Recitation 3-2023-2024

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Prob.1 Perform these operations on complex numbers

10 j 5 3 40
(a) [(5 j 2)( 1 j 4) 5 60 ] (b) 10 30 (c) (40 50 20 30 ) 2
3 j4

10 30 (3 j 4)
(d) (e) (4 j 2)(3 j 4) (f) (6 j 2)(3 j5)(2 j 3)
(2 j 4)(3 j5)

Prob. 2
a) transform these sinusoidal waves to phasors
1- v 4 sin( 30t 50 ) 2- i 6 cos(50t 40 ) 3- v 7 cos(2t 40 ) 4- i 4 sin(10t 10 )

b) Write the sinusoidal wave corresponding to these phasors.

1- V 8 30 2- I 3 j4 3- V 10 30 4- I j (5 j12)

Prob. 3
In the opposite circuit, R=10 , L=0.1 H, C=200 F and f=50 Hz.
- Draw the impedance diagram.
- Find the total impedance
- Find the voltage across the capacitor using the voltage divider rule.
- Deduce the source current.

Prob. 4
In the circuit, R=8 , L=10 mH, C=100 F, f=50 Hz.
- Determine the total admittance
- Find E.
- Find IL in two ways.

Prob. 5
In the opposite circuit
- Find the currents I1 and I2 using current divider rule.
- Find the source voltage.
- Write the time domain expression of the resistor and capacitor voltages.

Prob. 6
In the opposite circuit, determine i if vs= 60 cos(200t – 10° ) V.

Prob. 7
Calculate vo(t) in the opposite circuit.

Prob. 8
Find current Io in the opposite circuit.

Prob. 9 Calculate v0 in the circuit below

Prob.10: In the circuit below, determine i. if vs 60 cos(200t 10 ) V.

Prob. 11 If V0 8 30 V, Find Is.

Prob. 12: Given that V0 4 0 , Find Z.

Prob. 13
In the circuit below, find Vs if I o 2 0

Prob. 14
In the circuit, Calculate ZT and Vab


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