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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED erate 2002 VICENTE A. TAGAYUN, Pia ISBN 97 1-100168-1-8 No part of this book envened by the conyright hereon may be fepoduosd ‘OF Used in any form of by any maens-graphic. eletianic ot michanical including photocopying, recording, taping or informalien signage anc feinewal systema-without written pErTasion af the Autor ALeTioe and Prubtster VICENTE A. TAGAYUN, PIA Zc) TACAYUN ASSOCIATES " Websiln : Come.lotagayunassociates Sombie pt 20 Bacood 2. Bt Mm 1018 Masta PHL PPriEs. Tel te) TSO0TR Celtons O9TRITS-130, OOre TT Sane Fan fata HSTTE Estimating and preparing the iierrized ist er bill at materials requived Yor a project to ta Bef ackied, ropared, remodeled or renovated is an imegeal and ne les impacardt pat ot the professional services rendered by in erchidieet af devgatinay tes Fra Ghats. Thioet of uh Hee mrCnecutal, engHrering and Contraction peofinciorns Rony thet fis phase of our O irvobees a lot uf arated ediemre ne Samoriny sonepataion waht Tom fuibleahon of thin book detetieg few the quasiiy of venous kinds of coastnicoon Mraderiade can be metirintesd aystermtratly. nocurately ang ast = therefore & maka -terenlapment Fat iis reason, | andone tie ening of ESTIMATING DILL OF MATERIALS by Mr Viewrie & Tagayue This nok should be of great his 10 new) piuduaind ay Weentecl QuTeDOok as Ihery assume Ihe GLled and fiepontes eequied of ther pesfewuon Frudenrs wil distawer in us yaueste vty usalal cenvinaclin date and cietaied arawing a SUDQHeTTVER Ife Seterwhiye Wary cepa wethin Ube consinen cx ther riage. Wit te other woes on student ai the Unieersiy of Seo. Tomas Calege of Aechincure and Fine Arms. Wandin. where i wos ten teootieg 1 tosh Fav te werk rt ivy Pevete arcndeceiral ered OORsaring OMG 10 RSE ew Coram Ea et crmfeetady: propia DeLay Stedies Of the glire and dealgria al out peojects: cea fir Enal working Cueeyt, and gartarerand other related works, Later, afer pasting a goverment! fixamnicedicn, he inorralerned ie: the preerine star skical agency of the goveerrrrerr haar fie ery bratty a serrne angineenng postion As bir Teyeyun's fermen mentor. | ogmumeosd Men for tem efforta in writieg 2S TIMA TING BILL OF MATERIALS. wwSbsh | cireiee a8 a weeehie avicheriaking, Protesen, Universty af 80. Tovrias, Marita Former Golem Sanday Tes Mijares, Heme Buieing Sects CONTENTS Section A Gr- kh TWh ve OB INTRODUCTION ESTIMATING BILL, OF MATERIALS CEMENT, SAME, GRAVEL & FILL CHE & DECCRATIVE CONCRETE BLOCKS AEINFORGING STEEL BARS LUMBER, S0AADS NAILS oho BOLTS" ROOFING SHEETS, TLES & ACCESSORIES WINDOWS, DOORS, & ACCESSORIES MATERIALS FOR BUILDING FINISHES PLUMBING PIPES AND FDCTURES, ESTIMATING PAINTS AND COATINGS Section A Si Maresacs Topies «Requirements in Eximating the Bill of Materiats «— Parspective Drawing, Lecaton and Site Daveiogmant + — Compullng Lengths, Areas avd Volumas « Computing the Length, Ares and Volume of Concrete Bulding Parts. « Concrete Bears aed Girdars. Cantisver Beams and Grders * Gontinusus Fottngs, Columns and Column Footings + Derenpicning Gomman Casarale Building Parts for Estimating their Canerete Vouume © Other Estimating Ack (Conversion Tables} * ‘Suggedied Format of the Bill of Materials and Summary Gost Estimaies: eC FOPCUIREMENTS IW ESTIMATING BILL OF MATERIALS The task of colrubating the winiges rroneriats wmyuibed for e construct project involves mormaceroce mmathernanica compuialing works. Ak dah, H pends coneanialion on fe part at if iesteriafoe anal tve bead: arrgor of reine chanracha Povdoedre) are Seeggestianes us Bardo 12 go about okrneg es ls 41 Clnar ther take or woes area af fing not needa in cannon wate tar meth hase, 2 Pare to9 Sapod a ths thingy recut 8 Completa set of fhe werking drawings (plore) st Sve prapect Data about Dutning materiats, prelerably ‘hele exert prices . Estimating morkaheets or compelation c d fe Panecin, enasart, papers. fialpens, att ' a h. Gonateacton contract, necessary D.Btocy canfudly at the plane and apacifications in get a cinat understanding of the wants ‘wlarrsseds.of ie propred mel fo baiese Ive navenrain rexquired: 4 The pleeta and ie speciicaera ae meast tn complamnsl eich othe, fel stiouid Ihern be SSOMSpSICEE betwee he fW0. (eee aheuial be referred to the sesgameg uechnent oF empineer (tne charetcatear. 5 i, im the Guiding plies, ere are dscreponcies Eebenen ie souied distences med Tho rivedicatiei certs ached, 1b uaa By Ge Laer etal prune wl 6. Wien the measeremers oF posdiores of Simemens bres ondicaved om sail scat ceasing af Ot Se came an Pit full-size oF lenge acate dimeings, these shoes on fhe fiabeze or ge scale autunl denesings whens Be billed. The pecject worting deussingniplams wad aseuificabons shovld ba earishily squeted and m checsstat of foe rmavieriats 15 6 caerTanaed drawn up. The comparision werk SHOU bo cores if Bet GeDery ved ‘ppeiteriatic maneer ard recat iv corpislation sbeets. This wil tarale sever poetewerg or check af ‘cakoulationn vande, oiMidy by the eeterinion tert, oy obtenrs. Anotter mtextiage Of usng mathsheets i thal repatitier COMpYGTIOT wpe reduced te a comederable extent. The peccmimnd caleslatonrs to aeberrrane thet quartry. of ore hited all mirtarial tor 4 hiding pot can bt ised der exaieating Whar Wied wise used & thal exeton oF the gropest Far Bumper. Une compulsion sheets cortening Te calcelmtorn for ie anes of wets te determing the Peedied! concrete toflow birecks. tari be orfrered fn ota estiveriney the imal sebedorcerveenis, carne mertar. eft: CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS AND WORKING BRAWEGE The peinapal meiteta: upon which ae based the cakculatend of Me Ga of renerute are ihe working reaming Of th prnfesd. end its: corsruchos speciicabiets Ad ESTIMATING BLL OF MATERIALS - Tagayus Lseuiking Srowings, of Scrrielines called CORSENACHON (LATE ath (Ted Gap jeisertadnin Gh list meander ie vhaalyn ara areierstona how the hisieg word or comsmmucied and how ey copied the necessary detaits aad ieformabret 92 anathe Inve te Aran Iter sscart pacture at B Teeasatererts, ned tw (he xorious wiructucal parts are So be pel together ta term me ra writes ipuletions wiving among cites. the constuction melhor +2 be cat workmanship, ove! the kinds ant qisMy of manera to be aed A sample thes Head 8 pgs AWE Li ALA, Details af Whecows and Caos P inenar espe and other sctabie tudcing features PERSPECTIVE DAAWINGS, LOCATION IND SITE DEVELOPS MENT PLANS: The Sieronngys witch ive WRowesbbed Oe Ha eK ANG i Ihe CeCe EN GHAR ww TB Fig. #1 PERSPECTIVE Fag A-2 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN SITE DEVELOPMENT ecal ar Thi roof pian of the Guiding iy moto pec rh eqn me Wer ined be rteypestad STHEET 44 SSTMATING GAL OF MATERIALS - Teqayun Fig 43 MEANINGS OF COMMON S¥MOCLS. USED 