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Patricia Erika B. Abejar

Sheryl Ann A. Adrales
Gwyneth A. Asoy
Alec Jops C. Benis
Gilda P. Combinido
Dave Clark P. Ecito
Karylle Haize Golizonda
Shiekinah A. Jumagdao
Joebbelle Ann B. Lucido
Shena R. Marquez
John Denzel Palajoren
John Mark Sonon
Eeljah A. Tarucan
Marc John Patrick I. Vendiola
Senior High School Department, Holy Cross College of Carigara, Rebolledo St. Brgy. Ponong, Carigara, Leyte,
6529, Philippines
First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for His showers of blessings throughout the
conduct of this research and to it’s successful completion.

The researchers would like to express their deep and sincere gratitude to their research adviser for this
semester, Mr. Arjoreco A. Avila for giving them the opportunity to have this research and for providing invaluable
guidance throughout the study’s conduct. His dynamism, vision, sincerity, and motivation deeply inspired the
researchers. He effectively taught to everyone the entire process of carrying out an innovative study using a simple
and basic research study or an IMRAD format in a time-constricted yet informative manner so as to enable the
researchers to produce a clear research work under his guidance. Thus, the researchers are extremely grateful for
what Mr. Avila has offered and taught. The researchers are extending all of their heartfelt thanks.

As students and children of their own respective families, the researchers are also extremely grateful for the
love, prayers, care, and sacrifices made by their parents and teachers which led them to becoming educated and
prepared individuals. The leader of this study is also extending his deepest and heartfelt thanks to his mother for
being an ever supportive parent. His special thanks also goes to his friends slash members, Mr.Ecito, Benis, Sonon,
and Tarucan, and Ms, Abejar, Adrales, Asoy, Combinido, Golizonda, Jumagdao, Lucido, and Marquez for their
efforts, voluntary interest and cooperation that they have shown and given for this study and it’s successful
Background: Cramming is an undying issue of students and that includes the Grade 12 students of HCCC. As
learners,they are expected to be competent and disciplined especially it is a major requirement in the professional
field, thus the importance of methods that would solve student cramming is synonymous to helping students achieve
better approaches not only in learning but also in becoming a productive individual.
Findings: The study aims to find out the reasons of the Grade 12 students of HCCC of why they cram, the factors
that influence their cramming and what are the methods that they think could be suitable in meeting their needs as a
student to combat cramming and could also be applicable to their classmates and possibly to other students. The
results show that out of 80 respondents obtained from the study, 42 answered that personal issues encountered such
as internet problems, distractions, and procrastination is their reason why they cram, 33 said that they lacked proper
time management, and 4 responded that it is the absence of contact with their teachers is the reason why they cram.
The factors that influenced their cramming are as follows: 77.1% responded for student factors or their time
management issues, 12% said that the late distribution of activities by the teachers influences their cramming, 9%
responded for prioritizing insignificant matters such as untimely vacations and 1.3% for financial constraints. There
were four proposed methods by the respondents, namely: (1) Time table, (2) Motivational techniques, (3)
Collaborative study, and (4) Shorter deadlines.
Conclusions: According to what the findings have gathered, the questions for this study on why students cram is
because they encounter personal issues during the online setup of learning in which some are also evident during the
face to face learning such as procrastination in which worsened during the online learning and the factor that
influences this reason of theirs is their poor time management, they cram because it is their coping strategy to pass
during this current setup which draws to the conclusion that in order to solve cramming, the students first must have
a motivation to drive their learning and of course an organized time schedule so as to keep track of their daily
progress and monitor their productivity.
Keywords: cramming, procrastination, time management, motivation, academic life, methods
1.1 Background of the Study
Organization and systematic approaches are what makes a student reliable and efficient, with the educational
system adjusting to the new normal form of education which is now taking place at the comfort of their homes, the
two above-mentioned traits of a reliable student is slowly becoming unrealized and is what leads to them becoming
unproductive compared to what they have been before. The idea of procrastination among students have already
become more of a hobby than just a mere phase as a result of an unmotivated behavior which resulted to cramming.
Yes, cramming is a common issue taking place way back before even the pandemic started. Students tend to become
inclined to doing tasks the day before its respective deadlines because according to them, they answer questions fast
and their brains become more active which results to them finishing their tasks on a fast-paced manner and makes
them pass a minute or just a few moments before the deadline, well this may be held accountable and true because
the human brain tends to stimulate one’s mental abilities to the hilt because of certain amounts of pressure the
individual thinks of, nonetheless cramming is still cramming and it would never be the best solution in the area of

“In a sense, cramming for exams has a higher risk of backfiring and potentially causing students to score lower,
compared to if they had scheduled healthier periods of study time in advance of the test date.” (Stanford University,
2019). Cramming deprives the students a chance to fully understand the lesson and comprehend the questions which
makes them miss the chance of achieving better and higher grades in which is true because compared when you are
always doing things in advance and you allot a sufficient time schedule for studying then you are granting yourself
enough room to take in all and absorb every concept of the subject that you are studying making little to no room of
missing any important pointers that could help you gain a more than decent score during exams or tests. Cramming is
also proven ineffective because it has a toll on the human body, according from the same article obtained from
Stanford University, it causes one to become more stressed, succumb to fatigue, and even become more forgetful
than the usual and forgetfulness is a huge disadvantage when you are studying in either the normal or new normal
mode of learning. Remembering everything you’ve learned from the lesson is key to having an outstanding
performance in school because it proves that you have indeed been learning and paying attention and great care to
your studies thus it is just more than enough to say that cramming is not an effective approach just for the sake of

passing your requirements, as a future professional you must always be systematic and organized and must work
ahead of time and that is what the academic institutions wants the students to learn, that no matter the number of
tasks, one must make a way out of it through efficient time management and not resort to cramming which is a
double-edged sword, not only it can negatively impact your academic standing but it can also inflict the same fatality
to your health.

