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wee a to him as a surprise: ppving done anything wrong legally. ei. (v) — (n) detention — the state of keepin, wil penahanan 8 People Waiting or in he police the man for further inquiries about th, cebut (8) (n) rebuttal — to disprove: to — . bank tobbery, tangkisan Proof, bantahan, inhis_____—- the lawyers stated that his cliem le (v) — (n) embezzl 2 Was not guilty, _embezz! ement — penggelapan a He could easily the chief accountant. rob (v) - (n) robbery ~ act of stealing; perampokan During the bank two bank tellers and several customers were held as hostages by the robbers. bribe (v) — (n) bribery — giving ortaking of bribes; enyuapan The newspaper was to state nothing in the paper about the murder of the beauty queen. just (adj) ~ (n) justice ~ the quality of being right and fair; kebe- naran ey he had Rot thought of t! + the company’s money because he was He received a sentence for the crimes he had commited. 10. juridical (adj) — (n) jurisdiction — legal authority; hak hukum The district court has over the old as we] I as the new settlers. STRUCTURE FOCUS 1: Adjective Clauses Asthename suggests, adjective clauses are dependent clauses that function Sadjectives, and as adjectives they modify nouns or pronouns. The subor- nate conjunctions or clause signals for the adjective clause’ ‘caperson — who, whom, whose, that ‘athing — which, that “time — when "race — where "reason —why § are: 229 ig are sentences containing the adjective aie inate conjunctions or clause signals i s, Oy, i is in itali adjective clause cs and the Word att 1. The 40-year-old lady who was just acquitted (dibebas, kan) - ite, charge, had trouble looking for a job. pa 2. The lady, whose husband has been detained by Police, has 10% to support her family of four children. rk bay She works in an office which is about 60 km from her i |. With her educational background, that is one of the few oftees she can get employment. Whey, 5. They were discussing the period when the Dutch were sti) in Indonesia. 6. He never told his lawyer the reason why he wanted to leave fos 7. The witness from whom the public prosecutor tried to get infsy. on the case was reluctant to talk much. 8. He needs some facts that concern the defendant ‘s past buries ties. The followin the use of the subordi in the field of law. The is in boldface. Power, information STRUCTURE ACTIVITY I In the following exercises the adjective clauses are in boldface. Try to ind. cate the nouns or pronouns they modify. Example: - The experience which nearly killed him has changed his life. (The adjective clause in boldface modifies the noun ‘experience.’) Mr. Kismodiningrat, who is the director of the corporate firm, : ate designing Tecreational programs for his workers. eee Programs which will develop in-group feelings amott ers are necessary for the employees. 1. 3. Besid i = Such programs can also reduce the mental and physical ® ‘mployees whose minds may have b tense after week’s labor, y have become 4. Some offices Provide a can have recreational Vacant lot where workers and other peor activities, 230 es. ao such activities people have OPPOTtUnities Wh 5M sonalities. * Which can develop 1h ey may also reveal hidden qualities of | ei . eneficial (bermanfaat) to the firm, aden or the employers of the firm, a Weekend s me when promotable manpower may be Ship which can be ers Program can be el ‘To some employees, the weekend is simply a mee just relax. where they can of course, for young girls, itis a period when they ¢ single men in the company. 'Y can get to know ‘At any rate (namun), workers who have work ced hi A week, should promote their well-being, ard during the _ Sports programs are physically enriching to those who enjo} door activities. \joy out- 1, That is the reason why even senior workers take part in sports programs. 3. Today there are national sports programs where everybody is sup- posed to participate. STRUCTURE ACTIVITY I The following passage contains adj rick out the adjective clauses and indicate the nouns or pronouns they modify. Example: ~ Istill remember the time when I first met my (The adjective clause is ‘when | first met my hi the noun ‘time.’) “Here is a tale that tells about young lawyers. The law professor aid 800d-bye to his favorite pupil, who was graduating and leaving (© pee tice law. “If ever you are in trouble and eed advice on comple® Sues, don’t hesitate to call on me.’ The years passed. Then i Young lawyer got the biggest case in his career, rie dant in a lurid (penuh sensasi) murder trial. Becaus® ofthe ik) analytical Ofthe lepal i. sderable (cukup bana legal issues, he needed considerable 21 ective clauses. Read it thoroughly and husband/wife. usband/wife.” It modifies to his old professor whose Ady; pt back ; ce assistance, ® a Fepaomptly (eePar< epat) Senta long joy hg always reme! red. egal issues of the case as he saw them hie, described the re the professor. He sent @ special detivg rey, (jawaban) came The trial started, and, sensing (meray, ; and still no ain of his trouble, he sent a night letter Which ” the depth (dale case to the professor. But more silence fll leg the testimony cee lawyer finally rested his case, our ne rw When the cies upset. He sent a long telegram which pa 0 was violently ‘the prosecution witnesses. He also begged for he the statements 0! nting his side in trial testimony, he despin, 0 days of pres After 7 s ps then justin time (tepat pada waktunya), bis ass. tus o 2 = in front of him a telegram which came from the elusive Professor. “Don’t worry. I am arriving on the one 0 clock plane with three Wit nesses.” STRUCTURE ACTIVITY III ve Briefly look over the reading selection at the beginning ofthis chapter ang indicate the adjective clauses contained in the selection. STRUCTURE FOCUS IT: Noun Clauses In this chapter and the previous one you have studied two types of clauses namely the adverb clause and the adjective clause. Thus, you have leamed that the function of a dependent clause in a sentence determines whether it is an adverbial clause or an adjective clause. If the dependent clause serves as a modifier of a verb, it is an adverbial clause; if it modifies a noun or pronoun, it is an adjective clause. You may have also noticed that in some sentences the clauses may have the same clause signals; however, the samt subordinate conjunction introduces two different clauses: one modifyins# oe = other explaining a noun as shown below: rn P j essor was reading a report when came in. ' (The clause in boldface is an adverb clause of time modifying the ¥“ was reading,’) 2. That was the time when everybody was talking about the sensation! 