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dt ie, aM On integrating both sides we get, [atenkfare ice. log |-! EAD) Let M, be the it tial mass i.e. heni0 ic-log IMs =4@)+C = c= log M, o. Equation (I) becomes log M= - kt + log M, .) Given that, half life is 2 days ice. in 22days isotope decays to half of its original mass. i.e. when 1 = 28 tM aM. So, from (II) we -- (II) Gren that, the mass in 2 weeks was 5g, ile. f= 2 weeks = 14 days, M=5 g from (III) we get, ;. Initial mass of the isotope before decay is .\6Q. . g- Ex. (4). Find the equation of on curve that passes through the point ( eon and has at every point © oa. ter: 2xy tg dy Solution : Given that, 7° SE Le. ye ee cTskoe nese both sides w. r. t. x., we get, Sy dy =e ee log [14 = —tog|1-422}+ ogc ote Les) =28) ae log |\4.|+ log|,\-442) = log c log |» (..22)) = log yIAAE) = oS ~@ Given that the curve passes‘ hrougi(l 2). So, putx=1,y=2 in) 2+) = C= Gana Put C= in (1), we get, ..) = .4J., is the required equation of the curve. tt the rate at which int left in at that ily the tank is r left after Ex. (5). Water tank is being emptied in such a way that water is flowing out is proportional to the amou instant. If half the water flows out in 7 minutes. Initial filled with 8000 liters of water. Find the amount of wate! 21 minutes. solution : LOL ANNOWAL of; walt be oltre ames Cine the TAL of which wal i Feug..oul ts pollenal 1 the amount wht in atthat instant Pid [at xx —> At/dt =e FEO & ndiant dxl(x =— ‘eclligs On... Ww batty stdes (Peete aie ie : leg jc|= = Etre aD sime the tank in filled with. .s000 ut oh won. WO. = 10. muy atone (Ene eq A) becomes “ey Is000l 5 - coe = (eg [go00) pub Way) <<< ae leq \ee) = et \g000) = lisa Pel = -\0q 18000 oo} =—KE i eee - 2 @) “hay. the..waler.2tows OUD... 71...notins when., x 8000/2. = 4000... Ut : 1000 | =--x] ee fey ead ln Leg. fae o5) = 48g. EF.. al... AULD, 4 eo =3,6q.}1) of isotope present at that time. The initial mass of the isotope was 200 g. Determine the mass of Iodine present after 39 days if the half life period of the Iodine isotope is approximately 13 hours. solution: LET. the. ameunl Of wotope. be 2c. Tine Lo daldt.ex.2=..dalat.=- BL e>0,.6 ty constart ere a A both,.stdes.. i ' “(89 Be) = EU re aD) “isthe, (nia... naass. ob. (sotope a te. lode wen, Lab , X= 200g yD. eecomes (eq. 2001= Has 2 C= .leq..}200) pul. ip. beg. lac Sea )200) ‘> beg. te1= beg. J200) = set: haat 2) 200 ~ Re. half; Lee. pertod. of ed (3... heUUs eM. t=. PeUND, 2% = 20012.=100.gno kay. 2) é [tes SaaS —-K=Va2 [Y2) pul » ay) earl aolieee sia) eae al a gp o ty val tbo [i] ys) rp Aes |= Sigle ie she oo =200 x ee aie = hs) oe * gro “The. mass. of. todine Te A days. iv. 2/2! 4m Ex. (7). The rate of reduction of a person’s assets is proportional to the square root of the existing assets. If the assets dwindle from 25 lakhs to 6.25 lakhs in 2 years, in how many years, will the person be bankrupt ? sotution: LOL... person asses. be. Ec, since. the vale | of. Feduclien.. ae person's ..assels. .tn.. proportional we uae the extslirg. assels... OL [dt o ob Ge Ae = aoe (de =e [dt +e : Ea eae’ Ah=ckt+¢ ae eS a * ole bie when t=0 ,x=28 . 2 455 2. ep ae Be oe ae) w O) Sa ee --@) when t=.2. 49s. 1= 62s. lakb “eg @). becomes 2625 =—-Fx2£t0 2x2-25 ~— 2F tl0 5 10 =e =e b= Fh pul Ww. 2 2) when oe =—5t/2 10... when. 2=0,. C52. ip == : st/2=0 6020... t2 yams ass 25° & ° } year Oo 2 a 2 The. percon Wu be banierupt i next 2 yea Li stl eae Sign of Teacher : gh

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