08 FLOOR PLAN FLOOR FLANS The FLOOR PLANS are drawings showy Ite mafiing ared serangesiiedl of this iooms inséon fn tuicing ac amen trom a horicerbal plone cubiny Thru tte wollte abel one meter abowe the Toor ke The Proposed use, moamau renee and céher importare Mafiwas OF eet Koerner cheers fa azar eicomn Simutt-sierey Duldings, 8 Seiporale Noor pir deer tor mach fhooe bewed when The Spout al ee (eer TDL Tie Se = Histbssit, tem Ses-ar etary for lovels have ihe same awtaryerrerrd ard Features, one bypiat Toor plan mpreserting ane idericad oom well dettiear In be dierwn FPrmery stv hoor pres cote ance try cast eur Ht Afloat Pane ar ah 8 Number of doors anit conespeneting harhwere required; 1h Mumiser of eaeckews ari roksted readied domme 1 Niner ef Bhimibirg felines seid cantiporeiing accessories Over intorrrumioe that may tet toured in the Boor plans are ie kends al prelate $a be mond fer Note fimabes, walls or parties. The Noor pian may abe show the euggeeded impout of huni, appliances afd tinder fidures irae each eoom, tar these feria shaved be doctatded mt Iter bal ot ramariabe: Hwan, Ie Tratcrias requires for Eomisleuetiny permanent at integral [9 18-ef each raern sch as bedioam. clesems hilctren ca bennett, shout aten be mooaurbie foe bn fae tad of males ELEWATIONS Af ELEVATION am wkd in design afd coreinucton, i x diiwetsy papresenting the prokection ot Any POT! a EI UCIUe On a yerECad plane ce foong |, Gecocty, (iN ard Suet ofeyaine Heaeirgs of the febetion sides of a pulling and ties aie these comepengiog tn the wewn of fa etbteckred sichex, These am the: FRONT ELEVATION, MEAN ELEVATION, RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION ast Se LEFT SDE ELEVATION, Homevnr, wnen B budliing i rransy-dedhed, tiem slevntions to tow ll es aches: woukd navet to er raw taalney eet a ttarigui Plone pein tail eecuina dy Stiri chrenticren Entcntons S800 te property prajected from ie oor pas. anil He vised extarioen wecursinly tree te arave, Also, the puting frames srvuddl be proipesy Runtrated wad Inhaled Tae view of tive jropised Building bem tte man sieeet wyuld normally be Gesayemad ai, the FRONT ELEWATION, the cheng of the project ai fur Fgh! of te viewer whe: 19 feong the frost a! the TLUGUe if tte RIGHT BIDE ELEVATION while thal of tre wewers tent @ the LEFT SIDE ELEVATION ‘The reving represerring ie opposite of the hart view =: the REAR LEW ATION, Fhe information and daeate atest tte etrature ginaneg from clewariend, axed! on lates or iniruniatnmy indicated by the Detigner, ate 4. Swirl demp and character of ite bedding bh Mtessads ered Sistses Ho fue wera Haale the ty ten 5 Heaght of ee Busting and thy vanows tesets bier geoune dre-j3-6s1 for leat, Boar Snes offing ine; teal of basarnant, fang, (porn frat Noor oF ground: ret, hig of ftw invariant parte of the Baring 11 Appreeinate of tras pret of the fauing sie # net eva ‘Types and designs al eeierior coors anal mancioary AS BSTMATING GILL OF MATERIALS - Tagayur Be fay AA shea how Se mecha pans een the SECOND FLOOR PLAN in (a) ana Foils ae (0) tence Geen progscted tn show the FAGNT ELEVATION af the proposed budcing i an FOUNDATION PLAN “The purpine of the FOMINDATION PLAN o to-show tire sirectical suppirts of fe prupoked gructers at the peoied level, dnickot bagement Grvel fa basement ts incomperated in the baking plen The FEMINELALTIONG PLA frrdowes ie: cuties avd Exper of the wala acl offer Lealiing olerenta on ie FIRST PLOOA PLAR encior BABEMERT FLOOR LAM. Homervm, (tee peincipaal inemraticn of presents wre Bia lowing: a Posdion of tt coiumne oF posts, rmasoary owls and other balding eionents at the fousdato ad fh Necessary innaserererts to show ttre spated rolaianestipes between fre elite parts aa wull ‘as fer ploting Meir duet postions ont Par Qeound daring cimtstriatinn Spaces for conceals alate 1 FM weal inet thickness: eines andl spacing of shes! reneeatcing ot tempennure bars, teens 4. Foundation mith required for afi ficiiten Wie drtiemiys. Curd oor tenrseses, perio. siepm tenkceried and aber arruaiies: relaiee ba the tufection of fhe piepecod turktiag Ther neigh i cornet viata en flor egeh of exzsrvatina Yor Ressarrane, it amy, many ely be ried bn the foundation plan, effiiuph these can wea be ascertmned thom te ELEVAFIONS oF SECTION eroanens DETAIL DRAWINGS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOUNDATION PLAN To mompiement tte POUNCATION PLAN, sogaeute dieserays of ihe cohmarns, factings ane other mercies Supporting the las of the bulcing ancl trarnetine ti dood arc byw lass to the greverel Ate Peopared aia Tagger scale. The sesall scale of fhe Fouralalion plan dices nck poe th peeeendin ono te Graded! adomnotion aberel the column: paell, gers. plmakae, masoery wets, the fovkngs wre ott! Teuedigton- supp. Thus. Rb necacasary to hee erreied drmwergs. ef tent memento, ecually of sche 4-2p mater. 40 thot phone eta about fem etek Det incdecied! ancl chearty tear iy the FOURESATION PLAM, euch Structiral resbar is given an ideslificabos mark, the: C1, (E2623 Jor any Ineoe citar! fonds OF cokuTinas or EA, WYP-2, WWE for three neti of mimsanry ets The DETAR DRAMURIGS of um cokerrin rt wills We ss weesigrned their veapercies ideriatraticn marks ceevaapoechrey $9 ome Bey reprspert et Te FOUNGATION PLAS, The FOUNDATION PLAN pnd Ife BCHEGULE of DETAIL DRARARGS of cole, footings are fourdiation mate should be prepasted cet ier serves diuadng chee ti MAEKLAE fy) ated COneercon! crunch Feterpacs between them SECTIONS His ELEVATION ceasing afew Bie estesnne cites of a Detriog, SECTION drinvsyy serene fie ends oF the etre, A pect aharws theo iiiefor siew, a projected on on image weetical para thant pomeeas inrguagh apis seas of he Eadie. Thee poniiaes of aniagheary planets wihrew sarchant views fave taboo iredacabed iy Section Oras dra aloe (he lenagth ered merase she Noor plans of thee banklang, Ao) BSTIMATINGBILL OF MATERIALS - Teyayue Ante FUDOR PLANS [Fig 23), Gt Gin ide lhe position of the section ines ehbok consid at tard deeds neon rerming lengtimtse and the other acrons the plan, each wh o por af Pietier Knees Wear thar orion suspactivey. The dracicsy of the arrcrns indicates tire lave al hori the cating pine. The paw of identical benars plueue tmar ten arresen weve to: evra gecilon duanieg taken of (hat pret of fe dpor plan wavered by Mal purticele: eeetion Live-in ine S008 © RITSHEN Fig. 45 SOCTION OF A BUILOING PROPOSED FOR A SLOPING SITE Fig. 5 LONGITUDINAL SECTION Yo" Araag the important avosmation hich arm cartyed ticugh ther tell action arawiags ate The: fey a tha difleviett Mee Levee net sean irom incite the adn, b dtetor etererts of fhe srcture, © (nip of ive tating se F re bevel: (Tie i arecextaet in cacufating thea ohare ot Aols arnOEne Oo ecuaioe te te erefertalen to oonatract the alvuctere op Be afi Profi of fee