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Dr. N.Mani**& R.Parthiban*


Our constitution her abolished the untouchablity. Equal status, opportunity and
dignity was empowered through constitution. Yet there are millions of people in the
country who are faced with inhuman treatment, perpetual humiliation and disagree from
within hands of other people. The scavengers are not only considered untouchables in the
eyes of high caste people but they are untouchables among untouchables. The custom of
untouchablity adopted by the caste Hindus and other scheduled caste people against
scavenger had not only thrown millions of Indian population in to abysmal gloom and
despair, shame and disgrace, but it has also eaten into the very vitals of the nation. It is
an irony of fact that a community which is rendering a very essential service to the
society , and which helps cleanliness and sanitation, protects the citizens from all disease,
is faced with most indecent and ridiculous treatment by the society. They are being
deprived of the human rights. The socio – economic conditions and life style of
scavengers in general and their women folk in particulars are far from satisfactory. They
are subjected to humiliation and oppression than the fellow men. Keeping in this point of
view, the present study has been undertaken.

Associate professor, Dept.of.Economics, Erode Arts& Science College, Erode.9

Ph.D Research Scholar, Dept.of.Economics, Erode Arts& Science College, Erode.9

Dr.N.Mani**& R.Parthiban*


The human society is characterized by some of social stratification based on class,

race, Language, religion and power. In Indian society social stratification is based on
casteeism. The institution of caste has been intruded only after the arrival of Ariyan from
central Asia. In order to exploit the son of the soils, they introduced a new verdict in the
name of Manu Sasthra. During Vedic period the caste groups follow the principle of
ritual hierarcy in which Ariyans occupy the position at the top and Dravidians in the
middle and Adidravidas as the bottom (untouchables). Among the Adidravidas ,
Scavenger have always, been regared as lowest down trodden people. They consider
untouchable. A part of dalit people is cleaning the septic tank, and doing sweepage
maintenance work. Since they are doing such a kind of job stimulate them to drink
alcoholic liquor. This habit leads to swallow a good amount of their earning exclusively
for this purpose and unable to feed a nutritious and balanced diet to their family
members. Hence, they are not come forward to provide basic education, to their children
and wards.

Scavenger in India is the lowest among the lowest. Untouchables among the
untouchables. As outcastes and rejected by Indian society. Scavengers have suffered
myriad human indignities throughout ages. They have been treated as “impure” and have
been shunned as less than human. While their services have been accerted as highly
valuable, often necessary for the survival of society, the poor people have been treated

Associate professor , Dept.of.Economics, Erode Arts& Science College, Erode.9

Ph.D ResearchScholar, Dept.of.Economics, Erode Arts& Science College, Erode.9
like a dreaded contagious disease, calling for derisive distance and minimal social
contact. They have been debarred from entering hindu temples and from offering prayers
in the places of worship. Because of their social degradation , scavengers have been
compelled to live life as socially disadvantaged persons. They have been forced to accept
their social degradation, discrimination and disadvantaged position as part of their life ,
despite the great importance of the work they do for the health and hygiene of the people
whom they serve.

Literally, scavenging means cleaning up or removing filth, garbage, rubbish dirt,

etc. A “ scavenger ” there for , is a person who is engaged or employed to clean, collect,
remove , dispose or otherwise handle night-soil, filth, carcasses, garbage, rubbish, etc.
The word “scavenger” should include in its sweep and sanitation workers. The official
Hindi word for the term “scavenger” is” safai-karamchari” which means sanitation

Statement of the problem:

Al though our constitution has abolished the untouchablity and given equality of
status and opportunity and also assures the dignity of the individuals. Yet there are
millions of people in the country who are faced with inhuman treatment, perpetual
humiliation and disagree from within hands of other people. The scavengers are not only
considered untouchables in the eyes of high caste people but they are untouchables
among untouchables. The custom of untouchablity adopted by the caste Hindus and other
scheduled caste people against scavenger had not only thrown millions of Indian
population in to abysmal gloom and despair, shame and disgrace, but it has also eaten
into the very vitals of the nation. It is an irony of fact that a community which is
rendering a very essential service to the society, and which helps cleanliness and
sanitation, protects the citizens from all disease, is faced with most indecent and
ridiculous treatment by the society. They are being deprived of the human rights.
The socio – economic conditions and life style of scavengers in general and their
women folk in particulars are far from satisfactory. They are subjected to humiliation and
oppression than the fellow men. Keeping in this point of view, the present study has been

Objective of the study

1. To study about the socio- economic status of of female scavengers in Erode city of
Tamil nadu.

2. To analyse the working conditions of female sanitary workers in Erode municipal

corporation .


