03 Lecture 2

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Section 11.

Factors Affecting Solubility

 Structure Effects:
 Polarity
 Pressure Effects:
 Henry’s law
 Temperature Effects:
A) Gas solute in water solvent
B) Solid solute in water solvent

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Section 11.3
Factors Affecting Solubility

Structure Effects
 Hydrophobic (water fearing)
 Non-polar substances (e.g oil)
 Hydrophilic (water loving)
 Polar substances (e.g sugar)

“Like Dissolves like”

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Section 11.3
Factors Affecting Solubility

Pressure Effects

 Henry’s law: “ The amount of a gas dissolved in a solution is

directy proportional to the pressure of gas above the solution”
C = kP
C = concentration of dissolved gas
k = Henry’s law constant (characteristic of a
particular solution)
P = partial pressure of gas solute
above the solution

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Section 11.3
Factors Affecting Solubility

A Gaseous Solute

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Section 11.3
Factors Affecting Solubility
Example: A certain soda drink is bottled so that a bottle
at 25 °C contains CO2 gas at a pressure of 5.0 atm over
the liquid. Assuming the partial pressure of CO2 in the
atmosphere is 4.0x10-4 atm, calculate the equilibrium
concentration of CO2 in the soda bottle before and after
the bottle is opened. The Henry’s law constant for CO2 in
aqueous solution is 8.1x10-2 mol/L.atm.
Solution: 1) CCO2 in the unopened bottle
CCO2 =K.P= (8.1x10-2 mol/L.atm)(5.0 atm)=0.16 M
2) CCO2 in the opened bottle
CCO2 =K.P= (8.1x10-2 mol/L.atm)(4.0x10-4 atm)=1.2x10-5 M
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Section 11.3
Factors Affecting Solubility

Temperature Effects (for Aqueous Solutions)

(1) Gas solute in water solvent

 Solubility of a gas in solvent typically decreases with

increasing temperature.

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Section 11.3
Factors Affecting Solubility

The Solubilities of
Several Gases in Water

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Section 11.3
Factors Affecting Solubility

Temperature Effects (for Aqueous Solutions)

(2) Solid solute in water solvent

 The dissolving of a solid occurs more rapidly at higher

 Although the solubility of most solids in water increases
with temperature, the solubilities of some substances
decrease with increasing temperature.
 Predicting temperature dependence of solubility is very
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Section 11.3
Factors Affecting Solubility

The Solubilities
of Several Solids
as a Function of

Note: The solubility of

sodium sulfate and cerium
sulfate decreases with
increasing temperature.

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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions

An Aqueous Solution and Pure Water in a Closed Environment

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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions

Vapor Pressure of Solutions

Solid solute
Psoln = solv Psolv PTotal =  A PA + BPB

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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions

Solid solute

 Solid solute lowers the vapor pressure of a solvent.

 Raoult’s Law:
Psoln = solv Psolv
Psoln = observed vapor pressure of solution
solv = mole fraction of solvent
Psolv = vapor pressure of pure solvent

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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions

Solid solute

 Example: Calculate the expected vapor pressure

of a solution prepared by dissolving 158.0 g solid
sugar (MM=342.3) with 643.5 cm3 water at 25 ᶛC.
The vapor pressure of pure water is 23.76 Torr at
25 ᶛC and density of water = 0.9971 g/cm3.

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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions

Solid solute

 Solution:
Given: mass of solute = 158.0 g , volume of solvent = 643.5 cm3
PᶛSolv = 23.76 Torr, density of solvent = 0.9971 g/cm3
From density of solvent, calculate mass of solvent:
d=m/V  m=d.V = 0.9971 g/cm3. 643.5 cm3 = 641.6 g
Calculate number of moles of solvent (water):
nsolv=m/MM=641.6 g/18.02 g.mol-1 = 35.6 mol
Calculate number of moles of solute (sugar):
nsolute = m/MM = 158.0/342.3 = 0.4616 mol
Total no. of moles (solvent and solute): nTot= 35.6 + 0.4616 = 36.0616 mol
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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions

Solid solute

Calculate the mole fraction of solvent:

Xsolv = nsolv/nTot = 35.6/36.0616 = 0.9873

From Raoult’s law: Psoln = solv Psolv

Psoln = (0.9873). (23.76 Torr) = 23.46 Torr

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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions

Solid solute

 Example: Predict the vapor pressure of a solution

prepared by mixing 35.0 g solid Na2SO4 (MM=142.05)
with 175 g water at 25 ᶛC. The vapor pressure of pure
water is 23.76 Torr at 25 ᶛC.

