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Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 18 (2011) 226–230

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New evidence for the inverse dependence of mechanical and chemical effects on
the frequency of ultrasound
T.J. Mason a,*, A.J. Cobley a, J.E. Graves a, D. Morgan b
The Sonochemistry Centre at Coventry University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Priory Street, Coventry CV1 5FB, UK
Cardiff Catalysis Institute, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University, Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3AT, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Acoustic cavitation has been the subject of research and discussion for many years and it is the underly-
Received 29 March 2010 ing driving force for sonochemistry. The collapse of acoustic cavitation bubbles in water near to a surface
Received in revised form 19 May 2010 can bring about significant surface modification in terms of the mechanical damage caused by the asym-
Accepted 20 May 2010
metric collapse of the bubbles which cause erosion and abrasion. A second effect of acoustic cavitation is
Available online 17 June 2010
the formation of short lived radicals caused by the breakdown of water inside the bubble. For the first
time the dependence of these effects has been observed on the surface of a plastic material as a function
of ultrasonic frequency.
Mechanical effects
Ó 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Chemical effects
Surface modification

1. Introduction The mechanical effects of ultrasound are however important in

processes such as mixing and particle size reduction and indeed
In the early years of sonochemistry, when it was first becoming a whole research field exists outside of sonochemistry which con-
recognised as a discipline, most researchers worked within the fre- cerns the mechanical effects induced by friction between particles
quency range of 20 and 40 kHz because these were the common and is known as Mechanochemistry [4]. Some years ago Mason ob-
frequencies available in laboratories when using ultrasonic cell dis- served that the so-called mechanical effects were of little interest
ruptors or cleaning baths respectively. One exception to this was to synthetic chemists but nevertheless they are certainly important
the work of Arnim Henglein who used 1 MHz [1]. At that time in areas such as processing and that the ever expanding interests in
however no research group seemed to work over the whole range applications of power ultrasound would see ‘‘false” sonochemistry
of frequencies which led to a misconception that as long as the born again as a significant research area [5].
ultrasound power was above the cavitation threshold the resulting Subsequently Luche refined his ideas and classified sonochemi-
sonochemical effects would be independent of the frequency cal reactions into three different types (Table 1) [6]. A rather broad-
employed. er classification was introduced by Suslick [7] which covered the
The mechanism of sonochemical effects was always of interest whole range of sonochemical reaction rather than the purely syn-
and centred around the idea that the collapse of acoustic cavitation thetic reactions considered by Luche (Table 2).
bubbles would give rise to so-called ‘‘hotspots” of energy. This had
been the domaine of physicists for many years and the origins of
2. The effect of changes in ultrasonic frequency on the chemical
the theory can be traced back to 1950 and the work of Noltingk
effects of cavitation
and Neppiras [2]. Chemists who began working on sonochemistry
soon became aware that the remarkable effects of cavitation col-
When researchers began to work across a series of different fre-
lapse could be crudely subdivided into chemical effects and
quencies in the 20 kHz to 1 MHz range it soon became clear that
mechanical effects. Indeed there were some quite lengthy discus-
the choice of ultrasonic frequency was very important in terms
sions at conferences about these two possibilities that Jean-Louis
of both physical and chemical effects. Consider for example the
Luche referred to as ‘‘True” and ‘‘False” effects respectively [3].
well known generation of free radicals in the sonolysis of water.
In an important paper on this topic Petrier compared the effective-
* Corresponding author. ness of 20 and 514 kHz irradiation in the oxidation of aqueous KI to
E-mail address: (T.J. Mason). iodine and the generation of hydrogen peroxide in water at the

1350-4177/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T.J. Mason et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 18 (2011) 226–230 227

Table 1
Classification of sonochemical reactions (J.-L. Luche).

Type 1 Type II Type III
Homogeneous solution where radical Heterogeneous systems where ionic reactions can be Heterogeneous systems that follow either ionic or
intermediates are generated stimulated by mechanical effects radical mechanism

Table 2
Classification of sonochemical reactions (K.S. Suslick).

