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Title of the Activity: Parts of the Microscope
Most Essential Learning Competency: Identify parts of the microscope and their function
K to 12 BEC CG: S7LT-IIa-1

Part 1
Direction: Highlight the 12 words hidden in the array of letters.

Parts of the Microscope


Part 2
Directions: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer for
each question.

1. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch microscopist had introduced

us to the world of microorganisms with the use of a microscope. He is
considered the
A. Father of Genetics. C. Father of Philosophy.
B. Father of Microscopy. D. Father of Modern Science.

2. Like a magnifying glass, a microscope is an instrument used to

A. see far away objects.
B. enlarge the image of an object.
C. detect the presence of an electric charge on a body.
D. listen to the internal sounds of an animal or human body.

3. What does magnification refer to?

A. It has the ability of the microscope to make the specimen bigger.
B. It has the ability of the microscope to make the specimen nearer.
C. It has the ability of the microscope to make the specimen clearer.
D. It has the ability of the microscope to make the specimen smaller.

4. Which of the following is the function of the eyepiece and objective lens?
A. It can focus on the specimen.
B. It can make specimens visible.
C. It can use to observe distant objects.
D. It can magnify the image of an object.

5. What is a part or sample of any material used for study or examination under the
microscope, usually small and thin for light to pass through it?
A. Coverslip C. glass slide
B. Specimen D. stain

6. A specimen is viewed using a 10x eyepiece and a 43x HPO. How much will the specimen
be magnified?
A. 10x or 10 times C. 43x 43 times
B. 143x or 143 times D. 430x or 430 times

7. When you want to change the objective lens, which part of the microscope you will rotate?
A. Diaphragm C. revolving nosepiece
B. fine adjustment knob D. coarse adjustment knob

8. The power of the objective lens is combined with the eyepiece lens to provide greater
magnification. Which should be used to observe bacteria?
A. 12x LPO and 10x objective C. 60x OIO and 10x eyepiece
B. 40x HPO and 15x eyepiece D. 97x OIO and 5x eyepiece

9. You are to transfer the microscope to the next room. Which parts should you be holding in
carrying the microscope properly?
A. arm and base C. stage and stage clips
B. inclination joint and base D. revolving nosepiece and base

10. When you grasp the arm and slowly pull it towards you while sitting down and looking through
the eyepiece, what does this movement do?
A. Magnifying B. staining C. titling D. viewing

Part 3

Directions: Read and understand carefully the procedures in handling and using the microscope
properly. Fill in the blank with the correct word from the given choices after the statements. Write
your answer in the space provided in the statement each items.

1. To transfer your microscope from the shelf to your table, carry it with two hands.
Hold the ________ with one hand and place the other hand under the ________ for support. (arm, base)

2 . Check the lighting of the room. Make sure you have enough _______ to view the specimen. (light, water)

3. Turn the revolving nosepiece. Set the objective lens to the ________________. The lowest power is the
shortest objective lens. (highest power, lowest power)

4. Place the glass slide on the _______ and position it in the middle. Use the _______ to hold the slide in
place. (stage, stage clips)
Part 4

Direction: Answer the given question in not more than ten (10) sentences.

As a young scientist, how does a microscope help in making your

observations and how do objects appear in a microscope?

Rubric Scoring
Main Idea or Response rephrases the Response declares Writer’s main idea or
Opinion question while writer’s main idea or opinion is not clear.
declaring the writer’s opinion.
idea or opinion.
Details and Writer shares at least 3 Writer shares 1 or 2 Writer shares a little or
Evidence clear examples and example/s and no example or evidence
evidences to support evidence/s to support to support the answer.
the the idea or opinion.
idea or opinion.
Organization, Writer’s response has a Writer’s response flows, Response needs
Grammar, clear beginning, middle, but the beginning, stronger transitions.
Usage, and and end. Grammar, middle, or end is not Grammar, usage, and
Punctuation usage and punctuation clear. Grammar, usage punctuation make the
makes the writing and punctuation shows text difficult to
available. readability. understand.

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