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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions

Solid solute

 Solution:
Given: mass solute = 35.0 g, mass of solvent = 175 g
PᶛSolv = 23.76 Torr
Calculate number of moles of solvent (water):
nsolv=m/MM=175 g/18.02 g.mol-1 = 9.71 mol
Calculate number of moles of solute (Na2SO4):
nsolute = m/MM = 35.0/142.05 = 0.246 mol
However, Na2SO4 is a salt that dissociates in water completely:
Na2SO4  2Na+ + SO42- so 1 mol Na2SO4 gives 3 mols of ions
 nsolute = 0.246 mol x 3 = 0.738 mol
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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions

Solid solute

 Solution:
Total no. of moles (solvent and solute): nTot= 9.71 + 0.738 = 10.458 mol
Calculate the mole fraction of solvent:
Xsolv = nsolv/nTot = 9.71/10.458 = 0.929

From Raoult’s law: Psoln = solv Psolv

Psoln = (0.929). (23.76 Torr) = 22.1 Torr

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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions

Liquid-Liquid Solution

 Raoult’s Law: PTotal = PA + PB  PTotal =  A PA + BPB

PTotal = observed vapor pressure of solution

PA = vapor pressure of liquid A in solution
PB = vapor pressure of liquid B in solution
PᶛA = vapor pressure of pure liquid A
PᶛB = vapor pressure of pure liquid B
XA = mol fraction of A in solution
XB = mol fraction of B in solution Ideal
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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions

Liquid-Liquid Solution

 Example: A solution is prepared by mixing 5.81 g

acetone (MM=58.1) and 11.9 g chloroform (MM=119).
At 35 ᶛC, this solution has a total vapor pressure of 260
Torr. Is this an ideal solution? The vapor pressures of
pure acetone and chloroform at 35 ᶛC are 345 and 293
Torr, respectively.

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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions

Liquid-Liquid Solution

 Solution:
nacetone=m/MM=5.81/58.1=0.1 mol
nchloroform=m/MM/11.9/119=0.1 mol
 nTotal=0.1+0.1=0.2 mol
Xacetone= nacetone / nTotal = 0.1/0.2=0.5
Xchloroform= nchloroform / nTotal =0.1/0.2=0.5
PTotal =  A PA + BPB = (0.5)(345) + (0.5)(293)=319 Torr
Since PTotal (calculated, 319 Torr) ≠ PTotal (observed, 260 Torr)
this solution is NOT an ideal solution because it doesn’t
obey Raoult’s law.
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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions

Q1.1) What is the vapor pressure of a solution made
by adding 164 g glycerin (C3H8O3) to 338 ml H2O
at 39.8ᶛC? The vapor pressure of pure water at
39.8ᶛC is 54.74 Torr and its density is 0.992 g/cm3.

Answer: 49.95 Torr

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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions


Q1.2) A solution of NaCl in water has a vapor

pressure of 19.6 Torr at 25ᶛC. What is the mole
fraction of solute particles in this solution? The
vapor pressure of pure water is 23.8 torr at 25ᶛC.

Answer: 0.1764
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Section 11.4
The Vapor Pressures of Solutions


Q1.3) What is the total vapor pressure of a solution

of benzene and toluene in which the mole
fraction of benzene is 0.6? The vapor pressure of
pure benzene is 95.1 mmHg and the vapor
pressure of pure toluene 28.4 mmHg at 25 ᶛC.

Answer: 68.42 mmHg

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