The study conducted in the Erode Municipal Corporation of Tamil nadu. 100
samples were collected for this purpose. The main purpose of house hold field survey
is to asceratain the original socio – economic status of the women scavengers.
Stratified random sampling method was employed. First hand information was
collected from select sample respondents of women scavengers in Erode. For this
purpose, well structural interview schedule was used for collection of pertinent data.
The data thus collected was subdued into tabular form. Simple statistical tools such as
percentage, average, range, standard deviation, and chi square and was employed.

Profile of the study area

Erode Town is the head quarters of Erode District, This town was constituted as
a Municipality in the year 1871. I was elevated as Special Grade Municipality during
the year 1980 and upgraded as Corporation with effect from 01.01.2008. Total area
of the Corporation is 8.44 Sq.Km. The Town has been divided into 45 Electoral
wards and 5 Sanitary Divisions. As per the 2011 census population of the
cityis2,259,608. To Maintain public health , 16 sanitary inspectors, 24 sanitary
supervisors and 626 sanitary workers were employed.

Social Discrimination and untouchablity practices on women scavengers
Table Type of Discrimination Opinion No.of.Respondents Percentage
1. Let down the heads after Yes 17 17.0
seeing the scavenger
No 83 83.0
2. Let down the face after Yes 16 16.0
knowing caste
No 84 84.0
3. Partial discrimination in Yes 09 9.0
public places
No 91 91.0
4. Educational institutions Yes 0 0
showing partially on the
No 100 100.0
scavenging community
5. Not allowed to take 10 day 34 34.0
admissible leave per
Above 10 day 66 66.0
6. Forced to work in the Yes 16 16.0
elected local body
No 84 84.0
representatives residense
7. Officials showing Yes 70 70.0
partiality between the BC
No 30 30.0
and SC scavengers

Source : Complied from Primary data

The above Table shows the social discrimination and untouchablity practiced
on the scavenging women and their family members. Scavenging work was
modernized today, when compare with traditional practice of scavenging. However
17 percentage of select sample respondents share their opin that, people letdown their
heads immediately seeing the scavengers in roads and streets. Almost equal number
of people letdown their face after knowing the caste and occupation even in the non-
occupational time.

Around ten percentage of sample respondents are accepted that the general
public showing partiality in the public places. The data that shows there is no
partiality for the scavengers children in the schools. The survey is conducted among
the permanent workers. They are governed by Tamilnadu govt employees rules.
However,Only 53 percentage of women scavengers are enjoying the adminisiable
leave to them. Remaining 47 percent sample respondents are not permitted to take
the eligiable leave. 16 percent of select sample respondents are accepted that, they
are forced to render free labour to the elected body represtatives family caremonies.
Major portion of the scavengers are from the scheduled caste communities. Few back
ward class and most backward class people are also working as scavenger. But, the
municipal officials are not giving equal respect to scheduled caste sanitary workers,
when compare with their counterparts.

Monthly income and level of satisfaction

Table no Types Opinion No.of.Respondents Percentage

8. Satisfaction Yes 22 22.0

of level of
income No 78 78.0

9. Getting loans Yes 57 57.0

from money
lender No 43 43.0
Source : Complied from Primary data

Table no two shows the monthly income and level satisfaction in the study area.
78 percent of the sample respondents are not satisfied with present level of income.

Clutches of money lenders on scavengers

Table no Types Opinion No. of. Percentage


10. If yes, how Upto 25 43.9

much Rs.50,000
75 56.1

11. Rate of interest Upto 5% 18 31.6

Above 5% 82 68.4

12. Attacked by Yes 16 14.0

money lenders
for non- No 84 86.0

Source : Complied from Primary data

Table no 3 shows the clutches of money lenders on poor scavenging women. 57

percent of select sample respondents were in the clutches of money lenders. Table 3
also reveals that, 75 percentage scavenging women were got huge amount of money
from money lenders. 82 percent of sample respondents were opined that, they are
getting loans from money lender for high rate of interest. From our analysis we found
that, atleast 16 scavenging women, or their husbands were attacked by money lenders
for the non-payment of loans.

Age is important factor for income earning. It is belived that aged labours
earning morethan the young labours. For the purpose of study , the age of the
respondents had been classified in to three categories viz, Young (below 35 years ),
middle age (35-45 years and above 45 years.The sample consisted 18 young
respondents , 43 middle age respondents and 39 responents from the old age
category. The distribution of sample respondents according to their age and their
level of satisfaction on income is shown in the following table.

