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Prob. 1
Find the phase relationship between the waveforms of each set:
a- v 4 sin( t 50o ) and i 6 sin( t 40o )
b- v 200 sin( t 210o ) and i 25 sin( t 60o )
c- v 2 sin( t 30o ) and i 5 sin( t 60o )
d- v 1sin( t 20o ) and i 10 sin( t 70 o )
e- v 4 cos( t 90o ) and i 2 sin( t 10o )
f- v 40 cos( t 80o ) and i 30 sin( t 70o )
g- v 20 cos( t 10o ) and i 15 sin( t 10o )
h- v 20 cos( t 10o ) and i 15 sin( t 120o )
i- v 80 cos( t 30o ) and i 10 sin( t 15o )
Prob. 2
The sinusoidal voltage v 200 sin( 2 1000t 60o )
is plotted in the opposite figure. Determine the time t1.

Prob. 3
Find the average value of the periodic waveforms below.

Prob. 4 Find the RMS value of the opposite waveform.

Prob. 5
What are the average and RMS values of the waveforms below.

Prob. 6
Find the average and RMS values of the
waveform in the opposite figure.

Prob. 7 Find the average and RMS values for the signal below

Prob. 8 Find the average and RMS values of the periodic waveforms shown below

Prob. 9
- Find the average and RMS values of the waveform shown as a function of the ratio t 1/T (called the signal duty
- Find the average and RMS values of the half-wave and full-wave rectified sinusoidal signals. (express v as
2 t
v(t ) A sin( ))


-A -A
0 T 2T 3T 4T 5T 0 T 2T 3T 4T 5T

Prob.10 Consider the voltage

1. Find K such that the average value of v(t) is 4V. 2. Find the RMS value of v(t)

Prob 11 Consider the waveform


1. Find the average and RMS values of i(t) if A=3 and B= –3.
2. Repeat in the case A=6 and B= 0.
3. What values of A and B produce and average value of 2.1 mA. What is the corresponding RMS value?
4. What values of A and B produce and RMS value of 5 mA. What is the corresponding average value?

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