However, with the fact that there are indeed times that time management doesn’t really help define the silver
lining in managing one’s time in studying every individual subject, cramming seems to be proven to become in
handy. “Be precise and accurate.” and when you’re cramming you already don’t have enough time to go on lengthy
and elaborate answers, you instead go on with what your mind thinks is the correct answer and then you’re good to
go. Cramming might sometimes help you to achieve a direct and on-point answer which is a good study approach
because when learning, you start off with a lot of lessons but at the end the day, true learning takes place when you
can already craft and derive few but meaty concepts about each and everything you’ve learned. “Many students take
pride in their ability to cram and still pass exams, with a history of doing so.” (Chew, 2022). Let us admit it, one of
the purpose of schooling is to pass and earn a college diploma, with all the deadlines coinciding and conflicts
between general education subjects with that of your major subject requirements then cramming is the best learning
strategy to use, you might forget and not realize the value of long-term learning but what matters is the present, you
must pass your exams now or regret of not passing it for later. We only live once and we must always make the most
out of everything, decisions you make in the present affect your future and in order to secure the future of having a
diploma which could earn you a decent job then you must pass your exams amidst tight schedules and cramming
would possibly grant you that luxury of passing your exams, yes you might indeed forget what you’ve learned in the
long run but you can still do a revisit or a review of what you have actually read and comprehended during that time.
The virtue of recalling what you’ve learned from the past is not bad, failing to make solutions or alternatives that
could affect your future is what is bad.
No matter the setup, may it be online or not, students are still susceptible to being crammers because deadlines
between subjects are inevitable nor will they be able to make accurate schedules due to the high tendencies of follow-
up tasks between all of the academic subjects not to mention that there are specialization and general education
subjects, thus the efficient allotment of their time schedules would always fall prey to inconsistency due to certain
necessary adjustments that they have to make in order to comply and be flexible with all the pressures of the academe
and their academic requirements. Cramming is a part of the aspect in being a student, we all have crammed once in
our lifetime as students and no matter how much we dislike it, cramming is necessary only when there is a need to do
so, regardless it shouldn’t be romanticized or even be treated as something normal and on a daily basis. “Students
procrastinate because issues such as exhaustion and anxiety outweigh their self-control and motivation. Specifically,
when students need to study or work on assignments, they rely primarily on their self-control in order to get
themselves to do it.” -anonymous, In order to start working on something a students needs to have a huge sense of
self-control or even the motivation to their tasks which could take a form of a reward or something in exchange that
they know they can greatly benefit from it. Even as a student, their minds works and has an inclination to the reward
principle, student-cramming is still present because of the lack of this reward principle even during the normal setup
of classes, they just simply don’t have enough motivation to do their academic tasks plus with certain factors such as
immeasurable and seemingly unattainable deadlines then the more these students become susceptible to cramming
due to the exhaustion of complying one out of probably ten requirements in line.

The thought of devising alternatives to combating student-cramming is what the researchers wants to attain
because they themselves have also been and continuously fallen prey to cramming, it is just a must to put a stop or
rather alleviate this immortal issue so as to help students become more productive in their educational path. Living as
a human is too short, and one can make the most of it by being able to learn and remember essential things and
cramming won’t help an individual with that goal, thus to lessen the probability of cramming means maximizing the
chances of one to treasure life full of wisdom and knowledge which is the significance of this research and its

1.2 Objectives
The study aims to achieve the following:

 Devise methods that could best fit the needs and wants of the students to effectively combat cramming and,
Address or rather alleviate the particular tendencies of the students to cram with their academic requirements.
Determine the factors that has a significant impact on as to why students are drawn to cramming.

1.3 Statement of the Problem:

The primary objective of this research is to be able to devise methods or approaches that would help solve or
alleviate the probability of the students to be prone to cramming and its effects on their academic life and
performance as a student in a holistic level. To achieve this objective, the study answered the following questions:
Main question:
 What are the methods that can counteract student cramming?
 What are the factors that drive student cramming?
 Why do students amidst knowing the risks of cramming are still vulnerable to doing it?

1.4 Significance of the study

 Students- they are the study’s first benefactors for they would benefit from it by actually having a way to
manage their time properly in doing their academic and non-academic tasks simultaneously and never fall prey
again to cramming on piled-up requirements.
 Teachers- giving tasks to their students is one thing but waiting for them to finish is going to be another.
Teachers are the ones responsible for recording the grades and monitoring the progress of their students and
with the presence of cramming, it makes them vulnerable of actually cramming also in making their new
lessons due to some of their students having missing outputs or tasks which renders them to be slow in terms of
submitting grades or even lessons, with cramming as an issue solved or lessened then it would also give the
teachers a chance to make the most out of their time in the making, distribution, and even recording the
activities with less to no errors at all.
 School administrators- as a school administrator it would help them determine or even make new approaches in
terms of upholding certain learning processes so as to also help the students of the institution to cope up and
even adapt effectively in the competencies of the academe.
 Researchers- they would be able to know why their classmates are prone to cramming while some are not and
be able to formulate methods that could also resonate not only with them as researchers but also to their
classmates/peers that are struggling in cramming with their academic requirements.
 Future researchers- the study would help the future researchers as this research could be used or benchmarked if
by any chance they would also conduct a study similar also with the scopes and field of this and their study.
Researchers specializing in the same field would be able to gauge out elaborative and accurate conclusions and
discussion in comprehending knowledge.

