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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Wave front and Huygens’ Principle DPP-01

1. By corpuscular theory of light, the phenomenon which can be explained is

(1) Refraction
(2) Interference
(3) Diffraction
(4) Polarisation

2. According to corpuscular theory of light, the different colours of light are due to
(1) Different electromagnetic waves
(2) Different force of attraction among the corpuscles
(3) Different size of the corpuscles
(4) None of the above

3. Huygen's conception of secondary waves

(1) Allow us to find the focal length of a thick lens
(2) Is a geometrical method to find a wavefront
(3) Is used to determine the velocity of light
(4) Is used to explain polarisation

4. By Huygen's wave theory of light, we cannot explain the phenomenon of

(1) Interference
(2) Diffraction
(3) Photoelectric effect
(4) Reflection

5. The idea of secondary wavelets for the propagation of a wave was first given by
(1) Newton
(2) Huygen
(3) Maxwell
(4) Fresnel

6. Wavefront means
(1) All particles in it have same phase
(2) All particles have opposite phase of vibrations
(3) Few particles are in same phase, rest are in opposite phase
(4) None of these

7. Wavefront of a wave has direction with wave motion

(1) Parallel
(2) Perpendicular
(3) Opposite
(4) At an angle of θ

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

8. Which one of the following phenomena is not explained by Huygen's construction of wavefront
(1) Refraction
(2) Reflection
(3) Diffraction
(4) Polarisation

9. Huygen wave theory allows us to know

(1) The wavelength of the wave
(2) The velocity of the wave
(3) The frequency of the wave
(4) The propagation of wave fronts

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Answer 1 3 2 3 2 1 2 4 4


1. (1)
Corpuscular theory explains refraction of light.

2. (3)
According to Corpuscular theory different colour of light are due to different size of Corpuscles.

3. (2)

4. (3)
Huygen's wave theory fails to explain the particle nature of light (i.e. photoelectric effect)

5. (2)
The idea of secondary wavelets is given by Huygen.

6. (1)
Wavefront is the locus of all the particles which vibrates in the same phase.

7. (2)
Direction of wave is perpendicular to the wavefront.

8. (4)
Polarisation is not explained by Huygen's theory.

9. (4)
Huygen’s theory explains propagation of wavefront.

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Coherent and Incoherent sources DPP-02

1. Two coherent sources of light can be obtained by

(1) Two different lamps
(2) Two different lamps but of the same frequency
(3) Two different lamps of same power and having the same colour
(4) None of the above

2. Two sources of waves are called coherent if

(1) Both have the same amplitude of vibrations
(2) Both produce waves of the same wavelength
(3) Both produce waves of the same wavelength having constant phase difference
(4) Both produce waves having the same velocity

3. Two light sources are said to be coherent if they are obtained from
(1) Two independent point sources emitting light of the same wavelength
(2) A single point source
(3) A wide source
(4) Two ordinary bulbs emitting light of different wavelengths

4. According to Huygens theory of secondary wavelets, which of the following can be explained-
(1) Propagation of light in medium
(2) Reflection of light
(3) Refraction of light
(4) All of the above

5. Coherent sources can be obtained:

(1) only by division of wave front
(2) only by division of amplitude
(3) both by division of amplitude and wave front
(4) none of the above

6. Wavefront of a point source is

(1) Cylindrical
(2) Spherical
(3) Plane
(4) Cubical

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Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6
Answer 4 3 2 4 3 2


1. (4)

The coherent source cannot be obtained from two different light sources even of same frequency or power.

2. (3)

Two coherent sources must have a constant phase difference otherwise they cannot produce interference.

3. (2)

When two sources are obtained from a single source, the wavefront is divided into two parts. These two

wavefronts acts as if they emanated from two sources having a fixed phase relationship.

4. (4)

5. (3)

6. (2)

wave front

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Interference-2 DPP-03

1. The phenomenon of interference is shown by

(1) Longitudinal mechanical waves only
(2) Transverse mechanical waves only
(3) Electromagnetic waves only
(4) All the above types of waves

2. The ratio of intensities of two waves is 9 : 1. They are producing interference. The ratio of maximum
and minimum intensities will be
(1) 10 : 8
(2) 9 : 1
(3) 4 : 1
(4) 2 : 1

3. If the ratio of intensities of two waves is 1 : 25, then the ratio of their amplitudes will be
(1) 1 : 25
(2) 5 : 1
(3) 26 : 24
(4) 1 : 5

4. Two identical light sources 𝐒𝟏 and 𝐒𝟐 emit light of same wavelength 𝛌. These light rays will exhibit
interference if
(1) Their phase differences remain constant
(2) Their phases are distributed randomly
(3) Their light intensities remain constant
(4) Their light intensities change randomly