S.No Age No.of. % Average Range S.D
Respon (Rs. in
dents thousands) Min Max

1. Below 35 years 18 18.0 7.1 2.0 12.0 3.4

2. 35- 45 years 43 43.0 9.6 2.0 70.0 9.8

3. Above 45 years 39 39.0 10.4 2.0 15.0 3.0

Total 100 100.0

Source : Compiled from Primary data

It could be observed from table no.4. That the level of satisfaction perceived by the
young respondents ranged between 2.0 and 12.0 with an average of 7.1. The level of
satisfaction perceived by middle aged category ranged between 2.0 and 70.0 On the
other hand, the level of satisfaction perceived by old age respondents on monthly
income. Above 45 years ranged between 2.0 and 15.0 with an average 10.4. From the
analysis it is inferred that old age respondents have perceived maximum level of
satisfaction on their monthly income.
With a view to find the degree of association between age and monthly income
of respondents and their level of satisfaction with regard to their monthly income. A
two way table was prepared and it is depicted in table no.5.

Table no 5

S.NO Age Monthly income

Low Medium High Total

1. Below 35 9 7 2
years ( 50.0%) ( 38.9%) ( 11.1%) 18
2. 35-45 years 19 13 11
( 44.2%) ( 30.2%) ( 25.6%) 43
3. Above 45 7 8 24
years ( 17.9%) (20.5%) ( 61.5%) 39
Total 35 28 34 100

Source : Complied from Primary data

The above table high lights that the percentage of high level of satisfaction in age and
monthly income of Erode Municipal Corporation Sanitary workers was the highest (61.5%)
among the old age respondents category and the same was the lowest (11.1%) among young
age category of respondents. The percentage of medium level of satisfaction perceived by the
respondents of Erode Municipal Corporation of Sanitary Workers was the highest (38.9%)
among the young age respondents category and the same was the lowest (20.5%) among the
respondents of old age category. On the other hand, the percentage of low level of satisfaction
perceived by the respondents of Erode Municipal Corporation of Sanitary workers was the
highest (50.0%) among the young age category the same was lowest (17.9%) among the
respondents of aged category.
In order to findout the relationship between age of the respondents and their level of
satisfaction sanitary worlers in erode municipality, a chi- square test was employed on age
and monthly income. The result of the test is shown in following table.



Factor Calculated x Value Table Value D.F Remarks

Age 18.176 9.488 4 Significant at 5%


Source : Complied from Primary data

It is divulged from the above table that the calculated Chi – Square Test value is
greater than the table value and the results are significant at 5 % percent level. Hence the
hypothesis “age of the respondents and their level of satisfaction with regard to monthly
income of Erode Municipal Sanitary workers are associated, holds goods”. From the
analysis it is calculated that there is a close relationship between age of the respondents
and their level of satisfaction over their income.


Family members and monthly income plays a predominant role in standard of

living. For the purpose of this study, family size had been classified into three
categories. Upto 3 members family, 3to 5 members family and above 5 members
family. The sample consisted 45 from upto 3 members family, 33from upto 3 to 5
members family and 22 from. Above 5 members family size.

S.No Family members No.of. % Average Range S.D

dents Min Max

1. Upto 3 members 45 45.0 9.5 2.0 70.0 9.8

2. 3-5 members 33 33.0 8.7 2.0 15.0 3.3

3. Above 5 members 22 22.0 10.7 2.0 15.0 2.7

Total 100 100.0

Source : Complied from Primary data

It is witnessed from table no 7 that the level of satisfaction perceived by

the 3 members family respondents ranged between 2.0 and 70.0 with an average
of 9.5. Similarly, 3 to 5 family size respondents level of satisfaction in enjoying
monthly income ranges between 2.0 and 15.0 with an average 8.7, and above 5
family size range between in 2.0 and 15.0 with an average 22.0. From analysis,
it is found that above 5 family members respondents have perceived maximum
level satisfaction than other size of families.

With a view to find the degree of association between family members

and monthly income of respondents and the level of satisfaction over monthly
income, a two-way table was prepared and it is furnished in table no 8.
Table no 8

Level of satisfaction

S.NO Family size Low Medium High Total

1. 1. Upto 3 members 21 11 13
family ( 46.7%) ( 24.4%) ( 28.9%) 45

2. 3-5 members family 12 11 10

( 36.4%) ( 33.3%) (30.3) 33

3. Above 5 members 02 06 14
family ( 9.1%) (27.3%) (63.6%) 22

Total 35 28 34 100

Source : Complied from Primary data

The above table highlights that the percentage of high level of satisfaction with
regard to monthly income earned by the sample respondents was the highest (63.6%) among
the old age category and the same was the lowest ( 28.9%) among nuclus family. The
percentage of medium level of satisfaction perceived by the respondents of erode municipal
sanitary workers was the high ( 33.3%) among the respondents of medium size family.
Category and the same was the lowest (24.4%) among the respondents of big family
category. On the other hand, the percentage of low level satisfaction perceived by
respondents of erode municipality sanitary workers was the highest (43.7%), among the
medium size family category and the same was at is lowest (9.1%) among the respondents
of the big family category.
In order to find the relationship between monthly income of the respondents and the
their level of satisfaction with regard together family size, a chi-square test was employed
and the results of the tests is shown in the following table no 9