osiirg fines and. doi saetinns: (This is maeeiel iy eatebishing the height of exposed muctanes Of wily and competing thetr areas tn Gearing fo areourt of plamiering, panting afal cifer fining materdals to ta (oresarrand ter tharse arp, | fier a sactian represents: omy. pat of thee structure ane bs inbended to [oous: on keel tetavts (Hi Srsinetion or special tsanures of til bulking gaei, fis known aa DETAR SECTION. The deine Seo fs dire a a muck Eager scan than the wild beidieg wmcion, wk Is Usually deme al thon Maeve brand scala an the fhoo pel, Wa blown ep detisl sectors ciriwn wt ingayer exes, es possi fa uw Serv particular pas a! SMSneune souks De cual; cieremanans tr be Followed bo te anseericly. ard thes hinds OF malevials 10 Be Bid wiry athe DETAIL DRAWINGS Enlarged drawings whieh foci only um neincted portions of @ atructern to shoe in preeher eta those feat of the conistrechons ave known a: DETAIL ORAWANGS. Celal cravings are csuaty prejares Mf scale 1:20 meters, Hesenvat, other scales: mary be seed, ite mala civeidecstins being that Ike cena, sean bo ceady shawn and fandy atelerabceed teva Ey fhe layman To reveal how cenan haildioy parte ace ese mbied, dimensions i be fnlinwed end dents of Sree Sa Bek ume, i ATE OF 8 COTIBIOLIAN Of Dhake mths of pramerinlion map be wriplenpact a PLAN o TOR ERY b ELEVATIONS SECTIONS 2 SOMETRIC if PERSPECTIVE ORANG DETAILS AND SCHEDULES OF DOORS AND WINDOWS. (ny the soompi Pisce pln of whyo-soorey resides stew in Fig Ac, there ino mark placed nat every door and indoes symbol. These marke are used dor idbeeLfying beh SGey art wick which (3 riot fully diseribeed in the Sperifcatons, prin (he SCHEDULE OF DOMES AAD WENDOWE. oF clnwn inthe DETAILS OF DOORS ANG Wwikcows: SAWPLE WOSHING DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS Prinsatiad tn the, tefiaeng pages are Ihe Working rawitgs Of a Teo-Slorey Ressiencr To show the tulcing features in getaber deter, the chardngs hve been prepared begger in falaton fa the sage of Be erring sbarls used For example, i Plan Sheet Bis 83713, only the ten oor, plans are accommodated, However, in actew! practce using Sotren « Tiger (207 x SO} ding steels, even the of irendicn demmings cf fhe pecject ootkl possibly be crciurded at thee seeds aatcatedd ‘Thean plant ww considered complete os to ihe basic wekiecurel, pievetural aref purmbirey Requirements in applying fot tha Buliing, miectricel aed eanmery penrits oF reel estale ko, The otter fiquiternents such as the bi of madeviets, specificaiars and aiuctutel desaye comptatigns souk ats be prepared The ofneticnt ars coxitaiming thon lightinay sel pomrer teyouts, ioe CornpARuRE ta, Hane elakgriacs, Spesticaiame, nie, should be gmgersd, signed ered drp-scukes by a kcermed Prvfessone) Eleatricel Engineer or Mactor Etoetricias The plumbing plans should ba wget, susie fry a bcermed Sasiary Engineer or Master Plumer The arinernga partaising (> arctetectural end sicwrtira! requirements al thie Buklvyy ami be aayresl end dnvamated hy a Asensad Archest aad Caw Engen reckcactively Saver drovwings thes ie vietcils of widens and doors, cabinelwciosets, hc, should aba ba fechted in the woking ceawings in provide complete lalcematon fot the prapar exvcuiioe a the tomstruction arab she necuraie comoulation of the bil af rustesiais After Ihe working drawings. a set of sen ple Epecdicaluta toto Aa ESTIMATING BILL OF MATERIALS - Tagayun WORKING DRAWINGS OF A PROPOSED TWO-STOREY RESIDENCE 7) PERSPECTIVE oj. Att ESTIMATING BEL OF MATERIALS - Tiajmyur eo "sit SHE ABEHGUA-RUIE FAMILIES SATA Aan AACCETAN OCR AIG ICON TAATION, An PRALT aon UITS-CeENS z ea TAGAYUN ASSOCIATES | veins a tatuvom, Go te | Pr Fe 1a-a0e9 Cakfone 2 DOISATANSO Pow T1d-urry | Went a TNT a AQT] BS TIMATING BILL OF MATERIMLS - Tagen MPUTONCLD PLR, AACHATEST A BESRIN A. DRAFTING OY WCET: a. FAGAYUM Ps AW 4.18 ESTIMATING BILLOF MATERIALS. Tagayun COMALTRLEED FLAMING, APCMITTST UN ESCM ke OAT iY WISENTE: A. TADUTUN, ua An TOAPUTIT Pree, STIR OCS de CANTEEN A TACHI, Pa Am femal oT, Wes in TE a | cea DETal CALE bow wyfacien act Dare aor MANES Cres TE FLA — sic Toe So oc LS OF C.H.8 WALLS 22 ite Ald ESTIMATING BILL CF MATERIALS: - Tagapun ime tH H=S==u GSMAUTRRICD PLAMMENT, STTWURTUG, CPRON AL ORANG WF MIETNTT. a TAQATUS, FA aan LJ QUEL STM W race mc at arena oes ae (] | rece oF ites Ltn Ler debea SHemurs Seater mow SUPPORT) os TReTGAL SECTION eee ee ee Deen cermin AEN. COMPETE FLOGN orang trys mows (Ea (F) Ta, Thar Eaitiore | GHIR-STSLISG fee 793-Q77H AZ? ESTIMATING BILL OF MATERUALS -Tapgyun LSE deta STEREOS araceD eee a TD wes en [hfe es moe PSIG Fae aS ae op e [PouT-aats ee ly { fa. eon pene ame ES, = wort Seat thas Zeit ber P=TTiL. E 15 ee el ce | eee Re Tas 4 a I | oS a ge | ity LEGEND MSE: woMNEN EECCA aon a Atom as —— aon af ap em = RTPA ay eee ane gs f ae PA LEMPETIRETTE PUMORN, SURATEA, OCRON A SANTA: a SENDER, Pk Aza AQS ESTIMATING BILL OF MATERIAGS-Tagayen =<4 an J # . co —=| = ad = at Te 4 ENT ay : o s nm or er WATE PAT Te iB FLA wet acu 0 eee tes conan mo omens A COMPUTES PLARMIG, SUMDE DENSA A GAYE E EERE a, gAYUN, PM an ToL 795-8779 call OM 5IS1EM Fos Pidaaire ART ESTIMATING BLL OF MATERIALS Tageyun DETAILS OF SEPTIC VAULT pS Oki BARS OTHE A STH 7 TMGK Gov. dian waTte teu RaSTEe Tk TOMA STEEL BARE Bot RARE MM GaN CLA TLE Sys" CEM “PLASTER ru AGB ‘Ta 713-8778 faitine 5 Daa fay Th-S7T9 Age ESTIMATING (RL OF MATERIALS -Tagayun SSS eee a COMA TOROT PLM, CLOT Ek OPTI BY MAGRTE A TAGANUW, PLA AMD A030 STOMA TINGS BILL Ge RAATERIALS — Tagaryart NE ‘LEGEND } CeUNG LIGHT DUPLEE CORVEMIINCE OUTLET wer] WATOMPROOF DPLER CONV, SUTLET feud «| MACOWETIDWIS OMTLET Om-=- CRCUT HiMChUNS i 9 | 5 Fina WALL iT l sq THREE—ev Satoh eet ARFRAGERATOR: OUTLET LPP Gam LHI AMD POWER PANELASARD ww | WASIaNG ACHE OUTLET wu 2 MATER Hearn OUTLET nog 2 WATER PNP OUTLET GENERAL WOTES | 1. THe ELECTRICAL INETALLATION THE LATEST (Orcas. oF THE OF THE (MAME OF ELECTR Sai LOR THN 70MM DUMETER, SCHEDRLE 40 4 THERE SHALL BE ONLY ONE SEROCE URGE Mmm BOLE 10 THE PROPOSE GURSINS. Sh WHEE TO°INE USED EHALL-BE WOT SMALLER THAN EMM 1 BD0—VORTS SULATION THE TERE OF POWER “SEMACE TU Aad ESTIMATING DILL OF MATERIALS « Tagerun SHOW Gh THE PLANS SHALL CONFORM TH PHILIPPINE ELECTRIC DUDE, RULES AAU REGULATIONS cCePeN SUPPLIER) AMD THE LICAL SOVERNURAIT 2 WLk ELECTRICAL WATERULS abi) EQUPUEVT [0 BE USED WN THe MGMECT SHALL BE BRAND-REW AHO OF APPROVED SUALITY AND BRAND HE ELECTING MNCS SHALL BE THROUGH PVC CONDUIT PIPES Sor THE WEAMEST ELECTING COMPANY FR SUPPUED ‘Si BE SACLE PHASE 720 ¥, AC LOGATION MAP_ ier tae TE SSA WH jy besa a pms) 4 alpen) = eer oa, DEBIOM ANALYSIS: AMER = 9150 FR, METERS ay3G. ws Soe AMAL PUANCES = Loe BE a) = ae Sem? a t-go7e” cw ccanucrons 1M Abaaa fl, aM SAMPLE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. Thee set of Specifications shal green