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Social media are widely used in school nowadays. The problem of this research is about the

effects of social media on the academic performance. This study aims to examine the effects of

using social media on the students. Specifically, the study was designe to answer the following

research questions: What are the effects of social media on the academic performance of the

students? What are the most frequently used social networking sites? How long do students

spend time on social media? Why do students use social media? This chapter is divided into

several sections addressing the research design, data collection technique, the instrument used,

the population and sample, pilot-testing, ethical considerations and conclusion.

1. Research Design

The descriptive survey design was used for this study and was administered to selected

sample from a specific population of Senior High School students of HCCC The survey involved

the administration of a survey questionnaire which sought to obtain the data on which social

networking sites the respondent is connected to, hours spent, the purpose why they use social

media, and the correlation of SNS and academic performance and their general average. This

design requires gathering of facts that requires sufficient and accurate interpretation. It is used to

collect the demographic and psychographic data which will be subjected to analysis and


2. Data Collection Techniques

The required data for the study was collected through questionnaire. A total of 77 copies will

be distribute and administer personally by the researchers to each respondent accompanied by a

letter. Respondents were required to complete the questionnaire and return it after they have
finish answering. The data collected from the participants will be used for the analysis of this

study and that lead this research to the investigation of the effects of social media on the

academic performance of the students.

3. Instrumentation

The instrument for the study will be a questionnaire- the Social Media and Academic

Performance of the Students (SMAPS) Questionnaire. This instrument was made and developed

by the researchers. It is composed of two sections (A&B): Section A contains the personal

information such as name, gender, age, and grade and section. Section B comprises the

psychographic information with questions on key issues dealing with each of the research

questions. The instrument will be responded to a scale of “YES”,”NO”, and “UNDECIDED”.

4. Sample

The population for this study comprises all the Senior High School Students of HCCC. Using

a 90% accuracy and 10% margin of error, the researchers come up with 77 participants selected

using simple random sampling who will respond to the questions for the researchers to gather all

the information needed.

5. Pilot-Test

A pilot study will be conducted with 5 Senior High School students who are part of the

population but not a respondent. Copies of the draft questionnaire will be given to them and they

take their time in answering the instrument. To ensure the effectiveness of the exercise, the

researchers will provide them with the research title and questions to determine whether the

items on the instrument can get the needed information in terms of their clarity, appropriateness

of language, as well as the overall sufficiency of the instrument. After checking the questionnaire
carefully, the researchers found out some questions or statements which some students cannot

understand. To make it acceptable, the researchers made some revisions before administering it

to the main respondents of the study.

6. Ethical-Consideration

The researchers adhere to the principle of justice by being fair in selecting the respondents

and not to harm the marginalized groups. They will observe the voluntariness of the participants

by informing them that they were the respondents so that if they do not like to participate they

can withdraw from the study without any questions being asks. Letters were also given to them

so that they will know what they will do and what will happen to their responses or answers. The

information generated by the researchers will be used for educational purposes only and that they

will treat responses anonymously and with highest confidentiality.

7. Conclusion

This chapter discussed the research methodology of the study and described the research

design, population and sample, data-collection, the instrument used, pilot-testing, and ethical

considerations made by the researchers. Chapter 4 covers the data analysis.

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