5. If the amplitude ratio of two sources producing interference is 3 : 5, the ratio of intensities at maxima
and minima is
(1) 25 : 16
(2) 5 : 3
(3) 16 : 1
(4) 25 : 9

6. If the ratio of amplitude of two waves is 4 : 3, then the ratio of maximum and minimum intensity is
(1) 16 : 18
(2) 18 : 16
(3) 49 : 1
(4) 94 : 1

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

7. Which of the following is conserved when light waves interfere

(1) Intensity
(2) Energy
(3) Amplitude
(4) Momentum

8. Two coherent sources of intensities, 𝐈𝟏 and 𝐈𝟐 produce an interference pattern. The maximum intensity
in the interference pattern will be
(1) I1 + I2
(2) I12 + I22

(3) ( I1 + I2 )2
( )
(4) I1 + I2

9. If an interference pattern has maximum and minimum intensities in the ratio 36 : 1 then what will be
a 
the ratio of amplitudes  1  ?
 a2 
(1) 5 : 7
(2) 7 : 4
(3) 4 : 7
(4) 7 : 5

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Answer 4 3 4 1 3 3 2 4 4


1. (4)
Interference is shown by transverse as well as mechanical waves.

2. (3)
 I1   9 
 +1   +1 
Imax I2
=  = 1 = 4
Imin  I1   9  1
 − 1   −1 
 I2 1
   

3. (4)
I1 1 A2 1 A 1
= ;  12 =  1=
I2 25 A2 25 A2 5

4. (1)
For interference phase difference must be constant.

5. (3)
A1 3
A2 5
2 2
Imax ( A1 + A2 ) (3 + 5) = 16
 = =
Imin ( A − A )2 (3 − 5)2 1
1 2

6. (3)
2 2
 A1 
 +1   4 +1 
Imax A2   49
=  = 3  =
 A1 4
− 1   − 1 
Imin 1
 A2  3 
 

7. (2)
Energy is conserved in the interference of light.

8. (4)
Resultant intensity IR = I1 + I2 + 2 I1 I2 cos 
For maximum IR ,  = 0

( )
 IR = I1 + I2 + 2 I1 I2 = I1 + I2

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

9. (4)
 A1 
 +1 
Imax A2 A + A2
=   1 =6
 A1 A1 − A 2
− 1 
 A2
 
= 7:5

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Young’s double slit experiment (Standard)-1 DPP-04

1. Young's Double slit experiment establishes that

(1) Light consists of waves
(2) Light consists of particles
(3) Light consists of neither particles nor waves
(4) Light consists of both particles and waves

2. In the interference pattern, energy is

(1) Created at the position of maxima
(2) Destroyed at the position of minima
(3) Conserved but is redistributed
(4) None of the above

3. The figure shows a double slit experiment with P and Q as the slits. The path lengths PX and QX are 𝐧𝛌
and (n+2)𝛌 respectively, where n is a whole number and 𝛌 is the wavelength. Taking the central fringe
as zero, what is formed at X X
(1) First bright P
(2) First dark
(3) Second bright
(4) Second dark

4. In Young's double slit experiment, if one of the slit is closed fully, then in
the interference pattern
(1) A bright slit will be observed, no interference pattern will exist
(2) The bright fringes will become more bright
(3) The bright fringes will become fainter
(4) None of the above

5. In a Young's double slit experiment, the central point on the screen is

(1) Bright
(2) Dark
(3) First bright and then dark
(4) First dark and then bright

6. In double slit experiment, for light of which colour the fringe width will be minimum
(1) Violet
(2) Red
(3) Green
(4) Yellow

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

7. In Young's double slit experiment, the phase difference between the light waves reaching third bright
fringe from the central fringe will be (𝛌= 6000 Å)

(1) Zero
(2) 2π
(3) 4π
(4) 6π

8. In an interference experiment, the spacing between successive maxima or minima is



9. If yellow light in the Young's double slit experiment is replaced by red light, the fringe width will

(1) Decrease
(2) Remain unaffected
(3) Increase
(4) First increase and then decrease

10. The fringe width in Young’s double slit experiment increases when

(1) Wavelength increases

(2) Distance between the slits increases
(3) Distance between the source and screen decreases
(4) The width of the slits increases

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 1 3 3 1 1 1 4 2 3 1

1. (1)

2. (3)
In interference of light the energy is transferred from the region of destructive interference to the region of
constructive interference. The average energy being always equal to the sum of the energies of the interfering
waves. Thus, the phenomenon of interference is in complete agreement with the law of conservation of

3. (3)
For brightness, path difference  x = n
 ( n + 2)  − n = n  n = 2
So, second bright.

4. (1)
If one of slit is closed then interference fringes are not formed on the screen but a fringe pattern is observed
due to diffraction from slit

5. (1)
In the normal adjustment of Young’s double slit experiment, path difference between the waves at central
location is always zero, so maxima is obtained at central position.