fre medias af conatectian and the binds ot materiale be used tor fin propoand tailing afer invite plans aed Cetal oonwtogrs The plows, deiad cremate and (ese Specricatieres shell be considered an complerfersting pier, a0 tforl whal matlioned or shows krone, Afiough vl ieadionid oy Shown inthe oer, Shab Eoaskdered as appeareeg ort bew (n catee of cAotHBet Rei fet tc, thoy sarren wcgbe te enferand Hearing ArchOnclEtgnter for resotaton GENERAL CONDITPONS - Jl gars of fhe coaruction mhall be fintated with fest oles workmanship, 1p the fulkend talent Mmeming of fie ples ind inese Specticaiions, ard ip tin welre salihecton ol te AckaeceEngineer Yea Chore Tau constuction stati conform {p40 the requeerants of te Nitional Bulting Goode, ms at the tocel naies and requlanoes of te Maracipabtyiaty of Preippienet SLEARING THE SITE - That tanking arte shal ba leeelied acooeting to the pears rtd inane ot rubbish, rots eed ertaha bie and objeciioratle matters to a sudntin subgrade. Ab such wrcutable materiats sted! fe reseed dors ihe belding She mod spread cevénerriy the areas adjacent 13 Pe prepesant buiing, oF atherwive eispoved al ae: roy tar diractia! ty Utat ‘or Engjitesat nn cnaege of the. coresmurtion STANGIG GUT THE BUILDING LINED © The building tees small be staked cam and all bree and giedes shown in te Grawiag est balote any 2arcreation ty started. Batierbousts and eeference marks shal ter ermcied of such seer tfeiy mil fot De disturbed daring the eeravetien of the bubeteg, EXCAVATION ~ Ad excavetions shall be masts fo grade indinated bo ihe Grnviegs. Where fs busking a Doveradl weth any kira oF fi thar axcarvalins for Toohrgs stud be marie imeper utd the swale for ewer capacity of vt 294s reached Witerameer eater bi encoustered im the eomorention process, ft shall ba removed by baling Ui. core being taken tial fee surrouschrg $28 parkclns are nol disturbed o¢ memo BACKFILLS « After concrete toe ftrseetutiares is Sard enough im wifielared prescmarm ‘icbatire) frost WES rooted verre ern excavariores tall ter ume tor bacelil inutal then Wack ia Ha shal ibe placed in layern mot meceeding S5Cernes in Atvickit ees. eee each Etper be thorgeptty comers by wating, Laneitg ana ring. CONCRETE WORKS - All eorecrele siuall ba embed thorpupivy url there isa uniter atwritation of The cement and showld be depoeing am rary as grocicobde in ds flea! costinn, care being Labi aber Segregation oot ther aeyreg tues JS ESTIMATING BILL OF MATERMLS- Fajeyan Waterto be ured dor mising ensure stall bo cieon and ies from injusiogs aminund of ell, cia an ane tet oHyaric Materials . ONE: OF CONCRETE - Abooeereio sorts shall be dene in accodance with the ataadard apacifcat ons for plain andl df comcrele wy moped by ihe Goverimert, Gemest in be used shal be __(cjematy brant Semen, __:Seeoy Greed? parzolan camset ot ay ella aguivaioel Brands more readily be ii hes bieaity, Alberreives Gamiesrls so selected mist seat the requirements of Portend wack ad approved by the Archiiect or Regine in chan of corainucton [Tha fete ng preperions of con crese mesduree stall by ied lor the yarkaus parts of the bubcing ‘Colum and fools Chass AT” Cent Holl Bk dactings Clase B [1 Ret Conc Gear ara Stabe = Class A [1 ‘Gorerwie sat oor on = Blan (1 Septic Vault cover = Class A(T: Cissy A concrete shuvl bn a mimtain of 1 pan cement, 2 parte fine aggregate andi 4 parts: caer iy eeiuTe, pik enoRgh chen wees Io mieke the rodune int a pai paste Dicorerwie shail bea momire of 1 part cervert, 2-12 parte tre aygregane and § parts tag vethuese: phos ervcurgty cles wwii $a sande rebate bnt> wm plate pests gs eenceeie Shall be a madure of panel command, 3 pamts fine agregane asd parts comes volgen, lun areseqgh cheers wit ta Tak the mubduew argo apts ace. fre sggregein for cimeritn snail consist of naturel sane or of bert rrevteriata fet shrilar ea, henving coon, Rand and curate grain, thaw from aepanic mater or har Phe coarse wgqepate for conceete shel content of crusred rock of duratle aed sircng quatties hand gravel Siew ol the coarse aggrogite Wo be usd shall vary fromm @isnen te aden (24° RETE WORKS « fe Gencnele works shel be prnperty brucid af connected togetter a7 es to mantis te aod shapes of tte concrete Members, Forms hal be cominucied seffcernty ight tn nie eh ng twa. shal fot be removed unll Be conciets ers aflaiaicd Supfisient steeregth fr eumpart ts own neds thal mmy be pissed 8 © Side forms of beers anc pprtara may bo rernoved ater Terris But ucidiional posts or shorng-mun tei liad uintar the ewes on gieviies ull Red strength FLOORS Om FALL ~ fuivbe. ott Bafa tet poured ona gravel bee of ret less ttn OOM thick Emch concrenn ie stall not ba mare thet one Merier Mide, and each curse stall Bo poured fw incheadid face Pris As [SECOND FLOODS TOILET-BATH AND BALCONY CONCRETE FLOOR SLABS: When prepetiig the concrete for ucper oer lake of Toded-fiatn and balcony anal be qwoharpraod trp dekling {Saber dpc) wakerpratrng eepecaned tr Mv retire “The proportion af the muaterpecoftng eorrpaand 42 a ghvan waking of concrete reals Stert BE penorunemeied by the produet marctacturat ‘STEDL HEINFORCING BARS - All cea! rewioredg bers tn be wesod ie this onstruction hal emisict of rouse defonmes bars jugs oF proetions On their andes to provide a gteaer bond borteteati thee coment watd thee sieeel Al raoreeeeg bas to: cesed sail be orf renal ‘AD siwet reinforcing tees shah be kccummtoty plscadd and secures) against desptaceman fy | therm together al each barlirermection mith Gauge Me 16 qaheanret ron wire, The set remiaiciag bare indoaed for tselings cofermne, slabs, beara, gaders ans eoiereda members shall all Goaforn to the muriber, size and spacing ae andicated in the dimenngs schaduh Of SHtelnminterse ments ‘fia eect ratrdorDernerrt stadt tee insipid an plc devine a ts tree from ie sake oe ‘gearing, which vel desivay of rikuse the banal wih corerate CONCRETE HOLLOW BLOCKS - CComneseta olkrw blocks ta be uiesel Maes pajama Iee_Cpeahe Oren) AD emtlencr concerte Motta Gtocks to ter ured for Fest fioear aie steak Be wt beast 150i tin concreke hobo biscks fat interier w0s unieam: feria indicated, shart tp ¥Dernen (feed. ‘Fpovaar CHE welie wee plorrirey pipers. ared Sidings shell be toca, fre techienas shiak tre a -Gersceune odtow bie tn be veme fr a abeoew He Gre opr, abun be 1a an: The concrete hnipw buck walls hall be Ink, ane Uo oets Weel wih cement reresar cocistng 4 par! petanna cero aryl 3 parts sand by chem, They hae toe entanced eh esce: eterresal {Oem dommes, araced nod mace ae) 9, Min an centers. btheadys: Jeb exponent surtaces of concrete tottawe black wally abil bo fristued with te specateed mate fecicate on the ebevnian Sri ‘Tia micture ot ceredé plaster fr concrete hakew block worl freshen indiecstecl by ter er dealt toe purl corenetd, 1 part frre aval parts sat FLDOS