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Course Code: NAME 177

Course Title: Thermal Engineering

Level-I, Term-II
Course Teacher: Lec Daluar Hussain Sumon

Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, MIST

9/9/2018 1
Reversible & Irreversible Process
Reversible Process
 Reversible or Ideal process. A reversible process for a system is
defined as a process that once having taken place can be reversed and in so
doing leave no change in either system or surroundings i.e both the
system and the surroundings can be returned to their initial states.

 A reversible process is one in which every point along some path is an

equilibrium state.
 Net work and net heat transfer must be zero.
 A reversible process is an ideal that we never achieve – all processes
are irreversible.
Reversible Process
 Frictionless mass-spring or pendulum
 Adiabatic expansion or compression in friction-less piston cylinder
 Stable equilibrium states
Irreversible Process
 Irreversible Process (Natural/Real). A process is irreversible if
there is no way to undo it. That is, there is no means by which the
system and its surroundings can be exactly restored to their respective
initial state after the process has occurred.
 All natural processes are known to be irreversible.
Irreversible Process (Factors)
 Heat transfer through a finite temp difference.
 Unrestrained expansion of a gas or a liquid to a lower pr.
 Spontaneous chemical reaction.
 Spontaneous mixing of matter at different composition or state.
 Friction- sliding friction as well as friction in the flow of fluids.
 Electric current flow through a resistance.
 Magnetization or polarization with hysteresis.
 Inelastic deformation.
What is Cycle?
 A thermodynamic cycle consists of a linked sequence
of thermodynamic processes that involve transfer of heat and work into
and out of the system, while varying pressure, temperature, and other
state variables within the system, and that eventually returns
the system to its initial state.

 The cycle may be for perfect engine (ideal cycle) or actual engine
(actual cycle).

 The air standard cycles are:

a. Carnot Cycle-Maximum Efficiency Cycle
b. Otto Cycle-Spark Ignition (SI) Engine
c. Diesel Cycle-Compression Ignition (CI) Engine
d. Dual Combustion Cycle- Diesel and hot spot ignition engine
e. Ericsson Cycle- External Combustion Engine
f. Stirling Cycle -External Combustion Engine
g. Joule Brayton/Cycle – Gas Turbine
Air Standard Efficiency
 The air/ gas inside the cylinder is a perfect gas.
 All the processes that make up the cycle are internally reversible.
 The compression and expansion processes are adiabatic and they
take place without internal friction.
 The combustion process is replaced by a heat-addition process from
an external source.
 Heat rejection is used as source of initial state; thus Air continuously
circulates in a closed loop
 No chemical reaction takes place in the cylinder.
 The physical constants of air in the cylinder are the same as those of
air at moderate temperature.
Carnot Cycle
Carnot Cycle
 The Carnot's cycle was proposed by Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot
(1796-1832), who is considered to be the founder of thermodynamics.

 Carnot was the first to introduce the concept of cyclic operation and
devised a reversible cycle that is composed of four reversible processes,
two isothermal and two adiabatic.

 The cycle describes a sequence of steps that can be performed only

in an ideal engine, which transforms heat into work.
Carnot Cycle
Carnot Cycle
 Process1─2 (Adiabatic compression): The gas is compressed
adiabatically to state 2, where temp is TH.
 Process 2─3 (Isothermal expansion): Assembly is placed in
contact with high temp reservoir at temp TH. The gas expand
isothermally while receiving energy QH from the hot reservoir by heat
 Process 3─4 (Adiabatic expansion): The gas is allowed to continue
to expand adiabatically until the temp drops is TC.
 Process 4─1 (Isothermal compression): Assembly placed in
contact with low temp reservoir at temp TC. Isothermal compression to
state 1.
Carnot Cycle
Otto Cycle
SI Engine Cycle & Otto Cycle
Otto Cycle
Diesel Cycle
CI Engine Cycle & Diesel Cycle
Diesel Cycle
Otto Cycle vs Diesel Cycle
Dual Combustion Cycle
Dual Combustion Cycle
Dual Combustion Cycle
Mathematical Problem
Mathematical Problem
Mathematical Problem

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