6. (1)
   ,  v = minimum.

7. (4)
n = 3, 2n = 23 = 6

8. (2)

9. (3)
Fringe width (  ) = 
As red   yellow , hence fringe width will increase.

10. (1)
= 

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Young’s double slit experiment (Standard)-2 DPP-05

1. Monochromatic green light of wavelength 𝟓 × 𝟏𝟎–𝟕 m illuminates a pair of slits 1mm apart. The
separation of bright lines on the interference pattern formed on a screen 2m away is
(1) 0.25 mm
(2) 0.1 mm
(3) 1.0 mm
(4) 0.01 mm

2. In Young's double slit interference experiment, the slit separation is made 3-fold. The fringe width
(1) 1/3 times
(2) 1/9 times
(3) 3 times
(4) 9 times

3. In a Young's double slit experiment, the fringe width is found to be 0.4 mm. If the whole apparatus is
immersed in water of refractive index 4/3 without disturbing the geometrical arrangement, the new
fringe width will be
(1) 0.30 mm
(2) 0.40 mm
(3) 0.53 mm
(4) 450 micron

4. Young's experiment is performed in air and then performed in water, the fringe width
(1) Will remain same
(2) Will decrease
(3) Will increase
(4) Will be infinite

5. In double slit experiment, the angular width of the fringes is 0.20° for the sodium light (𝛌 = 𝟓𝟖𝟗𝟎Å). In
order to increase the angular width of the fringes by 10%, the necessary change in the wavelength is
(1) Increase of 589 Å
(2) Decrease of 589 Å
(3) Increase of 647 Å
(4) Decrease of 647 Å

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

6. In a Young's double slit experiment, the fringe width will remain same, if (D = distance between screen
and plane of slits, d = separation between two slits and 𝛌 = wavelength of light used)
(1) Both λ and D are doubled
(2) Both d and D are doubled
(3) D is doubled but d is halved
(4) λ is doubled but d is halved

7. In Young's double slit experiment, the distance between the slits is 1 mm and that between slit and
screen is 1 meter and 10th fringe is 5 mm away from the central bright fringe, then wavelength of light
used will be
(1) 5000 Å
(2) 6000 Å
(3) 7000 Å
(4) 8000 Å

8. An interference pattern was made by using red light. If blue light is used in place of red light, then
fringes will become
(1) Wider
(2) Narrower
(3) Fainter
(4) Brighter

9. In a Young’s double slit experiment, 12 fringes are observed to be formed in a certain segment of the
screen when light of wavelength 600 nm is used. If the wavelength of light is changed to 400 nm,
number of fringes observed in the same segment of the screen is given by
(1) 12
(2) 18
(3) 24
(4) 30
10. In the Young’s double slit experiment with sodium light. The slits are 0.589 m apart. The angular
separation of the third maximum from the central maximum will be (given λ = 589 mm)

(1) sin−1 0.33 108 )
(2) sin−1 (0.3310 )−6

(3) sin−1 (310 )


(4) sin−1 (310 )


11. The two slits at a distance of 1 mm are illuminated by the light of wavelength 𝟔. 𝟓 × 𝟏𝟎–𝟕 m. The
interference fringes are observed on a screen placed at a distance of 1 m. The distance between third
dark fringe and fifth bright fringe will be
(1) 0.65 mm
(2) 1.63 mm
(3) 3.25 mm
(4) 4.88 mm

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Answer 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 2


1. (3)

D 5  10−7  2
= = m = 10−3 m = 1.0 mm
d 10−3

2. (1)
1 1
  If d becomes thrice, then  become becomes times.
d 3

3. (1)
 = 0.4mm

When apparatus is immersed in water new =

So, new = = 0.3mm

4. (2)
   ,  

5. (1)

 = ;  can be increased by increasing λ, so here λ has to be increased by 10%
i.e., % Increase =  5890 = 589Å

6. (2)

7. (1)
n D
By using x n =

 5 10−3 = ) 10  1
  = 5 10−7 m = 5000Å
(110 )−3

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8. (2)
= 

9. (2)
1 600
n11 = n22  n2 = n1  = 12 = 18
2 400

10. (4)
Using relation, dsin  = n  sin  =

3 3  589  10−9
For n = 3,sin  = =
d 0.589

= 3 10−6 or  = sin−1 3 10−6 )

11. (2)
Distance between nth Bright fringe and mth dark fringe (n > m)
x = 5 − = 2.5

2.5  6.5  10−7  1

x = = 1.625mm
 1.63 mm

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Variations in YDSE DPP-06

1. A thin mica sheet of thickness 𝟐 × 𝟏𝟎–𝟔 m and refractive index (𝛍 = 𝟏. 𝟓) is introduced in the path of the
first slit in YDSE. The wavelength of the wave used is 5000 Å. The central bright maximum will shift
(1) 2 fringes upward
(2) 2 fringes downward
(3) 10 fringes upward
(4) None of these