FINESHES - “The rerteriaks tn bee asi a None frshes for Pe room ot ther ating stall ee teow Entianee Paich se 1Se0atrl Lraing Fina». oo ‘Dining Ream .. ‘wactven Meiers Roam zi Bagroom (Fiat Fine) 207 BSTIMATING BILE DF MATERISLS » Tapamut The alli of ihe wadets, buries, toe ol Litohen cabinets, at laurediy Gib, and thew odjaceat Waal be walnscoted we Aer x ere fA a) center es Wier aad extenar comers pf leg Boar and warty hall he prekted wath te necsmaary. tthe AD ties tor fee, suits and mauisingm afte be fe fern larrérenions, sernwied exkges, chippedatt sind thar dolacis, which wauidl adversely affect thelr appearance aed strergtt. Al jovrts between Tewukingps shal be les! wrth (Sercef Aram! white cerrennd and then curertolty wie Beforn ihe Mies ard maowktings ore Lvet in place. ttery atu be torauayhly econband is mente it cal Ly vw Por udlachotde, MASMLAE 1b Di bbl im att te Chee weal aN SH eh wet Comment asd 2 parts sane by yoke, Lumber tc be used i (his project shod tet wail sctnened thorvegh ly dy anid dhe tern nese or knots, shakes or oihat anperioodons impaking ther siresgth af appearmnces ‘Fhe tera of fernbér 16 bo eset stor fe vations parts af Ita bulking shall be ws follower Indeeine diene frame ec Pures, Wal Stute Ceding doers, Cieom ____(Specity! Fancin Boards, ‘cebreetnichapet Shebves tSpecty Suir Trams, Singers, Rivers onal Handraits .. (Specify Ad ied ames for windews, dirs, cabinets md dloscts shal be dane a3 much = possible, filed mene and seran farms AI door and verviow trary to be avvtaled on conceetn ‘snd other rassiey wails shal Be aachered whh Tima (2°) common sine salle aff around He = And wll sech candect surfaces whall fret Se panted wih (dpecly baat) wood belore tter framers arm iisted in piece, : A wessesed are ach a pets is, Soar and cof Beams, users oc rafters, foor prises Gas, Garin oboe, cefing jolts, worl whads, ec. shal Uervies tet tected ln {Sppecity OS Praneralive after ery hawe bewe bratabed in placa. Age ROOFING » ‘The: tees! sad be comand wth (Sealy briana) _ pee-perneiea eating heats as Shomer 00 the prone. ‘Tha roofing shivets shiall Be secured 1b tive parting with Geter dia. (TMF cha} GP dake an Gea aa Pie Zi plas Gl-atragas Gul kong arena (or benieg arate (Be seecatind sie of prams, The saps ‘ech ae ot free 2Erveers winks wih Gener chepepent SH at thee erwin ate Riaige wos, hip ois ated yalleyé to be used. stad fe (hone compatible wih thet fran pre-painted long-sgen root sheets They shu up the mofieg abeeLs at leant 25rnen Tice 1, ap ros and woolen chal Lo riarfed. ic tha scofing wees, be adetion oo Pe eres GAGEDA ‘pl sirup in securing Hen sees ng ehveers to Ife guetive {AF voering ahennta: adjacent tn contete follow block are often rompeney atts Such al lien Firewalls, aha 0 pithAcked att Cuuge Me, 26 poith Gl fasting to amtard up to the Sap ared avert ther seks Of tte wall AL thesis ahiel be placed al Ihe Sop ef Wet comugalicns of fe roofing abet rence water from tanding sour Ihe rivets, ELECTRICAL WORKS - The eimchtead instalyten weal be dorve it Acconerce wih ihe appeved plains aad ureter dined aajardinon ang-coraiee ata forme Professionat Blactriog! Engineer of Master Elect cian AB eleciric werk aed maveriain ited orton in the proven af, fre tefest etaiin oF Pri poere or Nabnted Biostar Gast The nivctital wining shal ta instntieg thea (Eerste rand) _opdabsls PVE Mime on rnp mead appurtenances thell confine wih (8:2 cinensiree The hype! eecinead wervices do be apse! tc the huskbrg stall be ZAG, AC sind [eee ‘There stat ber weby ore sereion des thorn the: renwal (Sysco Elactrate Comenarrry pets tt propused Hohe, Wlnelei res far yh andl owe Ala ot be prety thant 12 Ser? (AW Electrical rarbetiats tn ter sited toe the ofcrie restadabe hall be wa: tees ‘Automatic Garou Grewier . en = {DEC Fars wal ewitches, Commence culeliatterwnng dade . (Sprat) Wee Conductor... ve (Specie ‘Lint otter muatoetals, HW ronesestny) “The spore clocult what ba provisos! ooh an estapdy PUT: Bape, Sion Tiamire y wtrch wana ooxtere east aden aby Bas ceding lina, Tht proirieing rts salt fer handed red wil wees chal Be seed Soreumy ihantificalion: The panatsnand shal pe pronkded wih a trcul decor PUUMBRNG WORKS « an works for this project SiH bet diaair in agconiance sith the mepeiretc plant carter the sired superdshon wed cobliol of x fisefisaa Bam tary Engineer o Master Plumber Prange prrnertyittdest or patched io entre esp carbubeton. tinge ares privet hammer and nolo A450 ESHMATING BILL OF MATERIALE «Tapes ‘Tha plarbing testator shall conform with Me protons of Me hirtonal Punter Cade are and reguithins ercatced in ite ioeainy _Fipng vbi drait, waste and ee! ahall te done ning _¢Somety pong) aP puso Sylar For Ue at-beiceas waster supehy svataNation, ISIN Sra) uBTVE been wd Bingen wball ‘The: plarebing Ficurick ane access Rc Ewe pitas end installed shall ba-26 todos Woter Caosets _ (Speedy brant deat medal) Lavidocies. «(Speci brunet anf made) Kitchen Sinks... , Speci bravia wet madly Serve Hearts: (Specty brane art mada Baap Molden _- (Spenty beara) Toit Payer Haider (Spraty brane) Floor Drain 0... Bae 10th 2 Dtieven (47 AC] Sveess Stel Went otter materia, HH necessary) Wivere a carmary rarer SHE of Sewape CSpasal Gent in apmeetion in thie Incaley, 9 etaneiald MAUR be chastised as hoes wi the derwings AnD DOGR FRAMES - Dron aml door iremres wud enolern te the ares, designs and lend af materiats antes an ine jdoore, sctedide mf doors or ae pes the teil al materiale Ai wenden decors tail be hut an at last’ S panees oe Nn x Zin (AY ea) Moose Rigi ered rcfers foe thee siding daors shall ba (Spine brae NORDCIWS « “aDirel mt nchrwes to bre ursed in fas. project afvali coatcerry tn tee aarw pred cbesagres ahoww 69 thet deta Sof schecdsle of pier! winskrwn, ov as per ther bl of motes, wanes - chabvesie ernie. tb bit inataliet sted condor 4p the deta drawings or schedule of jslounwe Sor as show ir thes ball ai rmanerarkt bfureteares ered tinge for toiver wierdows shal be sod platid sare! WEN ralsrapecalen Glass jalousit windows: shell be provided wih alureram screess, Wrought [rom grilles using al DPE Anya steel Bors shed tes inetey bed oo wl [lca sie we “i daemapoute fmm fhe mt guters shal wad in conerHe Caen Beata Wi wheeh & } mirPorced diminage pies shall ber cosreecteat teeezieg I01 the sireet artes froméng tie bulcieg aan AD Paki mech Mes Hts: promece, exon! as heresnatier speriivd, shal be gone sith tte eae eel paint products. The paieting Somvacier shall mupety all Rater, pour materials. tes, Magping and en! Heciiéary, wed hal! pedorn all paintieg and aistere) work am shamet on the schedule of paomingy ren ig saa for tha Binge Ta pau Coniemeteo hand moore his matress oe NG ih He Budkeey tn Be hese real Himcan, epee bring tehan in the BOiege of PANTS, ofa. we Ap prmymnd donvper of Bre. Coty loajs: