mangroves TreesA Mangrove is a tropical marine tree orshrub of genus Rhizhopora. Mangroves have specialaerial roots and salt-filtering tap roots that enablethem to thrive in brackish water (brackish water issalty, but not as salty as sea water).There are several species of Mangrovestrees found all over the world. Some prefer moresalinity, while other like to be very close to a largefresh water source (such as river). Some preferareas that are sheltered from waves. Some specieshave their roots covered with sea water every dayduring high tide. Other species grow on dry land,but are still parts of the ecosystem.1. Support roots which directly pierce the soil2. Level growing roots which twist emergingon the water surface.3. Level growing roots whose downwardtwist (sub-roots) appear on the watersurface.Any part of a root that appears above thewater flows oxygen to the plant under watersurface. As the soil begins to build up, these rootsproduce additional roots that become embedded inthe soil.

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