2. If a transparent medium of refractive index 𝛍 = 𝟏. 𝟓 and thickness 𝐭 = 𝟐. 𝟓 × 𝟏𝟎–𝟓 m is inserted in front of

one of the slits of Young’s Double Slit experiment, how much will be the shift in the interference pattern?
The distance between the slits is 0.5 mm and that between slits and screen is 100 cm.
(1) 5 cm
(2) 2.5 cm
(3) 0.25 cm
(4) 0.1 cm

3. A double slit experiment is performed with light of wavelength 600 nm. A thin film of thickness 𝟐𝛍𝐦 and
refractive index 1.3 is introduced in the path of the upper beam. The location of the central maximum will
(1) Remain unshifted
(2) Shift downward by nearly two fringes
(3) Shift upward
(4) Shift downward by 10 fringes

4. White light is incident on a soap film of refractive index at an angle of refraction 30°. The reflected light is
observed to have a dark band for wavelength 𝟔 × 𝟏𝟎–𝟓 cm. Calculate the minimum thickness of the film.
(1) 4.5910−3 cm
(2) 3.6910−5 cm
(3) 2.5910−5 cm
(4) 5.5910−3 cm

5. A soap solution film of μ = is illuminated by white light incident with angle of refraction is 60°. In
reflected light, dark band was found corresponding to wavelength 5500 Å. Calculate the minimum
thickness of the film.
(1) 3125 Å
(2) 4125 Å
(3) 2225 Å
(4) 4625 Å

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

6. A parallel beam of light of wavelength 560 nm falls on a thin film of oil (refractive index=1.4). What
should be the minimum thickness of the film so that it strongly reflects the light?
(1) 10000 nm
(2) 10 nm
(3) 1000 nm
(4) 100 nm

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Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6
Answer 1 2 3 3 2 4


1. (1)
 
Shift = (  − 1) t = (1.5 − 1)  2 10–6 = 2
 (
5000  10−10
i.e., 2 fringes upwards.

2. (2)

Shift in the fringe pattern x =

(  − 1) t.D

(1.5 − 1)  2.5  10−5  100  10−2 = 2.5 cm .
0.5  10−3

3. (3)
If shift is equal to n fringes width, then

(  − 1) t = (1.3 − 1)  2  10−6 = 1
 600  10−9
Since a thin film is introduced in upper beam. So, shift will be upward.

4. (3)
For bright fringe in transmitted light
2t cos  = n & for minimum thickness
 6  10−5
Therefore t min = = cm
2 cos30 4 3
2 
3 2
= 2.5910−5 cm

5. (2)
For dark fringe in reflected light

2t cosr = n  t min =
2 cosr
5500 5500
so t min = =
4 4 1
2   cos60 2  
3 3 2
= 4125 Å

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6. (4)

2t cosr − = n

 2t cosr = n +

= ( 2n + 1 )
For thickness to be minimum n = 0 so, we get

 2t cosr =
 560  10−9
t = = = 100 nm
2  2  cosr 4  1.4  1

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Effect of white light in YDSE DPP-07

1. If a white light is used in Young’s double slit experiments then a very large number of coloured fringes
can be seen
(1) With first order violet fringes being closer to the central white fringes
(2) First order red fringes being closer to the central white fringes
(3) With a central white fringe
(4) With a central black fringe

2. In YDSE with white light

(1) Center of screen is central maxima
(2) White fringe is the central maxima
(3) Dark bands are observed on screen
(4) Fringe width of each colour is same

3. White light (400 nm to 800 nm) is used in YDSE, where D = 0.5 m, d = 1 mm. Find the missing wavelengths
in front of one of the slits on screen?
(1) nm, 400 nm
(2) nm, 900 nm
(3) 400 nm, 100 nm
(4) 700 nm, 900 nm

4. White light is passed through a double slit and interference pattern is observed on a screen 2.5 m away.
The separation between the slits is 0.5 mm. The first violet and red fringes are formed 2.0 mm and 3.5
mm away from the central white fringe. Calculate the wavelength of the violet and the red light?
(1)  V = 400 nm, R = 700 nm
(2)  V = 700 nm, R = 400 nm
(3)  V = 500 nm, R = 600 nm
(4)  V = 600 nm, R = 500 nm

5. White light (400 nm to 800 nm) is used in YDSE, where D = 50 cm, d = 0.5 mm. Find the missing
wavelengths in front of the slits on screen?
(1) 428 nm
(2) 500 nm
(3) 600 nm
(4) 628 nm

  Digital Pvt. Ltd. [1]

TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5
Answer 3 2 1 1 2


1. (3)

2. (2)

3. (1)

dy d  d  d2
x = = =
D D  2  2D

 d2
(2n − 1) =
2 2D
d2 10−6  2
= =
(2n − 1) D (2n − 1)1
= nm,
( − 1)

When n = 1,  = 2000 nm (not possible because not in given range)

When n = 2,  = nm
When n = 3,  = nm = 400nm
1 = & 2 = 400 are the missing wavelengths.

