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Recitation #03
(Diode applications)
Exercise n°1:

a. A half wave rectifier using a diode for which VD = 0.7V, is supplied by an 8 V rms sine wave at 60Hz.
What is the peak value of the output voltage? For what fraction of a cycle does the diode conduct (first
approximately and then exactly)? Find the average value of the output voltage.
b. Sketch the waveform of the voltage across the diode. Find the PIV across the diode.
c. If the diode resistance is 10, the source resistance is 50 and the load resistance is 1k, give the
peak and average output voltage in this case.

Exercise n°2:

A half wave rectifier with an ideal diode and a filter, is supplied by a sine
wave (20 sin(t)) at 60 Hz.
a. Calculate the value of the capacitance C that will result a peak to peak
ripple Vr of 5V.
b. Find the conduction angle, the ripple factor and the average current
Fig. 1
during diode conduction.

Exercise n°3:

a. Given Pmax = 14mW for each diode of Fig. 2, determine the maximum current rating of each diode
(using the practical model).
b. Determine Imax for Vimax = 160 V.
c. Determine the current through each diode at Vimax
using the results of part (b).
d. If only one diode were present, determine the diode
current and compare it to the maximum rating.

Exercise n°4:

A transformer secondary winding whose output is 12Vrms sinusoid at

60 Hz is used to drive a bridge rectifier whose diodes conduction can be
modeled as 0.7V voltage drops. (Fig.3)
The load is 1k resistor. Sketch the load voltage waveform and the
voltage waveform across D1 and D4. What is the peak output value? Over
what time interval is it zero? What is its average value? What is the PIV
for each diode?
Fig. 3
Exercise n°5:

A full wave bridge rectifier, with a filter capacitor

connected in parallel with R (Fig.4), produces a peak
output voltage of 12.74V and delivers 12 mA to the load.
The voltage in the transformer primary winding
vp= 120V rms (sinusoid of 60 Hz).
a. If we assume that the diodes used are practical, find
the values of R, vs(max) and the turns ratio “n” of the Fig. 4

b. Determine the required filter capacitance value C and the average current during diode conduction
(the ripple should be  5% of the peak output voltage).
c. Find the PIV for each diode.

Exercise n°6:

Determine the output waveform for the network of Fig. 5 and calculate the output “DC” level and the
required PIV of each silicon diode (practical case).


Exercise n°7:

Assuming the diodes to be ideal and the peak input voltage is 15V( for sine wave signal) , Sketch : the
output voltage and Vo=f (Vin) for the circuits of Fig.6.

( a) ( b) (c) (d)

Exercise n°8:

1) Sketch vo for the networks of Fig. 7b and 7c for the input shown in Fig. 7a.
2) Using the same input, design a clamper to perform the function indicated in Fig.7d.

(a) (b) (c) (d)


Teacher : Dr SADOUKI

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