Just a few researchers have investigated the main point of this paper, which was to identify the
common roots of cramming dilemma met by teenagers. Of those, most (Arenas, 2014; Pauk, 1989;
Heacox, 1991 & Somner, 1990) have undertaken studies in which they concentrated on the sources of
postponement which later on adds to the roots of cramming dilemma among teenagers.
According to a study done by Arenas (2014), “Cramming can be connected with the study of testing
effect. By definition, cramming is learning something in a short retention interval because you study the
necessary information quite close to the memory recall test.” In addition, he explained that when a student
is cramming it is less likely that the student is studying for the test a few days before it, but is more likely
that they are studying for their test on the day of the test and with only a few hours to spare.
Pauk (1989) indicated that this is because “Most people tend to underestimate the amount of time they
need to study. Wasting time becomes such a habit that you don’t realize you are wasting it.”
Furthermore, Sommer (1990) suggested that students in a university system often adapt to the time-
constraints that are placed upon them in college, and often use cramming to perform well on tests. In his
article, Procrastination and Cramming: How Adept Students Ace the System, he stated " Many students

outwardly adapt to this system, however, engage in an intense and private ritual that comprises five
aspects: calculated procrastination, preparatory anxiety, climactic cramming, nick-of-time deadline-
making, and a secret, if often uncelebrated, victory. These adept students often find it difficult to admit
others into their efficient program of academic survival."
Fear of Success according to Calligan (1989), “Psychologists who have done research on the reason
why students study late found that many students have very high expectations. As long as they don’t get
started on whatever the task is – a project, a paper, a test – they can go along thinking they are going to do
a perfect job.
Goodchild (1994) also implied that “Some students put off making serious commitment to study for
a course because they anticipate, either consciously or unconsciously, unpleasant consequences of doing
well. For example, they may fear that their relationship with classmates will suffer. Typically, they
consider social life more important than studies. “Who wants to be a geek anyway?” they retort.”
Out of School Demands Cahill’s (2000) findings proposed that cramming can stem from several
causes. It could be because of “your own illness, an illness or death in your family or other stressful and
tiring events may cause you to fall behind in your study time.” Another reason why teenagers fail to study
on time is that they have other commitments. Cahill (2000) interpreted that “When facing several
obligations at the same time, teenagers find it difficult to do any of them.” Teenagers often join or have
personal commitments such as holding a full-time part job or seasonal commitment such as being a track
athlete on summer.
Teenagers who have full time or part time jobs probably have less time and less energy for studying
on time than regular full time student. They often fill in housekeeping chores, sleeping, eating and are too
lazy to study for exam.
Heacox (1991) likewise detailed that if the student has a job, is involved in several extra-curricular
activities, and is responsible for supervising younger family members and doing other tasks at home, there
may simply not be enough hours in day for school work, too. In adolescence, friendships and other
personal relationships often take precedence over school matters.
Further research by Bullock et al (1990) informed that “Different students face problems with time.
An example is a student who has too little time left for studying because work or family responsibilities
take up much of their time that is supposed to be done for studying.”
Disorganization as noted by Rimm (1995), “Disorganization is a frequent cause of cramming
problem. Most students appear to be purposely disorganized.” For some, the disorganization shows itself
in messy desks, messy papers and messy rooms. Others seem unable to plan their time and thus, usually
study late or not at all. Moreover, concomitant with the disorganization patterns are statements that are not
entirely honest such as “I forgot”, “I didn’t know I had to study” and “I don’t have enough time.”. This
statement match those of Nugent et al (2000) when they hinted that people who crams place low priority
tasks ahead of high priority ones and then offer excuses for not doing the high priority tasks including: “I
work best under pressure”, “I’ve got too many things to do first” and “I don’t know where to begin.”
Distractions on the other hand, Pauk (1989) expressed that “External and internal distractions,
physical and mental fatigue and boredom may keep you from concentrating during your study time.”
External stimuli are happenings that interrupt your thinking and should be limited. Basically, internal
distractions are any thoughts or feeling that interfere with the task at hand such as studying for exams.
“Indecision, personal problems, anxiety and daydreams are all internal distractions.” Daydreaming is also
one of the most time wasters. It is a way of escaping from hard work. Pleasant as it is, it uses up time
which you could be reviewing your notes. Also, when you have several subjects to study on that night
with more than one test looming, it’s easy to become distracted and lose your concentration.
This was supported by Ellis (1995) stating, “Some students try to study in front of the TV or their
computers, thus will give them a different message. Time to be entertained. This will further lead them to
rush studying that they should have done instead of having fun. Distractions interfere with learning.”