4. (1)
For the first bright fringe, the distance from the centre is
For violet light, y = 2.0 mm. Thus,

2.0 mm =
(2.5 m) 
0.5 mm

Or =
(0.5 mm)(2 mm) = 400 nm.
2.5 m

Similarly, for red light, y = 3.5 mm. Thus,

3.5 mm =
(2.5 m) 
0.5 mm

or  = 700 nm.

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5. (2)
dy d  d  d2
x = = =
D D  2  2D

 d2
(2n − 1) =
2 2D
d2 10−6 m 1000
= = = nm
(2n − 1) D (2n − 1)2 2(2n − 1)
When n = 1,  = = 500 nm (missing wavelengths)
2( 1 )

1000 1000
When n = 2,  = = nm = 167nm (Not in range)
2( 3) 6

When n = 3,  = = 100 nm (Not in range)
2 ( 5)

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Single slit Diffraction-2 DPP-08

1. A slit of width a is illuminated by white light. For red light (𝛌 = 𝟔𝟓𝟎𝟎Å), the first minima is obtained at
𝛉 = 𝟑𝟎°. Then the value of a will be
(1) 3250 Å
(2) 6.5 10−4 mm
(3) 1.3 microns
(4) 2.6  10−4 cm

2. The light of wavelength 6328 Å is incident on a slit of width 0.2 mm perpendicularly, the angular width
of central maxima will be
(1) 0.36°
(2) 0.18°
(3) 0.72°
(4) 0.09°

3. The penetration of light into the region of geometrical shadow is called

(1) Polarisation
(2) Interference
(3) Diffraction
(4) Refraction

4. A slit of size 0.15 cm is placed at 2.1 m from a screen. On illuminating it by a light of wavelength 𝟓 × 𝟏𝟎–𝟓
cm. The width of central maxima will be
(1) 70 mm
(2) 0.14 mm
(3) 1.4 mm
(4) 0.14 cm

5. A diffraction is obtained by using a beam of red light. What will happen if the red light is replaced by the
blue light
(1) Bands will get narrower and crowded full together
(2) Bands become broader and further apart
(3) No change will take place
(4) Bands disappear

  Digital Pvt. Ltd. [1]

TG: @Chalnaayaaar

6. A single slit of width 0.20 mm is illuminated with light of wavelength 500 nm. The observing screen is
placed 80 cm from the slit. The width of the central bright fringe will be
(1) 1 mm
(2) 2 mm
(3) 4 mm
(4) 5 mm

7. Direction of the first secondary maximum in the Fraunhoffer diffraction pattern at a single slit is given
by (a is the width of the slit)

(1) asin  =
(2) acos  =
(3) a sin = 

(4) a sin  =

8. Diffraction and interference of light suggest

(1) Nature of light is electro-magnetic
(2) Wave nature
(3) Nature is quantum
(4) Nature of light is transverse

9. To observe diffraction, the size of an obstacle

(1) Should be of the same order as wavelength
(2) Should be much larger than the wavelength
(3) Have no relation to wavelength

(4) Should be exactly

10. In a double slit experiment, the two slits are 4 mm apart and the screen is placed 1 m away. What should
be the width of each slit for obtaining 20 maxima of double slit within the central maxima of single slit
pattern for same distance of screen. A monochromatic light of wavelength 500 nm is used to illuminate
the slits.
(1) 0.2 mm
(2) 0.8 mm
(3) 0.4 mm
(4) None of these

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Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 3 1 3 3 1 3 4 2 1 3

1. (3)
θ is not small so sin θ ≠ θ

Sin  =
6500  10−10
Sin30 =
a = 1.3 microns

2. (1)
 6328  10−10
The angular half width of the central maxima is given by sin  = = rad
a 0.2  10−3
6328  10−10  180
= degree = 0.18°
0.2  10−3  
Total width of central maxima = 2θ = 0.36°

3. (3)
It is caused due to turning of light around corners.

4. (3)
2 D
Width of central maxima =
2  2.1  5  10−7
= −2
= 1.4  10−3 m = 1.4 mm
0.15  10

5. (1)
Band width ∝ λ,
 blue   red , hence for blue light the diffraction bands become narrower and crowded together.

6. (3)
Width of central bright fringe.
2D 2  500  10−9  80  10−2
= = −3
= 4  10−3 m = 4 mm.
d 0.20  10

7. (4)
For nth secondary maxima path difference
 3
dsin  = ( 2n + 1 )  asin  =
2 2

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8. (2)
Only wave can show interference and diffraction property.