Factor Calculated x Table value D.F Remarks
members 11.948 9.488 4 Significant at
5% level

Source: Complied from Primary data

The above table revealed that the calculated chi-square test value is
greater than the table value and the results are significant at 5% percentage level. Hence
the hypothesis “Monthly Income of the respondents and their level of satisfaction with
regard to their family size are associated, holds goods”. From the analysis it is
concluded that there is a close relationship between monthly income of the respondents
and their level of satisfaction on family size of erode municipal sanitary workers.



A sound mind in a sound body. Like that, there is a close relationship between
monthly income and type of house. Monthly income enhands the type of house through
out the world. For the purpose of the study, type of house of the respondents was studied
three categories viz., (29%) percentage of respondents who where residing in own
houses, 26 % respondents who were living in rented houses, remaning 45% percentage of
respondents where residing in municipal staff quarters. The distribution of sample
respondents and their level of satisfaction in relation to their monthly income is shown in
the following table.

Table 10
No.of. Average Range S.D
S.No Type of house nts % Min Max

1. Own house 29 29.0 9.9 3.0 15.0 2.5

2. Rented house 26 26.0 7.2 2.0 14.0 3.9

3. Quarters 45 45.0 10.5 2.0 70.0 9.6

Total 100 100.0

Source : Complied from Primary data

Table No. 10 reveals that the level of satisfaction perceived by the own house
respondents ranged between 3.0 and 15.0 with an average of 9.9. The level of satisfaction of
the respondents having rented house level ranged between 2.0 and 14.0 with an average of
7.2.On the other hand, the level of satisfaction of the respondents residing in Staff Quarters
ranged between 2.0 and 70.0 with an average of 10.5. From the analysis, it was inferred that the
staff quarters residents had perceived the maximum level of satisfaction.

With a view to find the degree of association between the type of house of the
respondents and their level of satisfaction, a two-way table was prepared and it is depicted

Level of satisfaction

S.NO Type of Low Medium High Total


1. Own house 4 13 12

( 13.8%) ( 44.8%) ( 41.4%) 29

2. Rented 16 3 7
( 61.5%) ( 11.5%) ( 26.9%) 26

3. Quarters 15 12 18

( 33.3%) ( 26.7%) ( 40.0%) 45

Total 35 28 34 100

Source : Complied from Primary data

It is learned from the above table that the high level of satisfaction perceived by Erode
municipal sanitary workers was the highest (41.4%) among the own house respondents and
the same was the lowest (26.9%) among the rented house respondents. The percentage of
medium level of satisfaction perceived by the respondents Erode municipal sanitary workers
was the highest ( 44.8%) among the own house respondents and the same was the lowest
(11.5%)among the rented house respondents. On the other hand, the percentage of low level
of satisfaction attained by Erode municipal sanitary workers was the highest ( 61.5%)
among the rented house respondents and the same was the lowest (33.3%)among the staff
quarters redint respondents .
In order to find relationship between type of house of the respondents and their level
of satisfaction in Erode municipal sanitary workers, a chi-square test was empolyed and
result of the test is shown in the following table.

Table 12

Factor Calculated x Table value D.F Remarks

Type of 15.445 9.488 4 Significant at

house 5% level

Source : Complied from Primary data

It is noted from above table that the calculated chi-square value is greater than the
table value and the results and significant at 5% level. Hence, the hypothesis “ type of
house of the respondents and their level of satisfaction for Erode municipal sanitary
workers are associated, holds good”. From the analysis, it is concluded that there is a
close relationship between type of house of the respondents and their level of satisfaction
in Erode municipal sanitary workers.