Extra-Curricular Activities A study done by Ellis (1997) revealed that various teenagers in higher
education are busier than they’ve ever been before. Often that’s due to the “variety of organizations and
clubs available on campus: athletics, fraternities, sororities, student newspapers, debate teams, political
action groups and many more.” With these kind of involvement, teenagers lost potential study time that
soon leads them to rush things out.
Also, Rimm (1995) explained that for competitive young people, the excitement of attaining center
stage in the gymnasium, auditorium or on dance floor appears to provide a sure career direction.
“Academics seem inconsequential and dull by comparison. Studying and homework are put aside in favor
of practice and rehearsals.”
Motivation is described as a process through which individuals instigate and sustain goal-directed
activity. Motivation is generally viewed as a process through which an individual’s needs and desires are
set in motion (Alexander & Murphy,1998; Pintrich et al 1993). Academic motivation reflects students’
levels of persistence, interest in the subject matter, and academic effort (DiPerna & Elliot, 1999); it is
viewed as a contributor to academic success (Alexander, 2006; Ames & Ames, 1985; Dweck & Legget,
1988; Wylie, 1989).
While motivation is critically important to student learning (Pintrich & Schunk, 2002), lack of
motivation is a frequent problem with students at all levels. All learning environments present challenges,
but the online environment presents unique challenges because students bear more responsibility for their
own learning than in many traditional classes. Because of these challenges, students’ ability to influence
their own motivation is important (Wolters et al 2005).
One specific aspect of motivation is intrinsic motivation. It may be defined as the performance of a
task for the inherent satisfaction it brings an individual rather than for some separate consequence (Ryan
& Deci, 2000). Intrinsic motivation appears to combine elements of Weiner’s (1974; 1980; 1986)
attribution theory, Bandura’s (1977; 1993) work on self-efficacy, and other studies related to goal
orientation (Pintrich, 2001). Important to the present study is the fact that intrinsic motivation can be
influenced within the educational context (Deci & Ryan, 2004).
Intrinsic motivation increases when individuals attribute educational results to internal factors they
can control (attribution theory) (Weiner, 1980). Intrinsic motivation is further increased when individuals
believe they are capable of reaching desired goals (self-efficacy) (Bandura, 1977; Lent et al 1986; Marsh
et al 1991). Intrinsic motivation also increases when individuals are interested in mastering a subject,
rather than simply earning good grades (goal orientation) (Dweck, 1986; Nicholls, 1984). When these
factors converge and result in high levels of intrinsic motivation, students are more likely to be successful
learners (Alexander, 2006).
Self-regulation, self-regulated learning is described as an active process whereby learners construct
goals for learning. Learners monitor, regulate, and control their cognition, motivation, and behavior. They
are guided and constrained by their own goals and the individual characteristics of a particular learning
environment (Wolters et al (2005). Zimmerman (1989) described self-regulated learners as
“metacognitively, motivationally, and behaviorally active participants in their own learning process” (p.
329). Self-regulatory activities impact individual students, their level of achievement, and the learning
context (Wolters et al 2005). It is important for students to learn how to learn and take control of their
efforts (effort regulation).
One self-regulatory resource management strategy described by Pintrich et al (1991) is effort
regulation. Also referred to as volition (Corno, 1993), effort regulation refers to a learner’s ability to
control his or her attention and efforts even in situations that present distractions that may be perceived to
be interesting. Effort management is self-management, and reflects a commitment to completing one’s
study goals, even when there are difficulties or distractions. Effort management is important to academic
success because it not only signifies goal commitment, but also regulates the continued use of learning
strategies (Garcia & McKeachie, 1991, p. 27). suffer the same negative academic consequences as passive
procrastinators. Steel (2007) also discusses the occasional use of the term procrastination to describe
positive behavior. He describes such use of the term by some researchers as “functional delay” (p. 66).

However, in his meta-analysis of the procrastination literature, Steel asserts that such usage is secondary
to the use of the term in the traditional, negative sense. The use of the term procrastination in the present
study refers to the primary, passive, negative form of procrastination.
Cramming sessions leave students feeling depleted physically and lack of sleep is a serious issue
when it comes to taking exams. When you cram, you are only temporarily remembering information, after
the exam is over the crammed information leaves your brain. This is especially frustrating in high school
and college because different subjects and courses build upon each other. Thus, your success in future
classes will suffer from this forgotten knowledge. “Moreover, cramming is often discouraged by
professors since the rushed management of information have a tendency to result in poor long-term
retention of information, a phenomenon often referred to as the spacing effect.” Arenas (2014).


Research design:
The study is a descriptive qualitative design- survey since the researchers only surveys for the responses yielded from
the survey and then administer a frequency distribution or by counting the numbers of responses then categorizing
and describing them according to similarity in terms of their implications.

Data collection method:

Data gathered for this research would be done via primary gathering procedure which means that the researchers
would be conducting surveys in the form of questionnaires which would be distributed in the form of a link because
the questionnaires would be done in Google forms- a digital app product of Google, this method or procedure would
surely help in meeting the desired data of the researchers that would be used as a basis for their formulation of
processes or methods used to alleviate or rather help in the issue of student cramming via the lived responses or
experiences of the respondents themselves. It is a method that would address the issue directly by finding the solution
to the problem causing it in the first place.

Research Population:
The intended population of this research are the Grade 12 students of HCCC, all strands. The researchers intends to
cover up at least 60-65% of the entirety of the Grade 12 population so as to help the research survey yield legit and
valid data.

Sampling method:
With all the sampling methods offered to the researchers, they chose the snowball sampling method because it would
prove to be more efficient for them in gathering data fast, time is not on their hands and knowing that the pandemic
has barred them from getting to know the other students of other strands even though they are from the same year
level would prove to be an obstacle for the researchers in collecting data. The snowball sampling method would
surely help them get the data from the students of other strands because this method is done by giving the link to at
least two to three students belonging from each strand (STEM, HUMSS, ABM, GAS, ICT, &, HE) and then let the
very same students forward the links to their other classmates or the researchers themselves would request these
students to forward it to their class group chat so as to cover the target 60% population of the study. Thus, the issue
on failing to get responses from the different students from the varying strands would be addressed by incorporating
the aforementioned sampling method.
The following instruments are to be incorporated in the research:
-Google Forms (for the formation of the online survey questionnaires.)
-MS Excel (for mapping data charts or graphs.)
-Google (for citations or references used for the research.)
The above-mentioned instruments would aid the researchers in meeting the results of the study efficiently while also
complying with the implemented health protocols.