9. (1)
Size of obstacle should be of same order as wavelength.

10. (3)
20β = width of CBF
20D 2D
d a
2 4
a = 0.4 mm

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Fresnel distance (validity of Ray Optics) DPP-09

1. Beyond Fresnel distance

(1) Diffraction becomes insignificant
(2) Diffraction are smaller as compared to the size of beam
(3) Spreading of light due to diffraction dominates over ray optics
(4) Ray optics is valid

2. Up to what distance ray optics dominates over diffraction, where a is size of aperture.



3. Estimate the distance for which ray optics is good approximation for an aperture of 𝟓 mm & wave length
𝟔𝟎𝟎 nm
(1) 18 m
(2) 27 m
(3) 36 m
(4) 41 m

4. Estimate the distance for which ray optics is good approximation for an aperture of 𝟒 mm and wavelength
400 nm?
(1) 20 m
(2) 40 m
(3) 50 m
(4) 60 m

5. Two towers on top of two hills are 40 km apart. The line joining them passes 50 m above a hill halfway
the towers. What is the longest wavelength of radio waves, which can be sent between the towers without
appreciable diffraction effects?
(1) 10.5 cm
(2) 11.5 cm
(3) 12.5 cm
(4) 13.5 cm

  Digital Pvt. Ltd. [1]

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Question 1 2 3 4 5
Answer 3 1 4 2 3


1. (3)

2. (1)

3. (4)

( )
a2 5  10−3 25  10−6 250
ZF = = = = = 41.67m
 600  10−9 6  10−7 6

4. (2)
The approximate distance for ray optics is given by Fresnel’s concept.

ZF =

( 4  10 )
400  10−9
= 40 m
Thus, the 40 m is the distance of good approximation for ray optics.

5. (3)
Distance between Towers is 40 km. Height of the line joining the hills is d = 50 m. Thus, the radial spread of the
radio waves should not exceed 50 m. Since the hill is located halfway between the towers, Fresnel’s distance can
be obtained.
ZP = 20 km
Aperture is a = d = 50 m
Fresnel’s distance is given by the relation, ZP =

a2 (50 )
= = = 12.5 cm
ZP 2  104

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Resolving power-Human eye, Microscopes and Telescopes DPP-10

1. The resolving power of a microscope is basically determined by the

(1) Speed of light used
(2) Wavelength of light used
(3) Both (i) & (ii)
(4) Neither (i) nor (ii)

2. Consider the diffraction pattern for a small pinhole. As the size of the hole is increased
(1) The intensity increases
(2) The intensity decreases
(3) The intensity remains constant
(4) Intensity will be disappeared

3. Find ratio of resolving powers of an optical microscope for two wave lengths 𝛌𝟏 = 𝟒𝟐𝟎𝟎Å & 𝛌𝟐 = 𝟕𝟐𝟎𝟎Å

4. A person wishes to distinguish between two pillars located at a distance of 11 km. What should be the
minimum distance between these pillars?
(1) 6.4
(2) 1.6
(3) 3.2
(4) None of these

5. Calculate the resolving power of a telescope, assuming the diameter of the objective lens to be 6 cm and
the wavelength of light used to be 540 nm.
(1) 3.2 × 104
(2) 3.1 × 103
(3) 9.2 × 103
(4) 9.1 × 104

6. Find limit of resolution of a microscope if an object of numerical aperture 0.06 is viewed by using light
of wavelength 9600 Å.
(1) 2.69
(2) 3.59
(3) 6.09
(4) 9.76

  Digital Pvt. Ltd. [1]

TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6
Answer 2 1 2 3 4 4


1. (2)

2. (1)

3. (2)

RP 

RP1 2 7200
 =
RP2 1 4200

RP1 12
RP2 7

4. (3)
 1  1 
Resolving limit of eye = 1' =   = 
  60 180

x 1  x
=   =
D 60 180 11000

 x = 3.2 m

5. (4)
R.P. =

6  10−2
= = 9.1  104
1.22  540  10−9

6. (4)
2 sin 

1.22  9.6  10−7

2  0.06

d = 97.6 10−7 m = 9.76 m

  Digital Pvt. Ltd. [2]

TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Polarisation of light wave DPP-11

1. When unpolarised light get polarised then

(1) Intensity decreases
(2) Intensity increases

(3) Intensity remains same

(4) None of these

2. Light waves can be polarised as they are

(1) Transverse
(2) Of high frequency
(3) Longitudinal
(4) Reflected

3. Through which character we can distinguish the light waves from sound waves
(1) Interference
(2) Refraction
(3) Polarisation
(4) Reflection

4. Which of following cannot be polarised

(1) Radio waves
(2) Ultraviolet rays
(3) Infrared rays
(4) Ultrasonic waves

5. In the propagation of electromagnetic waves, the angle between the direction of propagation and plane
of polarisation is
(1) 0°
(2) 45°
(3) 90°
(4) 180°

  Digital Pvt. Ltd. [1]

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Question 1 2 3 4 5
Answer 1 1 3 4 1


1. (1)

2. (1)
Only transverse waves can be polarised.

