Adrian Mole

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he Seoret Diary cf Adrian MOURA A. Circle the incorrect answer. 1. Adrian thinks that... i8 / are disgusting, a. Bert Baxter’s house ©. his library book, The Care of the Skin b. Bert putting his false teeth back in his dd. the plastic pirates the vet removed mouth after Sabre chewed them from the dog’s stomach 2. Atone time or another in Adrian's house, a. the television breaks down. ©. the telephone gets cut off. b. the electricity gets cut off. d._ the heating doesn’t work 3. Adrian’s mother told Adrian she left Sheffield because a, Mr Lucas treated her like a sex object. ©. she was fond of her own husband, , she wanted to be nearer to him. Mr Lucas expected her to cook for him, 4, Adrian’s father takes money from a. Adrian, ©. Adrian’s grandma b, Bert Baxter. d. Mr Lucas. B. Circle the correct answer. 1. The Chinese nurse stays with Adrian a. to watch him shower. ©. to make sure he doesn’t drink anything, b, to examine his tonsils, 4. to keep him company. 2. Bert Baxter a. sends Adrian a Valentine's card. ©. retums to India with Mr Singh. b, escapes from the hospital. 4,_keeps his home clean and spotless, 3. When Adrian listened to his Abba tape at full volume, a. his dog went wild. ©. he got a migraine. his father’s stereo broke. 4. his deaf neighbour complained. 4, The postman read a. all the letters the Moles received ©. the postcards that Adrian received, b. Adrian's secret diary. all the post that he delivered. 20 points (5 points each) Choose the correct answer. A lot happened to Adrian (1. from / after / with) the time he was 133/4 to his fifteenth birthday. He took care (2. of / for / from) his father and himself while his mother (3. live / was living / has lived) with Mr Lucas in Sheffield. Adrian began doing a newspaper (4. round / token / boss) and he enjoyed visiting (5. and / or / but) helping Bert Baxter. With his (6. grandma’s / headmaster’s / father’s) help, Adrian stopped Barry Kent taking protection money from him ‘Adrian's diary ends with Adrian waiting (7. for / to / at) Pandora to visit him after he got his (8. chin / nose / spots) stuck to his model plane when he (9. shaved / finished / sniffed) the glue for five seconds. Pandora had been (10. ashamed / embarrassed / jealous) because Adrian had told Nigel that he liked another girl. 30 points (3 points each) D. Choose one topic and write a paragraph. Your paragraph should be at least 60 words long. 1, Why do you think Adrian did not tell anyone about his troubles with Barry Kent? How did the situation get resolved in the end? 2. What kind of a woman, mother and grandmother is Adrian’s grandma? 3. Describe Adrian’s relationship with Bert Baxter. What kind of a friend is Bert to Adrian? 4, Describe Adrian’s relationship with 5. Would you and Adrian be friends? Explain why. aa indora. Mention the things you like about their relationship.

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