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Nowadays the world across with a particular trouble. The coronavirus pandemic which
has had far-reaching serious consequences around the world due to the spreading of
the disease. In fact, brought about that vast majority of governments declare quarantine
to protect the population and find a cure. Historically it caused the largest global
recession, with more than a third of global population at the time being placed on

By the way, global stock markets fell due to a significant rise in the number of COVID-
19 cases outside it mainland China. Besides, global conferences events of fashion,
sports, entertainment have been cancelled or postponed. While monetary impact on the
travel and trade industry was not estimated yet, it is likely to be in the billions and
increasing. This pandemic began in China and coincided with the 'Chymyn', a major
travel season associated with the Chinese new year holiday. That is why events and
tourist attractions were closed to prevent mass gathering. But despite all the effort done,
the disease was spreader to a lot of other countries. Also, it is important to add that, in
our country there are few people infected in comparison with other countries, but to
prevent a worst situation, it is better to stay at home and keep the quarantine until it will
be sure to return to our normal routine.

The students were too affected with the suspension of education activities. Even
though, here in Venezuela schools and universities continues through online way all the
activities, to protect the student's health.

To conclude, it is important to mention that this pandemic is a ticklish trouble, the future
of the world population is critical if we do not keep the safeness rules. And the best way
to prevent ourselves is to stay inside our home unless it will be necessary to go out only
to buy food or things that we really need.

By Jhoan Salas.

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