shall bet (ermal COW LAML Ges afl tal tam eerreavre! ore Pr Koen eee EEC Ifa weeklong care Upin commpratien ot ite pibrirey works, the paininyg ooairscnas abatl remarae any fertnh spats WI Misisted work HE stall prosent fis woo to the Project owner oc ArchitectEnginec n-chare Eaxtdbiuchén, [tee ingen hdemniubess and rubbish generated inp Ais meirhass shall bene paiving comeeciors resporalblity te protecd Ris work md Ihose of afte during tft fra Ais wet be uretersaay, Mla pha be rescorbie tor iy chaMingé ba Nhe week unr propa ‘ottern caused by hin emplayres oF by humscit Desinre erry pairfing & dose. afl Surtees shall tm cheered, mocthed nd teed trom dust, AEN, MOMAE, ust ard other foreign nubel ences. All parts sere ane oetreneer: ters Geman met tail ‘spied aff aeth paint oF Aaccquer TRinfatt All plete sical tt aprvonc very are? Cavell. Jl paink nnd Gait! eieds ate Be delved fo the mueding ste in UNbAOeN packages, be the or aries of the specfied brand. Ain bguflendon of specified piatis wen other frends ahaf te at meet Agi ESTIMATING BILL OF MATERMLS.Tajayen COMPUTING LENGTHS, AREAS AMD YOLUMES rw c would eacrriatn bel of regret rept ese bi erp tt langh of brad, araas of pled or dances by cortuin fiesiors 15 Lain Pak auantey a Such ates oie, cement ane pare ete Lines ar measures be iresr ures ae miirreters, ceniiretare, cietera, wk. The ated of a fegeen sour ures such oa Some FNTMETS EQUord CHTTMBNES, Equa males, er The youre of a aokd ie expressed f. Cobic errs he. cubis milimetnes. cute; mertirastera, carbs: a. - Pebrwing are formas for Coputng the properties ef eacecigd plaes and solid figures: BOUARE Rena [A) =a? Diagonal fat =a Exanpie. orig ike of Hee argu ie Serena, Ther Arne Wek, Digger jd JW liv the seckonipte: shown, t Wi= ol renters net b= tirrmtars, than ods G94 Squane meters davai 0. (ean EB 7:21 Meters RECTANGLE ag RIGHT TRIAWOLE OBLIQUE TRIANGLE h TRIANGLES f AramiAj dene OBTUSE TRIANGLE OCELES TREANGLE ‘ 5 Nishowl be noted that che height h ia tke bengin of a Ane ior Me ape arogped sapere exit fe basin of Boa trang Exar Hhasoh ofthe inangles shown has o heige of 4 anaes and a terse of 5 rreitarn Phaia, AreaiAl= dies «tidqes mek RHOM BMD AMD PARALLELOGRAM PARALLELOGRAM Anant 8 Oct 4 x ame ae x bean = 2 * nS « anaes MASE = a ouee Fast ates 264 ecu raen nana * amt > Fan earn x amn02 = w Tone «mn % WERE = wares Per Fost oorea 1820 © Poteet, Meter onrr X 1,008 = # Termtig. Fit az 1 6206 © a Pauaditg Fool pais Le rtnem 25 ren sate R= bart =o aF mm aim 1 og bi ‘henge #5 (Mapa Maoghe AB ees Went: of, whee K Wp by” ag TABLE AG CONVERSION TABLE : FEETAYCHES TO METERS: 2 = 0 ce at am 1 256% ae ie re 1 ate amp <8 WOW TO USE TABLE A-2. ‘Tha fst coterie cantar tye irster rrenuirereres al ang chaect slerting trom 1 af the top in Mi FEET af fe bottom Their equiwaler lengths in METERS are stir arereckoley Uo Wve right al tee second cohirney AL (he Ae [ive ruin bemtgniniy ther right, are increas ot oe length in Peet © fro Sanghi Tt ines Te gut the meine eoetwiesice al a ert ligah Gwen Wi Tal fics i far nectar, funy ctu refer Hoarreaaris in the fret endure, ang ming of ther dhaired merawuremert in fet Nox move & hertzoriady (0 the nigh art ie agreed wevicaly sais thee glee asditional umber of riches apeearveg ay He felt [ihe saterve: Ten Hyer efron few fing abcpza to che ocpateaboed trmecuscerroari ix yresdera of thes gpvery Hare tr feel ard incies ABD ERTMMATIVG BILL OF MATERIALS - Tageyun SUGGESTED FORMAT OF THE GiLL OF MATERIALS AND SUMMARY COST ESTIMATES Aer deiemining tye wmrious mofetnls mended for the caratructon project asd cerputing the cig QUOTAS required, the data shoid ba depanieed aa prosernad bie the samein Hi of riila shiwn onthe following pages. Haine incksces the summary cost esbmates for materials, saber — andamer carsinesion amperes. A uique feature of cur Bi of mohomds. ty thu “portene™ doemat contareng the tesserae aed Spebicators of the degra pnd wiedgers tor the project. Ties preuemtation & alse adaprande tor wrought Sin ories, steel panes and atte (retaercates bedding compeneres, Ameng fe adventapes (1) fe peace inarn hacky when splicing price quotations from suppliers, (2) they saw on drafting work the Uucirseions it thet bil Of TunAiaLS tibet Be crew on Be pramct wowing drawings Mocenver, le copies of detigne also used in ather grinds can be enadly roproauced Dy Ee) Oe ee ving (Toe igre os Hire) peer). Ihering eliminating fe ened for re-drefing as the need mises, The fred cote in Sir bill of rateran gheald show fe desoriptons of fee required amioles. as es possible, fe brand names of sumtatectutid prosucts should aba ta nected, They ret tm the ja those merino! in the priscts Seectcatons ‘Under Gea rtity te aetrranad namber of posses, wodarres. atc, of the-manerats should be entered Ppropetate uis o ermnmaace bry ich Utary aye sacl aye shew rater the colarne Mire Ure Cleat refers G1. fe sake price jeer Ute indicated ure al meme af Bin commodity to be Nis Total Comt ihe prectiet of fre quer wad the nt coal of ther material reqaived. Invi foo Sohurrata mmiey be fit Dank Lett eat [iia Bbtained Ue preweiteg pricem of tbe cere dian matranis, The carreet cost cam he verited tem deoiers or maruiaciurers thru the toiaphare Dy servicing thorn copies of Ife Dll of rianmies where Ite com inet Gveir price quolaticen ‘Tis Masten Sve ite bill of rrutieriabe od be completed, arerween wiih mat ae tn NEsoITHN me He ogi he tre this was prepared are gelersd in af tho columns under the hoadig, it 0, Comcrite Colemine, Gemma ent Concrete Hellew Block Walle The noun Hl ms POTOSS thet heading is ibe sum of ale Lota costs Of mateo anol uncer it The last pag? of she bil of matennis contains a sepgested formal for sammuiging tte oweval Her a sere corveeticy grit That Infad cart of thor inimetads is Bor suari of af the cocepaie shown across the feedings iv fhe tal of materia: To pive dlomance for crmtooked tens, gna Iwielivg ei behind fal 1M aubvfiel eéal wink! depered iqnen Ui eslinalec's sand (he tegree of compimansss of the maleriah already fisted. Cmner Bearings shauad be eel wt wo sexpudrect By thar reqect Tee fret of Labor can be ebtarreed teem repeiaisie inbar contractors. 