3. (3)
Polarisation is not shown by sound waves.

4. (4)
Ultrasonic waves are longitudinal waves.

5. (1)
A plane which contains E
⃗ and the propagation direction is called the plane of polarisation.

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Malus' Law DPP-12

1. A polaroid is placed at 45° to an incoming light of intensity 𝐈𝟎 . Now the intensity of light passing through
polaroid after polarisation would be

(1) I0
(2) I0 /2
(3) I0 /4
(4) Zero

2. Plane polarised light is passed through a polaroid. On viewing through the polaroid, we find that when
the polaroid is given one complete rotation about the direction of the light, which of the following is

(1) The intensity of light gradually decreases to zero and remains at zero
(2) The intensity of light gradually increases to a maximum and remains at maximum
(3) There is no change in intensity
(4) The intensity of light is twice maximum and twice zero

3. An unpolarised light has amplitude A and angle between analyser and polariser is 30°. The light
transmitted by analyser has an amplitude.

(1) A√2


2 2

4. Two Nicol’s are oriented with their principal planes making an angle of 60°. The percentage of incident
unpolarised light which passes through the system is

(1) 50%
(2) 100%
(3) 12.5%
(4) 37.5%

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

5. Unpolarised light of intensity 𝟑𝟐𝐖𝐦–𝟐 passes through three Polarisers such that transmission axes of the
first and second Polariser makes and angle 30° with each other and the transmission axis of the last

Polariser is crossed with that of the first. The intensity of final emerging light will be

(1) 32Wm−2
(2) 3Wm−2
(3) 8Wm−2
(4) 4Wm−2

6. Two polaroid are placed in the path of unpolarised beam of intensity 𝐈𝟎 such that no light is emitted from
the second polaroid. If a third polaroid whose Polarisation axis makes an angle 𝛉 with the Polarisation
axis of first polaroid, is placed between these polaroids then the intensity of light emerging from the last

polaroid will be

I 
(1)  0  sin2 2

I 
(2)  0  sin2 2

I 
(3)  0  cos4 

(4) I0 cos4 

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Question 1 2 3 4 5 6
Answer 2 4 4 3 2 1


1. (2)
I = I0 cos2  = I0 cos2 ( 45 ) =

2. (4)

3. (4)
Ioutput = cos2 30

A2 3
A2output = 
2 4

A output =
2 2

4. (3)
If intensity of incident light is I0 , then intensity of light after passing through first polariser =
I0 I
After passing through second polariser, I = cos2 ( 60 ) = 0
2 8
∴ Percentage of incident unpolarised light = 8  100% = 12.5%

5. (2)
Angle between P1 and P2 = 30° (given) 
P1 P2 P3
Angle between P2 and P3 = θ = 90° − 30° = 60°
I0 32 W
The intensity of light transmitted by P1 is I1 = = = 16 2
2 2 m I3
I1 I2
According to Malus law the intensity of light transmitted by P2
 3 W
is I2 = I1 cos2 30 = 16  = 12 2
 2  m
 

Similarly, intensity of light transmitted by

1 W
P3 is I3 = I2 cos2  = 12cos2 60 = 12  = 3 2
  m

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6. (1)
No light is emitted from the second polaroid, so P1 and P2 are perpendicular to each other
 90°–
P1 P2

Let the initial intensity of light is I0 . So, Intensity of light after transmission from first polaroid = .
Intensity of light emitted from P3 I1 = cos2 
Intensity of light transmitted from last polaroid i.e. from P2 = I1 cos2 ( 90 −  ) = cos2 .sin2 
I0 I
= (2sin  cos  )2 = 0 sin2 2 .
8 8

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Brewster's Law DPP-13

1. The angle of incidence at which reflected light is totally polarized for reflection from air to glass
(refractive index n) is
(1) sin −1 ( n )

(2) sin −1  
(3) tan −1  
(4) tan−1 ( n )

2. Polarising angle for water is 𝟓𝟑°𝟒′. If light is incident at this angle on the surface of water and reflected,
the angle of refraction is
(1) 53°4′
(2) 126°56′
(3) 36°56′
(4) 30°4′

3. Refractive index of material is equal to tangent of polarising angle. It is called

(1) Brewster's law
(2) Lambert's law
(3) Malus' law
(4) Bragg's law

4. When unpolarized light beam is incident from air onto glass (n = 1.5) at the polarising angle
(1) Reflected beam is polarised 100 percent
(2) Reflected and refracted beams are partially polarised
(3) The reason for (1) is that almost all the light is reflected
(4) All of the above