Good housing facility is an integral part of a family. For this purpose of the study
housing facility i.e., number of rooms in each respondents house was studied and classified into
three category. Only one room house, two rooms house, and three rooms house. The sample
consisted of 40 percentage of residents who were living in single room house 42 respondents
where residening in three room house.
Table No.13

S.No No.Of Rooms In No.of. % Average Range S.D

The House Respon
dents Min Max

1. Only one room 40 40.0 10.6 2.0 70.0 10.2

2. Two rooms 42 42.0 8.3 2.0 15.0 3.3

3. Three rooms 18 18.0 9.7 2.0 15.0 3.1

Total 100 100.0

Source : Complied from Primary data

It could be observed from table No.13. that the level of satisfaction perceived by the
only one respondents ranged between 2.0 and 70.0 with an average of 10.6. The level of
satisfaction perceived by respondents ranged between two rooms 2.0 and 15.0 with an
average 8.0. On the other hand, the level of satisfaction perceived by three rooms
respondents of Erode Municipal Corporation Sanitary Workers ranged between 2.0 and 15.0
with an average 9.7%. From the analysis it is inferred that two rooms respondents have
perceived maximum level of satisfaction.

With a view to find the degree of association between No of rooms in available in

the house and their level satisfaction of Erode municipal sanitary workers, a two-way
table was prepared and it is depicted in table no.14
Table 14
S.NO No.Of Level of satisfaction
Rooms In
The House Low Medium High Total

1. Only one 12 12 16
(30.0%) (30.0%) (40.0%) 40

2. Two rooms 19 11 12

( 45.2%) ( 26.2%) ( 28.65) 42

3. Three 4 5 9
( 22.2%) (27.8%) (50.05) 18

Total 35 28 34 100

Source : Complied from Primary data

The above table highlights that the percentage of high level of satisfaction enjoyed by
Erode Municipal Corporation Sanitary Workers housing facilities the highest (50.0%) among the
respondents of three rooms category and the same was the lowest 28.6% among the two
room category of respondents. Erode municipal sanitary workers. The low level of
satisfaction of respondents facility two rooms in category of rooms in the house a highest
value (45.2%) The medium level of satisfaction perceived by the erode municipal
corporation sanitary workers was the highest (30.0%) among the only one room category
of the respondents and the same was lowest (26.2%) among the two room house
category. On the other hand the percentage of low level of satisfaction perceived by the
respondents of the erode municipal sanitary workers was highest (45.2%) among the two
room house category and same was lowest (22.2%) among the respondents of three room
housing category.
In order to find the relationship between number of rooms in the house of respondents
and their level of satisfaction Erode Municipal Corporation Sanitary Workers, a chi-square test
was used and the result of the test is shown in the following table.

Table 15
Factor Calcuated x Table Value D.F Remarks

No.of rooms 4.216 9.488 4 Not significant

in the house

Source: Complied from Primary data

It is noted from the above table that the calculated chi-square value is less than the
table value and the result is not significant at the one percent level and 5 percent level.
Hence, the hypothesis “ number of rooms and level of satisfaction Erode municipal
sanitary workers are associated, does not hold good”. From the analysis , it is concluded
that there is no relationship between the no of rooms and level of satisfaction Erode
municipal corporation sanitary workers.

Findings and conclusions

The study aimed at measuring the Socio – Economic Conditions of erode

municipality women sanitary workers in Tamilnadu. For this purpose social-
discrimination and untouchablity on women scavengers, monthly income and level os
satisfaction , age and monthly income, family members and monthly income , type of
housing facilities and their level of satisfaction , No.of.rooms available in their house
where studied with the help of proper statistical tools.

1. Majority of the sample respondents are opine that they were affected by
untouchablity and social discrimination.
2. Majority of the women scavengers working in the erode municipal corporation
are not satisfied with their present level of income.
3. Majority of the scavengers are under clutches of money lenders with high rate
of interest and harassment.
4. Age and monthly income of sample respondents analyzed and these found that
middle age respondents had maximum level of satisfaction. Then the young
age respondents and old age respondents.
5. Monthly income and family size level of satisfaction was studied and it is
found that perceived below 3 members family size had perceived maximum
level of satisfaction. The chi-square test also proved that there was a close
relationship between the monthly income and family size.
6. Type of house and the level of satisfaction was studied and it was learned that
the maximum level of satisfaction was perceived by the respondents reseeding
in Govt.Staff Quarters.
7. Housing facilities with number of rooms available for respondents where
studied and it is found that respondents living in only one room had perceived
maximum level of satisfaction. In practice maximum level of satisfaction
should be attained with maximum level of facilities. But here our analysis
shows single room respondents had perceived maximum level of satisfaction.
For these purpose a chi-square test counted at it is proved that there is no close
relationship between number of rooms and level of satisfaction.

1. Sachidananda (2001)People at the Bottom: Concept Publishing Company,
New Delhi.
2. Adyanthaya, N.K., (1984) Women Employment in India: Geneva, International
Labour Office.
3. Agarwal, Sushila. (1988) Status of Women , Jaipur : Printwell Publications.

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