Question 1
Table 1.Table showing frequency of responses on what are the reasons influencing student cramming of Grade 12
students of HCCC
RESPONSE 1 (e.g RESPONSE 2 (Time RESPONSE 3 (lack of
connectivity issues, management issues) communication with learning
procrastination, mental facilitator)
blocks, distractions,
addictions, and etc.)
STEM 8 11 3
HUMSS 22 9 1
ABM 4 4 0
GAS 4 5 1
HE 4 1 0
ICT 0 3 0
- the table shows the frequency of answers of the Grade 12 respondents of HCCC regarding the questions on what are
their reasons why they are prone to cramming. Out of the 80 respondents, 42 answered that they have serious
personal issues that hinders them from complying their academic requirements such as connectivity issues, their
tendency to procrastinate, their certain addictions to video games, and etc., aside from this, about 33 responded that
they lack proper time management as their reason why they fail to pass their academic requirements on or before
deadlines and only 4 respondents said that they have problems when it comes to their contact with their learning
facilitator or their subject teachers especially when they have questions or concerns regarding their activities in
which makes them fail to pass on time because they do not know how to answer their requirements in the first place.

Question 2

Fig. 1. Chart showing percentage distribution.

-the pie chart shows that the factors that heavily influence their reasons on why they cram is because again of their
improper time management issues which was answered by about 77.1% of the total Grade 12 respondents of the
study in which is truly hard to get by nowadays where classes are held online where distractions can easily break an
individual’s schedule. The second leading factor which has about 12% responses are the teacher factors which
includes the on-time distribution of lessons to be unrecognized which makes the students struggle to comply their
academic requirements due to the unprecedented adding up of new activities to their present and fixed schedules
which disrupts their whole time capsule alloted for their current activities, with the absence of physical contact then
the steadfast and even regular distribution of tasks on time are sometimes unrealized which results to the students to
actually cram because they aren’t able to answer several activities on time, whereas the the minor leading factors are
both the social factors which makes up of about 9.6% responses which is connoted by the Grade 12 students of

HCCC’s tendency to not pay attention on more significant matters such as attending their classes and tend to their
academic requirements but rather make time for on-the go vacations or even spend their time in lavish outings which
makes them to consume their precious time into fleeting and short-term happiness because they would be doomed
later on by their piled-up responsibilities together with the economic factors which has about 1.3% of all the
responses which refers to the financial constraints faced by students to suffice their needs for a data plan.

Question 3
Table 2. Showing frequency distribution of desired methods of respondents
(Response #1 (Response # 2 (Response #3 (Response #3
Organizing a time Motivational Collaborative study) Shorter deadlines of
table/ schedule) techniques)
STEM 15 7 0 0
HUMSS (A & B) 27 4 0 1
ABM 7 1 0 0
GAS 5 3 2 0
HE 3 2 0 0
ICT 3 0 0 0
-the table shows the frequency of responses for each desired methods of the Grade 12 students of HCCC as their
response for the third and final open-ended question of the study’s survey which asks on what would they think could
possibly become the effective methods to address their issues regarding cramming and would also help their other
classmates combat the very same issue. The type of responses are formulated based on the implication of the survey
respondents’ answers which took form into four types of proposed methods namely: (1) Time table, (2) Motivational
techniques, (3) Collaborative study, and (4) Shorter deadlines. These proposed methods are indeed common but are
highly left unrealized but the students’ themselves wants the aforementioned procedures to be implemented and
applied again. The results show that a considerable majority from a total of 80 respondents favored or rather
answered that they want an efficient schedule planner or a time table so that they can answer their activities in an
organized manner, this response has been proposed by at least 60 out of 80 respondents. The other method was
desired by about 17 respondents which is about goal-setting or motivational techniques, 2 respondents responded for
a group/collaborative study and one answered for shorter deadlines which draws to the conclusion that the top two
methods best preferred and proposed by the Grade 12 students of HCCC that they think would best combat student
cramming and would also be proven helpful for their classmates is an organized time schedule and the eye for setting
goals to be motivated.

The study centers on giving methods that would help the crisis of students which is cramming because
cramming is an unhealthy habit of the students in their academic life that develops due to the absence of efficient
time management and sometimes factors such as lack of motivation or just doing it for the sake of passing. The
researchers themselves wants to give high importance on being organized and systematic when it comes to being a
student complying with their requirements so as to help them achieve better marks that would be proven helpful for
significant events in an individual’s life such as applying for colleges in which even if it’s sad to admit, but grades do
matter and that is what this study was made for, to help the students combat cramming so that the benefactors of this
research particularly the Grade 12 students of HCCC become more organized and would be able to recall the lessons
taught to them and develop systematic study approaches that could either or also be applied especially during in
college where everything is hectic and loosing just even the tiniest attention to one’s schedule of activities to be done
or complied would mean dire consequences.

The researchers conducted a descriptive quantitative research design since they want to determine the leading
factors and reasons that drive student cramming through numbers or statistical data such as frequency distribution or
the process of counting the number of responses or occurrences of values for each particular implication and have
them described on what is being entailed by those implications that could help the researchers formulate methods that
could help best address the issue regarding student cramming solely based on the lived experiences obtained from the
survey responses of the target respondents. In that way, the researchers would be able to resonate with what the
research respondents wants and what they think could help them change their ways from being a crammer to an
organized learner. The research goals to bring forth change or improve the normal yet incorrect learning approach of
the students which is cramming to something better and that is by the methods formulated in this study later on.

