Non Flow Process

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Course Code: NAME 177

Course Title: Thermal Engineering

Level-I, Term-II
Course Teacher: Lec Daluar Hussain Sumon

Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, MIST

9/9/2018 1
Flow and Non Flow Process
Thermodynamical process can be classified based on their flow characteristics as:

1. Flow process

2. Non-flow process

9/9/2018 2
Work Done of Non Flow Process

Figure: Work done of Non Flow Process

Workdone from state 1 to 2, 𝑊1−2 = 1
𝑝 𝑑𝑣

9/9/2018 3
Non Flow Thermodynamics Processes

9/9/2018 4
Non Flow Thermodynamics Processes
Non-Flow Index p-v-T Work Done Change in Heat Change in
Process (PVn) relation (W1-2) Internal Energy Transfer Enthalpy
(Reversible) (U2-U1) (Q1-2) (H2-H1)
Constant n= Infinity p/T= C 0 m cv (T2-T1) m cv (T2- m cP (T2-T1)
Volume T1)
Constant n=0 v/T=C m R (T2-T1) m cv (T2-T1) m cP (T2- m cP (T2-T1)
Pressure T1)
Constant n=1 pv =C 1.3 p1 v1 0 1.3 p1 v1 m cP (T2-T1)
Temperature log(p1/p2) log(p1/p2)
Constant n=γ m cP (T2-T1)
Heat m cv (T2-T1) 0
Polytropic n=n m cv (T2-T1) m cP (T2-T1)

9/9/2018 5
Mathematical Problem
Problem 1: A gas contained within a piston-cylinder device is initially at 1.0
MPa and 0.02 m3. It expands to final volume of 0.04 m3 under the conditions that
i. Pressure remains constant
ii. Temperature remains constant
Estimate work output and heat transfer for each condition. Take specific heat
ratio 1.35 and gas constant 0.287 kJ/ kg/ K.
Problem 2: A system contains 0.15 m3 of a gas at a pressure of 3.8 bar and
150°C. It is expanded adiabatically till the pressure falls to 1 bar. The gas is then
heated at a constant pressure till its enthalpy increases by 70 kJ. Determine the
total work done. Take cp=1 kJ/kg .K and cv=0.714 kJ/kg .K [Ans: 65 kJ]

9/9/2018 6
Problem 3

Problem 4

9/9/2018 7
Problem 5
An internal combustion engine has the following dimensions:
Diameter of the cylinder=550 mm, stroke=750 mm, compression ratio 13.5, at
the end of the suction stroke, the pressure is 1 bar and temperature is 43°C. The
compression follows the law pv1.37=Constant. Determine:
i. The pressure and temperature at the end of the compression; [35.36
bar and 555°C]
ii. The mass of the charge; [0.21 kg]
iii. The work done during the process; [84 kJ]
iv. Heat rejection during the compression; [8.195 kJ]

9/9/2018 8
Practice !!

9/9/2018 9
Practice !!
Problem 8: A mass of 0.9 kg fluid, initially at a pressure of 15 bar and a
temperature 250°C, expand reversibly and polytropically to 1.5 bar and the
index of expansion is 1.25. Assume cp=0.996 kJ/kg .K and cv=0.707 kJ/kg .K.
Determine The final temperature, Work done, Heat transfer, Change of enthalpy.
Problem 9: An air compressor operates at steady flow with entering at
P1 = 1 𝑏𝑎𝑟 , T1 = 27°C, and exiting P2 = 10 𝑏𝑎𝑟 . If the air undergoes a
polytropic process with n=1.33, estimate work done and heat transfer in kJ/kg.
Problem 10: A frictionless piston cylinder device contains 2 kg of nitrogen at
100 kPa and 300 K. Nitrogen is now compressed slowly according to the
relation PV^1.4= Constant until it reaches final temperature of 360 K. Calculate
work input during the process.

9/9/2018 10
Summary of the Chapter
1. Explain difference between non-flow process and a flow process. Derive the
equation for work done during a non-flow process.
2. Show that heat supplied is equal to the change of internal energy, when system
is expanded at a constant volume process.
3. Show that heat supplied is to system is utilized in increasing the internal energy
and for doing some external work; when system is expanded at a constant
pressure process.
4. Derive expression for heat absorbed or supplied for a system when it undergoes
in polytrophic process.
5. Find out the value of index ‘n’ for constant volume process if PVn = Constant ,
where n is the polytropic index.
6. Mathematical Problems
9/9/2018 11

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