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Introduce yourself

In which area would you like to discuss our discussion like in pump, distillation or heat
Suppose you know all about your feed in the distillation column i.e feed quality, composition,
pressure etc and you don't get proper product quality then what are the reasons behind it ?
How would you calculate pressure in the distillation column during design?
How does the mass transfer and heat transfer take place on the tray in the distillation column?
What are the assumptions of Mctheile methods?
What is fouling and formula for it ?
Effect of fouling in heat exchanger and distillation column?
Do you know the overall heat transfer coefficient significance and use ?
Suppose I'm the owner of factory and there is a unit process which operates in continuous
manner and I have to pass highly fouling liquid through shell and tube heat exchanger then what
are your approach and design parameters to allocate this fluid and one thing you have to note
that my process should not stop by any reason.
Which liquid is highly fouling and what is its value?
What is approach and range ?
What value of approach in heat exchanger is good for operating high or low ?
He give me the volatility and total pressure relationship and ask why they are inversely
proportional to each other ?
What is green and blue hydrogen?
Do you know about Black hydrogen
Any questions for us ?

Introduce yourself
Do u know abt design of distillation Column
Ok so as u know distillation consumes a lot of energy so tell me the ways to reduce it .
How will you “see” Flooding in a distillation Column
Construct Txy curve tell me manually
( didn't gave any page and pen)
Do u know abt heat exchanger design.What is fouling
(incomplete question cant remember )
Do u know abt pumps.
How will u avoid cavitation
Why don't we use pumps to transport gases

What is Green Hydrogen ( he asked this question just from one word written in my CVs career
objective which was “SUSTAINABILITY, and RENEWABLE ENERGY “... )
What is Blue Hydrogen ( asked me this as i answered 1oth question as Green = Environment
So he asked me then what now Blue=
And( So just fill those career objectives wisely)
Any questions for us
What is the efficiency of separation obtained via distillation? Is there any alternative unit
operation to replace distillation? If yes, mention , of no state your reasons.
Why are your grades low in 12th
Why it seems that your grades are falling from 5th sem.

Introduce yourself
In which area would you like to discuss our discussion like in pump, distillation or heat
Suppose you know all about your feed in the distillation column i.e feed quality, composition,
pressure etc and you don't get proper product quality then what are the reasons behind it ?
What is green and blue hydrogen?
Do you know about Black hydrogen
What is flooding?
How will u come to know flooding has occurred by looking from outside.(related questions
based on your answers)
How will you design HX (answer based on the economy)
Type of HX(heat exchanger)
TRMA consideration for HX
How many types of HX TEMA has given
How will you reduce cost of heat exchanger
Category of leakage in HX
Classify pump
What is cavitation how can you reduce it
Other types of problem occuring in pump
Why can't we use pump for gases
What will happen if we pump gases
How will you reduce the cost of pump
How can energy be saved in distillation column
Some questions on resume

How can we minimize energy consumption in a distillation Column?

How can we reduce operating costs of heat exchanger ?
What is heat transfer coefficient?
Formula of overall heat transfer coefficient?
Can we calculate heat transfer coefficient with the help of Pr and Re ? How explain ?
Type of Heatexchanger ?
Type of shell and tube heat exchanger?
How do we produce steam?
Are you familiar with ASE in shell and tube heat exchanger?
Any questions for us?

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