As it is seen on the results, the main reason why students cram is because of certain personal issues such as
internet connectivity problems, distractions, and procrastination which means that the Grade 12 students of HCCC
are capable of not being crammers it is just that the present form of educational attainment which is online makes
them distracted from their responsibilities and that is to pass on time and the factors that influences these issues that
is also driving a direct influence on the issue of cramming is also their lack of time management in which if we look
closely into it, the responses are all connected but have a significant contribution on why the Grade 12 students of
HCCC cram on their academic requirements. To shed light on this pressing issue of student cramming, the Grade 12
students of HCCC responded that as a method that can help alleviate their issues on student cramming is by having
an efficient daily time planner or a time table of activities which could help them have a daily guide of what to do
from their academic requirements for each day, another is through motivational techniques or somewhat similar to
goal-setting, this motivational aspect once induced or realized could also influence the previous method in which is
the time table because once the students themselves are motivated then doing anything in-line of their schedule
would be followed without any distractions at all- one of the reasons why students cram.

Here are the methods proposed by the researchers as a result from their study:
1. ) Reward Principle
-in relation to what the survey respondents’ have said about the methods that they think could solve student
cramming which is the motivational techniques, the student researchers formulated the method that could help
encourage this motivation of the students and that is through a reward. Growing up, the researchers have observed
that the reason why children are motivated to go to school is because the promise of a reward as said from their
parents, in the Senior High School setting, this reward can either take the form of a points earned in exchange of a
monetary reward as a result of garnering high scores in a test or quiz or any academic exercises or merits. This is
thought so in this manner because the researchers have thought that to instill discipline to the students, they have to
receive at least something beneficial that would drive them to motivate to do their studies on time specially to
prevent cramming during exam week. For example, for every high score placer student, he/she can receive at least 1
peso from his/her classmates who garnered scores lower than him/her or below the passing score or for every high
score, the students could receive additional points on their score in which could max the chance of the students’
benefit of passing and the others to struggle further for not scoring enough, with the others thinking that their chances
of passing to slim, they would fight for their place and be motivated not to cram next time and attend to their
academic requirements responsibly.

This could also be applicable at home, for every 90+ grades on every subject, a reward could also be given. This
method is actually biased or inclined towards the students since they can just earn a 90+ grade by working smart and
passing requirements on time and receive a reward after. It is pretty easy and with the thought of having a reward
such as a prize money or a brand new cloth or shoes, then the motivational aspect of tending to their academic
requirements would be met. This technique is actually well-acknowledged in some Filipino households and it is just
about time for this type of method to take on the macro level of consciousness such as the academic institution
endorsing this type of method to their curriculum or even only through some of the subjects taught by specific
teachers and actually collaborate with the parents so as to form a mutual cooperation of boosting the students’ drive
to study and attend to their academic responsibilities efficiently and on time which can potentially lessen or eliminate

cramming as part of the academic life of students as early as now so as to help them gain a more disciplined
viewpoint regarding their responsibilities especially during college.

Fig. 1 The Reward Principle explained. (Method 1)


-as learning facilitators, they have a -as the primary catalysts for individual huge influence on how
students can learning, parents should devise ways be motivated to pass requirements that can help
encourage the will of their on time or even have the drive to children to become more dedicated to
ace tests by preparing in advance. study well on school.

benefactors of the union o efforts
between their parents and
their teachers. Teachers on the other hand are considered as the second
parents of the students and they have a key role in
molding the students’ motivation to become more
efficient learners, encouraging the idea of giving a
monetary reward in small amounts by his/her other
classmates would make the whole class to actually fight
Such benefits of giving a reward like money or for their money by making sure to motivate themselves
material things that they desire coming from their to study well, it’s just like this, students particularly hate
parents would help students to achieve above average the idea of loosing something valuable especially money
of what they can actually give. The responses stressed and with prices currently inflating right now, then every
the importance of having a motivation so that they coin counts thus the idea that they would have to pay
can combat cramming, what is more effective than because they scored lower would motivate them to not
having something or receiving something in exchange cram on their tests while those who benefited would
for an effort to study well? Parents have a first degree make sure to not loose their spots on the top performers
authority on how the students would behave, if they of the class because they would be afraid to loose all the
are taught well right first at the comfort of their perks or benefits entailed with being one. It’s more like
homes with the method of reward principle, then of a competition done in a fair and friendly manner that
anything done in school won’t be a problem anymore induces motivation amongst students, the same can also
and would probably increase a students’ will to work be said by giving additional points or merits.
harder and eventually hate or eliminate the idea of
2.) 30:10 rule
-this technique is actually integrated and innovated version of both the time table and the Pomodoro technique
(studying for 25 minutes and resting for 5 minutes) it is an innovative method since this method works by dividing
the activities by giving 30 minutes and 10 minutes each and make it in a tabular form so that the students can keep
track of their progress and eventually learn how to discipline themselves without compromising their freedom to
relax or even attend to their other responsibilities at home. With the classes now held at home it is easy to loose track
of time thus it is just imperative to devise a way that can actually divide the time of the students at home for the
whole day with the intention to comply with their academic requirements on time. This method works by giving a
whole 30 minutes for answering their activities and a 10 minute break interval from each activity, this 10 minute
could be invested for extra hobbies like reading, exercising, or just by even a quick nap to relax and rest the mind. To

be more efficient, it maximizes the time alloted for the answering of academic requirements and only gives the
needed time for relaxation just enough not to make the mind to burn out or experience mental exhaustion.
7:20-7:30 AM REST 10 MINS.
7:30-8:00 AM STUDIES 30 MINS.
8:00-8:10 AM REST 10 MINS.
8:10-8:40 AM STUDIES 30 MINS.
8:40-8:50 AM REST 10 MINS.
8:50-9:10 AM STUDIES 30 MINS.
9:10-9:20 AM REST 10 MINS.
9:20-9:50 AM STUDIES 30 MINS.
9:50-10:00 AM REST 10 MINS.
10:00-10:30 AM STUDIES 30 MINS.
10:30-10:40 AM REST 10 MINS.
10:40-11:10 AM STUDIES 30 MINS.