Homogeneous Heterogeneous
Bond breakage/radical formation leading to chemical Increased chemical reactivity due to enhanced mass transport (primary radicals may also play a significant
reactions role)
Aqueous Organic sonochemistry Reactions involving Reactions involving solids and liquids
sonochemistry immiscible liquids
Water is used as the Organic liquids are used as For example, emulsion For example, catalytic reactions on solid surfaces where the reactants are
solvent the solvent polymerisation kept in the liquid phase

same input power [8]. The rate of production of iodine in oxygen frequencies (around 1 MHz) the wafers can be cleaned efficiently
saturated KI (10 2M) was some six times faster and peroxide for- and without significant surface damage. This process is often
mation 12 times faster at the higher frequency. This result is as- termed Megasonic cleaning and the acoustic power used is critical
cribed to the fate of the OH radical formed by the breakdown of in order to avoid damage [11,12].
water on cavitation bubble collapse. The OH can be destroyed by There are very few reports of the relationship between applied
reactions in the bubble or can migrate into the bulk solution and acoustic frequency and the resulting radical and mechanical ef-
produce peroxide. At the higher frequency a shorter bubble life- fects. However Portenlanger observed that for the ultrasonic deg-
time allows more of the OH to migrate from the bubble resulting radation of dextran mechanical effects were most important at
in a greater proportion of radical reactions. There is also some evi- low frequencies (35 kHz) whereas only radical reactions are
dence for this frequency effect in work involving hydroxyl radical responsible for the degradation at higher frequencies (>500 kHz)
reaction with terephthalate [9]. When aqueous sodium terephthal- [13]. A general summary of the two effects in aqueous systems is
ate reacts with OH it forms fluorescent hydroxyterephthalate and that as the frequency of ultrasound is increased the mechanical ef-
its concentration can be estimated spectroscopically. The results in fects decrease but the chemical effects increase and that the latter
Table 3 show the fluorescence yield after 30 min irradiation for are associated with radical production.
10 3 M terephthalate at three different frequencies together with
the energy input to the reaction estimated calorimetrically. The
4. Mechanical versus chemical effects in sonochemical surface
sonochemical efficiency for this reaction can be obtained by divid-
ing OH yield (directly proportional to fluorescence) by power in-
put. The results clearly indicate that the efficiency of OH
For several years we have been investigating the effects of
production increases as the irradiation frequency is increased.
acoustic cavitation in water as a means of surface modifying the
Thus it can be demonstrated that at higher frequencies there is
plastic substrates used in printed circuit board manufacture. In
a greater propensity for radical reactions.
the past there had been a few reports of the use of ultrasound
for surface treatment but these were often in combination with
3. The effect of changes in ultrasonic frequency on the chemicals for example, in the surface modification of polyethylene
mechanical effects of cavitation [14], ABS [15] and PVC [16]. In our recent work we have described
sonochemical surface modification of some materials important to
Perhaps the most obvious practical example of the mechanical the electronics industry in water in the absence of added chemicals
effects of cavitation can be found in the field of ultrasonic cleaning. [17,18]. These studies have used low ultrasonic frequencies be-
Traditional cleaning baths operate at the lower end of the ultra- tween 20 and 40 kHz which favours the mechanical effects of cav-
sound range, generally around 40 kHz. This frequency used not itation. However this current study we have chosen to investigate
only for cleaning jewellery and small metal components but also the effect of a range of ultrasonic frequencies from 20 to 1176 kHz
for the majority of heavy duty cleaning [10]. However for the on the surface modification of a Noryl material (a blend of poly-
cleaning of electronic wafers the cavitation induced at this fre- phenylene oxide and polystyrene) together with the resultant
quency is sufficiently powerful to damage them. At much higher chemical and physical changes to the substrate.

5. Experimental
Table 3
The effect of frequency on OH radical production.
The material used in this study was Noryl HM4025, a glass filled
Frequency (kHz) Fluorescence F Power (W) P Yield = F/P polyphenylene ester, polystyrene blend that has been employed in
20 30 50 0.6 electronic manufacturing for the production of moulded intercon-
40 40.2 26 1.6 nect devices (MIDs). Eight 2 mm thick coupons (of dimensions
60 29.3 11 2.7
25  30 mm) of this test material (from the same batch) were pro-
Terephthalate 0.001 M, sonication time 60 min, volume 50 cm3, 30 °C. cessed at each frequency.
228 T.J. Mason et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 18 (2011) 226–230