232 se of the beauty queen, der on clause in boldface is an adjective cl, ‘aUSe modify ing the noun -ime:”) ‘ne Nout Clause jus unit, YOU will learn some of the basic functions of n ae suggests, noun clauses 2 not modify as cre nclas. a ses 40> put noun clauses function as nouns. Like no ial and adjective iect of a verb, object of a verb, object of a canes * used |, Subjective *atement and appositive. The following are some of the ; orintroductory words for noun clauses: ee thst which how many how lon who whom whatever me whose what whenever whoever where why now often how soon when. how how old how far whether, etc. Noun clause as the subject of a verb: That frustration and anxiety may lawyer’s defense for his client. wun clause in boldface is used as the subject of the v is insane needs no proof. clause in boldface is used as $ is none of your business. in boldface is used as su 1e violent acts be the cause of som rb is.’) subject of the verb *needs.”) ject of the verb “is.”) | problems ean also cause violent acty na innocent was at home the whole day. had put the knife. poldface is used 48 object of the verb forgo : hether or not he will bring the case tg = is used as object of the negative verb by said (tha) emotion )he was Het 2 He forgot whe (The noun clause in He has not decided w (The noun clause 1 boldface not decided.") Noun clause as # subjec |. His problem is that he (The noun clause in bol 2. The prisoner Is what he appears to be. (The noun clause in boldface is used as complement of the verh is 3. The winner was whoever could answer the question, (The noun clause in boldface is used as complement of the =e tive complement: cannot produce evidence against her, idface is used as complement of the verb, ; ‘was.") Noun clause as an appositive: 1, The fact, that he could not prove his alibi, was strong evidence against him. (The noun clause in boldface is used in apposition to the noun ’fact.’) 2. One problem, that is of his mental instability, will be hard to deal with : (The noun clause in boldface is used in apposition to the noun ‘problem.’) . The question, whether or not he could win the ease, is still up in the air. (The noun clause in boldface i i - as ‘ace is used in apposition to the noun “ques- a Clause as object of 9 Preposition; He is k ‘ the jury will decide. looking forward to what the memb, j i ( : 'mbers of the j ' ‘ause in, ; boldface is Used as object of the preposition ‘t.) 2. The lady was w, Orried about Would pay for her joa r not the insurance comp (The noun clause in boldfac ace is used as object of the preposition ‘about ) 234 ser” in ae examples below that ‘that 7 with anticipatory ‘it.’ Noun Clauses ( im| ortant that we follow orders, Also occu in I , ‘ necessary that you read the small print was pvious that the testimony was not Pa ul was possible that he had broken into the oe oath, sight ; in the middle ofthe Nout clauses are sometimes referred to by some at clauses” since they are very frequently used as anna re verbs given below, are mostly verbs of mental activi a Of verbs. These he insurance lize notice see remembei i" tell decide Gee on A think answer ask complain remark a inquire Know wonder mention state ae Observe the following examples of noun clauses used as object clauses afer some of the verbs given above. |, The man told me that he and his co-workers were out on strike (mogok kerja). 2, He said that he was the president 3. lasked why they went on strike. He explained that they had deman ter I asked how many workers ha id not know exactly how many men Jearned that the union ‘ime of the union. ded a salary increase d. picketed the department store. had joined the strike. ys later, I ize that it was a cr" persuade others not to work scones in a Pancasila democracy, face is used aS object of the verb “had ny fact lc. in bold! the noun clause bol | issio! ni ber 0! the Home ee i mmf that manipula’ Home n II reported to the Min, had caused lang disp. of Utes i, rokers were involved in most of the Cases, t most of the land owners ene uneducateg the victims of ‘conmen’ (penipu). landowner did not understand how he could be Paig land. here he could get information Concerning i The problem, Mai "iterate peorle ‘The uneducaded lance amarket price for his He did not even know W! the sale of his land. In such a situation, it is imj How and where legal aid can lem to landowners. Many landowners did not agree with what the unethical brokers offered for the land in question. The legal Aid Institution protects whoever deserves justice, 0. The question, how those land brokers could cheat the people, was quite easy to answer. - The people said that the brokers came and forced them to sell their land. 12. What the price for a square meter of land was did not come up in the discussion about land prices, 13. The brokers only thought about how much profit they could gain by speculating, : > portant that landowners get lega] aid, be obtained becomes a major Prob. ae = Fortunately the government took Speculators were, . So People do not have their land or not, Measures against whoever the ‘0 Worry whether some brokers would buy STRUCTURE Actiyypy y © Passage that f follo ' ‘OVBhly. Indicate the pe: Noun clauses. Read the selection tho Claus, : 236 °S and state their functions.

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