1:00-1:30 PM STUDIES 30 MINS.

1:30-1:40 PM REST 10 MINS.
1:40- 2:10 PM STUDIES 30 MINS.
2:10- 2:20 PM REST 10 MINS.
2:20-2:50 PM STUDIES 30 MINS.
2:50-3:00 PM REST 10 MINS.
3:00-3:30 PM STUDIES 30 MINS.
3:30-3:40 PM REST 10 MINS.
3:40-4:10 PM STUDIES 30 MINS.
Table 1. A time table showing the 30:10 rule of tasks.
The table above shows the distribution of time for each tasks done in the home setting. The respondents made it clear
through their responses that they want to have a fixed schedule so that they would prevent cramming as an issue that
hinders their productivity, thus this time table was made for that need. This method proposed by the researchers as
obtained from the survey could meet the Grade 12 students of HCCC’s struggles regarding time management issues.
This method could simply become the path director of the students so as for them to systematically follow a clear
pattern of a study schedule and at the same time does not compromise their time also to relax and recharge.

The proposed methods above can be applied to both online or face to face learning, with the second one can be,
adapted to weekends (Saturdays and Sundays), cramming in the normal learning setup is not frequent, it only gets
worse during term or a semester end and thus the second method would still be efficient as a means to make the good
two days for the weekend fruitful and productive and prevent them from chasing their constricted deadlines. The
above-mentioned methods are what the Grade 12 students of HCCC thinks can meet their needs as a student to
combat cramming and would also be applicable to other students in which by the looks of it can be true for students
are still students, amidst varying skills and paces, everyone can be subjected to close deadlines and an efficient time
management frame can best meet everybody’s need to avoid cramming, cramming is only the state of doing your

academic requirements at the deadliest time possible and comply with only a few to no takeaways at all so in order ti
negate forgetting the important concepts as a result from cramming, the aforementioned methods would be proven
best to give or rather pave the way to solve cramming as an issue in the academic lives of the students.

Study limitations
The gaps or limitations however of these methods are still evident, regarding the first method which is the
reward principle is the issue on making the students pay just because they failed to meet a required passing grade,
with regards again to the issue of price hikes, it makes the method inefficient, money is a necessity and of great
value, even a peso could mean the difference thus if these unfortunate students still keep on failing to achieve the
required grade to pass then they might accumulate already a fortune for the whole school year of paying their high
scorer classmates in which could have benefited them but didn’t however there is a solution for this, instead of
including money regarding this method, an additional points or merit given could be the safest option, let’s say for
every high scorer, an additional two points would be added to both the initial score and the items thus when this
happens those who haven’t met the passing score would be dropped down further in which would render them no
choice but to go up or not make it. In this way, those who haven’t motivated themselves not to cram on their exams
in which the aftereffects would be lower scores or points due to missing out important points or details of the lesson
would be left with no choice but to study in advance and maintain a systematic and organized schedule in which the
30:10 rule method can also be applied especially during weekends in a new normal setting, however this method
proves also to be flawed.

To follow the 30:10 rule as a method to combat cramming, one must first have discipline. Discipline as defined
by Merriam-Webster’s dictionary is the orderly prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior which means that it is a
crucial aspect of one’s life especially in the growth of a student, now the lack of discipline is what makes this method
inefficient because as long as one is incapable of disciplining one’s self then the 30:10 rule won’t be recognized at all
as a method to combat cramming. Nonetheless, this limitation though does not and will never be able to overpower
the fact that discipline is built already amongst students and they just fail to apply it due to personal reasons but it is
there, the solution for this is the first method which is the reward principle. Recall how each individual is molded to
become as the disciplined individuals they are of today, and that is through giving them something in exchange, a
reward, and when we say a reward then the first method comes into play, motivating the students to receiving
something in exchange of their effort is enough for this method to be acknowledged and deemed effective plus every
student especially the Grade 12 respondents of this research answered that they want to have motivation as their
method to combat cramming and the researchers themselves thinks so too that to combat cramming as an issue, the
students should receive something that would stimulate their eagerness to comply on time regarding their academic
requirements, after all interesting things is what makes learners become more inclined to finishing it first due to the
excitement and motivation it gives to them and when this happens, then the second method would be a good
alternative to solve student cramming.