8 cramp range front 3p tn Of Re ietel prajacter! expenses 43 ruler Cortngeneas ore ube incaled 12 tbe core ot pein nist in he costs of labaw anal meateriats Premest tor the ‘rious constructions permis ard tar aepervising tees are pe of thes indirect Hite canaiuckes & 1b De uMtemahen Dyn OONTEmOT, omer coals woakE inchtle Me tam arch pratt, mreerfieeed epearrems, wt ata Pret Page! Cn t= ILL OF MATERALS [ uy | use | 2 a t aaa aa | te | mee | ome n ae oo Ta a [cm | som | wim |om| mo | tem i ree ao 1000 00 De 20200 eat ACT ge | Bee | aap | tnasnon ‘ee Renknang Sark Carer UAE are fn 8 rede = eon so ‘Vh7Ed oo jam BOO ree a ao 00 Vane be rere BGA 4% | pee | mm | pron testa Teer THg x | oe | om ete Comme ties Na SORT) wm | me | ch Tae Menin = | ae | Bo con sean i | we | Ba a0 seem is | oo | am aman Frnaring tat: ates tan 1 | om | cm zom seen a | eu | zm z00 fancy 4 | | one 2am Seperate Nae To a | a | moe 00 Far lures, Rough Taser Shes sons gime sete: iz) | om | bee | ize | arm De Pea Mobs feo 3 Olen cere wo | ase | eo | asm ‘pieerrteet Penen dora Etre ae 1 | tee | oon | tnouat 2 TLnon rmawera —— Hee Bima ae Se Pon = Steers Satis er (2B 1 a | ten Pen -Stewr x ire 22m (Fatal) me | ben Peg Ate « ibe § Moe Tw 12 we | gor oct Ja ord Beggs Apter Sigh SS Pia» Sewn Hlewe 100m (Few an | on {5Pon Stern we 0 Se [Pe Pa Feared oy Aperevee: aD omen CATE ore ASS ESTIMATING GALL OF MATERIALS. Tagayen Reacristion of Mane Ae iSite nares, finn he (BE de) (Coram Air blade. Vin 1) Ggrarac Aire hats, 1257 (F SOUL Wien eee hoor Reamer Re Beare Cae tage Pia rere Showy GOTT Pen — Stew Mien ca Do a eH Tuam Tepictoed Apiong ough ‘Apna, Sterne Rider eS ae A] PP - Mewes Ded se 1) ieee has, tgs Frag em Seer tire ak ieee tly Pew. — rer titre Actes Fx are Agroeg iat AD Pew. Sew a 1Hiren a Deore ara orcad Tregat Bhereter Cce-Fiia © Peg. 2 Roman 10D Mee TT Agimog Fiat Pom - Stew x Steers ais T en Oe Yer TIN a eT) Bee nstereyTorene oagh ‘ben = Steere Sern Be io Tagie 3S Aopen erryy Mere Re 8 bei ct vue, ore nn he CH cha 12} Trem che we ft dia peseefi EE EE EE FF EF EE descend 8 & se B ASH Hi - ROOF Rad rE Jeti corset pre-coated pabricnd sheet ‘arm rDam2aeT Odewn a Clie ddr Dadewn sat rert 2 2eee nar dre vod amet fm eats, Ge D arc arma Dade Ty Plas Git fateia Pater Co 60h 244 (UP x Plan Gt walang wet atspa, Ge (7 r Hibernia 2am ior wy ‘Re aeteng ing roan erm WAS ers aioe mater e See ‘fi? fest? F Gi eeae PAC Pipes dovrapost here, MERE cnr Sarria UDR ET sa Wy PVE Elbows, ?Seweda (F dul Schew. 4 PAG Tea, PSres-aa{T aie] Bored) V0 Hetverd Comme gine 8 RUNING PRES DR TTADR Sandary proen and yn, HOLDEN ironic Pipes DOr aie ie aa w 12) Popes. PBewridiew Sti co oda w 12] ‘Sty Tes — Penerci [T eu) Suavtor) Tee — bowers (7a Else, (9 org = Waikerie in) Bea, eg Peer in| ‘Enow. dey Soersia [7 | ‘Saellny eye (Dro aa a} ‘Pee Vin torrets EQ a Fi co) SEQRELRERE AS? BSTAATING BLL OF MATERIALS - Tagepen BLL OF MATERIALS Para Finer Wipe Tiere cia: rnin (ae a) Fede Tee Sorwedace 10m ae oF cdo al char Te re hay 106 oh (°c hal Peed Gouging - Tarn chee eras Ta och ‘Eaping—1yi f Coupling Pawnsda dat Saaning- Sten cin ch loot Drain Trap Stina df a) ‘Chemo gsr os) Sereda: Sr aT i facta Trarag pm iridar Gln ‘eens 10) nen ‘Hider rete, GREAT VOLLRE orancl tha vere: rong Nek, GREAT MOAUME bread Panes Bronze Paish, SEAT VEXLME bran Hise bes. oreo tres, GREAT VOLUME brand Gipes nadtinng — puctie at pe reich AF che 2) Ppa Viren chy (Sah chen 3) Bow, eg Hn a A i Elbow. ing: rm da UT ta) eee) eve te | te Tigyne Tom = thre dl Toga Tam re ba ee ee lcs EP: Say ara CS chi" a Paes ER termed her ft TC ch a Pappie = (Gir stay WS toh Coughing en cha oba Cady rer in Luin ere oh (240 st) Lge Sewn oh | at) Tees Tape, Bay Ae A Oe eqETTREEGEGGGGi Gisdit PPPnET TE |e cog Aba 5 PURENWS PotTuRn aan Witeseownen Aer cheat, GANWWARES Wenn PF 2020 (Uviiey, BANMARES Veet PF 9 shen seis, WORTHERS FALL Lave 4271 i Laureyiemy, WORTHEREA LL Laensaie ath, Sleap hekier, i. Tan Rey ‘Mose AOD ‘Teale peo Preto, COA Tar gee AT Towel Nike, MAMAS OF hes ‘Swett, waren wed nue Fig Ei, Dharm plate, fern 10am 2 CEUNOR FART TIONS FLooRs “ANT OTHER BYTERICHE MMORICR Vibert Aoorg. ME) Fasgabe, TA 996 Pos tiveen YDoraviacd BT cw TEP ue Rosato, HE) Terma Edactoumhee utes] Ci) ing pean, Fargary bed tat, Tarun, sgh OCR en Ren Berea Ore eee wer (Cling mnaiparinon bear: Serna Xan 24h Came yee © Ssrws 1 dik 24m pipanial a Sirens 1 Stiern Pater Paybeged by Catena 4 SSredven foe cateetn are ciouets, HC) Threpute, 40, 12 Pea Serna Minny dnt oe 17] os ‘Guaitet °C recicing, 6) Taney, 20s 1] = Weichin acs fig, ver eee | x A) 7m EMT Vine or then, 20cm JOA (Ae ry 7 FRUGHY iad bar asthe 4 ‘Traist-Biatiroor Kew und raaings, ARTS, ‘rpted: oor ae, 939 6 Tere cl (armel i ak, VD 1, =o ‘Tia mucins (Apt 130 FIBA wean commer ? Be er fterengge SUE! GLE fHi i a ASS ESTIMATING BILL OF MATERIALS -Tagayut Page Ermine C= Pir ci tc Fup ates coven -7eres dns 2 00h, Asc maging Zire de RELPEX Pits Crd ahah ae teen, Coa SPC Alps, ire ie 100: Serene at SPC Chetry ane de EX Aaapioe whoskrat andiuahing Shem ce PVG Range pipe, Zine cia 1c PAC Aamo veered wethuthrg, 2 ret PVC ty omen tlre "dear ee UC kreton bem, Mees "fers Se ‘sober caret Biecir Wien PRELIS-COOGE, TV Blecae nate FeSere ‘aig Aor rug, fae) ‘aie tor range {Lee ‘Aira doe nerves etre, (Er T Wi tr nerve wean, [Tiere ‘Peroni reg icp ADE fh ‘fing iowors, EAGLE tna, Pale saint hrengegerg natch augifeae QEEEEe effaiiiy ffs zie i Seeawke Gatetee td BH Ba 5 aan At Protect a erates Page: EE Re den || ma WA PNA stl es WEEN Ertumcn fact aL tabard den LE a AF al baw Wesaletn beg OFIGE VICE DOOR Tien o 8ines (Pi NANA, dr tsa el ark tee pt Aiedoee TANGLELE ewe che WEBER Serres armwres hoor bontort DF bf eg rene Poem by ONT ATE ESTIMATING SILL OF BAATRAIALS « Tagayun Peet = a ee (ec FILLOF MUTE — i Tail fecrigtice oF Verena oy | lee Coat coe mw | ae ‘RHE Tesh suena tor alert orasionn ma | tM ewer |r Chap ied ta a | Fes [hepa jemeni rene tones ee | @ an n ABD Fup Coane mee, hs ‘hak Deyeg Eremel hae ee merc Yoo Prior are: ender Ol Treg. Cavers. Crew ‘Ylboe rive Thaker tect: Sews-gtenn Late Pant ‘Somer Pear bey Corea Feet saspae ates Puy eryso Ping Colony tse ee (en a Loge (ee Fa aioe (Meni ter Hain a Fine Lases Berm Pextarnd Carre Hoot Pact Clowney Mage | Eatsreet cor ators Fon pen acme tar rrmtmeacy, wt Propane: SRATES EREEN DOE ESTHAATING G1 OF MATERMAS - Tageyer a ea en Rn 1 ton 1 Gan oan om 1Lcan ‘car Lito Ga ates Loe 18k Can aon Ve Can “on on on aon cn tear TATE ‘SUMIVARY COST ESTINATES FOR MATERIALS. LABOR: (AMD OTHER COMITRUCTION EPEMES, A ERTIMATIED CoO CHF MMATERGALS (Frm the Bi of ederigin) 7 1 PRUMDAT ON, DONGAETE COWMNE SEAMS nO) SOMGRETE HCRACWy BLOCH Va Ti ee z 2 4 ROCENG MATERA PLUMS PES A ITT 1 PLUMIENS PKTUNES AND ACCESSOREES 7 COURS. PART Toe, LOGS SNC THEE aT WOO. ELECTRICAL MATERIALS CDCR, WUNOCANS ARO ACCS PANTING MATERIALS (DUTCH ICTY or BONEN recta 1 NESCRUANEOUG MATER ALS Te aT FETT ry IT UI BE ESTIWATEDCOST OF LABOR (hnchading Sagsaréaicn Fem ( ESTAWTED GXPEMEES FoR CONTINGENCIES, ENTMRTED ToT manna y cnet The above heres corpse the esareaied eepenies for maior. wns labax appiie! “Ghee in the commtrucon of he baking: H the wet woud be woes bry m contactor, “fe ideet conte show below shedd alee be ther ite srogunt os projecting the tated | rain g recpuree br Boa cergéebitre Be Stoaet De CONTHACTON'E PROFT jretudng Ceertnady B © COMTRADTORS Tam, F FST MATES TOTAL DARECT COT e (ExT NTED TOTAL RECT OORT Aa Section GRAVEL & FIL. Topics ® Malarals in Concrete, Pordand and Pazzclan Cements « Admodures #1 Conerate: Proportions af Comerate: * Melhode of Exhmatng tne Materials Concrete, Alkwance for Wnstagé in Estimating ths Muleriats ir Concrete © Procedures in Eetimaling Cement, Sand and Gravel Concrete, Sampie Probierns . Table B-2) Volume-of Gonorete and Estimated Quarities of Gament, Fine and Coarse Aggregates jor Square Ganerete Mambers © Tate 8-2) Volume of Concrete and Estimated Quantibes of Gamert, Fine and Coarse Aggregates for Rectanguiar Concrete Members » Tabla Bt: Volume of Concraie and Estrela Quantities af Cement, Fire and Coarse Aggregates for Crear Concrete Members + Sepia Problem: Estimating Cement and Agegaias tor Columns and Footings * Sampia Problem Esiimating Gemert and Aggregates jer Continudus Comcrale Footing + Sample Presiers: Estimating Cement and Aguregalas for Concrete Stars . Using Computation Sheets in Eatmeting Cement Sand and Gravel in Gencreta ® Gament Plaster Finishes; Estimating the Matecials Sor Coment Plaster » Cement Meetar lor Laying Tiles and Other Floor and ‘Vil Finishes, Estimating Forruias * Eeth Fil = Gna! Fil for Concrete Stabe THE MATERIALS IN CONCRETE Concints th x inishure of comet paste. fine and coarse aggegutiy. The camer pacts cons sts Eerivern aned wader eftich Died ther fee and coacee aggiegatns Woe thee misturn Mas setfaterety sa, Whes cs Met cRatactosticn of tore? wtsroe Tet fisus dajgregate Ot conmmele: showkd sonst of nalural sard or of nmr materials math Chamnctenstios hawieg Chew, Nard ate durwede, grams, tree trom oojarie matters oi bia The COE -agGeegW id Should comes! of crushed mocks of deratle add sttieig Gusitiees. or and hand gemei The sie ofthe cea agreaLe wuss from Doe i WN CM Un Me 11 in| damned Water In be Gaal te ing GoROre heh Se dean end foe from injerious avr cf ad, Sakti, all anal citer organic matters, PORTLAND SHO PORZOLAN CEMENTS: Teg pidehy ued COMED DIES OmtpoveSt in Ihe prENArBon of CONOEE in Geri Cede ro péntianed coment init poyzoten coment Prastand camer has been defined as a tydimuic coment procuced by puwerging COnNEINg ESSErtily Sf Nythiaske Gaictem sikcaies, ond usually eoviaininny enicum wsiphate pe lntargraund! isto. There aay thee TyDe5 ol pemlard carvan, Troe ts This ts: thee most widety used portland cerneerd tor bedisting and is also ihe imal costy Hl reaches ty tel errengh afer 22 days. Typed - A mederste heal postend coment umed for large: comunete pare wtern few ear it desiad dating thas Goncate nat, Tyee Il Thee et a high aay airmayh penthind cement which gives mare shrongth batons 28 clays shan Type | Tyne ¥- Low hem portend cement fice Type ll Tia tntames bean teal curing the ener Type V- Aawiphate eepmting portland cement. This is ha moal expenarye cement Paceolen cemmet bes been defined ap a fydraabt comer coniaing of w rogue al camant and getrite ameinis- of hulsnat asd alicia precoder munteriais live volcanic tufl, stotbry ee Tee Ps Ponz0lon COMET ised in Qeseral convivaction ehere high intel strong@ ut Gancrele bette 28 days ip ot requied However, afr 28 cine i ments Comoressve srengm ta which ffs cbesigreaed Type TP. The fyoe of porzolan cement an carly sleeregh comment stl is reused fay contour seeesate wees The magnificent atrusures among the wonders of the word today which were constiuctedt out purenien remem thousands Of y8AF% ago by Ihe Reames are cled as proaty ef the toughens a Gurabilty Of pazzien comet It 1s: an sad that new Soshndizgie aim iricdoced to impee Lie Bt ESTIMATING BLL OF MATERIALS - Tagan qualtiecs of peazaian cement However, ose who speofies porzotan cemem should be knesiedgeable about ty wechocal gua af. Choncesa fm cares (ype Wa fn ma Hr ma enti j. ADWOXTURES IN CONCRETE Aderandaress may ber ackted during the rmcaration oF he Oorcent. Thar arm satrstanoe enix in fa arpan coman deshed qudiies. Among such qualifies abe; in improen He worknbldy it the eae, incense ty wenerpenet characterises, fn fueron ra wurimoe: 10 acoabaraw a BaF. ote PROPORTIONS OF CONCRETE Awgerg fe amount ol cement Are are caren aggregates ane witiet i a green vinuTe at de entity iy sttiermet wteerejitacu! she midtune. Tha quality of concoete Oo be weed iw givers pect fed 1 ciYera nt ways Such ax thy Rs WarteteceierTt ratis; wewight cf a pee: wou, Corre exinve! “pfier 22 slaye: art, by tte shoee erogestion uf cemneri, fine and coarse agpregaies, by volume Mie cencretn mimure Under the last muethod, te conceals raxtares rw certifies! try mes inewhich each “dare” nanhine.a ghnin proportion of carter, fet and coame agpeegaies bry td ah Ble of Cancrene emert Seed Greet tr vote Preatutin Savength Aner 28 Duys Aa t,he: 3 4900 - 3806 pre oro 3000 = 2500 px bees 2000 - 3600 pe 13348 1000 » Od gi tobe? (ems teat S05 post Pgh amereyan. Lie consiete fix tn ie aved for w Certaer baking pant ix jecicated an tee deanna) pie speciicarions as “Class A’) fe rveerss thor Sar evety hui st corrmed asked ii in meee, a ring feet paves Fee agree ara) tour parts Coane QRreqaoN heued leo be oats Laser a PLUS Enough clean WATER ee matureinios PAATS San 4 PARTS GRAVEL pliable poshe MATERIALS CONTAINED I-CLASE "A" [1-2 4) CORCHETE ae CONTROLUNG THE PROPORTION OF CONCRETE MATERIALS CURING MIXING When Oneciwte 2 mined duahg cohavuotint al Ue fried Ske, Uh prvipsae ameirand of Ere coarse aggragales hat go wen smh bag of cement i sualy connie by means of a anealuning bax Binee afd hag of EOE HB tajodl IO are cule took Ih meweuirg bow he consructed auch that cntins one cubic foot. “This is dere: by making Me insise reaasurernents: of Rie sees end thee betiom of thet bow Sra-foot 72 EME moter) quam, Tee dntats of a typeral ecoden containing one ribkc foot tar reaming she fine and coarse agpregates for ceeret a stew Beton Thee, f the concrte bo ibe prepared os Glass Act Zi) ris, for amok bag of onrreint paced The mining Hough uF reaction 2 tones of Ginet apgeegate aed 4 Seces of teres aggregate are asked Oy supposing Whar @ bags af dinent afi tire ately egittedd fee mood, due the ceorreng: amaunt af ine-aed coarse ageegaies in: be added would be. 6x2" 12 bames of fine aggrepaie x42 2 Dawes of conse apgrequle Concrete is prepared Dy iniay mong ory Comoe! and Manel Aor es eAto, Het proper weet grrvel in sckieed end chan emtor o: aien strely poured while the mislure és thorpughty sie ere M La ak Bhahis wormubin péetha The miadeg Wicukl nedall ot de cAeele Tid has workabdly apperprin acinorecal and infor pounng in pice wert oa mech weer The micny of concerts, whether done manual ot by the use of a moig rhachis, should Inatoag - lo BroHuSe ConeIEE Bf usitee quills. Te ankuince Ihe shangit nl the concteln ared tials (greater cagree: cf mearhastalty, thee mreming pencess. cai aed tiv lange! periedts, a SSTMATING BILL OF MATERIALS. Tagapun

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