Five ultrasonic frequencies were used to treat this material measured using different equipment which, almost inevitably,
using three ultrasonic devices. 20 kHz was provided by an ultra- have different reaction volumes, ultrasonic sources and power con-
sonic probe with tip diameter 300 mm (Sonic Systems Ltd., model trols. The generally accepted laboratory method of taking these dif-
P100/3–20). The probe was immersed in a jacketed beaker to ferences into account is to measure the actual acoustic power
which 200 ml of de-ionized (DI) water was added. The probe was entering the system by calorimetry [19] in watts and this is then
held 5 mm above the sample surface and the temperature was con- converted into specific acoustic power by dividing by the volume
trolled by pumping cold water via a chiller around the jacketed sonicated (Table 4).
beaker. 40 kHz was provided by an ultrasonic bath (Langford Ultra- All of the ultrasonic equipment used was of the bath type ex-
sonic, Model 375TT). This was filled with 2 l of DI water and main- cept for the 20 kHz probe which delivered the highest intensity.
tained at 40 °C by immersion of a cooling coil attached to a chiller. In the case of the bath systems the intensities decreased with
The higher frequencies of 582, 863 and 1142 kHz were generated increasing frequency.
by a multi-frequency bath system (Meinhardt generator and ultra- A very clear relationship between decreasing weight loss and
sonic transducer E805TM) using a solution volume of 430 ml increasing ultrasonic frequency can be seen in Fig. 1. The effect
which was again held within a jacketed cell to enable cooling via of cavitation collapse on the surface is revealed in the SEM pictures
a chiller. The distance between the sample face and the emitting in Fig. 2.
surface in these cases was 15 mm. The differences in surface erosion can be seen in the SEM pic-
In all cases DI water was employed as the liquid medium at a tures of the coupons. The Noryl surface without ultrasonic treat-
temperature of 40 °C with a sonication time of 30 min. An estima- ment is shown in Fig. 2a which shows the glass fibres partially
tion of the actual power entering the system was determined by protruding from the plastic surface. In the area below the probe ef-
calorimetry [19], 3 measurements being made at each frequency. fected by 20 kHz sonication the surface is clearly eroded to reveal
As a control, 8 samples were suspended in mechanically stirred more underlying glass fibres (Fig. 2b).
DI water at 40 °C for 30 min. The samples produced at 40 kHz confirm a smaller weight loss
Two of the 8 samples at each frequency were subjected to either than at 20 kHz with a smaller change in surface morphology
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), or X-ray photoelectron spec- (Fig. 2c). When the multi-frequency equipment was used the sam-
troscopy (XPS) analysis whilst the others were evaluated by weight ples produced at 582 and 863 kHz had increasingly smaller weight
loss using the method reported [18]. losses at these higher frequencies indicating that little material has
actually been removed and the SEM pictures do not reveal signifi-
6. Results and discussion cant erosion (Fig. 2e and f). At 1142 kHz the plaques had very low
weight loss and the similarity between its morphology (Fig. 2g)
Comparing the effects of varying ultrasonic frequencies in terms and that of the control sample (Fig. 2a) seems to indicate that son-
of acoustic energy can be problematic because the effects must be icating the sample at this high frequency does not affect the phys-
ical properties of the material.
There are both mechanical and chemical effects produced by a
Table 4 collapsing cavitation bubble in water. The mechanical effects are
Measurements of specific acoustic power using calorimetry.
produced by shear forces and jetting close to the surface but chem-
Frequency (kHz) Power by calorimetry (W) Power intensity (W/dm3) ical effects can also occur due to the formation of oxidising species
20 38.5 192.5 from the decomposition of water [20].
40 74.4 37.2 The changes in surface chemistry induced by species generated
582 10.9 25.3 from the sonochemical decomposition of water will be oxidation
863 8.1 18.8
resulting in the formation of hydroxyl or carbonyl groups from
1142 7.5 17.4
the polymeric surface. It is now generally accepted that the pro-

Fig. 1. Effect of frequency on weight loss.

T.J. Mason et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 18 (2011) 226–230 229

Fig. 2. Effect of different ultrasonic frequencies on the surface morphology by SEM (magnification 500).

duction of free radicals is more efficient in the higher range ultra- The trend in increased radical activity with increase in ultra-
sonic frequencies rather than in the 20–40 kHz range [21]. This sonic frequency is demonstrated by XPS data shown in Fig. 3. There
phenomenon has been applied in other waste-water treatments, is a clear relationship between increase in frequency and increase
for example the degradation of azo-dyes at 850 kHz has been in surface oxidation (although the changes in atomic percentage
shown to be due primarily to radical formation [22]. oxygen are relatively small). A maximum in the percentage of
230 T.J. Mason et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 18 (2011) 226–230

Fig. 3. Effect of frequency on atomic percentage oxygen by XPS.

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