5. When the angle of incidence on a material is 60°, the reflected light is completely polarized. The velocity
of the refracted ray inside the material is (𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐬 –𝟏 )
(1) 3 × 108
 3  8
(2)    10
 2
(3) √3 × 108
(4) 0.5 × 108

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

6. A ray of light is incident on the surface of a glass plate at an angle of incidence equal to Brewster’s angle
𝛟. If 𝛍 represents the refractive index of glass with respect to air, then the angle between reflected and
refracted rays is
(1) 90° + ϕ
(2) sin−1 (μ cos ϕ)
(3) 90°
(4) 90° + sin−1 (sin ϕ /μ)

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Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6
Answer 4 3 1 1 3 3


1. (4)
 = tan P  P = tan−1 ( n )

2. (3)
P + r = 90 or r = 90 – P = 90 –534' = 3656 .

3. (1)

4. (1)
According to Brewster’s law, when a beam of ordinary light (i.e. unpolarised) is reflected from a transparent
medium (like glass), the reflected light is completely plane polarised at certain angle of incidence called the
angle of polarisation

5. (3)
From Brewster's law  = tanip  = tan60 = 3
c 3  108
v= = = 3  108 m/sec.
3 3

6. (3)
At polarizing angle, the reflected and refracted rays are mutually perpendicular to each other.

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Other methods of polarisation DPP-14

1. Polarised glass is used in sun glasses because

(1) It reduces the light intensity to half an account of polarisation
(2) It is fashionable
(3) It has good colour
(4) It is cheaper

2. The transverse nature of light is shown by

(1) Interference of light
(2) Refraction of light
(3) Polarisation of light
(4) Dispersion of light

3. A calcite crystal is placed over a dot on a piece of paper and rotated, on seeing through the calcite crystal
one will see
(1) One dot
(2) Two stationary dots
(3) Two rotating dots
(4) One dot rotating about the other

4. When light is incident on a doubly refracting crystal, two refracted rays-ordinary ray (O-ray) and extra
ordinary ray (E-ray) are produced. Then
(1) Both O-ray and E-ray are polarised perpendicular to the plane of incidence
(2) Both O-ray and E-ray are polarised in the plane of incidence
(3) E-ray is polarised perpendicular to the plane of incidence and O-ray in the plane of incidence
(4) E-ray is polarised in the plane of incidence and O-ray perpendicular to the plane of incidence

5. When an unpolarised light of intensity 𝚰𝟎 is incident on a polarising sheet, the intensity of the light which
does not get transmitted is
(1) Zero
(2) I0
(3) I0
(4) I0

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Question 1 2 3 4 5
Answer 1 3 4 4 3


1. (1)

2. (3)

3. (4)
Light suffers double refraction through calcite.

4. (4)

5. (3)
If an unpolarised light is converted into plane polarised light by passing through a polaroid, its intensity becomes

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Doppler effect of light DPP-15

1. A star is continuously moving away from us then the wavelength coming from star on the earth:
(1) Will shift towards violet colour
(2) Will shift towards red colour
(3) Remain unchanged
(4) Will shift sometimes towards violet and some other time it will shift towards red colour.

2. The term "Red shift" referring to doppler’s effect for light represents which of the following property:
(1) Decrease in frequency
(2) Increase in frequency
(3) Decrease in intensity
(4) Increase in intensity

3. Doppler effect for light differs from that for sound in regards that:
(1) The relative frequency shift is smaller for light than for sound
(2) Velocity of light is independent of frame
(3) Velocity of light is very large as compared to sound
(4) Light waves are electromagnetic waves but sound waves are mechanical

4. In astronomy, increase in wavelength due to doppler effect is known as:

(1) Red shift
(2) Violet shift
(3) UV shift
(4) IR shift

5. An astronomical object is moving with such a speed that red shift of 1 nm is observed in wavelength 600
nm of wave received from it, the speed of wave is:
(1) 5 105 m/s

(2) 4  105 m/s

(3) 3 105 m/s

(4) 2 105 m/s

6. If a star emitting light of wavelength 𝟔𝟎𝟎𝟎Å is moving away from earth with a velocity of 𝟐 × 𝟏𝟎𝟔 m/s
then find the shift in the wavelength due to Doppler's effect?
(1) 20 Å
(2) 30 Å
(3) 40 Å
(4) 50 Å

  Digital Pvt. Ltd. [1]

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Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6
Answer 2 1 2 1 1 3

1. (2)

2. (1)
Red shift means increase in wavelength i.e. decrease in frequency.

3. (2)

4. (1)
Red shift means increase in wavelength and violet shift means decrease in wavelength.

5. (1)
v v
 = 0  1 nm = 600 nm
c c

c 3  108
v=  = 5  105 m / s
600 600

6. (3)
 v
 c
 =  

2  106
 =  6  10−7
3  108

 = 40Å

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