Listening Test 1

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Full name: ………………………………………………………… Mark:

Class: ………………………………………..………………………

School: ……………………………………………………………..

Duration: 20 minutes


TASK Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in

1 the underlined part.

1. A. media B. reduction C. emission

2. A. support B. trumpet C. button
TASK Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from
2 that of the others.
3. A. generous B. domestic C. practical
4. A. install B. damage C. upload
5. A. truthful B. remote C. involved

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II. LISTENING (8 points)

TASK 1 Listen to some information about volunteering. Circle the best

answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.

1. What is GreenHelp?
A. An application
B. An event
C. An organization
2. What was Edward doing when he came up with the idea of GreenHelp?
A. He was volunteering to plant trees.
B. He was organizing a volunteering event.
C. He was studying.
3. GreenHelp was initially created by ____________.
A. 3 people
B. 10 people
C. 15 people
4. At the moment, what CAN’T users do on GreenHelp?
A. Create volunteering activities
B. Search volunteering activities
C. Get alerts for nearby volunteering activities
5. What is true about GreenHelp?
A. It’s connected with big organisations.
B. It currently has more than 10,000 volunteering activities.
C. It encourages more people to volunteer.

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1. A 2. A

3. B 4. B 5. A


1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C

Hi, my name is Edward Brown. Six months ago, I launched GreenHelp, an
application for people who like to volunteer. I first came up with the idea for
this app when I was organizing a green event at my school. It was difficult to
get the words out and bring in more people. Along with my friends, Jenna and
Pablo, I decided to design an application to facilitate volunteering activities.
Although GreenHelp was first created by the three of us, our team now
consists of fifteen people. GreenHelp is like a social network for volunteers.
Users can create new volunteering activities and other users can search and
filter them to find the most suitable one. Do you like to clean up the local
beach? Are you only free on Fridays? Our application helps you choose the
best volunteering opportunities according to your preference and schedule.
Being available on all smartphones, GreenHelp is a great way to hold an
event without relying on big organisations. Since its launch, GreenHelp has
had more than 10 thousand users and has boosted volunteering in many
communities. Next week, as a new feature, GreenHelp is going to alert you
when you get near a volunteering activity. In the future, we hope to add more
special functions…

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