Efficacy Test
-The researchers tested their two proposed methods which is the reward principle together with the 3:10 rule, fused
them together so as to fully gauge out the impact or influence of the methods in effectively addressing the issue
regarding student cramming.
-With the time constrictions due to the observance and reverence for the Holy Week, the researchers conducted the
test online and with only about 5 respondents coming from the six different strands of the Grade 12 department, each
having varied characteristics such as either being an honor student, average, and a non-compliant.
-The names of the test subjects are to be left confidential so as to secure their privacy and identities in honor of their
utmost cooperation with this study’s efficacy test

To prove the efficacy, the researchers gave them set of questions to be answered for three days or for those who still
have modules to be answered, allowed these test subjects apply the methods while doing their academic

To be specific, they promised a reward of a 100-pesos load if they will follow the schedule and finish the tasks given
to them before 4:00 in the afternoon for about three days, the time they pass though some are not consistent are still
valid as long as they have finished some tasks.
After all, cramming is the state of piled-up requirements to comply and to combat it, one must first be able to finish
the tasks given to him/her little by little in an organized manner to prevent cramming to foster.
1 4 OUT OF 5 COMPLIED. 80%
3 4 OUT OF 5 COMPLIED. 80%
TOTAL=240 / 300 = 0.8 X 100
= 80. 80% EFFICACY.

With the table previously presented, it shows that the methods proposed by the researchers have an 80% effect
and success in combating student cramming. This success is actually marked by the test subjects' cooperation
throughout the 3-day long conduct of the test. Though they weren't able to follow the exact start of the test but still
continued to comply a bit later, still their accomplishment of being able to finish all the distributed activities to them
means that they are able to fight and overcome cramming with the aid of the methods provided by the researchers.
Sometimes, big and complex problems just needs something in reverse, a small yet simple solution, a solution that is
unrealized due to the overwhelming risks and stress posed by cramming.

Evidences Sample Activities

Example of proofs

Conclusion and Recommendations
The researchers conclude that the major reason for cramming of the Grade 12 students of HCCC is the issues
they face on the personal level which includes mostly of their procrastination and connectivity issues and the
influencing factors are their time management issues and the best way to counteract or solve this issue regarding
cramming is by a proper time schedule coupled with motivational techniques in which the researchers have presented
in the study which is the: (1) Reward principle and (2) 30:10 principle, methods that are gained from the responses

implied by the Grade 12 students of HCCC. The methods had a success rate of 80% as shown in the efficacy test with
an example shown through a picture of how the researchers administered the testing of their test subjects which are
the Grade 12 students of HCCC themselves.

Cramming is indeed a part of being a student, it can be both a coping strategy that is used to pass such hectic
schedules in the academic life of an individual but it shouldn’t be normalized for it’s dire effects towards the holistic
development of a student and one of which is their susceptibility to becoming forgetful or they won’t foster any
learning at all due to consistent cramming, thus the formulation of methods to combat it would include efficient yet
common measures such as time organization and the stimulation of motivation or determination in which can be
recognized by administering reward principles that makes the students themselves yearn or desire for in exchange for
their efforts to study and pass on time and an organized table of tasks or a daily routine that not only gives them time
to make room for academic learning but also gives their brain and their holistic aspect a room for improvement in the
form of moments of relaxation by giving them time to rest or not compromise their liberty to de-stress and continue
studying later on. To combat cramming, one must be holistically healthy and with the methods proposed in this study
that induces the eagerness of the students and helps them organize their tasks with the consideration of their well-
being then they can be productive than ever and won’t resort to cramming again as a coping strategy as they go on
through their academic journey.

The researchers recommend also that the students apply the FIFO method, a concept in their TLE lesson which
means First In First Out, first academic requirements in, also the first ones to be out, this can be done by following
the 30:10 rule, for every 30 mins., they’ll allot it to those activities that are first to be released, they have to
continuously do that activity and discipline themselves to not go to the other activities and leave the previous or the
current academic requirements they are answering attended and worse unfinished. Cramming here would easily
foster because they aren’t able to have an organized approach in managing their study schedule. This discipline
would then be enforced or rather encouraged by the Reward principle because they would be able to have a reason
that gives gratification to their will to finish their academic requirements. Cramming is synonymous to being
disorganized due to left out pending activities, but by applying the FIFO method, then they for sure would be able to
combat cramming in no time because finishing what is given first would grant them the chance to attend to other
additional activities without having to worry on the quality and substance of their answers, cramming is that state
where there is no clear path to start with, but with the FIFO method serving as a steward and integrating the other
aspects of the other two previous methods then cramming as an issue would be solved or alleviated.

In light with everything that has been said in this research, the researchers recommend also that the teachers
themselves transform the lesson into something interesting so that the students could have something that they can
look forward into so as to prevent the issue of the students to not actually pay any attention to the academic
requirements entailed after the lesson, yes it has been taken that the teachers are indeed doing their jobs well and the
researchers greatly commends them for it, what the researchers thinks of only that could possibly help the Grade 12
students of HCCC to combat cramming is something new, something exciting that would stimulate the attentiveness
of the students, it can either take the form of warm-up activities such as a Pinoy Henyo game before the lesson
proper, a famous TV segment of Eat Bulaga which makes the contestants guess the word correctly but in this case it
would be staged in the classroom setting, but would this be enough to combat cramming?

There is only one simple analogy for this, if one keeps the momentum going then everything would work like a
chain reaction of pieces of a domino, if the teachers build up that interest of the student right up at the very first
moment of their discussion then everything after it would just flow smoothly like how the domino pieces fall on each
other, this effect would be that the students won’t cram on that subject’s academic requirements for the whole year
because the students are always looking forward to what the teacher may bring for each time he/she discusses in front
or better yet they can also use the two methods and innovate something out of it or by integrating the methods into
their lesson plan or whenever they set up deadlines for academic requirements.
Students cram because some find it as a means to pass their subjects, it is learning method for them amidst it’s
flaws and the above-mentioned methods can eliminate that habit because it stimulates one’s motivation and sets up
an organized approach for a better study habit and fosters long-term learning- an adversary of cramming.

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