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Division of Lapu-Lapu City



Name: Position/Designation:

Date: Q1W7D1-2 Learning Area Grade Level: 4 Quarter: 1 Duration: 50 min.

Science 4:
Learning Competency/ies: Identify changes in materials whether useful or harmful to one’s
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide/MELC) environment
Key Concepts / Understandings to be Pollution affects the whole Earth as chemical substances are added to soil,water and
Developed air.
1. Domain

Knowledge Define pollution

Skills Recognize the different types of pollution

Attitude Practice proper ways of using and disposing materials to avoid harmful effects to the environment.

Values Conservation of our natural resources.

2. Content Changes in the Materials that are Harmful to the Environment
Pictures, chart, manila paper, pentel pen
3. Learning Resources
4. Procedures
Have pupils study the picture below:

4.1 Introductory Activity

( 5mins)

Arrange the numbers in a descending order to reveal the correct word below:
2 5 6 4 7 9 8 10 15

Describe the pictures.

4.2 Activity (10 mins). Group Activity
Directions: Tell what are the changes of the materials that give harmful effects of the
the environment.
Pupils will answer the following questions:

1. What are the changes in the materials that are mentioned/seen in the activity
that is harmful to the environment?
2. What is pollution?
4.3 Analysis ( 10 mins). 3. What are the different types of pollution?
4. What made them harmful to the environment?
5. What are the harmful effects of these different pollution to the environment?
6. How can we prevent those harmful effects?

What is pollution?
4.4 Abstraction (5mins.) How can they be harmful to the environment?

Group Activity:

Present a short role play about pollution. Include the ways that you can do to
prevent pollution in the environment. Rubrics will be use to assess the performance
4.5 Application (5 mins.) task of the pupls.

Identify what kind of pollution is described in each situation. Tell if its Air, Water and

-----------!.Farmers can no longer harvest vegetables

4.6 Assessment ( 5 mins.) ______2.Red tide is affecting the northern coast of the country.
______3.The smell of the garbage is suffocating the villagers.
______4.Disposing garbage in the rivers.
______5. Waste are thrown in vacant spaces.

Identify one material at home that undergo changes that are harmful to the
4.7 Assignment ( 5 mins.) environment. Cite how you can minimize and help prevent its harmful effects to the

4.8 Concluding Activity Why is pollution dangerous to our health?

( 5 mins.)
5. Remarks

6. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation.

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

E. Which of my learning strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Creativity and Demonstrates creative Demonstrates moderate Lacks imaginative thinking
innovativeness thinking and the creative thinking and the and the performance lacks/
performance has innovative performance has some has no innovative and
and unique innovative and unique unique qualities/concepts
qualities/concepts qualities/concept
Content and Organization Concepts presented are Concepts presented are Both the concepts
very substansive and well- moderately substansive and presented and the message
organized,and conveyed organized and conveyed conveyed are not well-
very clear message ambiguous message organized and ambiguous.
Teamwork Cooperation among group Cooperation among group Cooperation among group
members is very evident, members is moderately members is not evident;
75%-100% of the members evident; 50%-75% of the less than 50% of the
of the group work members of the group work members of the group work
collaboratively collaboratively collaboratively.

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